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The Emperor of Wyoming (2009 Remaster) – YouTube
SNP brands Boris Johnson ‘a liar’ but fail in bid to censure Prime MinisterMatty Lee: Who is the diver on I’m a Celebrity 2021?

December 20th 2021
Brigitte Macron will sue after absurd rumours she was born MALE
Kate Dennett For Mailonline 4 hrs agoLike71 Comments|35
Covid live: Queen changes Christmas plans over Omicron; EU drugs…Aled Jones teams up with pianist with dementia on Christmas charity tune
Brigitte Macron is believed to be taking legal action after she was targeted by absurd rumours that she was born male and is named Jean-Michel Trogneux.
The outlandish rumour that the 68-year-old wife of French President Emmanuel Macron was born a man has been circulating on social media in France under the hashtag #JeanMichelTrogneux.
Comment This comment is feeding off transphobia, most of which is due to TERFS – Trans Exclusionary Feminists like J K Rowling. They promote hate crime. This does not excuse nasty petty narrow minded people from using this type of prejudice to humiliate the Macrons. Macron is no favourite of mine , except for telling the world exactly what Boris Johnson is.
However, the U.K elite media will be shouting their support for his re election because they fear Le Pen and the reasons she is popular. Macron has to win. Britain’s elite still have their say in Europe. They just don’t want the masses to benefit. These are strange times. R J Cook
December 19th 2021
Russia war fears as Putin’s nuclear bombers begin target practice on Europe’s doorstep
Brian McGleenon
The Guardian view on Dorothy Wordsworth: a rare achievementThe King’s Man star teases surprises in Kingsman prequel
Moscow has sent the bombers on a “practice” mission over Belarus. The nuclear-capable Russian long-range bombers patrolled the skies over Belarus. The move strengthens the close defence ties between the two allies, as tensions with the West escalate.
Read More Russia war fears as Putin’s nuclear bombers begin target practice on Europe’s doorstep (
Comment The Western ruling lying elite are provoking this for regime change. This policy has been disastrous in the Middle East and will be more so as the attack on Russia, its friends and China continues.
Covid lockdown has been a wonderful demonstration of practical brainwashing, so our elite are riding high and hubris rules over the Sheople of the the MILD WEST who can be relied on as cannon fodder.
Equal opportunities see the army welcoming women to be mutilated and killed in the great cause of dying for the super rich, as only privileged working class white men were allowed in two previous World Wars. In the words of the song, ‘When will they ever learn’.. R J Cook
“Sag Mir, Wo Die Blumen Sind” on Vimeo · This is my cover of Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind (Where have all the flowers gone), a song composed by Pete Seeger, translated into German by Max Colpet and performed by Marlene Dietrich. Marlene …Author: Isa IsarielleViews: 1.4K
Video: Marlene Dietrich — Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind ……
27/08/2017 · This evocative video shows Marlene Dietrich performing a 1960 German language version of Pete Seeger’s song “ Where Have All The Flowers Gone? ”. Marlene Dietrich was known to have strong political convictions and the mind to speak them.
Videos of Furies The Green Fileds of France Davy Arthur
Videos of Christmas Eve In 1914 Harding Son 19142.4K viewsNov 20, 2014YouTubeMike Harding – Topic5:11Christmas 1914 (2014 Remaster)552 viewsDec 9, 2014YouTubeMike Harding – Topic
“May There Always Be Sunshine” was a popular Soviet children’s song. It was composed in 1962 using lyrics from a poem written in the 1920s. It was sung by kids in Little Octoberists or Young Pioneers during their camps and meetings. Catchy Russian Children’s Songs kids will love» KidsTravelBooks
Teenager disfigured in acid attack after refusing marriage request
Andy Hayes, news reporter
The Guardian view on Dorothy Wordsworth: a rare achievementThe King’s Man star teases surprises in Kingsman prequel
An Iraqi teenager whose face was savagely burned in an acid attack is trying to raise money for cosmetic surgery abroad.
Read More Teenager disfigured in acid attack after refusing marriage request (
Roberta Has Abnormal Psychology
Comment This is about Islam, though white self styled liberal hypocrites will call my words a hate crime. This God thing is nonsense. I thought it was long gone until the sibilant white ‘liberal hypocrites brought it back.
I had two very good black friends. One, Carol Winston, was my lover. But they were my friends because they were individuals. Sadly, my male friend returned from the West indies, full of Catholicism because his wife had died. I could not handle that, but he is 10 years older than me and religion becomes important for some as they face death.
Personally, I care more about what I am leaving behind than where I am going. Eternal oblivion sounds good after a lifetime of varied and very hard work, physical and intellectual – few can do both, but as the idiot lying Dr CR Ramsay of Aylesbury’s Whiteleaf ( RATHER RACIST NAME FOR A MENTAL HOSPITAL ,IMPLYING MENTAL PATIENTS ARE ALL WHITE, ) noted, ‘Roberta has abnormal psychology..’
As some one who went to school during the bible bashing days, I went from thinking God was always watching me to realising the whole business was nonsense. The great Cathedrals , churches and Mosques were not built by God. They were built by the white slaves we must never talk about. They were driven by fear and whip, with many dying,
By the time Jesus stepped on stage claiming to be the Messiah around 2000 years ago, he challenged the Jewish Church established through the efforts of Abraham and Kind David et al , with lots of killing an hypocrisy on the way. Jesus apparently died a martyr, thanks to Jewish betrayal with invading Romans the scapegoats
The Romans gave up throwing Christians to the Lions realising that religious brain washing could extend the life of their decadent declining sex mad empire. The Roman Catholic Church was born. A white man calling himself the prophet Mohammed broke away from this church c 600 AD , creating a rival church which split into Shi’ite and Sunni – moderate and extremists.
Just as the British ruling elite exploited the Catholic Protestant split, so the exploited Islam for centuries. Post 2 vile illegal Iraq et al wars for oil , but in the name of democracy and that sickening ‘humanitarian’ word without truth, they created chaos in which this vile crime against an innocent beautiful teenage girl happened . The western ruling elite carry on sucking up to Dark Ages Islam because religious bigotry suits their purposes, even if it leads to this terrible horror, because the Western Liberal elite only care for themselves.
They create and exploit the likes of feminisms and BLM. It s an appalling world and very much the product of my contemptible white privileged university patronising graduate who are basically egotistical idiots. This website attracts constant U.K Police monitoring and is effectively banned in my country. I am going on trial for its content in May 2022. Police have expressed hope of jailing me for 5 years. That is British multi culture & Democracy.
R J Cook, former head of RE at Grange School, Aylesbury , Bucks.

R J Cook
December 18th 2021
FIA’s new president makes Lewis Hamilton threat as Mercedes’ gala snub discussed
New FIA President Mohammed Ben Sulayem has warned Sir Lewis Hamilton he could face sanctions after boycotting the annual prize-gala in Paris on Thursday night. Along with Mercedes Team Principal Toto Wolff, Hamilton wasn’t in attendance to see Max Verstappen receive his world championship trophy following Sunday’s highly controversial Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
Read More FIA’s new president makes Lewis Hamilton threat as Mercedes’ gala snub discussed (
Comment The story of tax exile Hamilton is extraordinary , with Britain’s elite media desperate to see him make a point by winning more world titles than Schumacher. His standing up and kneeling for BLM has been highly symbolic, following on from Gareth Southgate’s politicising of football. Theses antics do not actually alter the reality of black and white deprivation in Britain or the world, but they make the culprit elite feel and look good to the stupid.
As for World Championship F1, these days it is all about a plethora of ever advancing petty rules, health & safety, technological advantage and obscene amounts of money. It has nothing to do with equality – an absurd and impossible notion even under communist regimes. R J Cook
December 17th 2021
RAF Typhoon shoots down enemy drone over Syria in first air-to-air combat since Falklands
Danielle Sheridan
Covid live: UK reports 93,045 new cases; pubs and restaurants in Ireland…Titane is unlike any movie you’ve seen with a truly wild ending
An RAF Typhoon has shot down an enemy drone over Syria in the force’s first air-to-air combat since the Falklands War.
Read More RAF Typhoon shoots down enemy drone over Syria in first air-to-air combat since Falklands (
Comment Clearly the RAF are representing the Anglo U.S led alliance expressing concern about Syria’s interest in what NATO trained ISIL operatives are doing to keep this war for regime change going – whatever the cost to human life. It is no wonder the migrant crisis ( sic ) continues. people of the masses are not supposed to make connections.
As I have said before , while going through officer selection in the mid 1970s , at RAF Biggin Hill, the female uniformed psychiatrists asked me if I could kill. When I hesitated, she replied forcefully ; ‘Because that is what this job comes down to in the end. No room for hesitation. ‘
Of course these days , the authorities wrap it all up as humanitarianism and peacekeeping , encouraging women into the game. But nothing has really changed. It is still a con. RJ Cook

December 15th 2021
Xi Jinping backs Vladimir Putin’s demand for Nato to halt eastwards expansion
Our Foreign Staff
US photographer Sally Mann wins 2021 Prix Pictet for series on wildfiresHamilton cancels show due to Covid-19 cases as virus wave hits West End
Beijing backs Moscow’s demand for binding security guarantees that Nato will not expand in Ukraine or elsewhere in eastern Europe, according to the Kremlin.
Read More Xi Jinping backs Vladimir Putin’s demand for Nato to halt eastwards expansion (
Comment Anglo U.S NATO’S hopes to intimidate Russia are likely to reach a sticky end.

Britain , Europe and the U.S are not worthy examples as a basis for social progress. Russia and China are in a powerful position to deal with the likes of Britain’s Liz Truss moralising and sabre rattling.
Cutting China and Russia out of the International banking world would logically lead to a new Iron Curtain. Russia giving way to NATO would emasculate them. China is the workshop of the world and can cause havoc.. Already they have cut of supplies of UREA derived from their widespread pig farming. This is crucial to making Ad Blue which modern truck and bus engines need tor run correctly. It’s now on ration.
The West excuse their insane foreign policy with human rights baloney. If that were true they would not be extraditing Julian Assange on trumped up charges of espionage because he exposed war crimes. These people claim the moral high ground when it is really about rich rewards and supreme power. Covid is just one more aspect of police state tyranny. They have no moral superiority over Russia and China. Money rules the west and they see it in Ukraine. War is a serious possibility. R J Cook
Putin sounds off starting gun to war as Russian navy stalks French frigate in Black Sea
VLADIMIR Putin appears to have sounded off the starting gun for war, as Moscow has ordered the Russian navy to stalk a French frigate in the Black Sea.
The “New Normal” & the Civil Society Deception
A global network of stakeholder capitalist partners are collaborating to usher in what they claim to be a new model of enhanced democratic accountability that includes “civil society”. However, beneath their deceptive use of the term civil society lies an ideology which offers this network an unprecedented degree of political control that threatens to extinguish representative democracy entirely. BYIAIN DAVIS 24 MINUTE .
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The Weird Pandemic Narrative
The bizarre confection of panic and lack of lethality that is “Omicron” has essentially laid to rest any rationale for compulsory, mass vaccination.
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, intoned her disquiet about the “low” vaccination rate of the EU. The “rationale”? There are allegedly “lifesaving vaccines” but they are not being used adequately.
Exercise is lifesaving. Cutting down sugar is lifesaving. Are these mandates next? Or only those that profit Pfizer and pals?
Read More The Weird Pandemic Narrative (
COVID-19: a conscientious objector’s view
Government and authorities, make clear to us whether you are our servants or whether you think you are our masters.
“War is over if you want it.” That was the slogan of John Lennon and Yoko Ono in 1971, in response to the Vietnam War. If people decided war was over, it was. People could stop serving in the military, agreeing to fight, supplying weapons and voting for politicians who supported war, thereby curtailing war through withdrawal of co-operation.
“COVID measures are over if you want it.” The ineffectiveness, massive cost, state interference, economic uncertainty, personal anxiety and destruction of trust in authority (government, health services, scientific advisers, mass media and social media) comes not from the COVID-19 virus but governmental (and NGO) responses to COVID-19. The restrictions could end tomorrow, if we wanted.
Read More
Police launch raids after ‘threats to kill officials over COVID measures’ in Germany
UK to delay post-Brexit checks on goods from IrelandJustin Bieber to settle sexual assault case privately
Police in Germany have carried out raids as part of an investigation into alleged threats to kill a state governor and others by opponents of COVID measures.
Read More Police launch raids after ‘threats to kill officials over COVID measures’ in Germany (
EU border CRUMBLING: Bloc forced to act as crisis erupts – emergency measures announced
Alessandra Scotto di Santolo
The European Parliament will discuss the EU Council‘s proposed decision on provisional emergency measures for the bloc’s external borders with Belarus based on the triggering of Article 78(3) of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
Read More EU border CRUMBLING: Bloc forced to act as crisis erupts – emergency measures announced (
FIA’s Michael Masi ‘likely’ to lose job after Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen drama
Alex Turk
Michael Masi has been tipped as ‘likely’ to lose his job as the FIA’s Formula One race director after his central role in Sunday’s Abu Dhabi Grand Prix controversy. The Australian is facing mass criticism for ignoring F1 regulations in the closing stages of the 2021 season that will go down in the sport’s history.
Read More FIA’s Michael Masi ‘likely’ to lose job after Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen drama (
Much loved Establishment multi millionaire sports commentator and football star Gary Lineker , 61, virtue signalled this viral tweet :
He wrote on Twitter: “Imagine Man City and Liverpool going toe to toe for the title.
“On the last day of the season they meet & City are 3 up with just minutes to go.
“The referee decides it would be more exciting to have a penalty shootout. What’s more the City players have to be barefooted. That’s @F1.”
For some reason this piece of nonsensical drivel went viral as part of a campaign to take the F1 title of Verstappen for the tax exile ‘Brit’ role model Lewis Haamilton.
Lineker , who knows so much about football gets millions a year telling us all about it. So he should know better than this PC drivel. Had Verstappen been penalised for overtaking the ‘Brit’ , that would have been analogous to a ref calling time minutes before the end to get the win required.
None in elite media commented on how the rules had been pettily used against Verstappen all season. Now they want the race director to be sacked for enforcing the rules. It is an outrage. Far too many elite insiders considered Hamilton’s championship over champions was a done deal.

R J Cook
December 14th 2021
Red Bull mock Mercedes over Lewis Hamilton protest as barrister intervenes
Stuart Ballard
A Red Bull representative has taken aim at Mercedes for bringing a barrister with them to the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and using them in their protest after the race on Sunday. Max Verstappen took the chequered flag at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix to clinch his first F1 world championship, but controversy has spilled over into the night with Mercedes lodging two protests.
Read More Red Bull mock Mercedes over Lewis Hamilton protest as barrister intervenes (
Comment. Pathetic. What a joke. What a shameful year for Formula One.
R J Cook
Russia says it may be forced to deploy mid-range nuclear missiles in Europe
By Alexander Marrow and Mark Trevelyan
Read More Russia says it may be forced to deploy mid-range nuclear missiles in Europe (
Covid news live: US coronavirus cases surpass 50m, China reports first…From ‘Clueless’ to zombies: Iconic Austen adaptations
December 13th 2021
Videos of Frank Zappa Obey Me Where I Lead You
Frank Zappa – I Am The Slime – 1973
134K views · Mar 10, 2012

I am gross and perverted
I’m obsessed and deranged
I have existed for years
But very little has changed
I’m the tool of the Government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you
I may be vile and pernicious
But you can’t look away
I make you think I’m delicious
With the stuff that I say
I’m the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I’m the slime oozin’ out
From your TV set
You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don’t need you
Don’t go for help, no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold
That’s right, folks
Don’t touch that dial
Well, I am the slime from your video
Oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor
I am the slime from your video
Can’t stop the slime, people, look at me go
I am the slime from your video
Oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor
I am the slime from your video
Can’t stop the slime, people, look at me go
Songwriters: Frank Zappa
For non-commercial use only.
Data From: MusixmatchSee more songs by Frank Zappa

Marko calls Mercedes ‘unworthy losers’, threatens to quit
Michelle Foster
Helmut Marko says Mercedes are “bad losers” – and added Red Bull will “reconsider our involvement in F1” if their rivals’ appeal is successful.
Read More Marko calls Mercedes ‘unworthy losers’, threatens to quit (
Lewis Hamilton issues cryptic message to Max Verstappen as Mercedes denied two protests
Mikael McKenzie
Lewis Hamilton showed the utmost respect for Max Verstappen after having his eighth career world title snatched from his hand on the controversial final lap of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
Read More Lewis Hamilton issues cryptic message to Max Verstappen as Mercedes denied two protests (
Comment It was decided months ago that Hamilton had to beat Schumacher’s record of 7 World Championships. The rules have so far not been applied to Hamilton as pettily as they have been to Verstappen. It seems rather obvious that the aim has been to prove a politically correct point.
Hamilton earned no penalty for causing a potentially fatal accident when he wrote off Verstappen’s car at Silverstone. When ordered to allow Hamilton past in the penultimate race, Verstappen slowed and received a rear end shunt for which he received a 10 second penalty and was robbed of victory.
Hopefully people will see Formula One for what it is. There was one lap of true racing yesterday and no rule breach. That was not on the agenda. So now Mercedes want victory in court. That is not sport.

December 12th 2021
Max Verstappen beats Lewis Hamilton to F1 world title on last lap in Abu Dhabi
Max Verstappen has won his first Formula One world title after winning the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, edging out championship rival Lewis Hamilton in a dramatic and controversial final-lap shootout.
Read More Max Verstappen beats Lewis Hamilton to F1 world title on last lap in Abu Dhabi (
Comment The powerful politically correct media are desperately pressing for the title to gop to Hamilton, who is a champion for BLM. R J Cook
Russian invasion of Ukraine will ‘be over in days’ – Putin to complete his ‘life’s work’
The news comes as Russia ramps up its military presence at the border of Ukraine. With over 175,000 personnel now ready in the region, the US has warned allies the Russian leader may be planning a renewed invasion for real this time – and found Moscow in an increasingly belligerent mood. In the past few days alone, Putin has likened Ukraine’s policy in the Donbas, the border region where Russia has led a slow-burning separatist war since 2014, to “genocide” – words Kyiv fears may be a pretext to invade.
Read More Russian invasion of Ukraine will ‘be over in days’ – Putin to complete his ‘life’s work’ (
Comment It is interesting how the gullible badly educated western masses easily swallow lies that the Anglo U.S led post 1990 invasive wars have always been about universal freedom and democracy. That is not the case, and the same is true of the world wars which were a clash of empires over trade.
World War Two was not about saving the Jews , who were barred from Britain while Hitler’s pogroms accelerated. So we are supposed to believe that Russia is the trouble maker of a Ukraine where the west have stirred up and resourced a Civil War so as to justify their mission creep. The west likes to promote the slur of genocide when talking of Uyghurs being persecuted in China’s Tarim province. Inevitably the area is rich in natural resources.
The Uyghurs gradually started to become Islamized in the 10th century and most Uyghurs identified as Muslims by the 16th century. Islam has since played an important role in Uyghur culture and identity. An estimated 80% of Xinjiang’s Uyghurs still live in the Tarim Basin.The Uyghurs gradually started to become Islamized in the 10th century and most Uyghurs identified as Muslims by the 16th century. Islam has since played an important role in Uyghur culture and identity. An estimated 80% of Xinjiang’s Uyghurs still live in the Tarim Basin.
Lop Nur is a marshy, saline depression at the east end of the Tarim Basin. The Tarim River ends in Lop Nur. The Tarim Basin is believed to contain large potential reserves of petroleum and natural gas. Methane comprises over 70 percent of the natural gas reserve, with variable contents of ethane (<1% ~18%) and propane (<0.5% ~9%.
The western elite had no problem job robbing by sending them abroad for cheap labour in places like China. Now the hedonists who have misruled the west for decades are worried about the lessons Russia and China have learned. So , as in 1914 and 1939, they take us back to the brink. They have propagandised the masses with an ideological label ‘conspiracy theorist’ for any one who doubts their ‘benign’ war mongering. R.J Cook
December 11th, 2021
What Would It Take For Hyperinflation To Occur in the U.S …
This is why hyperinflation tends to come: in the aftermath of wars, or at the tail end of badly mismanaged regimes where the economy has been going from bad to worse for a very long time. The possibility of rapidly accelerating inflation in the United States is very real…but hyperinflation is …
Max Verstappen’s X-rated reaction after beating Lewis Hamilton to Abu Dhabi GP pole
Fraser Watson
Max Verstappen shouted expletives over team radio as he celebrated taking pole position for tomorrow’s Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
Max Verstappen told to avoid certain tactics as Lewis Hamilton defensive skill explained (
Race Relationships
Comment This is not Elite motor racing. It is political correctness on speed. How is it racing when in one race Verstappen is penalised for not letting Hamilton pass, and in the next one he is penalised for letting him pass – getting a rear end shunt from Hamilton in the process ?
.This is so obvious. No doubt the marshals will be on full alert for any petty rule infringement by White man Verstappen It will be great for race relationships if the man who calls himself black wins. The sponsors will love it , so it has to happen that way – hence all the warnings to Verstappen. R J Cook
“A Half Truth is a Whole Lie”: The Omicron Variant, Cross-Reactive Immunity, and the Manufactured Illusion of an Unprecedented Virus
On December 2nd, 2021, a study published on medRxiv (pre-print) found that: “Population-level evidence suggests that the Omicron variant is associated with substantial ability to evade immunity from prior infection.” At first glance this seems to directly contradict the large number of recent studies demonstrating long-lasting immunity to Covid after a natural infection (more than 141 studies to date). How can both of these things be true?
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Waitress fired after generous $2,200 tip turns sour
Nathan Place
Covid live: booster ‘significantly reduces’ risk of Omicron symptoms…BT Sport’s Jules Breach: ‘Gone are the days when female presenters are…
A waitress in Arkansas has been fired after what was meant to be an inspiring act of kindness turned sour.
Read More Waitress fired after generous $2,200 tip turns sour (
Divided Down & Duped
Comment It is quite simple , working people are not supposed to get anywhere. Working class women are just supposed to be part of an upper middle class run army of ever complaining elite female careerists who don’t care about the masses of any gender. It is an essential con keeping the lower orders divided ,down and duped.
R J Cook
The rage of men with no future led to the lynching of Priyantha Kumara
Fatima Bhutto 15 hrs agoLike|42
Country diary: These hills are my life, but still they chill my bonesI’m A Celeb’s Danny Miller tipped to make £1million if he’s crowned king of ITV…
On the morning of 3 December, Priyantha Kumara, the 49-year-old export manager of Rajco Industries, asked his workers to remove a sticker from a machine in their factory in Sialkot. Kumara, a Sri Lankan, had lived in the industrial town in Punjab since 2010, when he and his two brothers had come to Pakistan in search of better economic opportunities. The Kumaras worked hard, kept their heads down, and like migrants the world over had managed to build honest lives out of their lonely labour.
Read More The rage of men with no future led to the lynching of Priyantha Kumara (
Covid warning as ANOTHER new variant discovered in France – scientists sound alarm
Country diary: These hills are my life, but still they chill my bonesI’m A Celeb’s Danny Miller tipped to make £1million if he’s crowned king of ITV…
The alarm was sounded by experts at the IHU Mediterranee Infection in Marseille. They announced on their Twitter that they had detected a new variant in Covid-19 patients from Forcalquier, in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence region. Dubbed “IHU,” the variant has been registered under the name B.1.640.2 on the GISAID network (Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data).
Read More Covid warning as ANOTHER new variant discovered in France – scientists sound alarm (
ANDREW NEIL: Time to punish Britain’s five million vaccine refuseniks (
We are not going to surrender to BLM’: NYC mayor-elect Eric Adams warns BLM leader Hawk Newsome not to ‘burn down’ the Big Apple and refuses to back down on reinstating plainclothes NYPD units
December 10th 2021
Lewis Hamilton facing 10-place grid penalty at Abu Dhabi GP with Brit on final warning
Hamilton has received two reprimands over the last four races, and a third would mean the 10-place penalty would be triggered at the worst possible time for the seven-time world champion.
The Englishman’s first ticking off came at the Mexico Grand Prix just over a month ago after he rejoined the track unsafely in first practice.
Read More Lewis Hamilton facing 10-place grid penalty at Abu Dhabi GP with Brit on final warning (
‘Give them Bread & Circuses’ – Juvenal , a Roman Poet , c 200 AD.
Comment It is perfectly obvious that mainstream media, especially the British, have an agenda to promote tax exile Lewis Hamilton as an English champion for equality. If he can beat Schumacher’s ruthless record in this golden age of F1 Health Safety and Equality ( sic ) then it will be used for more multi ( faulty ) cultural enhancement. Hamilton acts as if he has a right to the World Championship , with some in the media keen to mark him out as a victim.
F1 is predominantly a rich man and playboy’s sport, with associated high class women for eye candy, and for those women’s opportunism. It is absurd to make Hamilton’s achievements about race. If he was English when he started out, he had more in common with working class Nigel Mansell, except that Mansell’s dad didn’t have the same faith in his son’s chances as Hamilton’s did. Mr Mansell Snr , was a typical working class Englishman of his time. He wanted his son to stay on with him, in a grim Birmingham factory, and finish his apprenticeship.
Both youngsters were go carters – very unpleasant boring experience the one and only time I did it. But Mansell & Hamilton were persistent and talented. It is unfortunate that we are drifting into using sport as a means of passing off illegal mass African immigration as a good thing. Social trends are such that working class boys , whether native white or black, are going to face fiercer competition and disadvantage while the super rich elite patronise the down trodden masses , calling for more police to lock up dissidents. More real crime is inevitable in this environment.
Elite Sport is deeply rooted in this immoral hypocritical morass. Latest news is the Anglo U.S elite campaign to boycott China’s Olympics in the name of fighting alleged genocide of China’s Muslims. What hypocrisy since the west has been dumping industry to get goods made by Chinese cheap labour. In reality , the western elite want China’s resources.
The masses just can’t see it , anymore than the tricks being played over Covid measures to effectively bar code us underlings , creating a digital record of wherever we’ve been – just because the old , like me, might catch cold and die.
Covid related deaths, by the way, peaked at 21,000 in the U.K , last summer, then went off a cliff. That is why they changed the record to rates of infection. U.K is a sick old empire and Hamilton’s F1 is just more of the Roman Empire’s palliative ‘Bread & Circuses.’ ‘ Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose – the more things change , the more they stay the same.’ Jean – Baptiste Alphonse Karr ( January 1849 issue of his journal Les Guêpes (“The Wasps”) )
R.J Cook

Lewis Hamilton issues FIA threat response with points deduction possible in title decider
Alex Turk
Lewis Hamilton has responded to a warning from the FIA suggesting unsportsmanlike conduct could result in points deductions in Abu Dhabi this weekend. Hamilton and Max Verstappen’s title battle will climax on Sunday, and there is widespread hope that the 2021 world champion won’t be crowned via a collision.
Read More Lewis Hamilton issues FIA threat response with points deduction possible in title decider (
Comment I would like to say this is incredible, but it is what it is. Hamilton’s conceited arrogance is insufferable to me, but as with clapping the appalling NHS, we are supposed to believe his unfettered right to become champion of champions will save the nation’s social solidarity.
R J Cook

December 9th 2021
No 10 Christmas parties: Who is Simon Case and what will he be investigating?
Sophie Morris, political reporter .
‘Trolley waits’ in England’s A&E departments hit record highCelebrating Christopher Plummer, Hollywood’s distinguished gentleman
At Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday, Boris Johnson apologised after footage emerged of senior Number 10 staff joking and laughing about a Downing Street Christmas party last year – but told MPs he has been repeatedly “reassured” no such event occurred.
Read More No 10 Christmas parties: Who is Simon Case and what will he be investigating? (
Ghislaine Maxwell trial latest: Photos of British socialite caressing Epstein’s feet shown to court
Max Stephens, Josie Ensor, Jamie Johnson
Daughter unable to see dying mother last Christmas disgusted by No 10 ‘party’Alicia Keys: Keys review – bold experiment lacks stone-cold hits© US Department of Justice /PA Ghislaine Maxwell massages Jeffrey Epstein’s foot aboard his private jet – US Department of Justice /PA
Comment This story, like Assange’s and my own, says a lot about western style democracy and so called justice. I am surprised Ms Maxwell is still alive and not having drowned herself in her cell wash basin or toilet. She knows too much about high level and police corruption. The affair has shown that certain people must not be subject to investigation. Whatever her sins, she will be the scapegoat. R J Cook
December 8th 2021
Putin plays masterstroke as EU mulls relying on MORE Russian energy in new deal
A L Ashkenaz 13 hrs agoLike27 Comments|28
Whoops and grunts: ‘bizarre’ fish songs raise hopes for coral reef recovery20 movies you probably didn’t realize were propaganda
The EU taxonomy for sustainable activities is a system of classification that is established to determine which investments are environmentally sustainable. This system was created in the wake of the European Green Deal in July 2020 and was made to help prevent “greenwashing” among different investments. For a while, the decision on including nuclear to this list has been a contentious one, with significant blocs of European countries vehemently opposing the classification of nuclear as “green”.
Read More Putin plays masterstroke as EU mulls relying on MORE Russian energy in new deal (
Because of the Fear – by R.J Cook
Comment The first thing I learned when commencing on A level political history, which I went on to teach as a college lecturer in 1980 , was the importance of a balance of power. The opening year for the course was 1815, with the Congress of Vienna. Napoleon had been defeated at Waterloo. Three years earlier he , like Hitler over a century later, came to grief by invading Russia.
Clearly the Russian lesson has not been learned. Clearly the Anglo U.S inbred elite idiocy doesn’t want a balance of power. Napoleon’s defeat – not single handily down to arrogant Wellington- gave the language the phrase ‘He met his Waterloo.’
Our leaders have not learned from history. They repeat it with ever nastier more powerful weapons, while censoring and punishing those who speak truth to them. They obscure the truth, they divide and fool.
The United States, founded by the British, on the blood of killing Red Indians, was the first to use machine guns ( Dr Richard Gattling’s invention ) and boy soldiers from the South who screamed for their mothers as they lay dying on the battlefield , for the rich.,
The phrase ‘new world order’ was coined by George Bush Snr after the first Anglo- U.S led war on an old friend in Iraq. They haven’t stopped since. They don’t want balance. They want tyranny and hegemony. The masses can play away in their multi cultural play pens, which are really sheep pens.
Coming out as transsexual has taught e a great deal. I was told , after nearly 3 years officially living as a woman, that my sense of truth was delusion and that I needed powerful anti psychotics with on going psycho therapy before surgery – other wise it will eventually be the mad house . As a palliative, I was told by Dr Kirpal Sahota of the London gender Identity Clinic , before they kicked me out for not accepting being mad, that I was very elegant. She wrote to my GP that, ‘Roberta has a secure female identity….’
I discovered that the Gender Identity people believe 90 % of their patients are mentally ill , but less likely to kill themselves if they go through what they call gender reassignment. Of course the likes of saintly sister J K Rowling will be able to curry up prejudice about how all of us trans people want to do is lurk in ladies toilets to commit rape.
That’s because most of us trans women take a traditional view of being female, presenting accordingly. In a world where elite white feminists exhort their ‘sisters’ to put carer before babies, women like us are threatening to them. Feminists are about power. Power comes from creating and perpetuating fear.
But the important thing is that trans people play in their state supervised play pen and that Muslims can pray safely in their mosques. Meanwhile, leave the real power to the big boys and girls. Maybe one day soon they will blow up the planet instead of just slowly killing it along with rest of us. In the meantime , divide and fool will guarantee that more of the masses go on blaming each other and killing each other. Delusion is delightful for those who won’t or cannot think because of the system, because of the fear.
R J Cook.

Roberta Jane Cook Summer 2008.
December 7th 2021
War in Europe may be ‘just weeks away’ as Ukraine-Russia crisis deepens, MPs warned
Ben Glaze
Covid live: fury after video about No 10 Christmas party emerges; early signs…Meghan and Harry have ‘very big plans for 2022′ as public can expect to’ see…
War in Europe could be “just weeks away” as tensions mount between Russia and the Ukraine, MPs were warned today.
War in Europe may be ‘just weeks away’ as Ukraine-Russia crisis deepens, MPs warned (
Comment I read Antony Bevor’s ‘Berlin The Down Fall 1945’ .It should be a warning as to the hatred and horror when war causes economic and social collapse. But it isn’t . The United States led on British upper class elite, are ignoring the internationally based order. That is because they want a new one. Hence all the wars since Gulf War One , ostensibly for democracy when their own countries are not democratic.
Russia has no alternative but to make a defensive wall aainst Ukraine because it is obvious the West are using that country as a way forward east to intimidate Russia. They used Yeltsin to trash Gorbochov;s reforms ,creating the asset stripping oligarchs. They want those good old days back and worse. They want a Russia in their won image andd access to the resources.
European war is quite likely. The last two world wars started there. The Anglo U.S led alliance are trying to provoke it. When it comes it will be presented as Russia’s evil deed. The West provoked World War Two with a pernicious settlement that pinned all the blame for World War One on Germany, crushing the proud people of a nation that had only escaped the Austrian Empire in 1870.
These wars are never about humanitarianism , freedom or democracy. Biden will blow with the wind, with a good chance that it will be a nuclear wind and blows all up. The industrial and military mad men , especially in the U.S and Britain want the conflict. It has been that way since 1945.
R J Cook

‘Russia has no veto!’ US Ambassador in brutal Putin slapdown as Ukraine tensions rocket
Leaked video shows No 10 officials joking about holding Christmas party‘And cut!’ Movies that have been banned or censoredPauseCurrent Time 0:07/Duration 0:48Loaded: 61.88%Unmute0Full screenOmicron: Dominic Raab says it’s going to be a ‘great Christmas’Click to expand
President Vladimir Putin has massed troops in place along the Ukrainian border causing tensions to rise with other global senior state officials. President Joe Biden and Putin are expected to have a video call on Tuesday to discuss US allies, Western forces, and NATO. Putin is expected to drop an ultimatum on President Biden to not consider plans for Kiev to join NATO in exchange for a de-escalation of pressure on the Eastern European nation.
Channel 4 News host Jon Snow questioned US NATO Ambassador Julianne Smith to ask her how the phone call between President Biden and President Putin would likely go.
Read More ‘Russia has no veto!’ US Ambassador in brutal Putin slapdown as Ukraine tensions rocket (
Putin ‘will cut gas supply’ to EU as Biden threatens ‘nuclear option’ over Ukraine
Jacob Paul
- Omicron: Dominic Raab says it’s going to be a ‘great Christmas’Omicron: Dominic Raab says it’s going to be a ‘great Christmas’ Daily Express
- China is a ‘tremendous threat’ to America says ThompsonVice chief for the U.S. Space Force, General David Thompson, says that China is a ‘tremendous threat’ to America. Daily Express
- World’s first Eco-sustainable 3D printed houseWorld’s first Eco-sustainable 3D printed house Daily Express
Mr Biden is said to be mulling over disconnecting Russia from the international payment system used by banks around the world as another form of sanctioning as tension at the Ukraine-Russia border escalates. But while US officials are reported to view this as a deterrent, Russia’s control over European gas supplies apparently means that Mr Putin may hit back. It comes after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ press secretary Christina Pushaw replied to the news that the Biden administration was ready to use the “nuclear option”.
Read More Putin ‘will cut gas supply’ to EU as Biden threatens ‘nuclear option’ over Ukraine (
Two People Shot Dead In Moscow In ‘Mask-Wearing Dispute’
A gunman has opened fire in a government services center in Moscow and killed two people, after being told to wear a face mask, local authorities and media said. Four people were also reported wounded.
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin wrote on VKontakte that the deadly shooting took place at the Ryazansky documentation service center on December 7.
Read More Two People Shot Dead In Moscow In ‘Mask-Wearing Dispute’ (
Comment Covid masks, jabs and lockdowns, with associated fear and hysteria is causing far more problems, health problems and deaths than any good it might do. R J Cook
Why Verstappen was penalized for Hamilton crash
All Formula 1 fans jumped from their seats when Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton ran into each oth that er on lap 39 of the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix. Initially in turn one, where the Briton placed an overtaking action on the Dutchman.
That did not go well, Verstappen left his car and in the end they both failed to make the corner. Together they went straight. Later in the lap, Verstappen was told to give the spot back to Hamilton to avoid a penalty.
Why Verstappen was penalized for Hamilton crash – Fpal News
Max Verstappen has labelled Formula One as being “more about penalties than racing” after the wild and controversial Saudi Arabian Grand Prix.
Verstappen finished second behind title rival Lewis Hamilton, meaning the two are level on points going into the season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on Dec. 12.
Comment It seems to some of us that Verstappen was penalised because he mustn’t be allowed to get in the way of Hamilton becoming the champion of Champions. Former fans of F1 , like me, have known the ‘sport’ was rigged for years.
This latest episode is incredible. Verstappen is told to move over and make it easy for Hamilton to pass. He slows down twice and the second time Hamilton hits him. If you don’t believe it was a set up when Verstappen was penalised yet again, well I don’t know what to say.
Formula One is all about health , safety , penalties and political correctness. It went into decline the weekend Senna and Ratzenberger died.
R J Cook
December 6th 2021
Max Verstappen fumes at Saudi GP penalty and makes ‘interesting’ Lewis Hamilton comment
MAX VERSTAPPEN was left irritated at being handed a five-second penalty at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix after battling with Lewis Hamilton.
By CHARLIE MALAM05:15, Mon, Dec 6, 2021 | UPDATED: 05:26, Mon, Dec 6, 20211

Max Verstappen makes ‘interesting’ Lewis Hamilton comment as he fumes at Saudi GP penalty (Image: GETTY)
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Ajax 2-3 Spurs hailed as club’s standout score of all time – do you agree?Martha De Laurentiis dead: Hannibal executive producer dies aged 67 after cancer battleAnyone With Bad Knees Should Watch This (The Truth Exposed)AmRelieve‘Suspicious’ Strictly’s Johannes Radebe claims he suffered profiling by policeCoronation Street villain Geoff Metcalfe returns from beyond the grave in tragic twist? by Taboola
Max Verstappen fumes at Saudi GP penalty and makes ‘interesting’ Lewis Hamilton comment
MAX VERSTAPPEN was left irritated at being handed a five-second penalty at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix after battling with Lewis Hamilton.
By CHARLIE MALAM05:15, Mon, Dec 6, 2021 | UPDATED: 05:26, Mon, Dec 6, 20211

Max Verstappen makes ‘interesting’ Lewis Hamilton comment as he fumes at Saudi GP penalty (Image: GETTY)Sign up for FREE now and never miss the top F1 stories again SUBSCRIBE
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Max Verstappen has questioned the five-second time penalty he received at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, comparing the incident to a similar wheel-to-wheel battle with Lewis Hamilton in Brazil and insisting it is “interesting” he is the only one who was punished.
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Ajax 2-3 Spurs hailed as club’s standout score of all time – do you agree?Martha De Laurentiis dead: Hannibal executive producer dies aged 67 after cancer battleAnyone With Bad Knees Should Watch This (The Truth Exposed)AmRelieve‘Suspicious’ Strictly’s Johannes Radebe claims he suffered profiling by policeCoronation Street villain Geoff Metcalfe returns from beyond the grave in tragic twist? by Taboola
Max Verstappen fumes at Saudi GP penalty and makes ‘interesting’ Lewis Hamilton comment
MAX VERSTAPPEN was left irritated at being handed a five-second penalty at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix after battling with Lewis Hamilton.
By CHARLIE MALAM05:15, Mon, Dec 6, 2021 | UPDATED: 05:26, Mon, Dec 6, 20211

Max Verstappen makes ‘interesting’ Lewis Hamilton comment as he fumes at Saudi GP penalty (Image:
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Max Verstappen has questioned the five-second time penalty he received at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, comparing the incident to a similar wheel-to-wheel battle with Lewis Hamilton in Brazil and insisting it is “interesting” he is the only one who was punished.
Comment British Play Boys invented modern Formula One. In those days it was exciting because it was dangerous. The so called sport should now be seen for what it is. Britain’s ingredients are a big influence. Hamilton must be the champion of champions. There is an obvious agenda here.

December 5th 2021
Russia war plans exposed: 175,000 troops to strike EU’s border in three phases
Australia live news updates: Daniel Andrews gives press conference; 980 new Covid…William reveals Tina Turner hit brings back memories of mother Diana
The Russian military is prepared to strike the EU’s border with an invasion of Ukraine, with an attack potentially ready to take place as early as January next year. According to an assessment from NATO and the Ukrainian military intelligence service, if Putin gives the order, the Russian army would organise “a simultaneous attack from northern Crimea, through separatist territories to the east and from the north”, a high ranking security source revealed.
Comment Russia war plans exposed: 175,000 troops to strike EU’s border in three phases (
December 4th 2021
Parents of Michigan school shooting suspect deny manslaughter charges as bail set
Hundreds pay respects to 12-year-old Ava White at vigil held in her memoryChucky season 1 finale answers decades-old mystery
The parents of a teenage boy charged with killing four students at his high school in Michigan have pleaded not guilty to four counts of involuntary manslaughter.
Read More Parents of Michigan school shooting suspect deny manslaughter charges as bail set (
Comment Eric Harris, mass murderer of Columbine High School wrote, the day before he shot his class mates, “It’s interesting when I am in my human form, knowing I am going to die. Everything has a touch of triviality about it.” As Jordan Peterson commented ‘Who dare explain such a missive ? or, worse, explain it away ? ( 12 Rules For Life – An Antidote To Chaos ).
Young blacks commit knife and gun crime for obvious material reasons. They have the comfort blanket of BLM victimhood, White low class working classes have no excuse, only the blame.
I won’t be surprised if these parents aren’t labelled far right. But this boy’s victims were white, and the killer hated them. I had a son who was bullied at State and Private School. He was reported as ‘violent when provoked. ‘Scapegoating the parents is the knee jerk response to avoiding looking at the root causes.
The majority of United States poor are poor whites, even if many come from across the border where they have the comfort of religion. The elite make no distinctions. They found the perfect tool to divide the masses with BLM. The U.S never talks about class and the British elite try to avoid it.
Nothing was learned from Columbine and the ruling elite and medi – who feed piously of tragedy – have learned nothing since. Young men , of the black and white world are being driven mad , the latter made sacrifice as scapegoat for the former. It works wonderfully. Now the boy shooter’s parents are added to the sacrifice. This will go on and get worse. R J Cook

Colonel Gaddafi’s London-educated son attempts to relaunch his father’s dynasty
Roland Oliphant 5 hrs agoLike5 Comments|10
School apologises after video showed Muslim students praying outside…Christmas carol concerts returning to London’s iconic venues this year
Ten years ago this spring, Libyans rose up to overthrow the man who had ruled them with an iron fist for more than three decades.
Read MoreColonel Gaddafi’s London-educated son attempts to relaunch his father’s dynasty (
There is always the next world
– R J Cook
Comment Did Libya’s people benefit from the Anglo U.S overthrow and killing of Gaddafi ? Did North Africa benefit ? Like so many other African despots, Mummar Gaddafi was supposed to be a western puppet. By turning his thoughts to North African economic union, he threatened Western interests. It is this elite behaviour that created and perpetuated the so called migrant crisis – a much loved phenomenon by those hungry for cheap labour who expect their rewards in the next world.
The chattering classes love it too , makes them look useful instead of being seen as a privileged elite in high paid comfortable environments patronising the rest of us. So who id benefit from killing Gaddafi , throwing Libya into turmoil and opening he migrant doorway from North Africa. Too many western vested interests want a religious obsessed Africa so they can go on dealing with black tyrants trading cheap natural resources and crops,

She says , “Nice people have such a superficial hypocritical vacuous idea of morality. ”
In February 2018, after admitting watching her home for 3 months ( while she was out working as a truck driver because the police had already lied to destroy her professional reputation ) her home was raided by 7 Thames Valley Police Officers, searched and vital electrical equipment and data confiscated . She was put in the cells for 6.5 hours before being confronted with ludicrous porn material and crazy poison pen letters accusing her of being a whore working from home for her son and his associates in effectively a brothel. Police alleged that she sent them to expose herself and son for prosecution. They still refuse to disclose those picture and letters clearly written and sent by another party who they refused to investigate.
Police have gone further, brazenly repeating these lies in a consequent Crown Court case – a trial up coming -resulting from this and other aspects of their malpractice. Her GP et al have accepted the police view that Roberta is paranoid schizophrenic bi polar deluded to protect themselves from investigation.
Britain has no right to lecture any country on rights and humanitarianism. This country is institutionally corrupt.
The evidence keeps pouring out, but there is so much more poison in the system. The Labour opposition party is led by Sir Kier Starmer, former head of the Crown Prosecution Service which has been exposed for conspiring with police to withhod evidence for the purposes of getting mainly men convicted for rape. So there is no hope of improvement..
They like migrants because these desperate expect the signs of a corrupt dictatorship , seeing the U.K as such a Nirvana, they risk drowning in the Channel. It is not surprising given what these elites have been doing to their homelands. Anywhere seems better as far as they are concerned, and there is always the next world. Migrants also serve the purpose of being a stick to beat the white underclass as racist if they make any signs of disapproval. R J Cook
December 3rd 2021
Lewis Hamilton calls for Saudi Arabia’s ‘pretty terrifying’ LGBT laws to be changed
Covid news live: South Africa officials fear ‘widespread resurgence’…Alec Baldwin interview – live: Actor ‘let go of the hammer’ of prop gun but…
Lewis Hamilton has called for Saudi Arabia’s “pretty terrifying” laws on LGBTQ+ and women’s rights to be changed, admitting ahead of this weekend’s grand prix that he does “not feel comfortable” racing in the country.
Read More Lewis Hamilton calls for Saudi Arabia’s ‘pretty terrifying’ LGBT laws to be changed (
Comment This is more evidence that elite sport is about money. Saudi Arabia is essential to the Anglo US led pseudo democratic alliance. Back in the 1980s, respectable sports people boycotted South Africa for cricket and Rugby.
Can’t happen in Saudi Arabia because of oil and the balance of power. i don’t know what to think about Hamilton, but have utmost admiration for the father whose hard work put him on the road to success. I do not like BLM or LGBTQ boxes. A decent future needs more individuals who are free to live without hindrance because they are transsexuals, like me , black like Lewis or both. If he had not made such a fuss about BLM and kneeling on the basis that all we whites have had it easy at all blacks expense, then I would be cheering him on to victory.
However, I am glad he has spoken out about the vile Saudi tyranny. Islam is not a race , it is politics, just as Christianity was when it was adopted to unify and save their hedonistic collapsing empire.
Education is appalling and deliberately so , which is why teachers like me gave up and left – leaving it to the ambitious promotion obsessed and politically correct.
These people wrecked the system. It is up to people to think about real issues and read between the lines. Government and their police fear social media and monitor it just as they shut down all social contact with lockdowns etc. meanwhile, as Boris partying without is his mask, demonstrates, just has Health Minister Mat Hancock kept his so called special adviser in so he could have her for lunch, no mask to be seen on the secret video recording.. This is Animal Farm. R J Cook

Three killed as 15-year-old student opens fire at his school in Michigan
The attack happened at Oxford High School in Oxford Township, a community of about 22,000 people 30 miles (48km) north of Detroit.
Read More Three killed as 15-year-old student opens fire at his school in Michigan (
The most popular drinks from the 1940s onwardsHeather Rae Young: I don’t have any regrets
EU shamed into U-turn after trying to ban word CHRISTMAS for being ‘offensive’
Alessandra Scotto di Santolo
An internal EU Commission document commissioned by Helena Dalli, spotted on Sunday by Italian daily Il Giornale, suggested certain expressions that are offensive or not inclusive enough should be removed.
Read More EU shamed into U-turn after trying to ban word CHRISTMAS for being ‘offensive’ (
France turns to EU Army as Channel migrant crisis spirals out of control

Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, will be monitoring human trafficking on the English Channel from Wednesday. One of its planes will regularly fly over the coasts of France, Belgium and the Netherlands to detect smugglers’ networks.

Read More France turns to EU Army as Channel migrant crisis spirals out of control (
November 28th 2021
With Kamala Harris looking unelectable, the Democrats are considering the nuclear option
Whispers in Washington suggest Joe Biden’s camp has a plan to find a more popular replacement ahead of the 2024 White House battleByRozina Sabur, WASHINGTON EDITOR andNick Allen28 November 2021 • 2:58pm

South African doctor who raised alarm about omicron variant says symptoms are ‘unusual but mild’
Republicans are quietly rigging election maps to ensure permanent ruleTaylor Swift cannot process Billy Joel comparing her to the Beatles
The first South African doctor to alert the authorities about patients with the omicron variant has told The Telegraph that the symptoms of the new variant are unusual but mild.
Comment Basically it is just a cold virus. On this basis , lockdowns will never end. Meanwhile our elites play war games. Do they really care about our lives ? I don’t think so. R J COOK
Putin sparks war fears as Russia begins production of nuke missile ‘too fast to block’
James Lee
Moscow has claimed that the 6670mph weapon – which carries a conventional or nuclear warhead – is “unstoppable”. The missile has been dubbed the Zircon missile by the Kremlin. A Russian source said: “A serial production of Zircon missiles is underway at the NPO Mashinostroyenia [originally known simply as OKB-52], although state trials of this product’s surface launches will continue.”
Read More Putin sparks war fears as Russia begins production of nuke missile ‘too fast to block’ (
November 27th 2021
Pictured: First victim of Channel migrant disaster
Bill Gardner, Bryar Saeed 21 hrs agoLike224 Comments|83
Covid live: suspected German and Czech Omicron cases; UK expert says…What connects Janet Jackson’s ‘wardrobe malfunction’ to Shonda…© Provided by The Telegraph Baran Nuri Muhamadamin Faque in close-up, wearing a dress and tiara
An Iraqi-Kurdish woman who lost contact with her husband in the middle of the sea is the first confirmed victim of the Channel migrant tragedy, The Telegraph has learned.
The body of Baran Nouri Hamadami is understood to have been identified by a relative at a facility in France after 27 migrants drowned in Wednesday’s boat disaster.
Read more Pictured: First victim of Channel migrant disaster (
How Bad The Rest Of The World Must Be.

Comment Are we supposed to blame France because a beautiful woman was among those drowned earlier this week ? The whole situation is insane. We should firstly blame a series of appalling governments, starting with Thatcher who clearly believed the EU was about helping her sort get richer along with commencing war to help the U.S push up Middle Eastern oil prices – because Bush was backed by oil barons.
Fools believed Britain would be better if they voted Brexit , putting the country back in the hands of a corrupt ruling elite, with no checks or balances – unless you believe the Royal Family and courts can provide that. These elites are clever. They undermined the EU with all their self interested rules and laws – responsible for pushing and initiating 80 % of them. Then they blamed Europe for the consequences. Now out of Europe and wanting the best of both worlds, these ruling arses still have the cheek to blame Europe for the migrant problem they have facilitated. It is all beyond Priti Patel now.
They wrecked the Middle East and still won’t leave Syria alone because they are afraid of Russia getting in there. Then there is the Saudi Arabia Yemen question. They won’t leave Iran alone for similar reasons, plus the Israeli interests. They would rather see Africa rot under its chosen despots than let Russia and China do any good there. So they would rather take those leaving those places ‘for a better life’ to overload their collapsing social structure – which they euphemistically call multi culture. Conflict is inherent because it is all about competing greedy elites. Cop 26 is an absurd cop out because we are not supposed to notice the carbon footprint of war.
Then we have to blame Britain’s chattering classes, including teachers , academics , feminists , self righteous mainstream media and all the other ‘nice rainbow warrior’ people who give the impression that Britain is multi cultural heaven – just waiting for Islamic enlightenment to glue the society, they have done so much to destroy, back together again.
Benefits, comfortable accommodation , along with already well established Islamic migrant communities, means that the lure of the U.K is strong enough to defeat reason for those who can afford to ride the bouncing rubber dinghy to Dover. They know they will be rescued by the U.K boats a few miles out if not sooner , in most cases.
If women are deemed too delicate and important for the risk, just put them on Eurostar and arrange for them to meet their men in the U.K. Until we have honesty and realism, there will be an ever worsening situation , whether the migrants get here or not. It is ironic that the old Third World has so much wealth and resources. But elite whites are still doing deals with tyrants as they did in the days of slave trading, which the chattering classes never want to talk about.
I have had rather too much of U.K bullshit , corruption , incompetence , official secrecy exemplified by the forgotten Assange affair. and hypocrisy over the last 14 years. Britain’s comfortable elite have the perfect excuse for more laws and police to make sure no one objects. They have extended this to inviting women to claim domestic abuse even if their husband only raises his voice. Feminists want to give women 2 years to make their allegations.
A Thames Valley Police officer told me that 80% of their call outs are domestic, suggesting that government wants the police involved in family life and so much else. It is the usual divide and rule , which gets stronger and stronger and more insidious every day, as dubious scare stories distract the masses into fighting one another rather than for each other. There is no pleasant future on this road. The fact that so many have risked their lives to get here tells you how bad so much more of the world must be. R J Cook

November 26th 2021
Government rescue of Bulb
August Graham
Household bills could increase by as much as £60 to pay for the failure of energy supplier Bulb at a time when costs are already soaring.
Read more Households may face extra bills for Government rescue of Bulb (
Comment This matter reeks of the evil that was Margaret Thatcher. The power companies are priority infrastructure and should not be run for or by profiteers stealing bonuses while the masses pay the price. They should be brought back into public ownership. R J Cook
Channel tragedy: ‘Smugglers tell their clients it’s just a lake – but it’s not’
Jon Henley in Calais
London Tube strike today – latest: Victoria, Central and Jubilee among lines to be…Disney’s Encanto will go from theaters to Disney Plus in a month
When the lifeboat reached the dinghy not long after 3pm on Wednesday it was a crumpled mass of grey rubber, barely inflated and scarcely afloat. And surrounded, in the cold, dark water of the Channel, by already lifeless bodies.
Read More Channel tragedy: ‘Smugglers tell their clients it’s just a lake – but it’s not’ (
Comment Britain’s liberal elite are responsible for these happenings and more, The logical solution is for Britain’s Border Forces , Royal Navy and RAF to collect all comers from the so called conflict zones and Muslim world and bring them to the U.K. Don’t worry about food production and competition for space plus resources. Just give a big welcome to laa land , then restrict and tax the lower orders to pay for it.
I am sure it will all work out for the best. If it is worth risking your life to get here, then what does that tell us about the rest of the world and what a predominantly Islamic influx sees in the U.K for a better life. On the other hand we are told that we live in a multi culture, we are also told we cannot argue. We must accept the new ‘values.’ That is the elite’s values and their actual monoculture. The rainbow world is a collection of sheep pens.
R J Cook

France election polls: Le Pen gains on Macron again as Barnier support ‘stagnates’
Solomon Islands leader blames unrest on foreign powersDisney’s Encanto will go from theaters to Disney Plus in a month© GETTY France election polls emmanuel macron marine le pen michael barnier evg
Emmanuel Macron is eyeing a second term in office next April but has met stiff resistance from established and new candidates this year. Marine Le Pen continues to stand in his way, leading a resurgence amongst far-right feeling also fostered by unofficial candidate Eric Zemmour. Only one of them has proven popular enough to survive, according to a recent survey by pollsters Elabe, while both have several points on former Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier.
Read More France election polls: Le Pen gains on Macron again as Barnier support ‘stagnates’ (
Comment Le Pen will not be allowed to win. She is the wrong type of woman saying the wrong things for Western Liberal elite taste. She is no Hilary Clinton . R J Cook
British troops return to Germany amid fears of Russia threat
Mark Nicol Defence Editor For The Daily Mail
British troops, tanks and equipment are being ordered back to Germany amid fears of a Russian threat to the Baltic states.
The move comes three decades after tens of thousands of UK personnel were withdrawn following the end of the Cold War.
Read More British troops return to Germany amid fears of Russia threat (
Comment Anglo U.S & NATO forces have excelled at destabilising the planet with post first Gulf War policy . Russia is back as the bogey man. The press and liberal elite will suck all up of this sabre rattling. The masses will be told it is all about making them safe – protecting their freedom etc.. R J Cook
November 23rd 2021
Child becomes sixth victim of parade crash – as suspect charged and rocks back and forth in court
Stella Creasey ‘baffled’ after reprimand for bringing infant into CommonsI’m a Celebrity: Frankie Bridge excites viewers with unexpected Saturdays…
A man has appeared in court charged with multiple homicides after a car plowed into a Christmas parade in the US – and a child has become the sixth person to die after the incident.© Reuters Darrell Brooks has been charged with five homicides
Darrell Brooks, 39, rocked back and forth with his face in his hands as charges were laid against him.
Democratic House Judiciary chairman Jerry Nadler blasts Wisconsin verdict as a ‘miscarriage of justice’ and calls for federal ‘review’ – as Republicans demand Biden apologize for comparing Kyle Rittenhouse to a ‘white supremacist’
- President Biden told reporters he stands by the jury
- He said he and other Americans were ‘angry and concerned’
- The jury in Kenosha found Rittenhouse not guilty of homicide and attempted endangerment
- White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about it during briefing
- ‘It obviously just happened while I was out here,’ said Psaki
- She was asked about Judge Bruce Schroeder decision not to have the term ‘victims’ used to describe the people that Rittenhouse shot and killed or injured
- Sen. Tom Cotton and other republicans demanded Biden apologize
- Congressional Black Caucus called it ‘unconscionable our justice system would allow an armed vigilante … to go free’
Read More Democratic House Judiciary chairman Jerry Nadler blasts Wisconsin verdict | Daily Mail Online
Comment The ‘victims’ were white and about to kill Kyle , who had been assaulted by one of his ‘victims’ using a skateboard. Biden and his black vote hungry cronies are on dangerous ground. Another of Kyle’s victims drew a gun on him , so was the first to be shot.. The anti racists are seriously stoking up racism on both sides. What else can one say other than if you are white keep your nose and your gun out of other peoples’ race riots and associated looting. ? Kyle was there to protect private property from looting.
This is job for police – even if the police cannot cope. BLM is sanctified and WLM is racism. There would be no PC mileage in BLM if it is acceptable to cancel it out with WLM. It would be the same as saying All Lives Matter ( ALM ). Democrats were the big slave owners in the run up to the Civil War and Lincoln was a Republican.
Britain’s ruling elite backed slavery because they wanted the cheap cotton and set up the system in the first place, much to the benefit of the British Monarchy. Unfortunately the rich elite are behind BLM, notably Democrats and British pampered lefties. Things can only get worse. If one looks back in history, there is endless lying cheating hypocrisy and brutality, with the masses divided , ruled and enslaved. Black ruling classes sold the slaves to white slavers , rounding them up and holding them in compounds. People are easily led through laziness and ignorance. R J Cook
Lewis Hamilton had ‘different spec’ car in Qatar as Bottas discusses Mercedes secret
Valtteri Bottas has revealed that Lewis Hamilton was given a ‘different spec’ car by Mercedes at the Qatar Grand Prix in order to aid his ongoing bid for Drivers’ Championship glory. The latter finds himself just seven points adrift of Red Bull’s Max Verstappen in the standings with two races left to run after chipping away at the Dutchman’s slender advantage in Lusail.
Hamilton started from pole position and raced into an insurmountable lead early on to register his seventh Grand Prix victory of the year.
Questions have been asked of Mercedes in recent weeks as Lewis Hamilton was hit with grid-place penalties, first for yet another engine change and then over the specification of his rear wing.
Hamilton won the Qatar Grand Prix to cut his deficit to Max Verstappen to eight points at the top of the drivers’ championship, with two races to go.
Lewis Hamilton had ‘different spec’ car in Qatar as Bottas discusses Mercedes secret (
November 22nd 2021
Violent anti-lockdown protesters are idiots, says Dutch PM
Jennifer Rankin in Brussels
Queen sends message to flood-stricken British ColumbiaEd Sheeran: The quiet pop star
The Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, has lambasted as “idiots” people who turned to “pure violence” during three consecutive nights of anti-lockdown protests across the Netherlands.
Read More Violent anti-lockdown protesters are idiots, says Dutch PM (

Who are the real idiots ?
Comment Before the authorities come knocking on my door again in force, please note I do not condone violence and a forensic psychiatrist hired by the police and CPS to have me sectioned in 2012, concluded that I am not a violent personality , not suffering from mental illness or a liar. He wrote 21 pages on the matter , after a 2 hour interview at a secure unit in Birmingham.
The truth is very important to me. I once told political jokes on a serious BBC live radio programme. One of them was , What will Tony Blair do when he is dead ? The answer was ‘He’ll lie still.’ Of course you can’t tell jokes like that on the BBC anymore.
However, the point of my preamble is as follows. In my very sound judgement , in spite of the authoritarian view of the new normal’ and of me ; this Dutch Prime Minister needs to stand to be corrected. If you drive people mad with nonsense about everyone being at risk of dying from Covid, must wear masks, must have injections – as I have done – and put up with intermittent lockdowns for the rest of your life , face bankruptcy and homelessness as a result and all sorts of other fear based checks, then you will drive many of them mad. Mad people are scared people , not easily predictable , prone to self harm or harming others. So violent protesters are no surprise here. After all , who takes notice of peaceful ones ?
Over a million peacefully protested , in London, against the second Iraq War in 2003. It made no difference. The war happened based on Tony Blair’s lies leading the U.S into a morass.
I was at a party in the Marquee Bar at the House of Commons, overlooki ng the Thames the following week. The senior New Labour MP who had invited me responded to this question , rather languidly. The question was ,’How can you serve Tony Blair when he is going to do this ?’ ‘Oh the boy is learning’ replied the MP. That was the end of our friendship. I also gave up on politics.
So my message to the Dutch PM is , Elite Politicians treat voters like idiots, so why sound so angry when they act like idiots ? Why does their behaviour surprise you ? R J Cook

Misinformation About Kyle Rittenhouse Case Floods Social Media, TV Networks
BY ZACHARY STIEBER November 21, 2021 Updated: November 22, 2021biggersmallerPrint
Kyle Rittenhouse shot three black men. Kyle Rittenhouse traveled across state lines with a gun. Kyle Rittenhouse had an AK-47.
These are three examples of false information being spread about Rittenhouse, whose trial ended last week with his acquittal.
Prominent influencers, including lawmakers and reporters, are sources of some of the misinformation—possibly disinformation—leaving experts troubled.
Read More Misinformation About Kyle Rittenhouse Case Floods Social Media, TV Networks (
Damning evidence shows Pierre Gasly intentionally helped Max Verstappen at Qatar Grand Prix
Neelabhra Roy
The inaugural edition of the Qatar Grand Prix made things quite interesting at the top as Lewis Hamilton‘s victory means that he is only eight points behind Max Verstappen with just two races to go.© GiveMeSport p
The latter started the race seventh on the grid but fared well, finishing only behind his title rival. The Red Bull man also posted the fastest lap, clocking 1:23.196 to take home the extra point.
Comment This F1 Saga becomes ever more absurd. Every conceivable obstacle and as much media poison as possible is put in Verstappen’s way as BLM kneeling supporter Hamilton is portrayed as the innocent. He is the one who nearly ended Verstappen’s season, almost worse and wrecked his rival’s car. The score marks on his rear wing were photographed and posted across the world. They are not phantom , but have done their job.
Mercedes were desperate to have Verstappen penalised for not moving over for Hamilton. Now there’s more evidence of a double standard because straggler Gasly appears to have let title challenger Verstappen through.
Verstappen was meant to be trapped by the unfair grid penalty , with Mercedes hoping foooooor a worse punishment. It is so obvious that the PC media and manipulative elite want the driver who identifies as black – and a champion for ‘equality’ even though he has a white mother and is a tax exile – to have a free pass to beating Schumacher’s record of 7 world titles.
Some of us remember how Schumacher ruined Damon Hill’s chances in Australia – and much more. Colour doesn’t legitimately win races , but cheating does. This is a bad and definitive year for F1 which long ago lost its claim to sportsmanship , danger and glory.
The BLM issue, and flag, is more important than the old chequered version it seems. It is indeed a black year , with brazen double standards. Ironically this sort of manipulation, in the name of the absurd equality banner, is ultimately counterproductive and doesn’t go anywhere near the real issues of deprivation. R J Cook
Rage across Europe as Covid lockdowns and curbs trigger riots
Joe Barnes, Lucy Fisher, Justin Stares, Jorg Luyken
Choose Love pulling out of Calais shows the limits of celebrity philanthropy‘I’m sweating like a pig’: on-air interview blunders to rival Matt Doran’s Adele fail
Europe on Sunday night faced an increasingly violent backlash against new Covid restrictions imposed to deal with a record number of new cases on the Continent.© Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP via Getty Images Belgian riot police stand by a burning bin as clashes erupt during a demonstration against Covid-19 measures – Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP via Getty Images
Riot police were forced to use water cannon and tear gas as peaceful demonstrations turned violent in Brussels when tens of thousands of protesters marched through the streets against the measures.
Read More Rage across Europe as Covid lockdowns and curbs trigger riots (
Comment Lockdowns are intolerable and clearly no use in fighting Covid 19. This is especially the case in this age of uncontrolled illegal migration which the rich refuse to pay for , while the NHS collapses, and they have expensive private health care.
Natural herd immunity , challenging unhealthy lifestyles and voluntary shielding of the vulnerable, like BAME and elderly are the only viable options.
Mass migration has to share significant blame for the collapsing health service. It is odd that there is always money for migrants but has been none for the homeless. It is OK to slag off and condemn the latter, but not a word must be said about the former who have to be protected and thus encouraged for ‘humanitarian reasons.’ We are supposed to accept the stupidity of believing Islam is a race and to be suspected of not liking it is racism. Well, there are a lot more homeless thanks to lockdowns.
Vaccines are also ineffective, assuming that these and lockdowns are really for that purpose. Governments and the interest groups behind them , thrive on secrecy, prejudice and pandering to the egos of public sector workers and ‘scientists.’ The latter are used to abolish any basis for argument . Woe betide any scientist who steps out of line.
Over 200 million jobs have been lost worldwide through Covd lockdowns , while the rich have gotten richer. Britain’s health boss was caught breaching rules through a a video of him heavily petting his female special adviser demonstrated. This is a world of utter hypocrisy emanating from our ruling class. People have been ruined by Covid lockdown.
World health issues are an outcome of Third World overpopulation, preoccupation with plus dependence on religion, and Third World dictatorships masquerading as democracies. BLM is a smokescreen as is Covid lockdown and vaccine. Regarding vaccine, I have had 2 and have no care if it kills me, but understand those who disagree with compulsion. It certainly made me quite ill, including serious vertigo balance issues.
There have been un counted avoidable deaths from other causes thanks to the Covid fixation, mental health and other health issues, some leading to suicide, as a result of these dangerous policies – so convenient to put down the protests that were already raging in 2019. Now many have had enough. R J Cook
Horner apologises for F1 marshals comment in Qatar
Jonathan Noble
Horner was summoned to the stewards after the race at Losail on Sunday to face allegations that he had breached the International Sporting Code and damaged the reputation of the FIA and its officials.
Hamilton, Max disagree over rules amid ‘dirtier driving’ fear
Lewis Hamilton has insisted that Formula 1’s racing rules are still “not clear” ahead of the Qatar GP, disagreeing with Max Verstappen as the championship rivals continue to clash both on and off the track.
Mercedes boss Toto Wolff, meanwhile, fears the stewards’ failure to punish Verstappen for his defence against Hamilton in Brazil could lead to “dirtier driving” in the final three races of a gripping title race.
Read More Hamilton, Max disagree over rules amid ‘dirtier driving’ fear (
Comment There is clearly something very odd and deliberate going on in F1 this season. Politics is glaringly obvious. That is what has damaged the so called sport’s reputation.
As for volunteer officials, the sport is rife with money and these people should be highly trained neutral paid individuals. Every conceivable obstacle is being placed in Verstappen’s way. It is forgotten that Hamilton put Verstappen in hospital and recordings of the incident have conveniently vanished from the airwaves.
The motivation is obvious, so I am not surprised Horner lost his temper , then was forced to make a grovelling apology. I find it offensive when mixed race Hamilton tells all whites they must kneel to show respect to blacks on the excuse that we all benefitted from a slave regime that benefitted a small white and black elite – including our sanctimonious Royal family who have been dragged into politics in the name of engineering ‘equality’ ( sic ) and harmony. The whole idiot State and media hectoring will be counter productive if it is really meant to achieve equality – which it obviously is not.
As for dirtier driving fears, the concept of F1 has become increasingly absurd, with too much money in too few hands, a plethora of breeding proliferating rules since the weekend of Roland Ratzenberger and Senna’s deaths, and a mobile hierarchy where the field must part to let Hamilton through or accept penalty punishments. No wonder grid penalties don’t hold him back. Senna was such an egomaniac that he couldn’t accept he was past it. Who really wants to watch this environmentally damaging rubbish. ? R J Cook
November 21st 2021
Kyle Rittenhouse verdict – live: Attorney says he is overwhelmed with death threats
Megan Sheets ,Justin Vallejo,Eleanor Sly,Graeme Massie,Alex Woodward,Peony Hirwani and Holly Bancroft
All new buildings in England to have electric car charge points from 2022ITV I’m A Celebrity: Arlene Phillips slammed by furious viewers for ‘disappointing’…
© Fox News Rittenhouse Tucker Carlson documentary
Protests across the US followed the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse after a jury found him not guilty on all five counts in his homicide trial after four days of jury deliberations.
Read More Kyle Rittenhouse verdict – live: Attorney says he is overwhelmed with death threats (
Priti Patel beats on against the ceaseless small-boat Channel crossings
Rajeev Syal
Covid live: UK reports 40,004 new cases and 61 new deaths; Brussels…Tom Fletcher becomes eighth star to leave Strictly Come Dancing after…
Priti Patel, for so long the darling of the Conservative party’s hard right, is having a difficult weekend
Read More Priti Patel beats on against the ceaseless small-boat Channel crossings (
Comment Labelling Priti Patel Far Right says much about how little objection is allowed regarding uncontrolled Islamic economic immigration into Britain and the EU. Patel and her family were genuine refugees. Any one who objects is a racist , anti multi culutre ,and ‘far right.’ Comfortable upper middle class media folk are never wrong. They live safely up on the moral high ground.
Iraq and Syria expelled their colonial masters, followed their different factions of Islam and now want to bring their culture to a warm ‘liberal welcome’ in the U.K – because they overpopulated and destroyed their own countries which have been turned into desert. They have been cutting trees down for decades. Islamic culture has never had a reformation and is 1000 years out of date.
They are not multi culturalists and must realise what a joke the British and Europeans have become with all the guilt their ruling elites are dumping on their masses over race.
At this point, I repeat RELIGION IS NOT A RACE , whatever rubbish kids are being told in school and through the media..
R J Cook
Russia’s Ukraine invasion date predicted as Putin ‘knows Biden will back down’
Why you and I will pay the price for the next big cybersecurity crisisGhetts, Roundhouse, review: veteran cements his claims to greateness with the…
The Kremlin’s Anti-Satellite test (ASAT) this week blasted a satellite into 1,500 and forced NASA astronauts on the ISS to flee to their spaceships. Meanwhile, Russia is causing trouble back down on Earth too, as almost 100,000 Russian troops have been deployed to the Ukraine-Russia border, prompting fears of an imminent invasion. Brandon Weichert, author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower, does not think these incidents are unrelated. He says there are going to be dramatic consequences right around the corner.
Read More Russia’s Ukraine invasion date predicted as Putin ‘knows Biden will back down’ (
Comment The Anglo US led western alliance have destabilised the world thanks to invasions . It’s funny how they moralise, having pushed NATO right up to Russian borders. What do they expect to do. This is how Stalin frightened Hitler because Hitler frightened him. R J Cook
Red Bull delight as FIA introduce new rear wing test
Mark Scott
Boris Johnson news – live: PM facing social care rebellion as Priti Patel…Ghetts, Roundhouse, review: veteran cements his claims to greateness with the…
The FIA have reacted to Red Bull’s suspicions over Mercedes’ rear wing by introducing a new test at the Qatar Grand Prix and beyond.© PA Images Mercedes W12 rear wing. November 2021
Read more Red Bull delight as FIA introduce new rear wing test (
Comment All is going to plan, with Hamilton winning today, Verstappen second. R J Cook
Qatar GP LIVE: Lewis Hamilton’s chances of win boosted thanks to Max Verstappen penalty
© GETTY Qatar Grand Prix LIVE
Lewis Hamilton has a huge opportunity to make up vital ground in the Formula One title fight with the Mercedes driver on pole for the Qatar Grand Prix and Red Bull rival Max Verstappen having been hit with a five-place grid penalty. The Dutchman has been punished for not respecting yellow flags during qualifying yesterday and now starts seventh instead of second.
Hamilton’s Mercedes team-mate Bottas has also been hit with a three-place grid penalty however and will start P6 instead of P3.
Verstappen, Bottas and Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz all improved their lap times while the yellow flags were out in Q3 after they had been double-waved due to AlphaTauri’s Pierre Gasly suffering a tyre blowout down the main straight.
Read More Qatar GP LIVE: Lewis Hamilton’s chances of win boosted thanks to Max Verstappen penalty (
How much easier are they going to make this for Hamilton to prove a point? It appears the yellow flag waving had no other purpose than to retard Verstappen’s grid position. This is the most obvious race rigging and the most tainted world championship to date. R J Cook
November 20th 2021
Riots in Portland after US teenager Kyle Rittenhouse cleared of shooting two dead
Court ruled that 18-year-old was acting in self-defence when he gunned down three people, two of whom died, in Wisconsin last yearByRozina Sabur, WASHINGTON EDITOR20 November 2021 • 10:46am

An American teenager who shot dead two men during police brutality and racial injustice protests in Wisconsin has been acquitted of murder in a case that divided the country.
Kyle Rittenhouse, who was 17 when he shot three men, two fatally, with a semi-automatic rifle in Kenosha, Wisconsin in August last year, was cleared of all five charges against him.
A demonstration in Portland against his acquittal on Friday night was later declared as a riot by police after about 200 people started breaking windows, throwing objects at police and talked about burning down the Justice Center, KOIN TV reported.
Read More Riots in Portland after US teenager Kyle Rittenhouse cleared of shooting two dead (
Comment I am very surprised by this very just verdict. Inevitably the liberals ( sic ) and Biden, who is angry and concerned, don’t like it. Personally this kid should not have bothered to restrain the rioting morons.
Now they are off again. Racism is going to get worse and the liberals love it.
R J Cook
Verstappen under investigation in fresh twist to F1 drama
F1 title leader Max Verstappen’s front-row starting position at the Qatar GP is under threat after he was summoned to meet with F1 stewards ahead of Sunday’s race for allegedly failing to slow for yellow flags on his final lap of qualifying.
The Red Bull driver, who leads the championship by 14 points, qualified second behind a dominant Lewis Hamilton but will now head to see the stewards at 10am UK time. The race is at 2pm.
Read More Verstappen under investigation in fresh twist to F1 drama (
Comment Why don’t they just stop it here and give Hamilton the victory with his wonderful rear wing. He has to beat Schumacher’s record. Quite simple really. He is a vital role model. R J Cook
Bat virus was shipped to Wuhan laboratory before Covid outbreak, emails show
Sarah Knapton
Fresh prospect of criminal inquiry for Boris Johnson after Jennifer Arcuri…Strictly Come Dancing 2021: week nine – live
Wuhan scientists were studying viral samples of high-risk bat species living in Laos – the country where the closest relative to Covid-19 has been found, leaked documents show. © Reuters/Thomas Peter Scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were collecting viral samples from bats in Laos, emails show – Reuters/Thomas Peter
In September, researchers discovered a viral strain called Banal-52 in Laos, which shares 96.8 per cent of its genome with Sars-CoV-2 – boosting claims that the pandemic was caused by a natural spillover event, rather than a laboratory leak.
Read More Bat virus was shipped to Wuhan laboratory before Covid outbreak, emails show (
Lewis Hamilton is at the centre of a cheat storm in Formula 1 as Red Bull threaten protest
The thrilling F1 title battle between Mercedes and Red Bull has appeared to reach breaking point.© GiveMeSport
Red Bull team principal Christian Horner has questioned the legality of Mercedes’ rear wing, believing that it flexes too much, giving Lewis Hamilton an aerodynamic advantage over his bitter rival Max Verstappen.
Read More Lewis Hamilton is at the centre of a cheat storm in Formula 1 as Red Bull threaten protest (
Comment As with the pervert cop who raped and murdered Sarah Everard leading to all men being condemned as likely abusers needing tough law and curfew. the moron cop who killed a helpless black suspect was used as a stick to identify all whites as racists. The credibility for this poisonous bigotry is promoted by the wealthy powerful elite owned media and know all PC young lackeys working in media and education as I have done. The fact that the aforementioned cases are some of the worst we have come to accept from the police as an intuitionally corrupt un accountable institution, must never be mentioned.
So on to this bandwagon, in the wake of politically correct Gareth Southgate, we had Lewis Hamilton calling for all to take the knee in the new crusade against racism. The outcome of Southgate’s interesting mainly black choice of penalty taker inflamed racism but the elite felt good about it. We now learn that Yorkshire County Cricket Club’s submission to a player of Indian sub continent origin over white racism, has revealed a man who thought nothing of posting anti semite tweets. Mainstream press doesn’t want to talk about it because anti racism is a noble and distracting cause. equally that media and educationalists don’t want to discuss the fact that religion is not a race. Most Muslims are Caucasians following a religion that was a power grabbing spin off from Christianity.
So we come to the ongoing Hamilton affair. Formula One Cars, thanks to pioneering Colin Chapman, are basically aircraft that must be kept on the ground. That is why there is a rear wing. It is vital on corners maximising down force by speeding airflow underneath- this creating more pressure above. If it can be readjusted through flexing on straights, then drag reduces, so straight line speed increases. This Mercedes trick has only recently been discovered and Vertstappen was fined nearly £50,000 for pointing it out.
Some of us suspect that the sport – for want of a better word- and mainly British elite media, are keen to see a man who describes himself as black and favours knee bending before events, become the best of the best by beating Michael Schumacher , with 8 World Championships.
It would be a travesty to compare this generation of health & Safety focussed computerised drivers with heroes like Fangio, Moss , Hawthorn , Wolfgang Von Tripps or the great Stirling Moss. They obviously all have fast twitch muscle responses and that is where the comparison ends.
Politics and political correctness are blatant in Formula One, thanks to the likes of the Hamilton affair. In reality, it is fake sport all about image and money. Most of us white people had no benefit from slavery and are descended from slaves of the brutal upper ruling classes.
That slavery goes on, with the anti racist stick being the latest weapon to oppress us with. When are British Royalty and all the other super rich world destroying tyrants going to face accusations concerning their part in slavery and so much more of the horrors that we underclass are still paying for ? R J Cook.
‘Prepare for losses’ Macron exit strategy on table as French to bow out in fishing row
Ellie Cook
Under these “fleet exit plans”, Mr Macron’s government will allocate around £50million to French fishermen who fail to secure a UK fishing licence as compensation for lost livelihoods. In a capitulation to the UK on the long-running Brexit fishing row, marine minister Annick Girardin addressed professionals of the French fishing industry in Brittany to say that she needed to be “transparent” with those with stakes in the industry.
She said: “I will therefore be frank with you.
“We must prepare for these losses.
Read More ‘Prepare for losses’ Macron exit strategy on table as French to bow out in fishing row (
Sheeple Of The World Don’t Fight ( the system ) , You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Lives.
I used to be quite a good musician and folk singer, playing at a lot of clubs. I recall a snooty venue in Milton Keynes, where the name ‘fake club’ would have been more appropriate than ‘folk club’. On a number of occasions I listened to a bloated man singing about the Napoleonic Wars, with an offensive line about Wellington making ‘ the Frenchies dance’ at Waterloo. The audience loved it, but were not so pleased when I responded with ‘when Johnny comes marching home again.’
Videos of When Johnny Comes Marching Home Lyrics
As a former teacher and lecturer with many years experience , I am aware of how appalling British history teaching is. It is all the worse for the comfortable brainwashed brainwashing self styled PC teachers in the BLM era, who are simply burying the truth and creating a nightmare in the deceptively liberal name of humanitarianism etc.
Two glorified World Wars followed the Napoleonic era. Wellington , who famously called his troops ‘the scum of the earth’ was a vile oppressive Prime Minister. The Peterloo Massacre of starving protestors in Manchester took place four years after Waterloo. A Nelson like pillar with Wellington’s stone effigy on top , marks the entry To Wellington’s Hampshire grand estate and mansion near Fleet.
We have just passed Remembrance Day. For many years, I followed in my mother’s footsteps as a poppy seller. As a potential Royal Navy officer, I was told the job was about following orders and killing in the last analysis. I had grown up with comics making Britain out to be the universal good guys. Recent years of harsh experience have taught me otherwise, that Britain is a fake stage managed democracy with scant interest in justice or fair play.
For years Britain’s elite politicians and financial interests manipulated Europe , entering on a basis suiting them with no interest in industries like fishing. Known by many across the Channel, as ‘the great rule makers of Europe’ their main concern was themselves. every so often , as with Thatcher, fears of socialism made the ruling class nervous. But they were never minded to face up to what they were helping to make go wrong.
Then , after years of bombing people out of the Middle East and encouraging them to spread across Europe and the Channel to dilute and cheapen the mass Labour Market with people easily persuaded all was in god’s hands, a cadre of this elite – led by Boris Johnson – posture and pontificate to get a Brexit strategy. In the process they go on blaming Europe , confident that elite media will have nothing to say about why and how Britain helped to make Europe such an economic and social disaster. The masses could be confidently expected to vote leave to stop migration, not realising that the only migration the elite wanted to stop was white East Europeans.
So now we have the fishing wars back to distract us. Johnson in the Churchill role as hero of the hour. He is more like Orwell’s version of Napoleon in Animal Farm than his hero Churchill. But if he was any good he wouldn’t be in the job. The moment Thatcher spoke out of turn ,the ‘dead sheep’ Geoffrey Howe stabbed her in the back.
The masses have no idea the extent to which the ruthless old Norman French are part of British aristocracy. They have no conception of what class actually is. To suggest that World War Two was round two of World War One, befuddles them. To point out that the only reason our Royal family are called Windsor was because Lloyd George didn’t want the poorly educated labouring masses to know that the three main parties two World War One, were all led by three of Queen Victoria’s nephews , first cousins and all German, squabbling over competing empires’.
To claim to be a democracy with this level of mass ignorance is absurd. With all of this in mind,, including the greed led self destabilised U.S and Europe working hard at scapegoating and to destabilise Russia and China, is a recipe for provoking World War 3.
It was only the little matter of disgruntled Serbian student Princip shooting the Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife in August 1914 , that brought down Europe’s social order. It will only take another little thing to tip the balance in a very weighty problem.
The elite thrive on secrecy and mystifying their masses. The world is massively overpopulated and the essence of the fishing problem is about food. Cop 26 is scapegoating white Europeans with the view that religion based and driven third world countries should be given carbon allowances to catch up with a developed ( sic ) west , where the 5 % elite create 55 % of greenhouse gasses. Their patronising hypocrisy is a joke. R J Cook

Image by R J Cook , November 2021
‘Prepare for losses’ Macron exit strategy on table as French to bow out in fishing row
Ellie Cook
November 19th 2021
Macron breaks ranks with EU in refusing to lock down unvaccinated French citizens
Ellie Cook
Covid live: Macron says locking down France’s unvaccinated ‘not…Andrew Garfield’s Netflix movie tick, tick… BOOM! is one of the year’s best
This comes as COVID-19 infection rates soar across the continent and increasingly stringent measures returning to neighbouring countries. Austria is gearing up to become the first country in Europe to bring back full lockdowns in the wake of vaccination campaigns, with the regions hitting the highest infection numbers adopting the measure once again.
Read More Macron breaks ranks with EU in refusing to lock down unvaccinated French citizens (
What’s happening in Belarus? The Poland border crisis explained and why migrants are trying to enter the EU
Maria Collinge
Defying expectations: how New South Wales kept Covid cases low after reopeningBritney Spears was invited to Paris Hilton’s wedding – star was too ’emotional’ to…
The number of migrants illegally entering Poland from Belarus is rising, according to Polish authorities, while hundreds of desperate individuals remain stranded on the border as a fight between East and West continues.
‘No more refugees welcome’: Slovenian minister says EU must seal borders
Defying expectations: how New South Wales kept Covid cases low after reopeningBritney Spears was invited to Paris Hilton’s wedding – star was too ’emotional’ to…
SARAJEVO (Reuters) – The European Union must seal its external borders to deter migrants who are no longer welcome in the wealthy 27-member bloc, Interior Minister Ales Hojs of Slovenia, which currently presides over the EU, said on Thursday.© Reuters/YIANNIS KOURTOGLOU FILE PHOTO: Migrants walk outside the Kokkinotrimithia refugee camp on the outskirts of Nicosia
Read More‘No more refugees welcome’: Slovenian minister says EU must seal borders (
Comment These people are not refugees. They are economic migrants from an area where the western elites, in partnership with dubious religion based regimes, have exploited and bombed for profit. The pigeons are coming home to roost, especially favouring smug ‘multi cultural’ Britain where they can reinforce their culture with state benefits paid for by lower class peoples’ taxes.
The maths is very simple. Britain and the EU it has dominated, would never dream of using their war chests to make the Middle Est more attractive or challenged religious practices that protect the likes of Saudi Arabian cronies and the oil Sheikhs. We are subjected to endless hypocrisy and drivel about Islam being a race.
There are four racial groups , Caucasoid , Mongoloid , Negroid and Mixed. Religion is not a race, but it certainly influences intellectual development or lack of it. That is why Britain’s elite rammed it down the throats of their white masses while they were getting rich off the Industrial Revolution, Imperial Wars and slavery.. The war on their old friend Saddam Hussein was more of the same.
R J Cook
Biden sent stark warning as China’s terrifying space weapons could launch nuclear attack
Sebastian Kettley
Defying expectations: how New South Wales kept Covid cases low after reopeningBritney Spears was invited to Paris Hilton’s wedding – star was too ’emotional’ to…
The stark warning comes after China launched a nuclear-capable missile on a test flight that circumnavigated the globe earlier this summer. General John Hyten, the second-most senior general in the US military, has now confirmed China launched a long-range missile that “went around the world” before deploying a “hypersonic glide vehicle”. The weapons test took the US by surprise and has highlighted the pace at which China has been expanding its military arsenal – a pace that General Hyten has previously called “stunning
Read More Biden sent stark warning as China’s terrifying space weapons could launch nuclear attack (
Russian aircraft ‘buzzed’ Royal Navy aircraft carrier, says defence minister, as sea search continues for ditched stealth fighter
Deborah Haynes, security and defence editor 2 hrs agoLikeComments|8
Defying expectations: how New South Wales kept Covid cases low after reopeningBritney Spears was invited to Paris Hilton’s wedding – star was too ’emotional’ to…
Russia is paying “close attention” to the UK’s flagship aircraft carrier, which lost an F-35 stealth jet after it crashed into the sea, the defence secretary has revealed.© Associated Press The carrier has eight British F-35B aircraft and 10 American ones operated by the US Marine Corps Pic: AP
Ben Wallace told Sky News that Russian aircraft have been tracking HMS Queen Elizabeth, its top secret warplanes and a flotilla of supporting ships as they returned from a seven-month, maiden tour to the Far East.
Putin sounds alarm bells after seizing control of Iran gas in ‘final act to secure Europe’ (
November 17th 2021
Russia to deploy new paratroop regiment on annexed Crimea
Australia news live update: Victoria celebrates eased restrictions as vaccination…Meghan joins Ellen DeGeneres for surprise TV interview – live
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia said on Wednesday it would deploy a new paratroop regiment on annexed Crimea by the beginning of December and complained about a British deal to boost Ukraine’s navy which it said showed British military activities were expanding near its borders.
Read More Russia to deploy new paratroop regiment on annexed Crimea (
November 16th 2021
Putin’s plot ‘dead in water’ as Germany sounds gas death knell – military set to crumble
The Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is planned to transit gas from Russia into Germany, bypassing Ukraine and Poland, had its certification suspended yesterday. Germany’s energy regulator temporarily halted the project after it said that the consortium behind the pipeline, Switzerland’s Nord Stream 2 AG, needed to form a subsidiary company under German law to gain an operating license.
The move may provide a lifeline to Ukraine, who reportedly have nearly 100,000 Russian troops stationed at the Russia-Ukraine border as many fear an imminent land grab.
Read More Putin’s plot ‘dead in water’ as Germany sounds gas death knell – military set to crumble (
Comment More Mainstream western propaganda. The goal posts must keep moving. The West are self righteous hypocrites. They are the aggressors and take Vladimir Putin for a fool. Wealth inequalities and Covod exploitation have exposed the Western elite and they will do anything to protect their extortionately lavish lifestyles. The global elite account for 50 % of global carbon emissions. They are the pleasure bent ones doing the damage and taking the masses for fools. R J Cook

Clashes erupt at Belarus-Poland border as refugee crisis worsens
Polish forces used tear gas and water cannon on refugees who allegedly threw stones at border guards.

By Agnieszka Pikulicka-WilczewskaPublished On 16 Nov 2021|Updated: 5 hours ago
Sokolka, Poland – Clashes erupted between stranded refugees and Polish border guards at the Polish-Belarusian border early on Tuesday.
Refugees at the Kuznica border crossing trying to cross into Poland reportedly threw stones at Polish guards, who responded by using water cannon and tear gas, according to Poland’s Ministry of National Defence (MOD).
Read More Clashes erupt at Belarus-Poland border as refugee crisis worsens | European Union News | Al Jazeera
Refugee crisis deepens at the Polish-Belarusian border
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The MOD said: “The migrants attacked our soldiers and guards with stones and are trying to force the fence to get to the Polish territory.
Comment It is a cop out to blame Russia and Belarus for this crisis. Russia is being placed under intolerable stress by the Anglo U.S led elite alliance. It became overt over Nordstream 2. Russia would never have built it but for Ukraine’s interference with Nordstream 1 , stealing gas as it passed through their land.
The Western elite aren’t averse to mass murder in the name of freedom, as happened when down trodden Germans were driven into the hands of Hitler’s Nazis. It is all happening again, but the geriatrics who own and run their media and its highly paid young ambitious lackeys, know how easy it is to use the likes of CNN and BBC to fool the masses.
What we see on the Polish Belarus border is hordes of self righteous entitled Muslims who believe they have a right to a better life in Europe. Obviously the firestorm created by the Blair Bush Saudi Arabia Alliance did not help. But these people are mostly young men and they are illegal economic migrants.
Their acceptance makes a mockery of organised immigration policy. It is a free for all , with no concern for importing more poverty and impact on already immiserated and disempowered oppressed white working classes of Europe. The chaos gets worse by the day. All the authorities have to offer is more laws and more police – the latter chosen for their special qualities.
These white working classes , whose ancestors built and rebuilt Europe while paying massive taxes, are the scapegoats for comfortable elite opinion makers and policy controllers. Constantly referring to ‘our democracies ‘ and ‘equality’ is all part of the con. It is against this background that we must understand why we have lockdowns and incessant ‘jabs.’ People are deliberately being driven mad with fear.
Islam is an issue for many of us in the western marginalised working classes , because hard lives and our parent’s generation being used as cannon fodder gave many of us a better perspective on God – better than anything our tyrannical teachers tried to bludgeon into our heads in the 1950s.
The nonsense about religious tolerance in the face of Islam , is absurd as is the rubbish that we all have the freedom to worship as we like. For society to face up to hard truths , we need the freedom to doubt humanity’s egotistical version of creation. We need to be able to think freely. Endless new laws are about stopping us thinking.
Education is about conditioning us into what we must ‘know’ and how not to think or face the consequences. Of course all of this has been said by a wiser , more eloquent , more literate and better person than me , Eric Blair, aka George Orwell. He is buried in a little place called Sutton Courtenay , Oxfordshire about 30 miles from where I am currently writing. It seems his ideas and warnings have been buried with him.
Ironically I served a period as Head of RE at Aylesbury’s Grange School. With a high contingent of Muslims , they had to be given respect while Christianity , agnosticism and atheism had to be overlooked to avoid causing offence. I was glad to give up the role.
In my view, it is at best an outdated conceited view to believe that we are a miniature version of whatever created us. To adapt our society to migrants demanding a better life , but with no intention of adapting – because their ideology is sui generis the only truth – is a blueprint and policy for ultimate disaster. No amount of censorship will stop that. But my know all fellow elite university educated generation in power , have set the standard for ruling idiocy. R J Cook.
November 15th 2021
Russian military build-up ‘reduces warning time’ for invasion, warns Nato head
Joe Barnes, Nataliya Vasilyeva
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A “significant” Russian military build-up near the Ukrainian border has cut the time the West would have to prepare for any invasion, Nato’s secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg warned on Monday. © Yegor Aleyev /TASS Servicemen march in formation during the closing ceremony of the Unbreakable Brotherhood 2021 military drills in Kazan, Russia – Yegor Aleyev /TASS
Mr Stoltenberg urged the transatlantic alliance to be “realistic” about the threat following warnings last week from US intelligence officials that Moscow could be plotting a repeat of the 2014 annexation of Crimea.
Read More Russian military build-up ‘reduces warning time’ for invasion, warns Nato head (
Comment Russia is being backed further against the wall. Vilifying Belarus is more of the same. The Anglo U.S elite are war mongers. Some very nasty powerful old men and women are running the show and the masses believe every word. I used to. Why should Russia and Belarus pay the price for mass migration into ‘liberal multi cultural Europe ?’ Europe and all the chaos are pure hell. Why should the lower classes pay the tax bill ? Governments answer is always more laws to block protest and suppress news. R J Cook
November 14th 2021
Polish PM considering asking for emergency NATO talks after Belarus border clash
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The Polish prime minister has said he is considering demanding emergency NATO talks over a dispute with Belarus over migrants.© AP Migration Poland Belarus
Mateusz Morawiecki said he may request talks under Article 4 of the NATO treaty which allows any ally to request consultations if it feels its territorial integrity, political independence or security is threatened..
Read More Polish PM considering asking for emergency NATO talks after Belarus border clash (
Comment I am very tired of reading and hearing about authoritarian regimes abroad. Britain, the U.S and Europe are authoritarian which is why we have the Assange outrage. The migrant situation ha much to do with PC liberalism , Anglo U.S oil wars in the fake name of democracy, and its hunger for cheap religious migrant labour.
Our elite think they can lump it all into contradictory conflicting multi cultural boxes. That might have worked with the old fashioned class system where there was mutual respect, a common mainstream culture and room for socio economic aspirations. Nowadays, ignorance is an educational priority with an elite thinking it can control outcomes.
The Poles are behind the times, with an historical grudge against Russia. This is going to get worse. Blaming Belarus is the Ostrich touch. Belarus has been a migrant route to Sweden for years.
The photograph does not show the sort of World War Two desperate traumatised refugees , women in headscarves and old coats, with scraggy dogs, crying babies, old carts and pram loads of sad small worldly possessions. It shows determined confident mainly striding loud aggressive male Muslims with a strong sense of their ‘humanitarian rights’ , sense of grievance and real determination to find a better life. They are economic migrants coming from a very different cultural world. They expect Europe to adapt to them. R J Cook
Russia could spark war in Europe over ‘miscalculation’ between Moscow and NATO
Russia could spark war in Europe over ‘miscalculation’ between Moscow and NATO (
Comment The Western obscenely rich elite of planet eaters have no better ideas than continuing to cast Russia as the evil power and threat to the illusory rainbow world they are offering deluded masses. The elite have never forgiven the Bolsheviks . They fear they will be seen for what they are and having to face the consequences. The British are highly sensitive and leading the anti Russia charge. They will lead U.S to war if they can get away with it as they have been doing in the Middle East. There is no end of the rainbow or crock of gold for the LGBTQI r any one else who believes this nonsense.
R J Cook
November 11th 2021
EU agrees need for “robust” action against UK if dispute flares
Covid live: Germany sees more than 50,000 daily new cases for first time; some…Bond: Surprise Game of Thrones actor emerges as joint favourite to be new…
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – European Union governments agreed on the need for “robust” action against Britain if London follows through on its threat to escalate a post-Brexit trade dispute, EU diplomats said on Wednesday.
EU agrees need for “robust” action against UK if dispute flares (
Comment It is tiresome listening to the whingeing British elite and their fawning censored press complaining about Europe. The U.K elite used Europe for its own ends. This was most notably proliferating petty rules , financial profiteering , and corruption. Cameron offered the referendum to legitimate a situation that was increasingly worrying the masses. These masses were primarily concerned by waves of Islamic immigration consequent on Anglo U.S bombing them out of the Middle East, in the guise of war for democracy, but really about controlling oil supplies and prices.
Inevitably, the Islamic and North African immigration into the U.K is overwhelming the public purse, particularly NHS, housing and benefits system. This impacts on hard pressed tax paying lower classes. So government, who want the cheap black economy labour, shifts anti terror activity onto the so called far right who are angry. They must be vilified and most certainly not understood.
The elite and politically correct claim the moral high ground in the wake of the awful Brexit vote So Britain has created the Euro turmoil that so many rich people wanted. That is why the likes of Boris Johnson led the leave campaign. They want their own police state, not the one they helped Europe build. Mass immigration is a tool in the kit. Northern Ireland is expected to be forced into union with the south. Divide and rule built a British empire on the cheap and so it goes on.
R J Cook
Mercedes explain how Max Verstappen got lucky in Mexico as Lewis Hamilton battle heats up
A member of the Mercedes team believes Red Bull rival Max Verstappen’s victory at the Mexican Grand Prix last weekend was a lucky one, as he continues to pull away from Lewis Hamilton in the drivers standings.
Read More Mercedes explain how Max Verstappen got lucky in Mexico as Lewis Hamilton battle heats up (
Pete Buttigieg hits back at ‘puzzling’ outrage over his claim highways can be racist
Gino Spocchia
Pete Buttigieg, the US transportation secretary, has defended his claim that highways are “racist” after right-wing outrage.
Read More Pete Buttigieg hits back at ‘puzzling’ outrage over his claim highways can be racist (
November 10th 2021
From F S Global Correspondent
November 8, 2021
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that vaccine makers and U.S. healthcare officials are now attempting to find out why the mRNA vaccines are creating adverse events and heart conditions in healthy people. Call me crazy, but studying dangerous side-effects would seem to be a more prudent line of inquiry before injecting people, not after.
Wall Street Journal: […] Researchers aren’t certain why the messenger RNA vaccines, one from Pfizer Inc. and partner BioNTech, and the other from Moderna Inc., are likely causing the inflammatory heart conditions myocarditis and pericarditis in a small number of cases.
Some theories center on the type of spike protein that a person makes in response to the mRNA vaccines. The mRNA itself or other components of the vaccines, researchers say, could also be setting off certain inflammatory responses in some people. One new theory under examination: improper injections of the vaccine directly into a vein, which sends the vaccine to heart muscle.
To find answers, some doctors and scientists are running tests in lab dishes and examining heart-tissue samples from people who developed myocarditis or pericarditis after getting vaccinated.
Covid: How long does vaccine based immunity last?by Sebastian Rushworth, M.D.It’s unfortunate that the drug companies decided to end their trials early, by giving active covid vaccine to the members of the placebo group after just a few months. It means that there is no long term follow-up of the covid vaccines from randomized trials, and there never will be. This means that we are instead forced to rely entirely on observational data as we try to understand how safe and effective the vaccines are over the longer term.That is why a recent study out of Sweden is so very interesting. It is currenly available as a pre-print and can be found here. The purpose of the study was to determine how effective the vaccines are at protecting against covid over the longer term (i.e. after more than a few months). This was a registry based study, so it’s not surprising that it is coming out of Sweden. Sweden is generally acknowledged as being better than any other country at collecting and sorting large quantities of population data and using it to produce these types of studies.The authors of the study began by identifying all people residing in Sweden who had been fully vaccinated against covid-19 by late May 2021. At that time, three different vaccines were being used in Sweden: Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca. The vaccinated people were then matched individually against people of the same age and gender, and living in the same municipality, who hadn’t been vaccinated. In total, 1,684,958 individuals were included in the study. They were followed until October to see if they developed covid-19.So, what did the study show?As would be expected, the vaccines were very effective at preventing symptomatic covid around two months out from vaccination. This is what the randomized trials showed, and it’s the reason the vaccines were approved for use. Overall, the reduction in relative risk at 31-60 days out from vaccination was 89%.However, after those first two months, there was a rapid decline in efficacy. At four to six months, the vaccines were only reducing the relative risk of infection by 48%!This is pretty interesting when we consider that governments had initially set the bar for approving the vaccines at a 50% relative risk reduction. So, if the trials had been required to run for six months before presenting results instead of only running for two months, then the vaccines would have been considered too ineffective to be worth bothering with, an would never have been approved.Well, that’s not quite true. One vaccine did still provide a better than 50% relative risk reduction at six months – the Moderna vaccine. At four to six months, the relative risk reduction with the Moderna vaccine was 71%. Pfizer was at the same time point only offering a 47% reduction in risk, and AstraZeneca was at that point not doing anything whatsoever to lower risk.It makes sense that the Moderna vaccine would offer better protection than the Pfizer vaccine. Although the vaccines are virtually identical, the dose in the Moderna vaccine is three times higher. This is likely the reason why Moderna has been associated with much higher rates of myocarditis, which is why it is no longer approved for use in people under the age of 30 here in Sweden.So, if governments hadn’t been so hasty to get the vaccines out, and had demanded six months of follow-up rather than two, only the Moderna vaccine would ever have been approved in the first place.When we go further out than six months, things get even more depressing. By the nine month mark, the Pfizer vaccine is no longer offering any protection whatsoever against symptomatic covid-19. Unfortunately, nine month out data isn’t offered for the Moderna vaccine due to the small number of people for whom that information is currently available, but at six months out, the Moderna vaccine’s ability to prevent symptomatic covid-19 had dropped to only 59%. So there is a continuous decline in effectiveness at each time point measured even for the Moderna vaccine, without any sign of levelling off.What about if we look at sub-groups, such as the elderly, who are by far the most at risk from covid-19, and therefore potentially have most to gain from vaccination?People over the age of 80 initially show a good response to the vaccine, with a 73% reduction in relative risk of disease at one to two months out from vaccination. However this drops to only 50% at two to four months, and by six months there is no benefit whatsoever. Even for the middle aged (50-64 years), who have better functioning immune systems and who should therefore respond more strongly to the vaccines, the vaccines are completely ineffective at preventing symptomatic disease by the four to six months mark. The only group for whom the vaccines are more than 50% effective by the four month mark is people under the age of 50 (for whom effectiveness at four to six months is 51%).Of course, how good the vaccines are at preventing symptomatic disease isn’t really what matters, if by symptomatic disease we usually mean something more akin to the common cold than to the Spanish flu. What really matters is how good the vaccines are at preventing serious disease. So, let’s look at that.At one to two months out from vaccination, the vaccines provided a 91% reduction in risk of hospitalization or death. By four to six months, that had dropped to 74%. And from six months out, the reduction was down to 42%, although the difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated group was no longer statistically significant. In other words, at the six month time point it was no longer possible to detect a statistically significant effect of vaccination on risk of hospitalization or death.As I see it, there are two possible explanations for the rapidly declining effectiveness of the vaccines. The first is that it’s due to the limited immunity produced by the vaccines themselves, and the second is that it’s due to the continued evolution of the virus and in particular the rise of the delta variant. If the second reason is true, then there is no reason whatsoever to give people boosters, because the boosters won’t do anything to improve immunity.If the first reason is true, then there is a case to be made for boosters, although it feels pretty absurd to give everyone a booster every four months to protect against a virus that for most people is little more than a cold, that 99,8% of infected people will survive, and for which there is now massive natural population immunity, thanks to all the people who have already had covid. Unlike the short-term protection offered by the vaccines, the protection generated by infection has been shown to be both durable and broad, in spite of junk science claims to the contrary produced by the CDC. There is however a pretty good case to be made for regular boosting of the multi-morbid elderly every four months, preferentially with the Moderna vaccine.So, what can we conclude?The vaccines are much less effective than was initially believed, and effectiveness declines rapidly. With that being the case, the idea that it’s going to be possible for countries to vaccinate themselves out of the pandemic is clearly nonsense. The only way the pandemic ends is by enough people getting infected and developing natural immunity, which is the same way every prior respiratory virus pandemic has ended.I don’t do ads. My newsletter is freely available to everyone and is supported by voluntary donations. If you find value in the content I produce, then please support my work by becoming a patron. As a bonus, patrons gain access to the patron-only discussion forum, and also gain the ability to send me direct messages (I always respond to patrons). You can sign up to be a patron here.Sebastian Rushworth, M.D. | 5 November, 2021 at 13:36 | Tags: Epidemiology, Herd immunity, immunology, Sweden, Vaccines | Categories: Covid 19 | URL: |
EU unity risks imploding as fresh row to erupt over nuclear plans – Macron on collision course.
Brian McGleenon
Two top art institutions given £800k to tackle racial inequality‘I wanted to take the stigma away from pleasure…’ These stars are open about their…
In the battle to reduce carbon emissions within the bloc France is fighting to maintain its nuclear power infrastructure. However, Germany is relying on using gas as a solution before moving to fully renewable energy. During the COP26 talks, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen signalled that Germany and France had agreed on a stable source of energy, “nuclear, and during the transition, gas”.
Read More EU unity risks imploding as fresh row to erupt over nuclear plans – Macron on collision co (
November 6th 2021
Horner ‘disappointed to read’ Wolff’s crash comments
Jon Wilde

Christian Horner is “disappointed” that Toto Wolff thinks this year’s classic World Championship tussle could be decided by a crash
Horner ‘disappointed to read’ Wolff’s crash comments ( ‘
The Human Race – a comment
There is no doubt that our elite masters and mistresses favour social engineering. I became involved with sociology by chance , spending six months studying it as an extra A level because my economics teacher said I was so good at economics I would find it very easy. I did , but I didn’t take it seriously , even as one of my foundation year subjects at the University of East Anglia. I went on to teach and lecture on the subject , also as an A level examiner for Oxford University Board. But I didn’t see the danger. I still didn’t think it was a proper subject , like the maths and music I also taught.
How wrong I was. As my brilliant A Level history teacher , John Skinner , warned in the late 1960s , the colonial pigeons were coming home to roost.
Those pigeons are nowadays arriving at an alarming rate, attracted by many things especially the white upper middle classes whose ancestors built wealth in partnership with upper class blacks and high caste Indians. They play the neat trick of blaming lower class white men for the empire , from which white Royalty also benefitted massively – along with alienating them from all women by portraying them all as abusers and rapists – in this culture women are allowed as long as they like to make allegations so men must be careful..
So we come to the saga of Lewis Hamilton and Formula One. Like football and wrestling, the fights are never fair. They can be rigged. Super rich Hamilton who is half white , is held up by Britain’s elite media as a victim of racism and beacon for equality. These drivers race around in vehicles and environments far safer and controlled than anything I ever experienced as a truck driver. But the media still likes to evoke the years of Fangio and Stirling Moss.
The sanctified Michael Schumacher was unscrupulous and some would call him a cheat. Hamilton must not be criticiser in that way because of his race, but he is a worthy contender for Schumacher’s record of the most F1 World Championships. As with Gareth Southgate choosing a disproportionate number of black penalty takers, the aim was to over social engineer to make the new social order stronger. It was not about sport. The inevitable white working class football supporting backlash was used to Southgate’s anti racist advantage, as will any incident that puts Hamilton out of the record books. Should his rival be the one who survives to win, after Hamilton destroyed his car and nearly killed him, he will get press saying it was no more than he deserves.
Sport is now all about gender and racial equality, but it is not really that simple. At elite level participants are anything but equal. Their rewards are stunning. Their position in life is a mixture of talent , hard work , social background and opportunity. As Michael Young observed in ‘The Rise of the Meritocracy’ the terms equality and opportunity are contradictory because opportunity is about gaining advantage and thus above equal. The elite know this. Sociologist Talcott Parsons would call using Hamilton as a beacon for black racial advantage was ‘latent tension management.’ The ruling elite own the majority of wealth in the U.K where 90% of the population live on 10% of the land.
Life in the Covid age is getting worse for the masses as record numbers of BAME migrants crossed the Channel yesterday. The elite and the new professor class welcome them , as State owned elite run Channel 4’s daily warm up cameo attests. The tensions are ever rising. This elite need people like Tommy Robinson to focus nice peoples hate and this scapegoat. Meanwhile , the global issues causing such problems must not be discussed. We are guilted about our carbon footprints while happily driving as much as possible and buying cheap Chinese goods. We can scapegoat them as any thing we like, including their massive carbon footprint because ‘developing countries’ must be encouraged to catch up. This is all about the Human Race, where a fog of greed , lust and religious delusion congeals to obscure the finish line.
R J Cook

November 5th 2021
Joe Biden throws down gauntlet with $650M mega missile deal in staggering warning to Iran
Berlin honours couple who helped Jewish families flee Nazi GermanyLionel Blair: Veteran entertainer and dancer inspired by Fred Astaire…
The Saudi Royals have already splashed out $460billion on American arms following a deal between the de-facto leader, Prince Mohammad Bin Salman and former President Donald Trump.
Read More Joe Biden throws down gauntlet with $650M mega missile deal in staggering warning to Iran (
Comment Democracy is a cynical con trick. It is not the issue here, only the deception. Saudi Arabia is an outstanding example of theocracy, but a different version of Islam.
This is about oil and Israel. It is ludicrous spouting rubbish about carbon footprints. The reason is to hide the underlying elite attitudes and on going elite greed. The outcome of elite greed will be dire. Russia and China are the scapegoats. China is now the workshop of the western world , excused its massive carbon foot print because it makes the wests’ look smaller.
The West simply wants regime change and more direct influence. They have been using Hong Kong for propaganda purposes. China’s swollen population needs western business but its rulers are worried. East or West , power is privilege and the types who get it don’t like letting go or enlightening the masses – hence authorities are naturally secretive accusing sceptics of paranoia or treason as with Assange. Ultimately there is significant danger of even greater global bloodshed than we are seeing at present. R J Cook

War on Russia Continues – November 4th 2021
Gazprom, a state-owned Russian gas supplier has not delivered gas to Germany through Poland since Saturday and has only been transporting half the amount of gas through Ukraine to Austria and southern Germany since Sunday.
Read More Energy crisis LIVE: Panic across Europe over surging prices as Putin ‘attacks bloc’ (
Comment Britain , U.S and European elites want Russian gas as long as it comes under Ukraine and rewards their elite. So they welch on Nordstream 2. Their vile self interested politics comes first. As their population rises from immigration, taxes and Covid insanity , this makes the masses ever more annoying and vulnerable to them.
This mentality gave us two world wars in the twentieth century. The freedom fighting myths of those dreadful events live on. Russia’s key role in defeating Nazism must never be acknowledged by western ruling elites using their elite media to feed pap to their poorly educated masses.
Those masses , especially in the U.K will not wonder why Thatcher was voted in to asset strip the power suppliers , handing the State system over to City of London sharks . A multiplicity of suppliers has created chaos , with another one going bust this week. Now we have wholesale failure. Cameron could not wait to demolish coal fired power stations for profit , with the lie that U.K had to do its bit for clean energy – while Germany built a new massive one in Michael Schumacher’s home town area.
Gas is fossil fuel and Britain’s elite sold it all off to major energy concerns whose senior executives evaded taxes. As an officer of the Inland Revenue in the 1970s , I was offered and refused a high paid job with an accountant , helping those tax dodgers. The British ruling classes have much to answer for, but deceit is their normality. R J Cook
EU disgraced after report found bloc ‘offshores environment damage’
Joel Day
November 4th 2021
© GETTY EU news: The bloc’s Green Deal was torn apart by scientists
World leaders have mostly left Glasgow’s COP26 climate summit after striking a range of agreements on reducing carbon emissions and other elements of human-induced climat e change. More than 100 countries promised to end and reverse deforestation by 2030, while a number of leaders joined an initiative led by the US and EU to cut emissions of methane by at least 30 percent by 2030. China, Russia and India were not among the names on the list.
Read MoreEU disgraced aft Why er report found bloc ‘offshores environment damage’ (
Comment Why would this surprise anyone ? The whole zero mission propaganda exercise is about elite virtue signalling , making carbon the enemy. I can’t comment regarding Europe’s mass educational prejudices, but I do know about those infecting the Anglo U.S system. Thus the typical Ritolin addicted or otherwise ADHD mobile phone and virtual world addicted student, won’t appreciate how carbon is essential to plant life. Nor will they comprehend that the Islamic and other BAME population ongoing explosion results in more deforestation and human greed – with consequent pollution. Only 2 % of Afghanistan is forest. Equality in this numbers game requires a steady drop in average living standards but it won’t affect the ruling elite who lay down the multicultural language and thought control laws.

James Bond, a climate ‘death sentence’ and ‘gasping for survival’ – who said what at COP26 – November 2nd 2021
Australia news live updates: NSW brings forward Covid freedoms for vaccinated…Musicians who played villains in movies
The COP26 climate change summit has opened in Glasgow as world leaders, the heads of international organisations and charity bosses jetted into Scotland.
Read More James Bond, a climate ‘death sentence’ and ‘gasping for survival’ – who said what at COP26 (
‘This crisis has nothing to do with overpopulation.’ A Comment by R J Cook – November 2nd 2021
Comment One gets very tired of hearing the same drivel and gibberish over and over again . This is a rich clique who want everything their own way and work to deceive their gullible masses, effortlessly and sleek/
One knew immediately that the only world leader ( sic ) who could have used the James Bond metaphor was Boris Johnson armed by his script writer.
It says it all that these selfish patronising imbeciles who have ‘led’ us to nothing but disaster after disaster as did their predecessors because they are self recruiting, ‘jetted in.’
They represent the global elite who monopolise wealth and therefore power. These people have profited from Covid lockdowns and their sight blinding experts. They represent the elite and their global economy. That economy depends on ignorant religion distracted cheap labour. The hypocrisy is more advanced than the nineteenth century’s tyrants and exploiters used , but it is exactly the same.
I noted little Greta’s opening assertion a few years ago. She said , while gurning, ‘This crisis has nothing to do with overpopulation.’ Clearly the gullible girl had been well conditioned to avoid being distracted by the truth.
The world is hideously overpopulated by humans who believe that if they do have to die, they will go to heaven as reward for reproductive heroics. The masses are not encouraged to wonder why the Rhino , Polar Bear and White Leopard among other life forms needs saving. They are not encouraged to understand why there is famine in Yemen , Ethiopia , or super rich India. In the U.K they are taught to blame the rising numbers of homeless , petty anomic criminals and drug addicts for their problems.
They are indoctrinated at school that it is all the white man’s fault. They don’t turn a hair when a black Rutger’s feminist black & woman’s studies professor relishes the demise of white birth rates and the rise of her own peoples. Denigrating the white masses is officially not racist. Being concerned about inviting mass BAME immigration is racist. Not supporting mixed race Lewis Hamilton in gaining a record number of Formula One Championships in the war for equality is also vile racism. Not a day passes without hearing of his struggle against the dastardly Verstappen who he drove off the track , put in hospital and destroyed his car. Film of the incident was withheld from broadcast.
This is a formula for disaster and logically Formula One should be banned on environmental grounds. It says it all , as with hideously overpaid footballers, that its BAME participants are portrayed as role models. As for COP 26 , polite words fail me and bad language is illegal. Language is controlled by the elite’s laws , which are intended to control our self expression across the board, and thus our thoughts. So in Boris’s case, clumsy clichés about James Bond’s Domesday machine are expected to be received as wisdom. R J Cook

Barclays CEO Jes Staley steps down following Epstein investigation – business live
November 1st 2021
Graeme Wearden
Full Story Barclays CEO Jes Staley steps down following Epstein investigation – business live (
Rutgers University fails to condemn tenured professor who said ‘we got to take these motherf*****s out’ about white people – October 31st 2021
- Brittney Cooper, a tenured professor at New Jersey’s Rutgers university, is facing backlash after making a series of comments disparaging white people
- Many have deemed the black educator’s comments – which can be traced back nearly a decade – to be racist
- Cooper’s latest tirade came on a podcast in September, where she called white people ‘villains’ and expressed a desire to ‘take them out’
- The comments spurred a swift public outcry across social media
- Rutgers has not commented on their employee’s public remarks
- Cooper made headlines earlier this month after she proudly proclaimed ‘we got to take white people out’ in an online discussion with The Root’s Michael Harriot
- Cooper also said that ‘white people’s birth rates are going down’ because they can’t afford children but was noted that ‘they kind of deserve it’
- Cooper also alluded in an MSNBC interview last year that conservatives were trying to kill black people by reopening during COVID pandemic
- The tenured professor, who is black, also wrote in a 2012 blog post that then-Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer was ‘white rage personified’
- Cooper teaches classes on women’s, gender and Africana studies
India’s Path to a Hydrogen-Powered Future – October 29th 2021
By Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Read More India’s Path to a Hydrogen-Powered Future | Spectra (
Police charged in death of Black man shot 76 times in Atlanta
Graeme Massie October 29th 2021
Angelina Jolie supported by her children on star-studded Eternals red carpetLady Gaga Says It’s Time For ‘New Blood’ In New ‘House Of Gucci’ Trailer
Two law enforcement officers have been charged over the killing of a man in Atlanta who was shot 76 times during an arrest attempt.
Read More Police charged in death of Black man shot 76 times in Atlanta (
Comment British and U.S police have much in common, but are far less likely to be accountable and face justice in Britain.
R J Cook
‘Forget her!’ Merkel sparks final EU row as Dutch fight back German lead over rule of law
October 27th 2021
Alessandra Scotto di Santolo
China’s hypersonic weapon test is very concerning, says top US generalDennis Knotts dead: Mrs Brown’s Boys crewmember dies as star Brendan…© GETTY angela merkel eu news poland rule of law
The German Chancellor called on EU countries to deepen talks about where the 27-nation bloc should be heading in order to mitigate and solve disputes such as the current row with Poland over the rule of law, after a two-day summit in Brussels last week.
Read More ‘Forget her!’ Merkel sparks final EU row as Dutch fight back German lead over rule of law (
France in flames: Fireballs engulf 15 vehicles as violent mob hurls petrol bombs in street
October 27th 2021
Alec Baldwin shooting – latest: Halyna Hutchins death could see criminal…Ulrika Jonsson joins Celebs Go Dating to look for love three years after divorce© CNEWS france fire cars
Violence broke out late on Tuesday evening with flames erupting from cars and vans in several places in the district – Jean-de-la-Varende, rue Victor-Hugo, rue Guillaume-le-Conquérant and place de la Paix, at the foot of the Pascal tower or rue Paul-Claudel.
Read More France in flames: Fireballs engulf 15 vehicles as violent mob hurls petrol bombs in street (
Comment Ordinary people are under impossible pressure. The young are being destroyed and old folk’s fear of death is a big part of the policing strategy. The elite are arrogant and so called scientists are vain and political. R J Cook
Cuba-U.S. tensions mount over pending protests on Communist-run island – October 26th 2021
Brentwood shaken by killings of two 16-year-olds, says Essex MPYellowstone season 4: Beth Dutton’s death ‘confirmed’ after Cole Hauser’s latest…
HAVANA (Reuters) – Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel warned the U.S. embassy in Havana against fomenting protests by dissidents on the Communist-run island, the latest flashpoint between the longtime rivals ahead of fresh rallies slated for Nov. 15.
Read more Cuba-U.S. tensions mount over pending protests on Communist-run island (
Comment I have no illusions about communism. I went to work for the Nitrate Corporation of Chile after its communist regime collapsed there , thanks to Anglo US subversion. I got the job through a military contact. Britain was well in there and I was a naïve young patriot with lots of paper qualifications.
Now, approaching 71, I have no illusions about anything in spite of the police having done their best to persuade my doctors that I have been mentally ill for years. That is an ongoing issue.
Suffice it to say, I have no faith in any political system to enhance mass happiness. When selected to be a Lib Dem Parliamentary candidate after success as a senior local councillor, I dropped out at the sight of so many course offers telling me how to talk to voters.
I believe it was Rab Butler, one of my old Tory heroes during my misguided youth, who coined the phrase ‘Politics is the art of the possible.’
It is long forgotten that this man who should have been Prime Minister, was a member of a Tory Government that supported democratic socialism. His breed have long gone on both sides, thanks to superficial Thatcherite greed and identity politics.
People have wondered why I put my picture with a lot of my reports. It is because the police have done their best to compromise my transgender treatmen and gender status, therefore I am asserting my femininity.
People also wonder why I criticise the LGBTQI grouping if I am transsexual. It is quite simple. Transsexuals should, if they want to be accepted as women, do what ex army officer and Times journalist Jan Morris , Stephanie Anne Lloyd, April Ashley and Tula – to name but a few – did, just got on with being women. LGBTQI is a box , like BLM. It is an illusion of tolerance and diversity. Like feminism, it diverts attention from really important social issues. The police should have no right to opinions or health assessments.
That is a police state and I now have evidence of them doing that to me. I was kicked out of the Gender Identity programme after 3 years because I would not take powerful anti psychotics based on police lies. I had been living with legal name change for over 2 years at the time, on hormones which changed my mind and body significantly. That is why I felt compelled to post pictures of me , some of them revealing.
Had I taken the drugs , I could have had my surgery but would not have known whether I was a mouse or a monkey. Drugging vulnerable sex change patient and herding them into the LGBTQI sheep pen is no solution to individual fulfilment. Sneering at communism and being seduced by smarm about spreading democracy is no solution either. The system doesn’t want individuals. It wants minions , people in boxes , living coffins and overpopulating whilst at the same time lying that they care for the environment.
There is a major crisis concerning natural resources with hyper inflation a possibility. There will never be a war to end wars , but there may be a war to end humanity. Thanks to police influence over my NHS care, I amy well have cancer or some other life threatening issue – including being pushed to suicide. I am also very old. I may not see this war , but with the greedy chumps in charge, I can not see it being avoided.

Boris throws down gauntlet to Putin as Russia snubs UK in high-stakes phone call – October 25th 2021
Bill McLoughlin
During a call with Mr Putin, the Prime Minister also insisted the relationship with Russia was not desirable. Amid the tensions over Ukraine, Mr Johnson also claimed the country’s sovereignty remains important to the UK. In a statement from Downing Street, the Prime Minister said: “The Prime Minister was clear that the UK’s current relationship with Russia is not the one we want.
“He said significant bilateral difficulties remain, including the poisonings in Salisbury in 2018.
“The Prime Minister also underscored the importance of Ukrainian sovereignty.”
Comment Boris Johnson lives in a time warp and is not a fit leader – but are any of them ? Politically correct fake liberalism is the consensus manifesto. Blind faith in scientists who are really biased computer modellers is the new world order. Hence preoccupation with the absurd fight against Covid 19. Britain fakes the figures here to suit vested interests. The people who do the real work , be they honest labourers or innovating nerds and engineers are exploited by superficial money and power grabbers using all sorts of divide and rule tricks.
That’s where LGBTQI , BLM , TERFS and ordinary feminists come in to the picture. The masses must not mingle in the pubs talking about revolution and sorts of watching social media is vital to elite control. Russia sees the dangers of all this and Putin isn’t happy with Trans Rights. In the old days, my athletics weekly magazine , where my name was known to appear, there were stories about promising male sports men being taken young and turned into girls. Irina and Tamara Press were prime examples.
I have a problem with the notion of groups having rights per se. There should be no notice taken of differences unless people were so different that they can’t or won’t contribute to the common good. I am obviously a transsexual female and it should be a matter of law that I won’t suffer for that. But transsexuals are not transvestites who are clothes fetishists and find relief while wearing them. For us genuine transsexuals, female clothing helps us being recognised and comfortable with how we are seen. Virginia Woolf noted that what we wear determines how we see the world and ow it sees us.
Transsexuals should aim to blend in and perfect their identity from what they have physically , what clothes the can afford and how to perfect what they have. If they can’t be bothered to do that then they are not genuine and just want to whinge.
If transsexuals were not so precious and just got on with the job , they would annoy fewer people. Your gender should not be a free pass to rights and privilege, But that is how it is going and boys are increasinly underprivileged.
Putin sees the danger and is villified by the smug western leaders of my generation; I hope he holds his ground. Even though I identify as trans, there are no certain ways to measure the truth of this now accepted medical condition.
I made an effort to develop some ideas in my novel a ‘Man Maid Woman.’ Transsexuals need to live normal lives but not acting holier than thow. ‘. Same goes for dreadful weird TERFS, The bigotry of multi culture asks too much, atomising society. The mini explosions are hapening and more weird things ae inevitable. R J Cook,
Massive military budget Mania October 25th 2021
Political tensions continue to rise – and so do military budgets. The world’s nations spent almost $2 trillion (£1.46tn) on their armed forces in 2020, an increase of 2.6% since 2019. And, according to the latest data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), military spending accounted for 2.4% of the world’s GDP in 2020, the biggest year-on-year growth for over a decade. Read on to discover the world’s top military spenders and the countries currently missing their defence spending targets. All dollar values in US dollars.
Baldwin’s Nightmare – October 25th 2021
Whites & Wongs – October 24th 2021
Whites & Wongs – October 24th 2021
I am commenting on the following two reports because I think the reckless lying greed of the west is provoking an ever closer defensive alliance between Russia and China.
I have considered Vladimir Putin a steady and honourable leader and do not care how many mansions he has. Black African leaders are worse and do not , as Putin does, care for his people and nation.
However, to the west he seems weak. Turning his attentionagainst LGBTQ rights will not help him on the world stage which so desperately needs him. Gender and transgender distraction are western weapons more dangerous than hypersonics.
EAven as a transsexual I dare not criticise people in that LGBTQ box. Rights are a con. It should not be necessary to specify group rights in a democracy. Transsexuals should not hide and fixate on rights as bigoted power mad feminists do. Trans people are not welcome there – way too feminine..
Only the rich have rights. There are laws against harassment. Transsexuals should blend in like James Bond girls April Ashley and Tula or acclaimed journalist Jan Morrison. Hate criminals like those , including police who have harassed me, should simply go to jail for hate crime. No need for special rights. This weirdo repressive sexual morality is getting worse as religious tolerance for Islam opens the door for all the rest of the Christian Judaic bigotry – all part of divide and fool politics.

Putin and Xi Jinping in chilling warning to West with joint China Russia naval patrols
October 24th 2021
Tim McNulty
ishi Sunak to invest £3bn in skills and education to help workers get better-paid jobsLine of Duty ‘set to return’ for Series 7 but new episodes ‘are years away’
Russia and China have sent warships on a joint naval mission to the Pacific Ocean amid escalating tensions between Beijing, Moscow, and the West. Xi Jinping’s communist regime has clashed in recent months with the US-allied island of Taiwan, while Russia has reacted angrily to moves by Ukraine to join the NATO alliance. Japan has watched the recent naval maneuvers by Russia and China with alarm.
Read More Putin and Xi Jinping in chilling warning to West with joint China Russia naval patrols (
Vladimir Putin: I’ll protect Russia against Western liberalism like cancel culture and transgender rights
October 23rd 2021
New trade deals ‘are unfair on farmers and won’t help emissions’The best TV doctors—which one is your favourite?
Vladimir Putin said the anti-racism agenda in the West was dividing society as he compared cancel culture warriors in liberal democracies to the Bolsheviks of Russia’s 1917 Revolution.© Dmitry Feoktistov /TASS Putin rails against cancel culture and transgender rights as he promises to protect Russia from Western liberalism – Dmitry Feoktistov /TASS
“The incessant emphasis on race pushes people further apart whereas the true fighters for civic rights tried to eliminate those differences,” the Russian president said.
Netflix staff join protests outside its headquarters over controversial stand-up show by Dave Chapelle – October 21st 2021
Greg Milam, US correspondent
Hancock and Huq unite in call to end abuse and threats towards politiciansUlrika Jonsson ‘signs up for Celebs Go Dating’ in quest to finally find love
Staff at Netflix’s headquarters in Hollywood have staged a walkout in protest at the release of a controversial special by the stand-up comedian Dave Chappelle.© Reuters Protesters branded signs that said ‘Hateflix’ outside Netflix’s headquarters in California
Chappelle, one of the biggest names in American comedy, has been accused of making anti-transgender comments in the hour-long special The Closer.© Other People are asking Dave Chappelle’s show to be removed from Netflix. Pic: Netflix/Mathieu Bitton
Putin missing Cop26 is more than just a snub to Boris Johnson – October 20th 2021
Oliver Carroll
Brian Laundrie: Human remains found in search for missing fugitiveActress Selma Blair’s struggles with MS depicted in new documentary
Vladimir Putin will not be attending the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow in November – a decision decried in self-absorbed Britain as representing a major snub to its PM Boris Johnson.© Getty Images
Putin isn’t coming to Glasgow, but has also recently pulled out of other summits- Getty
Read More Putin missing Cop26 is more than just a snub to Boris Johnson (
Anger as 10-year-old girl handcuffed and taken from school in police car over ‘upsetting’ painting – October 20th 2021
Sravasti Dasgupta
Boris Johnson news – live: Cost of living ‘a concern,’ says minister after…Kendall Jenner Responds To Boyfriend Devin Booker’s Halloween Jibe
A 10-year-old disabled Black girl was handcuffed and arrested in 2020 from her school by the Hawaii police over an “offensive sketch,” sparking anger from rights activists.© Honowai Elementary/Facebook
Officials at Honowai Elementary School, Hawaii called in the police over a school yard dispute which resulted in the wrongful arrest of a 10-year-old Black girl.
Russia holds back gas supply to Europe amid pressure to approve Nord Stream – October 19th 2021
Nataliya Vasilyeva
Russia opted against sending more gas to Europe, sending prices rocketing again as it put further pressure on Germany to sign off on its controversial new Nord Stream 2 pipeline.© Provided by The Telegraph Russia has been pushing Europe to certify its new pipeline as soon as possible
Kremlin-controlled gas company Gazprom refrained from booking extra volumes for gas transit via Ukraine.
Read More Russia holds back gas supply to Europe amid pressure to approve Nord Stream (
Comment Quite simply the EU, under pressure from the Anglo U.S alliance, wants the gas supply under Ukraine because they are using Ukraine as a Trojan Horse for regime change in the Russian Federation. Russia has every right for Nordstream 2 to be honoured. But one plays the innocent better than the guilty party. Morality is always faked in the political world and fed to the gullible masses. No one does deceit better than the western elites who have never forgiven the Bolsheviks of 1917’s revolution – which kicked out their parasitical aristocratic in bred cousins. R J Cook
Biden’s disarmament envoy admits US has no defence against hypersonic weapons amid reports of China missile.
October 18th 2021
John Bowden
UK government ordered to reveal firms awarded ‘VIP’ Covid contractsVintage posters of memorable music shows
The US envoy for disarmament told reporters in Geneva that America does not yet have the capability to defend against hypersonic weapons following a news report claiming that China had tested such a weapon
Russia shuts mission to NATO in row over spying – October 18th 2021
Chris Jewers For Mailonline and Reuters
Russia said on Monday it would halt the activities of its diplomatic mission to NATO after the Western military alliance expelled eight Russians in a row over spying.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that in return, staff at NATO’s military mission in Moscow would be stripped of their accreditation from November 1, and that the alliance’s information office in the Russian capital would be shuttered.
Read More Russia shuts mission to NATO in row over spying (
UK government ordered to reveal firms awarded ‘VIP’ Covid contractsVintage posters of memorable music shows
Russia shadows US Navy destroyer in dramatic video amid warnings to ‘turn back’ from its territorial waters in Sea of Japan – October 16th 2021
Justin Vallejo
‘Badly decomposed body’ found in derelict east London pubThe Rolling Stones review, Los Angeles: How is it possible that they’re still…© Russian Defence Ministry
Russia releases video footage of encounter with USS Chafee- Russian Defence Ministry
Russia accused the US Navy of attempting to enter its territorial waters during joint military drills with China in the Sea of Japan before it was “turned back”.
Comment The West did its best to undermine the Russian Revolution. They punished Germany for World War One and so caused World War Two and the Russian Revolution. Now , because Russia, Germany and Britain’s inbred elite went to war over empire, the hypocritical advance regime change and democracy ideologies. Freedom for the masses is the last thing the elite want for the masses. Britain is a haven for petty minded police state officialdom. The law should be reason without passion – Aristotle.

R J Cook
Poland defies EU warning with ‘£300m plan’ to build border wall with Belarus – October 14th 2021
UN chief urges airlines and shipping firms to do more to cut emissionsHere’s when Succession actor Brian Cox is coming to Edinburgh and how you…© GETTY poland belarus border wall
The wall is expected to cost over 1.6 billion zlotys (£300 million), according to a draft bill Poland’s MPs discussed yesterday. It is seen as a possible solution to stemming the flow of migrants trying to cross.
Read More Poland defies EU warning with ‘£300m plan’ to build border wall with Belarus (
Comment There is an inevitable breaking point with uncontrolled Third World Migration. The problem is at source. Recent disruption by Hungarian black shirts at Wembley is just another manifestation of an issue which comfortable well paid mainstream politicians want us all to ignore. Ultimately it is an issue involving wealth inequalities and religion. Massive conflict seems inevitable. R J Cook
Peace Prize to threaten Russian winner- October 14th 2021
Sravasti Dasgupta
‘Unease over Covid booster jab as poorer countries still waiting for their first shot’Coldplay announce Music Of The Spheres world tour
Russian president Vladimir Putin has broken his silence on the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov, with a thinly veiled threat.© Sputnik
Vladimir Putin speaking at Russian Energy Week in Moscow on Wednesday- Sputnik
“If he doesn’t violate Russian law, and if he doesn’t give a reason to be declared a foreign agent, then he won’t be,” Mr Putin said on Wednesday when asked if he can promise that Muratov will not be labelled as a foreign agent.
Read More Vladimir Putin uses first comment on Nobel Peace Prize to threaten Russian winner (
Comment Western Elitist hypocrisy is hypocrisy without limits. Assange and the U.S Lieutenant Colonel are just two ostracised and jailed for being off the west’s message. A peace prize for knocking Russia is no way about peace. R J Cook
Putin accuses Europe of being ‘out of your minds’ over gas supply war – October 14th 2021
Jack Newman and Will Stewart for MailOnline
© Provided by Daily Mail MailOnline logo
Vladimir Putin has accused European leaders of being ‘out of their minds’ as he denied withholding gas from the continent as a geopolitical ‘weapon’.
Read More Putin accuses Europe of being ‘out of your minds’ over gas supply war (
Putin says Russia can give Europe more gas and rejects ‘nonsense’ idea he’s using energy as a weapon – October 13th 2021
Prison break: Two inmates ‘still at large’ after jumping fence to escape HMP…Post your questions for Depeche Mode frontman Dave Gahan
President Vladimir Putin dismissed suggestions that Russia is using energy as a weapon as “complete nonsense”, as he announced he was ready to provide more gas to Europe if necessary.
The Associated Press
October 13th 2021 – Associated Press
Advancing the Power of Facts
The Rundown

US to reopen land borders in November for fully vaccinated
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. will reopen its land borders to nonessential travel next month, ending a 19-month freeze due to the COVID-19 pandemic as the country moves to require all international visitors to be vaccinated against the coronavirus….Read More

House sends debt limit hike to Biden, staving off default
WASHINGTON (AP) — Members of the House on Tuesday pushed through a short-term increase to the nation’s debt limit , ensuring the federal government can continue fully paying its bills into December and temporarily averting an unprecedented defau…Read More

Ransomed and beaten: Migrants face abuse in Libyan detention
ONBOARD THE GEO BARENTS OFF LIBYA (AP) — Osman Touré was crying from the pain of repeated beatings and torture as he dialed his brother’s cellphone number. “I’m in prison in Libya,” Touré said in that August 2017 call. …Read More

Capt. Kirk’s William Shatner on cusp of blasting into space
VAN HORN, Texas (AP) — Actor William Shatner counted down Wednesday to his wildest role yet: riding a rocket into space, courtesy of “Star Trek” fan Jeff Bezos….Read More

AP Exclusive: McAuliffe wants Democrats to ‘get it done’
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic candidate for Virginia governor, on Tuesday called on leaders in Washington from both parties — including President Joe Biden — to “get their act together,” while pushing Senate Democrats to s…Read More
Pamela could be hurricane again as it makes Mexico landfall
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Pamela is picking up forward momentum in the Pacific off Mexico and forecasters say it should be back to hurricane strength again befo…Read More
Typhoon prompts Hong Kong to close schools, stock market
BEIJING (AP) — Hong Kong suspended classes, stock market trading and government services as a typhoon passed south of the city Wednesday….Read More
Unsupported ‘sickout’ claims take flight amid Southwest woes
DALLAS (AP) — When Southwest Airlines canceled more than 2,000 flights over the weekend, citing bad weather and air traffic control issues, unsupported claims blaming v…Read More
‘Squid Game’ strikes nerve in debt-ridden South Korea
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — “Squid Game,” a brutal Netflix survival drama about desperate adults competing in deadly children’s games for a chance to escape severe debt h…Read More
“There are only two forces that can carry light to all the corners of the globe … the sun in the heavens and The Associated Press down here.”
Mark Twain
Now the US teams up with Japan against EU in fresh row due to explode this week
October 12th 2021
Kate Whitfield
Tensions between the USA and EU over the future of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva, will loom over a week of crucial meetings. Ms Georgieva, accused of data-rigging, has support from European nations, but the US wants her gone – and the divisions are deepening.
The IMF’s annual meetings could be largely overshadowed this week as the scandal surrounding Ms Georgieva deepens.
Read More Now the US teams up with Japan against EU in fresh row due to explode this week (
EU ‘will start collapsing’ unless it takes on Polish challenge – official October 12th 2021
UK job vacancies hit record amid Brexit and Covid staff shortagesGrey’s Anatomy’s Ellen Pompeo talks “moving” reunion with Kate Walsh
By Gabriela Baczynska
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The European Union “will start collapsing” unless it challenges a ruling by Poland’s top court that national legislation trumps European laws, a senior official with the bloc said on Monday.
Poland’s constitutional tribunal ruled against the central tenet of European integration last week, sharply escalating a row over fundamental values between eurosceptics ruling in Warsaw and most of the other 27 EU countries.
Read moreEU ‘will start collapsing’ unless it takes on Polish challenge – official (
Comment on above – October 12th 2021
Members of the masses are not supposed to understand politics. Mainstream media like the BBC and Sky exists to make everything sound like rocket scientists talking down to them. They have well groomed well spoken presenters to assure you of their version of truth.
However, it is ever more clear that the system favours an elite of which these presenters and other key authority figures are representative. Of course the British throw in a lot of better off BAME to create an illusion of inclusivity and diversity. Even T V advertising carries their insidious PC message..
The outcome is ever more mass despair and hopelessness. The EU has a very glossy veneer, but as Brexit proved, it doesn’t care about the underclass. The elite want worldwide regime change and cheap labour. As Trump told Bob Woodward power comes from creating and maintaining fear.
I was not in favour of Brexit but the deluded masses thought it would stop mass immigration from the Third World. The elite have rewritten colonial history to blame a brutal process that enriched their ancestors as all down to white working class racism. It is almost funny.
Now we have significant elements in a Poland glad to have escaped from behind the Iron Curtain , raising questions about what the EU is for and to serve. EU leaders can only fight back by instilling fear of the alternatives. This is the problem and the elite will only deceive. Power is a zero sum and they don’t want the masses to have any. R J Cook
Xi on brink? Chinese leader vulnerable to coup amid ‘floundering’ CCP regime – October 11th 2021
Oli Smith
President Xi Jinping is ramming through power-grabs and escalating rhetoric with Taiwan as a way to distract from his own domestic crisis. Paul Monk, a leading Chinese policy expert, said that if one pays attention they can see President Xi’s regime is “floundering”. Mr Monk was the former head of the China Desk in the Australian Defence Intelligence Organisation.
Read More Xi on brink? Chinese leader vulnerable to coup amid ‘floundering’ CCP regime (
Man dies as pedestrians attack him after truck nearly runs people over on sidewalk – October 11th 2021
Namita Singh
China floods: bus falls into river as heavy rains destroy homesFavourite TV shows that are actually reboots
A 40-year-old driver accused of trying to run over a crowd on a sidewalk in southern California was beaten to death after the group dragged him out of his pickup truck, authorities said.
Read More Man dies as pedestrians attack him after truck nearly runs people over on sidewalk (
Marine jailed for criticizing Afghanistan withdrawal faces SIX charges in special court-martialThe US Marine Corps is charging Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller, who publicly criticized the bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan, with six crimes in a special court-martial. He reportedly wants to resign instead.
Natural gas prices drop as Putin says Russia will boost supplies to EuropeThe price of gas futures in Europe has plunged nearly 22%, below $1,000 per 1,000 cubic meters, on news that Russia is willing to ramp up supplies to the continent. Gas prices nearly reached $2,000 a day earlier.Read more on the site
The Next Pandemic – Thoughts From F.S October 8th 2021
No idea how well sourced any of this is. Let’s see if it turns out to be true:
The next ‘Plandemic’ is to be the Marburg virus, an Ebola type fever with the same symptoms of blood clots and bleeding as the adverse reactions to the Covid jab -whose victims will then be classified as Marburg sufferers.The present relaxation on travel will be blamed for asymptomatic spread. The media will pump up the fear claiming an 88% death rate and jabs will be made mandatory, enforced by the police and military. GAVI and the WEF already have a PCR test in place and yet another ‘vaccine’ is being rushed out.The new vaccine contains the deadly toxin Ricin.
EU civil war: Huge row erupts over bloc’s enlargement as VDL’s ‘insult’ called out – October 8th 2021
Alessandra Scotto di Santolo
British daily meat consumption dropped 17% in a decade, study findsReality TV star Kaitlynn Carter welcomes first child© GETTY eu news ursula von der leyen enlargement western balkans
The European Union’s 27 leaders promised future membership to their six Balkan neighbours on Wednesday, restating a pledge first made 18 years ago, but they brushed aside calls for a 2030 goal for fear of a backlash at home over migration.
Read More EU civil war: Huge row erupts over bloc’s enlargement as VDL’s ‘insult’ called out (
Gas crisis fury as Merkel accused of PROTECTING Putin on high prices – October 8th 2021
James Lee
The German premier dismissed claims the Russian President is partly to blame for the record prices. Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Ms Merkel said: “To my knowledge, there are no orders where Russia has said we won’t deliver it to you, especially not with regard to the pipeline in Ukraine.”
Read More Gas crisis fury as Merkel accused of PROTECTING Putin on high prices (
Sailors injured after US nuclear sub hit unknown object in South China Sea
October 8th 2021
A US nuclear-powered submarine hit an unknown object in the South China Sea with 11 sailors suffering mainly minor injuries, according to officials.© Reuters The USS Connecticut is a Seawolf-class fast-attack submarine. File pic
The USS Connecticut is in a “safe and stable condition” after the incident on 2 October, said a statement by the US Pacific Fleet.
Read More Sailors injured after US nuclear sub hit unknown object in South China Sea (
Two US navy aircraft carrier ships are sold for scrap metal at 1 cent each – October 8th 2021
Justin Vallejo
Bird of the year 2021: superb fairywren crowned winner of Australia’s…Reality TV star Kaitlynn Carter welcomes first child
See a penny, pick it up, and anyone could afford the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk or the USS John F Kennedy. The veteran warships of the Vietnam and Gulf wars were sold to a scrap metal dealer in Texas for one cent each.© EPA
USS Kitty Hawk entering the port of Busan in 2005- EPA
Read More Two US navy aircraft carrier ships are sold for scrap metal at 1 cent each (
Links From F.S – October 6th 2021
This especially interesting:
EU crisis: Merkel issues migration warning as leaders agree to discuss Schengen rules -October 6th 2021
Ciaran McGrath
Prime Minister plays for laughs in policy-light conference speechPatti Smith review – punk, poetry and the raw power of connection© EPA Angela Merkel
Mrs Merkel made her remarks during a wide-ranging discussion over a working dinner at Brdo Castle in northern Slovenia prior to the start of the summit today The event, attended by the leaders of the EU27, also touched upon the highly controversial idea of a European defence force, ways of reducing dependence on gas supplies from outside the bloc, and the bid by western Balkan countries to be admitted to the EU by the end of the decade.
Read More EU crisis: Merkel issues migration warning as leaders agree to discuss Schengen rules (
Wednesday briefing: Pandora Papers revelations continue – October 5th 2021
Warren Murray
Boris Johnson speech – live: PM to push ‘levelling up’ agenda and minimum…What happened to the girl who shocked the world in the 1970s?
Top story: Fire in Babylon financing examined – October 6th 2021
Hello, Warren Murray aiming to put you a step ahead.
Ben Elliot, the Conservative party’s embattled co-chair, jointly owned a secret offshore film financing company that indirectly benefited from more than £120,000 of UK tax credits. The revelation Elliot has a British Virgin Islands-based company – which he owns with Ben Goldsmith, the brother of the Tory peer and minister Zac – will raise fresh questions for the businessman, whose courting of ultra-wealthy but controversial political donors has already provoked widespread criticism.
Read More Wednesday briefing: Pandora Papers revelations continue (
Monday, October 4, 2021

HomeCOVID-19The master plan behind the Covid crisis
The master plan behind the Covid crisis – Posted by F.S
-September 20, 2021 Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Email

THIS is the translated transcript* of a presentation entitled ‘Uncovering the Corona Narrative’ by the German author and journalist Ernst Wolff, which he delivered in late August. It can be viewed here in the original. There are subtitles.
Wolff is a German author and journalist whose long-term focus of criticism has been the global financial and monetary system, especially the role of the IMF, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, the Bretton Woods system and the worldwide fiat money. Here he details the unfolding global health and economic crisis consequent on the Covid-19 lockdowns and addresses the question of who has an interest in this destructive agenda.
Read More
Libya intercepts and returns two boats carrying 550 migrants bound for Europe – October 4th 2021
By Samy Magdy,
‘No indication of criminal intent’ in Muhammad cartoonist Lars Vilks’ deathWhere are the kids from Friends now? You won’t believe how much they’ve…
Libya’s coastguard intercepted two boats carrying more than 550 Europe-bound migrants off the country’s shore, the UN refugee agency has said.© Ahmed Hatem Libya has emerged as the dominant transit point for migrants fleeing war and poverty in Africa hoping for a better life in Europe (AP Photo/Ahmed Hatem)
Read More Libya intercepts and returns two boats carrying 550 migrants bound for Europe (
George Floyd statue vandalised in NYC just days after being built – October 4th 2021
Shweta Sharma
Stormont ‘has no duty to comply with Lewis order to implement abortion laws’Tommy Dorfman loves being at Paris Fashion week as ‘myself’
A statue of George Floyd in New York city’s Union Square was defaced just two days after it was unveiled for an exhibition set up to recognise racial injustice.
Read More George Floyd statue vandalised in NYC just days after being built (
Justice & Injustice Are Class Issues ; a comment on above – October 4th 2021.
Any injustice against George Floyd and others of his class or race , is not assuaged by trendy artists rubbing white working class peoples’ noses in it. Injustice is a class matter. Making blacks a special case is racism and it will provoke a reaction. White virtue signalling self styled liberals and hypocritical ‘Democrat’ ( sic ) politicians along with BLM opportunists are happy with that. There is glory and money to be made from the victim culture. For this to continue, such bare faced hypocrisy as we see above, must be encouraged. It is all part of the social control. Juxtapose this story with the Pandora papers scandal R J Cook
BLM is a distraction ‘white guilting’ for the masses who must not know about the Black & White Elite Conspiracy that goes back to the days of slavery – October 4th 2021
Pandora Papers: Uhuru Kenyatta family’s secret assets exposed by leakSource: BBC 4 October 2021 10:36am
The family of Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta, that has dominated the country’s politics since independence, secretly owned a network of offshore companies for decades, according to a huge leak of financial papers.
The Pandora Papers – 12 million files – is the biggest such leak in history.
Mr Kenyatta and six members of his family have been linked to 13 offshore companies.
Pandora Papers set to unmask EIGHT more UK politicians: Leak exposing offshore secrets of the rich and powerful reveal the Blairs avoided £312,000 i…The group of nine includes former Labour prime minister, who with his wife Cherie avoided £321,000 ($434,000) in stamp …Daily Mail20mIN DEPTH

Tony and Cherie Blair listed in ‘Pandora Papers’ data leakThe former prime minister and his wife bought property via offshore firm and saved £300,000 in tax, the Pandora Papers show.thelondoneconomic.com3hPandora Papers: Tony and Cherie Blair deny wrongdoing after ‘saving’ £312k in property dealThe couple did not have to pay Stamp Duty after acquiring a Marylebone townhouse from an offshore firm. They insisted they have now moved the ownership onshore and would be liable for far more in Capi …The Mirror53mPandora papers: Tony and Cherie Blair saved £312,000 stamp duty by buying property via offshore firmRevelation emerged in a trove of leaked documents revealing the secret finances of celebrities, ministers and judges across the world …The Daily Telegraph16h

Tony and Cherie Blair saved £312k in tax by using offshore company – Pandora papersFORMER Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie saved hundreds of thousands in property taxes after buying a London …Daily Express11h

Pandora Papers: Tony and Cherie Blair avoided paying £312,000 in tax on London property by acquiring offshore firmDeal meant couple did not pay stamp duty on London townhouse bought in 2017 as an office for Ms Blair’s legal advisory firm …The Independent on MSN.com12h
How Tony Blair dodged stamp duty on £6.5m property and 10 other Pandora Papers bombshellsTONY and Cherie Blair saved more than £300,000 in taxes on a £6.5million central London property. This is just one of the …Daily Express30m
Blairs hit back after Pandora Papers property revelationTONY Blair is amongst a host of high-profile global figures who have been dragged into a row over offshore taxation …City A.M.5h
Tony and Cherie Blair ‘avoided paying £312k in stamp duty when they purchased £6.45m London office’Tony and Cherie Blair did not have to pay the tax bill for the London office, in Marylebone, because they bought the offshore …Daily Mail10h
Kenyatta, Peter Obi, Putin, Tony Blair’s secret wealth exposed by Pandora PapersThere is no hiding place for the rich and powerful as the Pandora Papers, a new leak of massive financial documents, has …PM NEWS Nigeria47m
Pandora Papers: Tony and Cherie Blair avoided £312,000 tax billTony and Cherie Blair avoided paying £312,000 in stamp duty on a luxury central London office building, a massive leak of …i16h
Pandora Papers: Blairs saved £312,000 stamp duty in property dealTony and Cherie Blair did not have to pay £312,000 in stamp duty when buying a £6.45m London townhouse, leaked documents show …BBC18h
Global elites using shell companies and trusts to hide money from tax authorities: Pandora Papers leakHundreds of world leaders, powerful politicians, billionaires, celebrities, religious leaders and drug dealers have been …CP241h
Pandora Papers: Offshore Tax Dodging by Billionaires Revealed in Massive Document LeakMillions of documents reveal offshore deals and assets of more than 100 billionaires, 30 world leaders and 300 public …The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer1h
Explainer: What are the Pandora Papers and why do they matter?An analysis of the so-called Pandora Papers has revealed widespready use of offshore companies and tax avoidance by world …extra on MSN.com52m
“Pandora Papers” reveal billions hidden by the rich and powerfulHundreds of world leaders, past and present, and business moguls slammed for dodging tax laws: “This is where our missing …CBS News2h
Pandora Papers: Several Major World Leaders Accused Of Hiding Massive Wealth In Offshore AccountsThe papers have uncovered billions of dollars in secretive transactions and purchases carried out by the likes Jordan’s King …Forbes3h
Pandora Papers: Blairs saved £312k stamp duty in property deal as secret dealings of world’s richest people revealedThe UK Government is facing fresh calls to tighten Britain’s defences against “dirty money” after a leak of offshore data …The Scotsman on MSN.com1h
Pandora papers: Tory donor Mohamed Amersi ‘involved in £162m corruption scandal’Rishi Sunak says HMRC will inspect ‘Pandora papers’ as details of offshore deals emerge A Conservative party donor who helped …The Independent on MSN.com2hPandora papers expose world leaders’ corrupt lifestylesThe secret wealth and dealings of world leaders, politicians, and billionaires have been exposed in one of the biggest leaks of financial documents dubbed the Pandora papers.TODAY3h
Pandora Papers reveal how world’s wealthy buy UK property in secretThe Pandora Papers represent 2.94 terabytes of data, more than twice the size of the Paradise Paper leak. Over 300 public …Citywire3h
Pandora Papers: hundreds of politicians, public figures linked to offshore fortunesAn investigation into millions of confidential files has uncovered the alleged underhanded financial dealings of 35 current …UPI.com2h
Tony Blair and wife Cherie dodged paying £312k in stamp duty when buying a £6.45m London townhouseTONY and Cherie Blair dodged paying £312,000 in stamp duty when buying a £6.45million townhouse, documents show. The …The Scottish Sun4h
Pandora Papers: Global Investigation Opens ‘Pandora’s’ Box of Financial Secrets of Super RichPandora Papers leak by ICIJ exposes offshore dealings of 300 Indians, such as Anil Ambani, Nirav Modi, Ajit Kerkar, Sachin …Newsclick2h
Pandora Papers: Data dump outlines how world’s rich and powerful hide assets in tax havensThe Pandora Papers include more data and files than both the Panama Papers, leaked in 2016, and the ‘Paradise Papers’, leaked …Irish Examiner3h
Pandora Papers: From celebs to presidents, here’s who’s bustedThe so-called ‘Pandora Papers’ investigation – involving some 600 journalists – is based on the leak of some 11.9 million …The Citizen2h
Pandora Papers leak reveals financial secrets of world leadersThe offshore dealings of world leaders, politicians and billionaires have been laid bare in one of the biggest leaks of …The Times11h
Pandora papers expose secrets of rich and powerful in ‘biggest leak in history’The UK Government is facing fresh calls to tighten Britain’s defences against ‘dirty money’ after the cache of almost 12 …Metro4h
What are the Pandora Papers? The investigation into the world’s richest peopleOver the last seven years, there has been a series of leaks focused on the world’s richest and most powerful people. These …The Scotsman on MSN.com2h
Pandora Papers leak exposes accounts of the rich and famousThe cache of almost 12 million files – dubbed the Pandora papers – is said to cover the activities of some 35 current or …Wales Online on MSN.com4h
Pandora Papers: UK urged to tighten defences against ‘dirty money’ after offshore data leakGovernment is facing fresh calls to tighten Britain’s defences against “dirty money” after a leak of offshore data exposed …London Evening Standard on MSN.com14h
Africa: Pandora Papers: Secret Tax Havens of World Leaders, Celebrities RevealedMillions of leaked documents reveal the financial secrets of how world leaders, billionaires and celebrities use tax havens.AllAfrica.com4h
Pandora papers news – live: Rishi Sunak pledges HMRC probe as leaked files reveal finances of global eliteRishi Sunak has said HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will probe the information revealed by so-called “Pandora papers” reports …Yahoo News UK10h
Pandora Papers: Shakira, Tony Blair, Vladimir Putin among rich and famous named in exposeMore than 400 Australians have reportedly been named in an investigation based on one of the biggest ever leaks of financial …
Tony and Cherie Blair ‘avoided paying £312k in stamp duty when they purchased …Tony and Cherie Blair did not have to pay the tax bill for the London office, in Marylebone, because they bought the offshore …en.mogaznews.com14h
‘Pandora Papers’: Financial secrets of world leaders revealed in data leakThe offshore dealings and hidden assets of world leaders, politicians, billionaires, celebrities and drug dealers have been …Yahoo News UK5h
Tony and Cherie Blair bought property via offshore firm and saved £300,000 in taxFormer PM and his wife became owners of £6.5m office building by acquiring offshore company partially owned by Bahraini …The Guardian17h
Putin’s ‘lover’s’ ‘$100m assets including $4m Monaco apartment and yacht’ revealed in bombshell Pandora papersA PORTFOLIO of property with a $100million price tag belonging to Vladimir Putin’s alleged lover has been revealed in a huge …The Sun12h
Pandora Papers: Leaked records open box of financial secretsThe Pandora Papers are a follow-up to a similar project released in 2016 called the “Panama Papers” compiled by the same …India TV7h
Pandora Papers: ICIJ spills the beans on dirtiest financial secrets of the rich and famousPandora Papers released by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists shed light on the previously hidden …Firstpost8h
Leaders under fire as leaked papers open ‘Pandora’ box of financial secretsHundreds of leaders, politicians, billionaires, celebrities, and drug dealers have been hiding investments in mansions, …Business Standard6h
Pandora Papers: Leaked records reveal illegal riches of world leaders, powerful politicians, billionaires, celebritiesThe report is dubbed as “Pandora Papers” because the findings shed light on the previously hidden dealings of the elite and …cnbctv189h
After Panama Papers, ‘Pandora” box exposes financial secretsHundreds of world leaders, powerful politicians, billionaires, celebrities, religious leaders and drug dealers have been …Oneindia7h
Svetlana Krivonogikh: Putin’s Mistress Bought $4M Villa in Monaco Months after Daughter’s Birth?Dubbed the Pandora Papers, the documents show how 35 current and former world leaders used accounts in tax havens to accrue …Ellen4h
Pandora Papers: Leaked records open up box of financial secretsIt’s being dubbed the “Pandora Papers” because the findings shed light on the previously hidden dealings of the elite and the …India Times9h
Pandora Papers: Leaked records open ‘Pandora’ box of financial secretsWe need to expand and sharpen the countermeasures now.” The Pandora Papers are a follow to a similar project released in 2016 …Mathrubhumi8h
Pandora papers: biggest ever leak of offshore data exposes financial secrets of rich and powerfulMillions of documents reveal offshore deals and assets of more than 100 billionaires, 30 world leaders and 300 public …The Guardian16h
‘Pandora Papers’: Leaked records reveal financial secrets of world leaders, politiciansReport released Sunday by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists involved 600 journalists from 150 media …USA Today14h
Pandora Papers: Leaked records expose hidden dealings of elite, corruptThe Pandora Papers are a follow-up to a similar project released in 2016 called the “Panama Papers” compiled by the same …WBAY7h
Pandora Papers: Secret Tax Havens of World Leaders, Celebrities RevealedMillions of leaked documents reveal the financial secrets of how world leaders, billionaires and celebrities use tax havens.Middle East North Africa Financial Network13h
‘Pandora Papers’ expose leaders’ offshore millionsMore than a dozen heads of state and government, from Jordan to Azerbaijan, Kenya and the Czech Republic, have used offshore …Yahoo Finance23h
Celebrities, world leaders’ offshore companies revealed in Pandora Papers.The Pandora papers released by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) show that over 130 …Pakistan Today15hPandora Papers leak: Putin, Tory donors and the King of Jordan among the rich and powerful with financial secrets exposedThe secret deals and hidden assets of the world’s most powerful politicians and billionaires have been revealed in the biggest leak of financial offshore data in history.City A.M. on MSN.com17h
Leaked ‘Pandora Papers’ reveal financial secrets of world leadersHundreds of world leaders, powerful politicians, billionaires, celebrities, religious leaders and drug dealers have been …Tampa Bay Times14hPandora Papers: Sachin Tendulkar, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw named in first list – Details inside
Jersey – ‘Remember what happened last time’
David Atkins
New Japan PM to call snap election on 31 October, say reportsBillie Eilish to perform at The Nightmare Before Christmas concert
David Jones, Tory MP for Clwyd West, was speaking at the end of a week which has seen France lash out at Britain after Jersey refused grant fishing licences to 75 French fishing vessels to access its waters from 30 October. Paris is also angry after it was revealed the UK had offered just 12 licences to smaller French fishing boats out of 47 applications, with Annick Girardin, France’s Maritime Minister, saying: “On every subject, the British are dragging their feet or failing to live up to their commitments.”
Comment Brexit was a power grab by a very nasty element of Britain’s ruling elite exploiting and deceiving its gullible badly educated masses into believing they had ‘got their country back.’ R J Cook
Live Q&A: National Guard Begins Filling Gov Roles; Break In Democrat Party Over Spending – October 4th 2021
The National Guard will begin filling roles of state employees in Connecticut starting next week as some unvaccinated employees are placed on unpaid leave.
In other news, Democrats are split over disagreements on spending in both the proposed $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, as the federal government nears its debt ceiling amid warnings of ongoing inflation.
In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp, we’ll discuss these stories and others, and answer questions from the audience.
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Greece ‘will not allow’ uncontrolled migrant flows from Afghanistan – October 2nd 2021
Jane Dalton
Read More Greece – latest news, breaking stories and comment – The Independent
Greece’s prime minister says he is “unapologetic” in defending Greece’s borders in the face of uncontrolled migration attempts, but insists his country is doing so in a manner that respects human rights.
Uncontrolled Migration from the failing and bombed out Islamic world is not a solution. As with the third world in general , tyrants , bigots and religion are major issues. They cannot be resolved by telling all of the disgruntled and even terrorist minded extremists that moving into the western underclass’s world is a peaceful long term solution. Multi culture from the migrant point of view does not mean them adjusting to views and lifestyles not applauded or favoured in the Koran. Britain’s elite and pampered student classes are virtue signalling at the expense of the native masses – soon the word native will be banned along with ever more of what the elite doesn’t like , ironically in the name of freedom.
R J Cook
‘Biggest crash in world history’: Personal finance expert Robert Kiyosaki predicts economic crisis in October – October 2nd 2021
The author of bestselling Rich Dad Poor Dad predicts that a “giant” market crash coming in October has already been triggered and will bring down gold, silver and Bitcoin with it.
Russia threatens YouTube after suspension of German RT channels – September 29th 2021
Russia on Wednesday threatened to block YouTube and take other retaliatory measures, after the US video-sharing platform blocked the German-language channels of state broadcaster RT.
Read more Russia threatens YouTube after suspension of German RT channels (
Comment The western elite have a big problem with Russia. They never got over the 1917 Revolution. The consequent Soviet Union, corrupted by Stalin, became the post second world war bogey man. Yeltsin was supposed to have ended it all , handing the peoples assets to oligarchs. They still want this and besmirch Russia at every opportunity , as if they are the virtuous ones and such paragons of free speech democracy.
R J Cook
Covid Pass in Lithuania and throughout Europe:
How recent vaccine mandate laws have upended my family’s life posted from F.S September 29th 2021
18-Sep-21 (Update 25-Sep-21: I made a video showing life under the Covid Pass regime; details at bottom of this article)
[Time to read: 16 min]
I want to share the situation which my family and I are now facing because of Covid Pass restrictions.
We live in the small European country of Lithuania. In the last few months, strict Covid Pass restrictions have been introduced which represent a fundamental transformation in society.
Read More Covid Pass in Lithuania and Europe (
‘Bring it on!’ Hoey taunts France for ‘ruining’ UK waters and welcomes Macron fishing war – September 29th 2021
‘Bring it on!’ Hoey taunts France for ‘ruining’ UK waters and welcomes Macron fishing war.
The UK Government said it pursued a “reasonable approach” where it issued nearly 1,700 licences to EU boats to operate in Britain’s exclusive economic zone.
Read More ‘Bring it on!’ Hoey taunts France for ‘ruining’ UK waters and welcomes Macron fishing war (
China condemns Britain for Taiwan Strait warship mission – September 28th 2021
Fox News host says he’s being harassed by Trump fans after reporting on…Cameron Diaz insists she’s not attracted to Benji Madden’s twin
BEIJING (Reuters) – China strongly condemned Britain on Monday for sailing a warship through the sensitive Taiwan Strait, saying it was behaviour that “harboured evil intentions” and that the Chinese military followed the vessel and warned it away.
Read More China condemns Britain for Taiwan Strait warship mission (
Comment Britain’s leaders are hypocritical on the subject of human rights. They have a reckless attitude to China and Russia – and contempt for the needs of their own masses. In foreign affairs they punch above their weight and expect to hide behind the U.S as they did when they cooked the books for the second Iraq war, with all of its terrible on going consequences.
R J Cook
Emmanuel Macron in ‘dark rage’ as French media react to Boris Johnson’s ‘first victory for global Britain’
Cancer backlog ‘could take over a decade to clear’, says new reportBilly Eichner’s rom-com Bros will star all-LGBTQ+ main cast: ‘Let’s make history’
Dubbing Britain’s part in the Australia submarine deal “Johnson’s first victory for Global Britain”, conservative daily Le Figaro was the exception in the French press on Thursday as it pored over the ramifications of the phone call between Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden.
Comment The language and subject matter here are redolent of the football world. The masses are minions and all that matters is the myth of nationhood. This warmongering and posturing is about elite egos and profits on all sides. Marketing and other methods of deception are part of the game. Meanwhile , life for the under class and scapegoats gets worse.

Joe Biden told to have Nancy Pelosi back down on Brexit standoff ‘Threat is not from UK!’ September 19th 2021
Oli Smith
Boris Johnson will meet with US President Joe Biden this week at the White House as he jets to the States for the UN General Assembly meeting. The British Prime Minister will try to bolster US ties with the UK in the wake of this week’s surprise AUKUS trilateral defence pact between the two countries and Australia. It is hoped that the pact, which could create hundreds of new jobs, will help mend the rift between the UK and US over the Northern Ireland border amid stalled talks for a trade deal.
Read More Joe Biden told to have Nancy Pelosi back down on Brexit standoff ‘Threat is not from UK!’ (
Freedom’s Just Another Name For Nothing left To Lose – September 19th 2021
Videos of freedom’s just another name for nothing left to lose
Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose
Nothing, I mean nothing, honey if it ain’t free, no no
This is a comment on the following news report. The French Revolution was fought for and proclaimed on the basis of ‘Liberty , Equality and Fraternity .’ Europe’s aristocracy trembled and bandied together in fear of losing their heads.
It wasn’t long before the vaunted Republic turned into an Empire under a dictator little better than the monarchy overthrown. Europe went on to be a hotbed of war . The foiled 1848 revolutions spawned German Jewish academic Karl Marx’s ‘Communist Manifesto.’
Marx was driven out of Prussia , taking refuge in London. His friend Friedrich Engels’ family owned a cotton spinning factory in Manchester. Engels was thus able to supply raw data of working class misery and exploitation.
Meanwhile , Russia and Austria were in conflict in the Balkans , culminating in the assassination of Austria’s Archduke Francis Ferdinand by a Serbian student named Princip. France lost no time goading Russia into war with a Germany united at their expense.
This led to the absurd situation with the inbred leaders of the three main participants being first cousins. Words like freedom were used to justify forcing millions of young white Europeans into a mincing machine. The German working class were no more to blame than their rivals. they had no choice. Women who had recently been fighting for an equal right to vote, were quick to hand out white feathers to men not in uniform.
The French got their revenge on Germany , backed by Britain in a punitive non negotiated peace settlement at Versailles in 1919. Germany was bankrupted , with their working classes bearing the brunt of misery. Resentment and Nazism was inevitable , exacerbated by a World Trade Depression – another most interesting story. World War Two was really round two , with the U.S forced to join in after Pearl Harbour. This boosted their ailing economy, giving us the current world of rolling wars with deep state war mongering and profiteering culture.
There is no freedom for the masses in all of this. If your government wants you to know something you can bet it is a lie. So we come to AUKUS. It is all about fear of Russia and China joining forces and threatening western elite life styles. Western politicians represent wealthy interests. Only their freedoms matter.

Roberta Jane Cook
Videos of Bob Dylan video ‘Only a pawn in the game
Bob Dylan – Only A Pawn In Their Game
‘Freedoms need to be defended’: Liz Truss hails AUKUS submarine deal amid deepening row with France – September 19th 2021
‘Freedoms need to be defended’: Liz Truss hails AUKUS submarine deal amid deepening row with France – September 19th 2021
Amy Coles, news reporter
New Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has defended the UK’s “hard-headed” security pact with the US and Australia, amid a deepening diplomatic row with France.
The AUKUS deal saw the UK, Australia and the US form a security pact to develop and deploy a new fleet of nuclear-powered submarines, adding to the Western military presence in the Pacific region.
France was outraged by the deal which sees them losing out on a £30bn contract to supply conventional submarines to Australia, who opted for nuclear-powered subs provided by Britain and the US.
Read More ‘Freedoms need to be defended’: Liz Truss hails AUKUS submarine deal amid deepening row with France
U.S Greets thousands more illegal immigrants – September `17th 2021

Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Amass Under Bridge in Texas
Aukus pact: UK and US battle to contain international backlash – September 16th 2021
Dan Sabbagh, Julian Borger, Helen Davidson and Angelique Chrisafis
Britain and the US were battling to contain an international backlash over a nuclear submarine pact struck with Australia amid concerns the alliance could provoke China and prompt conflict in the Pacific.
Boris Johnson told MPs that the Aukus defence agreement was “not intended to be adversarial” to China. But Beijing accused the three countries of adopting a “cold war mentality” and warned they would harm their own interests unless it was dropped.
Read More Aukus pact: UK and US battle to contain international backlash (
Comment I have mentioned the concept of reductionism. in philosophy, before. For example, as my former teacher self , if I wanted to explain how a petrol engine worked, I would use a single cylinder moped engine as my model , not a a Rolls Royce V12. The student would simply build their knowledge on the simplification.
As another example , I remember an interesting co driver from my days truck driving for ‘Swift Care ‘. He was a Polish trained architect. I asked him how it was possible to build such huge modern buildings. He replied , ‘Simple. can you do a 500 piece jig saw ?’ ‘Just about my limit’ I said. He responded ‘ Well , it is just a 500 piece jig saw done 500 times and put together as one item.’
So , what has this to do with world politics ? Simple, because world politics is that 500 piece jig saw 500 times. It reduces to the ruling super rich comfortable elite’s hunger for power , wealth , privilege and pleasure at the masses expense. It works on mechanisms of lying , hypocrisy , deception , and as Trump said, FEAR. The elite are capable of anything.
This site’s correspondent F.S wrote to me yesterday :
Did you know that the BBC has ‘lost’ all its 9/11 coverage?
To mislay everything related to the biggest single event news story this century is either monumental incompetence or there’s something else going on. Admitting the former is incredible. Any thoughts?
Also this:

Remembering 9/11 – by Roberta Jane Cook September 15th 2021
In the wake of the outrage ,I saw some U.S footage, I forget how, but it was something about a missile strike on the Pentagon on 9/11. It then disappeared. There was also the footage of George Bush Jnr at a city school somewhere, where he was about to be asked about schooling and he said what a tragedy the twin tower strikes were – and they hadn’t happened at that point so the interviewer was bemused.
Moore’s book ‘Stupid White Men’ was very convincing. When I was a truck driver, I was one of a two man crew taking a heavy delivery all around Cardiff and Swansea., in an 18 tonner. My co driver was a man called Dave. Now as you know – in spite of what the psychiatrists want to say – I like to talk , listen and learn.
The subject of 9/11 came up – lorry drivers are not generally thick stupid people though they may not have my education. They see a lot of life. My father was a truck driver after wartime army service.
So Dave told me that he and his late father were watching TV when the coverage was live. Dave’s dad had been an engineer and explosives expert in the army , attached to the SAS, so he knew about these things.
So he says to young Dave, while the top of the towers were burning , ‘Watch that helicopter going around the back of the building, off camera. It is up to something. Moments later the first tower collapsed. Dave’s dad said someone in the helicopter had triggered a remote controlled detonator to semtex. He said they did stuff like that in the SAS.
Very plausible I thought , because jet fuel is basically super paraffin and cannot burn at high enough temperatures to melt steel girders.
As Moore noted , all top personnel were missing from the towers that day and the roof doors were locked so there could be no helicopter rescue or witnesses to the detonations – this is Dave’s surmise, not Moore’s. Moore as far as I can recall.
Moore’s book is very convincing, including evidence that the Pentagon was a missile strike and that it was impossible for passengers to make the alleged calls from the flight that was shot down before hitting the White House – how did they know it was going there.?
That all of this nonsense was used to justify attacking Afghanistan and Iraq – thence the rolling wars – with all the crappy dossier and murder of Dr Ian Kelly says it all. The apparently odd response to Chelsea Manning and Assange for telling us what we know the Anglo U.S et al do in war, crimes being the norm, is evidence that Wilkileaks have some far more serious stuff. Britain was complicit in setting Assange up with the inevitable sex crime lies to trap him. U.S and U.K are in this together.
The BBC was the wartime Ministry of Information , riddled with security operatives as are major newspapers. The 9/11 incident was the real beginning of the New World Order referenced by George Bush Snr at the end of the first Gulf War, when he said he would not topple Hussein because Saudi Arabia would fill the power vacuum if they did.
So that’s why we have the Middle East in turmoil and Libya now an open door from north Africa for mass migration. .Gaddafi was in danger of creating a North Africa trading bloc. The West only supports African tyrants who retard the continent, this ensuring ignorance, cheap resources and flood of desperate cheap labour into the west.
Because of such antics, the virtue signalling western elite have mind blowing wealth,, much to gain from pushing this further, but Russia and China are in the way. It will be regime change or war, which is where Covid 19 came in.
The CIA knew 9/11 was going to happen and they helped faciltate it. Robin Cook knew too much and his Guardian article on the history f Al Q’ada , as CIA code name translated from their ‘Data File’ op, sealed his fate. No one wonders why all the Al Q’ada little people were captured and tortured while the top man , Bin Laden , was hunted and shot so many times, his body and person was beyond recognition. Then they told us , he was buried at sea, like all good Muslims apparently. So must be a lot f food for the sharks down there considering how rapidly the Muslim population is expanding. I could go on. R J Cook

Rudy Giuliani imitates the Queen and denies going out with Prince Andrew in speech at 9/11 dinner – September 14th 2021
Rudy Giuliani has been accused of being drunk after he mocked the Queen and discussed the sexual assault allegations against her son Prince Andrew in a rambling speech to commemorate 9/11.
Comment The main issue here is that the powerful and emblematic member of the British Royal Family has denied ever meeting one of his accusers, when there is clear visual evidence to the contrary. It is a matter of the utmost concern that in our so called democracies the rich and powerful appear to be above the law. Their abuses cause so much untold misery.

France chaos: Protests descend into violence as hundreds of thousands march against Macron – September 11th 2021
Oli Smith
Nearly 200 protests are taking place across France today in a coordinated pushback against Emmanuel Macron’s government. Protesters have taken to the streets in major French cities, including the capital Paris, for the ninth consecutive weekly protest against the ‘health pass’. However, the protests have quickly turned violent in the French capital, where clashes have been filmed.
Police were seen using their batons to hit protesters while other officers fired off tear gas to disperse the march.
Read More France chaos: Protests descend into violence as hundreds of thousands march against Macron (
Lockdowns are a prison method for subjugating independent thought and action .. Modern society is a prison of various degrees for the masses. Freedom is an illusion. Protest is effectively illegal if it has to be state sanctioned.Life in North Africa and the Middle East is an Islamic bloc on the move west. Society’s fault lines are massive. France and U.K squabble over migrants but Britain’s elite want them. The whole decision process is an in fight between elites, only slightly confused by Barmy Brexit and the moronic ‘ we’ve got our country back’ brigade . Cun- tree more like. The rich elite have and control it all with plenty of police and other lackeys , just like the days of Nazi Germany.

France rescues 126 migrants attempting Channel boat crossing to the UK
NEWS WIRES 8 hrs agoLike140 Comments|57
Pen Farthing ‘so happy’ after animal rescue workers escape AfghanistanFirst trailer for Descendants star Cameron Boyce’s final movie role
French maritime officials rescued 126 migrants attempting to cross the Channel to Britain as tensions escalated over record arrivals on England’s southern coast.© François Lo Presti, AFP
Read More France rescues 126 migrants attempting Channel boat crossing to the UK (
Comment This whole situation is utterly absurd. The question is never asked by mainstream U.K media, why do so many BAME want to come here to this tiny island of elite rule and immiserated poorly educated masses ?

Prince Andrew’s lawyers dispute service of legal papers by Virginia Giuffre’s team – September 11th 2021
Lawyers for Prince Andrew have raised questions about how legal papers were served in the sexual assault case being brought by Virginia Giuffre.
Read More Prince Andrew’s lawyers dispute service of legal papers by Virginia Giuffre’s team (
Trump hints at 2024 White House run during NYPD precinct visit after skipping 9/11 memorial – September 11th 2021
Former president Donald Trump appeared to signal his intentions to run for president in 2024 while talking to New York Police Department officers on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
‘We have changed’: Taliban fighters claim Afghanistan now ‘safest country in the world’ – September 11th 2021
Alex Crawford in Kabul with cameraman Richie Mockler and producers Chris Cunningham and Mark Grant
Arts shows star in new Radio 4 line-up after storm at axing of film programmeThe week in classical: Berlin Philharmonic/ Petrenko; Partenope at the Lucerne festival
The Taliban fighters we are with are on a charm offensive. “We have changed. We have changed a lot,” one of them tells us.
Read More ‘We have changed’: Taliban fighters claim Afghanistan now ‘safest country in the world’ (
The Gen Z Conservative Newsletter Posted September 10th 2021 Hi all, welcome back to the Gen Z Conservative newsletter! Today, we have seven posts for you. Check them out below! If you would like to submit an article, meme, political cartoon, or any other content, just send an email to with your submission! I’d love to publish it. Read the guidelines here Enjoy reading and please forward this email to friends and family members who might be interested, as every share or forward helps! |
George Orwell For The Win! Authoritarians Are Misusing Modern Technology |
The Globalists are frothing at the mouth again with their attempts to control our thoughts and lives. Their Puritan adherents that have been genetically shortchanged are screaming about diversity, equality, and right-wing terrorists. They are not able to comprehend that their government is using these flimsies to eliminate the republic. Looking across the Atlantic towards the English sources of this … Read more |
Hunter Biden: A Legend In The Art Community |
What do Hunter Biden’s art and the Clinton Foundation have in common? We’ll circle back to that in a moment. First, let’s take a look at what happened to the Clinton Foundation since Madame Secretary Box Wine lost the presidential election of 2016. Surprise, surprise: Its donations have all dried up. But the foundation is still chartered to provide worldwide charity. Have its donors … Read more |
Today’s Roundup from F.S – September 10th 2021
September 9th 2021
‘COVID will come back to haunt us from Africa’ (
Canada election: rivals force Justin Trudeau on to defensive in leaders’ debate – September 10th 2021
Matrix by Lauren Groff review – a brilliant nun’s taleNever Forget: Top 10 movies and documentaries about the 9/11 terrorist attacks
Justin Trudeau has been forced to defend his government’s plans for fighting climate change, Canada’s fractured relationship with Indigenous peoples and a growing affordability crisis in the country as the prime minister faced off with contenders ahead of the federal election.
Read More Canada election: rivals force Justin Trudeau on to defensive in leaders’ debate (
This man is awful, but all politicians are awful.

Roberta Jane Cook
EU fury erupts over funding for Pakistan and Iran as continent prepares for migrant surge – September 7th 2021
Alessandra Scotto di Santolo
EU member states are already clashing on how to deal with the thousands of new Afghanistan migrants looking to flee the country since the Taliban took over. Austria and Serbia have met to discuss stopping refugees from entering Europe, over the weekend.
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz suggested Afghanistan’s neighbours should accept migrants instead.
He said: “This is why we are in contact with countries in the region.”
But as leaders in the EU call for a global approach to the migration crisis, questions over the EU’s financial support to countries like Pakistan and Iran are arising.
Read More EU fury erupts over funding for Pakistan and Iran as continent prepares for migrant surge (
We are not supposed to discuss our concerns about mass migration from North Africa and the Islamic world because the elite and their middle class minions consider it racist. In the same way we are not supposed to link climate change to unsustainable population growth – because most of it comes from the Islamic and Third World.
Our ruling classes and politicians live in a world of high pay and exceptionally expensive security. The majority of people in Europe and the U.S.A are not privileged whites , fake transsexuals out to rape vulnerable women in public toilets, or toxic males. The fact that it is deemed legitimate to call people such vile dismissive names has added a lot of fuel to the social fire.
There are clearly people allowed to commit these hate crimes without penalty and even getting applause. What would Gareth Southgate do to express his high morals if there were no apparently racist chants from the football crowd – God knows why people watch such a ridiculous game of millionaires kicking a lightweight ball about a big well mown field of maybe astra turf.
My point is that the well off patronise and dictate to the masses in the names of democracy and freedom. The reality is that even the more moderate Sunni Muslims, who are fleeing to Europe because they want a better life and the rich want cheap poorly educated labour, are committed to a world where Islamic culture rules all lives. They have been taught this way since their earliest socialisation.
Not only is there inevitable cultural conflict , there is the issue of space. The ruling class aim to resolve this problem with what they consider positive imagery and explanation through the rich man’s business of mass media. They know many older whites feel marginalised by this process but look to those people fading away and new generations of factory school kids from one parent homes , where mother is boss ,creating a more compliant underclass.
That is all very well , but the elite do not expect or intend to adjust their behaviour and lives to this ‘new normality.’ Meanwhile , Islamists have no intention of adapting either. The Woke and Terf Feminists will be willing allies in helping Islamists to condemn transsexuals and gays – two very different mindsets though morons cannot grasp the difference as I learned when I was arrested on malicious gay brothel charges and later prosecuted for swearing at the lead cop.
Faced with such large numbers of Islamic migrants, scapegoats like me are very useful in conning the masses. The fact of a wider issue of an overpopulation all aiming for the same boat is ignored – along with what is wrong with Islam.
That is not to say that the likes of Blair and Bush, along with successors covertly attacking Syria and Iran, have not provoked this appalling wildfire. so it is important to realise that the political class can not be relied upon for truth or sensible conduct now. Their priority is themselves and their real privileges. They will go on making it all up as they go along, telling you how difficult their jobs are , having more police watching and listening , more cameras, more intrusive laws, voting themselves more pay and telling you it is all about keeping you safe. R J Cook

Don’t say we didn’t warn you! France issues demand for EU to become military ‘superpower’ – September 7th 2021
Joe Barnes,
Its finance minister Bruno Le Maire said the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan should be a “wake-up call” for the EU in terms of Europe’s defence. Many EU capitals are concerned that the bloc was forced to pull out of Kabul’s international airport after the US troops operating the facility were withdrawn by Washington. This cut short many of the evacuations being carried out by European nations.
Read More Don’t say we didn’t warn you! France issues demand for EU to become military ‘superpower’ (
Comment A certain class, the predacious class, set the agenda. Britain & Europe’s leadership attitude to the Shi’ite Taliban return to power in Afghanistan has been intriguing. The U.S apparently went in to catch Osama Bin Laden and defeat his Al-Qaeda .
The latter means data file and was the CIA code name for Anglo US trained forces used against the Soviets in 1980 because of Afghanistan’s strategic importance, Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook died mysteriously five weeks after revealing this in The Guardian newspaper. His boss , Tony Blair , could not wait to invade under the banner of ‘women’s rights.’ He has called U.S withdrawal ‘imbecilic’ – a case of pot calling the kettle black.
So we can see where Macron wants to lead us. Like Covid and lockdown, rolling wars are convenient distractions from domestic problems , making more money and virtue signalling for the elite. The word ‘humanitarian’ makes it all sound so good.
Am I the only person who thought it odd and rather convenient that when arch demon Bin Laden was apparently tracked down to his lair in Pakistan, that he was machine gunned so much as to be unrecognisable . Then I learned something new; that Muslims like to be buried at sea.
Why didn’t they offer that privilege to Saddam Hussein and Colonel Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi . Why didn’t they capture and interrogate Bin Laden ? Why did Bin Laden – whose large extended family were wealthy associates of the Bush clan and evacuated just before 9/11 – get killed rather than a trip to Guantánamo Bay ?
Industrial and military mad men have been making a fortune at the expense of their frightened masses for a very long time. Fighting racism, gender wars, Covid lockdowns and dubious vaccines have been the icing on the ‘freedom ‘ cake. It is comical that this is all packaged in the name of freedom – when only the elite’s freedom matters. R J Cook

Man In Berlin Attacks Woman Allegedly Because She Worked – September 6th 2021.
A 29-year-old Afghan man in Germany attacked and severely injured a 58-year-old landscape gardener who was working in a park in Berlin, allegedly because he didn’t like the fact that as a woman she was working, police said Sunday.
The attack in the city’s Wilmersdorf district took place Saturday afternoon, and a 66-year-old passerby, who tried to come to the woman’s rescue, was also severely injured.
Read More Man in Berlin attacks woman allegedly because she worked (
Comment Perfectly reasonable in the Western World’s enlightened age of multi cultire , one supposes. Mental health , not Islam , is being blamed by the authorities. Nice to know that , but why is the man mentally ill ? There is so much mental illness about, it seems more prevalent than Covid 19.

R J Cook
Taliban stop planes of evacuees from leaving but unclear why – September 6th 2021
‘Within sight of elimination’: New Zealand eases Covid restrictions outside…Incredible skills celebs learned for movie and TV roles
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — At least four planes chartered to evacuate several hundred people seeking to escape the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan have been unable to leave the country for days, officials said Sunday, with conflicting accounts emerging about why the flights weren’t able to take off as pressure ramps up on the United States to help those left behind to flee.© Provided by Associated Press Pilots of Ariana Afghan Airlines walk on the tarmac after landing at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Sept. 5, 2021. Some domestic flights have resumed at Kabul’s airport, with the state-run Ariana Afghan Airlines operating flights to three provinces. (AP Photo/Wali Sabawoon)
Read More Taliban stop planes of evacuees from leaving but unclear why (
Comment Logically , according to Western liberalism , the whole Afghan population should be allowed to move west without question – for a better life. Interestingly their opposition to the Taliban has nothing to do with leaving hard line Shi’ite Islamism. Their increasing numbers has enormous implications for those of us who view any forceful and dominant religious behaviour as a problem for human progress. Religion is not a race, but white ‘liberal’ chattering classes are redefining the word to suit their lives as virtue signallers. R J Cook
F1: Mercedes under fire as Lewis Hamilton loses championship lead to Max Verstappen – September 6th 2021
Philip Duncan
Most of New Zealand to emerge from lockdown on Tuesday© AP Lewis Hamilton felt mistakes had been made by his team (Francisco Seco/AP) – AP
Lewis Hamilton believes his Mercedes team denied him the chance of beating Max Verstappen to victory at Sunday’s Dutch Grand Prix.
Read More F1: Mercedes under fire as Lewis Hamilton loses championship lead to Max Verstappen (
Comment Nothing ever appears to be Hamilton’s fault , not even shunting his rival off the track and so getting the championship lead in the first place – also wrecking Verstappen’s car. I wonder why. Interestingly , only distant amateur phone footage was available of Hamilton’s dangerous un penalised driving for replay on international news. The whole life threatening incident was downplayed. Again , why ? R J Cook