Britain & Europe – Archive 1

Sunset over North Buckinghamshire Farmland May 2021

Believing in Football – collective act of worship July 12th 2021

Leicester Square in Central London was left covered in rubbish, including glass bottles and plastic bags from fans before kick off. Before the match, huge crowds were spotted throughout London preparing for the final against Italy.

But scenes quickly turned sour, when the densely packed crowds started throwing glass bottles, lighting red flares and fighting with their fellow England fans, prompting riot police to be called in to help break up the disorder.

The reality is rather different. The authorities hoped an England win would put a gloss on the horrors and miseries many suffer in heavily policed hopeless WOKE Britain. England’s conduct on the semi final was appalling, with a laser pen being used by fans to blind the Danish goalkeeper , This was reported to the ref and should have seen the game voided.

When all else failed, we again saw the ref oblivious to England’s fouling in the final. To so brazenly use football as an exercise in bonding and egalitarianism is absurd. But that fits the English pattern. Lining up these arrogant churlish millionaires as symbols of our ‘swagger’ is ludicrous.

Italy deserved the cup. To make losing a matter of national mourning , as mainstream, media is doing, tells us the elite were relying on a win to tell us how well we were all doing under the Covid enemy fire. To call the overpaid over rated team national heroes is an insult to heroes but par for the course in this country.
Robert Cook

The mood turned ugly outside Wembley, too, where swathes of ticketless fans aggressively stormed the security barriers, kicking stewards and police officers out of the way to try to make it into the stadium.

England took defeat badly , pulling off runner up medals immediately after they were presented, Southgate comforts one of his star players here, last night. Their egotistical behaviour speaks volumes about the reality of British football and the depths of its’ true mentality.
Robert Cook

However , England have been hailed as heroes who should be “so proud” of themselves for their efforts in reaching their first major final in more than half a century.

In a nail-biting final of the Euros, the Three Lions faced an agonising defeat in a penalty shootout at Wembley.

Prince William, who was at the match with the Duchess of Cambridge and their son Prince George, urged the players to “hold your heads high”.

In a tweet from the KensingtonRoyal account, signed W, the Duke of Cambridge congratulated the Italian football team on their win.

Heartbreaking. Congratulations @Azzurri on a great victory.
@England, you’ve all come so far, but sadly this time it wasn’t our day. You can all hold your heads high, and be so proud of yourselves — I know there’s more to come. W— The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@KensingtonRoyal) July 11, 2021

LONDON (AP) — Three Black players who missed penalty kicks for England in the decisive European Championship shootout against Italy on Sunday night were subjected to racist abuse online, prompting the English Football Association to issue a statement condemning the language used against the players.

Italy , Worthy Winners

Ministers in secret visa talks to end haulage crisis

July 12th 2021

Wildlife in the frame: photography sale aims to raise $1m for Africa’s parksAnd we can’t stop! These pop stars released albums during the COVID-19…

Ministers have launched secret talks on a short-term visa scheme for foreign lorry drivers as they race to prevent a shortage of staff from overwhelming the haulage industry.a group of people standing in front of a building: Empty shelves© Provided by The Telegraph Empty shelves

Officials at the Department for Transport (DfT) are consulting industry chiefs on how to tackle the crisis, with an estimated shortfall of 100,000 truckers delaying deliveries of everything from clothing to food and fuelling a rise in prices.

Transport leaders are understood to have recommended a temporary easing of immigration controls as the only way of quickly solving the problem.

But the Home Office is strongly opposed to relaxing controls, which were tightened when free movement ended after Brexit.

As a result, DfT officials have asked the industry for compelling evidence to demonstrate the value of a temporary visa scheme.chart, line chart: HGV Delivery Drivers© Provided by The Telegraph HGV Delivery Drivers

One person with knowledge of the discussions said: “Everyone involved is sworn to secrecy as the Home Office is taking a very hard line.

“The Home Office has the final decision on this and the DfT knows it has a very tough sell, so need the very best evidence.”

Informal discussions are understood to have begun at the start of the month. The talks could still fail to deliver a result if the Home Office holds firm.

The source said: “There has been a subtle change of heart from Government.

“They know they need to explore how this can be solved.”

About 15,000 European drivers are thought to have left the UK for their home nations because of Brexit. The pandemic has caused further disruption, making a shortfall of 60,000 drivers even worse.text, letter: The struggle to find more road haulers© Provided by The Telegraph The struggle to find more road haulers

The growing crisis has forced supermarkets to destroy food they cannot get from depots to stores – although there has been no impact so far on consumers – and companies have complained they are unable to move goods from their factories.

Last week the DfT announced it was relaxing limits on how long HGV drivers can work, in an emergency effort to ease the problem.

Basic daily limits for time behind the wheel were raised from nine to 10 hours, with two 11-hour stints permitted in one week.

However, this was met with fury from unions and transport associations, which called it a “sticking plaster” that put road safety at risk.

The haulage industry’s plea for a visa scheme comes after it was bitterly critical of the fallout from Brexit. Truckers warned for months that there would be massive tailbacks at Dover following the end of European Union trading rules, but disruption was relatively short-lived. Trade volumes between Britain and the EU are also heading back towards normal following an initial collapse in January.

Transport leaders say visas will need to be a year long to solve the problem, giving time to clear a Covid backlog in tests for new drivers so they can enter the industry.

Rod McKenzie, Road Haulage Association policy director, said: “Lorry drivers are essential workers and it’s vital the Government relaxes immigration rules short term to allow foreign HGV truckers back in the face of this serious shortage.”

Alex Veitch, policy manager at Logistics UK, said: “Even before the loss of EU workers, logistics was suffering a chronic driver shortage. The breakdown of driver testing during lockdowns, and the inability to recruit from overseas due to visa rules, means the situation has become a crisis.

“Logistics was deemed essential during the pandemic. Without a temporary visa for drivers the supply chain will break down.”

A Home Office spokesman denied there had been any consultations with industry. He added: “We have no plans to introduce a short-term visa for HGV drivers. Employers should invest in our domestic workforce instead of relying on labour from abroad.”

The DfT did not respond to requests for comment.

A Nation waits, a message is received – July 11th 2021

In a video message released with hours to go before kick-off at Wembley, Southgate thanked fans for their “incredible support”.

He said: “We hope we’ve represented you in the right way. We hope you’ve enjoyed watching us play.

“We know now we’ve got to deliver for you so we’ll be doing everything we can.”

It came after Prince William led well wishes to the England team during the countdown to their historic final at Wembley tonight.

All Europe Supports Italy – July 11th 2021

The Dumb Waiter review – Thewlis and Mays’s supreme double act beefs up Pinter’s menaceActing with daughter, Sean Penn explores family ties in Cannes filma dog wearing a hat: An Italy supporting dog at Wembley - PA© PA

An Italy supporting dog at Wembley- PA

Italian newspapers told their readers on Sunday there was no doubt who everyone was supporting for tonight’s final against England.

Sports newspaper Il Corriere dello Sport boastfully geared up for the big occasion by claiming: “The whole world is supporting Italy”.

Rival paper Il Messaggero was a little more cautious. It just claimed on its front page: “The whole of Europe is supporting Italy.

They were not the only ones to take a patriotic approach to the match. An article titled “What the Euros say about England”, in La Stampa claimed that Gareth Southgate’s team was trying to make up for the “humiliation” of Brexit, with its performances in the tournament.

It also attacked the Prime Minister for his sudden love of football and even had harsh words about his relationship with his new wife, Carrie Symonds, after they attended the narrow semi-final victory over Denmark.

Boris Johnson doesn’t love football, but he went to the semi-final against Denmark wearing an England t-shirt, shouting and fist-pumping so that everyone saw him… His wife Carrie looked like his carer trying to keep him quiet,” it read.

Elsewhere, the mood in Rome ahead of the big game was a mixture of excitement, optimism and a sober warning from the authorities for there to be no violence.

Saturday night in the Italian capital felt like the calm before the storm: subdued, relatively sober, the city’s concentration fixed on the events of the next day. One of Rome’s most popular British pubs, The Albert, was around a quarter full – and almost all the customers were Romans.

“I grew up in this pub,” said 42-year-old Andrea Mancini, who’s been propping up the bar since he was 18. “It’s a real English pub, and it’s the meeting place for the whole area.”

Mancini won’t be watching the final in the Albert, however. “It’s not ideal to be shoulder to shoulder [with the English] in the moment – we’ll be swearing and praying.”

Instead, he’ll be in a restaurant with his friends, willing on the “Azzurri”.

In fact, English faces will be thin on the ground at The Albert tonight. According to owner Sara Mandatori, those who have booked tables are be mainly Italians, whose ritual for any football match is to watch the game over a pint and a panino.

Mandatori – who is half Scottish, half Italian, and whose parents opened the pub 26 years ago – will quietly support Italy tonight, but promised to handle the match “very diplomatically”, whatever happens.Boris Johnson standing in front of a crowd: ‘Like his carer’: Italian papers got personal about the Pam and his wfe before the big game (Pool via REUTERS)© Provided by The Independent ‘Like his carer’: Italian papers got personal about the PM BJ and his wIfe before the big game (Pool via REUTERS)

Having said that, if Italy wins, she said, she’ll be among the crowds jumping in the nearby Trevi Fountain to celebrate.

Shahrukh Shah, a Londoner who’s lived in Italy since 1996, said despite the bravado from some, Italians were fearful about tonight’s game

“Italy and England have always had this rivalry in football,” he said. “All the Italians I spoke to [during the tournament] predicted an Italy-England final.

“They’re scared of the England team, and so they should be.” On his YouTube channel, On the Volley, he confidently predicts a 4-0 win to England.

“Being an England fan in Italy this week is the same as it’s always been – brilliant.”

In the meantime, authorities in Rome are preparing for trouble.

After Italy’s semi-final against Spain, there were pockets of vandalism amid the general celebrations, including a group of fans attacking a bus, and bottles being thrown at police cars.

That has led to a crackdown for the final. Public transport apart from the metro will end at 9pm, and police are preparing to cordon off streets in the city centre, in a bid to semi-pedestrianise it. Fountains and other monuments will also be cordoned off, including the Spanish Steps, Campo de’ Fiori, and the Trevi Fountain.

Carrying glass bottles is banned from 7pm, and in addition to a large police presence, plain-clothes officers will be scanning the crowds for troublemakers.

To avoid overcrowding, there will be no parade through the streets for the team should Italy win.

Permission was denied to show the match on big screens in the Stadio Olimpico, where England won 4-0 against Ukraine in the quarter-finals.

Instead, Rome will have two fan zones – in Piazza del Popolo, one of the city’s main squares, and on the Via dei Fori Imperiali, near the Roman Forum.

But some Romans believe the authorities are overreacting.

“Having the national team playing isn’t like other games,” said Stefano Proietti, a taxi driver. “There’s much more fair play, and people just want to celebrate. I’m not afraid. Things are very calm.”

With that, he pulled down his t-shirt to show off the tattoo on his back in the colours of the Italian flag.

“When the national team play, I become very patriotic,” he said.

Will’s Will To Win – July 11th 2021

Prince William has led well wishes to the England team as they countdown to their historic Euro 2020 final against Italy at Wembley tonight.

The Duke of Cambridge, who is also president of the FA, posted a video message to say: “I can’t really believe this is happening. So exciting and I just wish you the very best of luck”.

“You bring out the very best of England and we are all behind you. The whole country is behind you. So, bring it home.”

Comment I just hope the ref is fair and that England don’t resort to ‘diving’ and fouling again. Italy needs to be very careful or they will quickly be down to 10 men. I will be watching. Robert Cook

Covid news – live: Public told to wear masks after 19 July, as Test and Trace hires thousands for summer wave (

I will be commenting further on what I think about England as a special country. – see Free Speech page. There are a few dots that need joining up. I would have thought such an elitist statement illegal under current equality laws.

However, Rev Southgate is clearly on a mission. Football is to be the unifying religion and England emblematic of diversity. Whoever says England is capable and guilty of cheating is a heathen and up for divine punishment. Robert Cook

Media & Special Interest Groups , notably High Density BAME populations and obese demand continuing lockdown measures for all rather than they just shield and allow others freedom , with masks mandatory on public transport as new normal because virus will never die and vaccines, which BAME don’t like because of fertility worries are shunned or rubbished. Lockdown will never end if these groups prevail. Also borders must remain open and migrants, seeking better lives ,welcomed for humanitarian reasons.

Working people must accept higher taxes to pay, super rich must get richer because they provide the goods and must have the profits. That is the New World Order. July 10th 2021.

Boris Johnson faces a growing revolt over plans to end most Covid restrictions on 19 July – including the mandatory wearing of face masks on public transport and in hospitals – as half of the public now say they want “freedom day” to be delayed.

Last night, as doctors and other NHS workers demanded that mask-wearing continue in hospitals, regional political leaders broke ranks, saying they would override the national government on the issue and strongly advise people to continue wearing masks on public transport.

Andy Burnham, mayor of Greater Manchester, told the Observer that with Covid cases rising rapidly again, “freedom day” risked becoming “anxiety day” for huge numbers of vulnerable people, because the government was making unwise decisions.

“The government is simply wrong to frame everything from here as a matter of pure personal choice. It is not,” said Burnham. “Many people who are vulnerable to the virus have to use public transport and do their food shopping in person. That is why the wearing of face coverings in these settings should have remained mandatory. I will be strongly encouraging the people of Greater Manchester to continue to wear masks on public transport out of respect for others.”

London mayor Sadiq Khan is also involved in urgent talks with the government, Transport for London (TfL), private train operators, and trade unions as support grows for the wearing of face masks to remain mandatory on the capital’s transport network.

It is understood that Khan believes keeping the mask requirement for all transport modes would be the simplest and safest measure. He said last week that the use of face coverings reduces the spread of Covid “and crucially gives Londoners confidence to travel on the network, which is vital to our economic recovery”.

Rail chaos: Hundreds of trains cancelled ahead of Euro 2020 final – July 10th 2021

Oliver Gill  

Leading UK domestic violence charity hit with racism allegations from staffBGT’s Stephen Mulhern starts rivalry with GMB’s Ben Shephard

Football fans will be hit by chaos on the railways as operators are forced to cancel hundreds of services on Sunday ahead of England’s first appearance in a major championship final since 1966.Euro 2020© Provided by The Telegraph Euro 2020

Govia Thameslink (GTR), the UK’s biggest rail network, is cutting 400 of its 2,200 services as it grapples with a dearth of train drivers.

The operator blamed a rise in staff being “pinged” by the Government’s Test and Trace app and told to isolate. In an apology to customers, GTR urged them to check trains are running before they travel.

And with the game kicking off at 8pm, operators warned that fans who are travelling to watch the game with friends could end up stranded.

Govia Thameslink – which includes the Thameslink, Southern and Greater Northern lines and services stations north and south of London – will rank among the hardest hit. 

Other networks such as Northern and London Overground are also expected to suffer disruption, and long distance operators such as LNER are advising against travelling back by train.

Comment hopefully that will mean fewer fireworks and reduced risk to Italy’s goal keeper from laser pens. Robert Cook

Proud to be English like Gareth Southgate. BBC millionaire commentator says getting to the EURO final has given England ‘ its’ swagger back.’ July 10th 2021

England , a country to be proud of !

Here are just a few extracts from today’s and past news.

The prime minister is hopeless and says so himself. The latest instalment of Dominic Cummings’s hate campaign against his recent boss is historic. Never before has a prime minister at the height of their power been turned inside out in public in this way.
“Boris is obviously unfit for the job,” Cummings says in his blog, and recounts a conversation with him after the EU referendum, in which Johnson said: “Obviously it’s ludicrous me being prime minister…” Except that he went on to say, “… but no more ludicrous than Dave or George, don’t you think?”’ So says former Tory grandee and king maker Domic Cummings.

‘Labour is calling for the resignation of a BBC board member with close links to Downing Street after he was accused of trying to block an appointment on political grounds.’
So says ‘The Financial Times’ reported that Sir Robbie Gibb, who was Theresa May’s communications director during her time as prime minister, cautioned the corporation against appointing Jess Brammar after she became the leading candidate to oversee the broadcaster’s news channels. Brammar, who has been employed by the corporation for much of her career, is a former deputy editor of BBC Newsnight and a former editor of HuffPost UK.
Gibb, who helped launch the rightwing news channel GB News, reportedly texted the BBC’s director for news and current affairs, Fran Unsworth, saying that she “cannot make this appointment” and that the government’s “fragile trust in the BBC will be shattered”. According to the corporation’s website, one of Gibb’s responsibilities as a non-executive director on the BBC board involves “upholding and protecting the independence of the BBC”.

Wayne Couzens nicknamed ‘The Rapist’ three years before he was hired by Met – July 10th s021
Leah Sinclair  
Sarah Everard’s killer was nicknamed ‘The Rapist’ and allegedly drove around naked in 2015 three years before he was hired by the Met, it has been reported.
Wayne Couzens’ ex-colleagues at the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC), where he joined in March 2011, reportedly gave him the nickname because he made some female officers feel uncomfortable, The Sun reports.

It has also emerged that Kent Police received a complaint from a male motorist that a man had been spotted driving around Dover naked from the waist down during the time Couzens was a volunteer in 2015.
The incident is being investigated by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) after Kent Police took no action.

The IOPC also revealed Couzens was accused of flashing on two other occasions with concerns that they were not properly investigated by the Met in the days before Ms Everard was murdered.
The Met is facing calls to investigate how Couzens was able to continue serving as an officer despite questions being raised about his behaviour.

FA fined for England fans’ behaviour in Denmark match  2 hrs ago

The Football Association has been fined £25,630 (30,000 euros) by UEFA for the behaviour of England fans during the Euro 2020 semi-final win over Denmark, which included a laser pointer being shone at Denmark goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel.
The punishment, confirmed on Saturday by the European governing body, also takes into account disturbances during the national anthems at Wembley and the setting off of fireworks inside the stadium.

Met Police issue terror threat warning ahead of Euro 2020 final – ‘Remain vigilant!’ July 10th 2021
Brian McGleenon  

The threat in the UK capital from a terrorist strike is “substantial” this weekend with the Met police working with other agencies to ensure the safety of fans. Police in London have urged football fans to “remain vigilant” especially during Sunday’s final of the Euros in Wembley Stadium when England take on Italy. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Laurence Taylor said: “The Met has been planning for Euro 2020 for some time, working with key partners in the Union of European Football Associations, the Football Association, the Mayor’s Office, and with policing partners in Counter Terrorism Policing, British Transport Police and City of London Police to ensure people and fans are safe and secure, prevent crime and disorder and respond effectively to any incidents.

Kate joined Prince William to watch the Women’s Singles Final on Centre Court, looking beautiful in a green fit-and-flare dress.
MORE: Every time Kate Middleton stunned with her iconic Wimbledon outfits
The Duchess accessoried her look with a blue floral face mask – proving that blue and green should most definitely be seen!

Boys killed in separate London stabbings named as concern grows over number of youths killed in capital
Tamim Ian Habimana, 15, and Keane Flynn-Harling, 16, were killed in separate incidents in Greenwich and Lambeth on Monday evening.
Hidden UK homelessness is about to get much worse, with Covid support being cut
Freya Marshall Payne
From 1 June landlords were able to evict tenants – a particular concern for women hit by a ‘shecession’ during the pandemic.

· Corruption, Lies, Brutality, Murder: How UK Police …
· 20/04/2018 · In July 2014, British police acknowledged undercover officers from the top secret Special Demonstration Squad had spied on 18 campaign groups – bereaved families and friends of deceased individuals seeking justice and truth in exceptional cases. Sputnik looks at some pivotal cases subject to intense police spying.

· Misconduct in Public Office | The Crown Prosecution Service
· 16/07/2018 · Those in charge of police computer systems Gallagher [2010] EWCA Crim 3201 Nurses working within a prison Cosford [2014] QB 81 Church of England clergy James (1850) 2 Den 1, 169 ER 393 though its authority was doubted in the unreported case of Ball (8 September 2015) in which Wilkie J ruled that a Church of England Bishop was a public office holder.

How police officers get away with lying in court | CRIMEBODGE
14/06/2017 · Articles News June 14, 2017 Rob Warner Tampering with evidence and lying in court are the most common allegations of corruption made against the police. On average, 1100 such complaints are made against officers each year. Despite this, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has brought only a handful of prosecutions for perjury in the past decade.

NHS England waiting list reaches record high for second …
1 day ago · NHS England waiting list reaches record high for second straight month Experts warn 5.3 million backlog could exacerbate burnout with staff facing ‘unprecedented levels of …

Green Park stabbing: Man injured in ‘terrifying’ knife attack at London Underground station – July 10th 2021

Millionaire fans perplexed as contestant ‘wastes’ two lifelines on ‘easy’ questionActress Seydoux tests COVID positive ahead of Cannes appearances: Variety

A man has been taken to hospital following a knife attack on a London Underground train.

Officers were called to Green Park underground station in central London on Friday following reports of a stabbing, British Transport Police (BTP) said.

Paramedics also attended the scene, and a man was rushed to hospital, where he remains in a stable condition.

Police said a man had been arrested in connection with the incident.

A passenger in his 30s who was trapped in a carriage on the Jubilee line when the incident took place PA he was afraid he would be “hacked to death underground”.

The witness, who did not want to be named, said: “All of a sudden there was a huge commotion.

“A man stood in the middle of the carriage and brandished a foot-long black machete.

“People started screaming, there was a stampede to the front of the carriage – people got trampled on and pushed into the plastic and stuff”.

The witness said that he managed to move away from the attacker into the next carriage, but said that the attacker had hit someone with the machete, leaving a male victim with a head wound.

The train’s driver, the witness said, was unaware that anything was happening for 10 minutes as the intercom was not working. He said that passengers were left defenceless on the moving Tube as the attacker “taunted” them.

“It was completely and utterly terrifying,” he said. “For about 10 minutes I genuinely thought I would be hacked to death underground.”

“However, people showed compassion and care to each other – people held other’s hands, and a teenage boy saved his mum from being trampled.”

The witness said that eventually the train stopped and armed police officers boarded the train.

Witnesses said that the station was evacuated, and crowds flooded the street at Green Park where a heavy police presence remains in place with a row of parked police vans and a heavily armoured vehicle.

A bystander told MyLondon news that a man was seen with what appeared to be “blood-stained” clothing.

BTP issued a statement that said: “British Transport Police were called to Green Park Underground station at 6.47pm today (9 July) following reports of a stabbing on-board a Jubilee Line service.

“Specialist officers were deployed, and a man was arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm and conveyed to police custody.”

Green Park station remains closed, and part of the Jubilee Line is suspended.

Boris Johnson may tone down ‘freedom’ rhetoric amid reopening jitters – July 10th 2021

Heather Stewart, Aubrey Allegretti, Natalie Grover and Libby Brooks 

Boris Johnson is expected on Monday to urge the public to behave responsibly as he confirms plans for the 19 July reopening in England amid government jitters about the risks of the big-bang approach.

The final decision about 19 July will be taken on Monday morning, based on modelling from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) about Covid cases and pressures on the NHS.

The prime minister still believes it is “now or never”, with a later reopening potentially posing even higher risks as cases could peak as children return to school and winter looms.

Two Whitehall sources told the Guardian that ministers had been spooked by internal polling. One said the data showed just 10% of the public support the policy of scrapping all restrictions at once, while another said substantially more people believed the government was moving too quickly than at the last reopening step on 17 May. These accounts were denied by No 10.

Comment It is very easy for pollsters to get the answers they want to siot vested interests, either by selective sampling or scaremongering questions – often both. The premise the masses are being given is that there is a better alternative after nearly 18 months of lockdown. Those with a perceived or real need to shielded should be encouraged to do so. There is now an obsessive compulsive disorder aspect to this lockdown behaviour , with already tangible mental health issues. Robert Cook,

Who are these upstarts who can’t decide which is best for them , inside or outside of Britain’s arrogant patronising ancien regime where the Queen has just ‘gifted’ Wills and Kate another mansion, in the land of fatuous equality ? July 9th 2021

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have called on people to be more compassionate towards one another in a statement shared on their website.

In a section asking, “what is compassion?” on the couple’s Archewell website, it outlines the company’s mission “to drive systemic, cultural change — one act of compassion at a time”.

Posted on Wednesday, the statement begins: “We believe that compassion is at the core of all culture and connection in this world. It shows up in all of our interactions with people and enriches our lives and the lives of those around us.

Comment What kind of people listen and follow these upstarts ?

Robert Cook

Minister sparks row after claiming face masks offer ‘marginal’ benefit – July 9th 2021

Daily Mail Reporter 

She exchanged emails with PRINCE WILLIAM?! Incredible facts about…‘Pressure is a good thing’ – Ivan Vukomanovic unconcerned by Kerala…James Bethell wearing a suit and tie: MailOnline logo© Provided by Daily Mail MailOnline logo

A health minister sparked a row in the House of Lords yesterday after he questioned the effectiveness of masks at preventing Covid.

Lord Bethell said face coverings offered only ‘marginal protection’ when questioned over Government plans to lift the remaining coronavirus restrictions in England on July 19.

The move has faced criticism from more than 120 scientists and doctors who signed a letter in The Lancet accusing the UK Government of conducting a ‘dangerous and unethical experiment’. 

Lord Bethell responded: ‘I don’t accept that at all. The argument I make is an extremely reasonable one.’ 

He also told peers: ‘This isn’t a question of libertarian ideology. This is a question of assessing the risks faced by the country… I’m afraid to say we cannot have in place laws on the intimate practicalities of people’s lives for the long-term.

‘We don’t have a law on sneezing. I wouldn’t think of sneezing in the presence of peers, but I don’t accept that I should be given a fine for doing so.’ 

Comment Let those who want or need to shield shield and let the rest have their lives back if they want them. Robert Cook

Command Consensus July 8th 2021

Firstly, it is clear that lockdowns and masks will not ‘defeat’ ( sic ) the virus. That is clearly not why certain interest groups , like the bloated and failing NHS , want them. If we are to persist in this OCD pandering direction then we guarantee increasing poverty in a hideously overpopulating world that falls for lockdowns and the chimera of religion for comfort. If doctors want this masked fascist menace then they should take at least a 50% pay cut. They are certainly being shielded from wider and deeper responsibities as are other public servants.

Over and over again the same consensus scientists repressive views are amplified by an adoring mass media. The government is not the government where it matters. The scientists who disagree with masks , which are about as effective as chain link fence at keeping out rodents, are rubbished or ignored. We have seen at least 3 high profile establishment figures , along with large numbers of off duty police, ignoring the rules. Vulnerable people should shield or take their chances. It would help a little more if the country shut the door to illegal immigrants – very few if any are asylum seekers because if they were they would stop where they arrive in Europe.

We have a Draconian hate laws to stifle criticism. Those laws are applied very selectively as are the pro masker’s arguments. It was noted at the beginning of this outbreak – or virus leak – that masks and lockdowns don’t work. Now clearly, vaccines can’t work because there will always be new variants. We have an enforced consensus reliant on stoking up fear. Testing is big brother’s way of conning you into closer lockdown. That is why Lord Bethell’s words are unwelcome and threatening to these so called scientists and doctors – who doctor the truth. Robert Cook

Uefa opens disciplinary proceedings against England following Denmark semi-final

Alex Pattle  

London doctor’s surgeries ‘unfit for purpose’ with many in cramped…‘Basic Instinct’ director denies Sharon Stone’s claim of being tricked into nude…Soccer Football - Euro 2020 - Semi Final - England v Denmark - Wembley Stadium, London, Britain - July 7, 2021 England's Harry Kane celebrates scoring their second goal with teammates Pool via REUTERS/Laurence Griffiths© Thomson Reuters Soccer Football – Euro 2020 – Semi Final – England v Denmark – Wembley Stadium, London, Britain – July 7, 2021 England’s Harry Kane celebrates scoring their second goal with teammates Pool via REUTERS/Laurence Griffiths

Uefa has opened disciplinary proceedings against England following their Euro 2020 semi-final win against Denmark.

England won the match at Wembley Stadium 2-1 to advance to the final, where they will play Italy on Sunday, but the game was not free of controversy.

A fan shone a laser pen at Denmark goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel as he prepared to face Harry Kane’s penalty in extra time. Schmeichel saved the spot-kick, but Kane scored the rebound in the decisive moment of the fixture.Soccer Football - Euro 2020 - Semi Final - England v Denmark - Wembley Stadium, London, Britain - July 7, 2021 General view of England's Harry Kane and Luke Shaw in action Pool via REUTERS/Catherine Ivill© Thomson Reuters Soccer Football – Euro 2020 – Semi Final – England v Denmark – Wembley Stadium, London, Britain – July 7, 2021 General view of England’s Harry Kane and Luke Shaw in action Pool via REUTERS/Catherine Ivill

There were other disturbances at Wembley, which Uefa addressed in a statement on Thursday morning.

European football’s governing body released a statement that read: “Charges against England:

  • Use of laser pointer by its supporters – Article 16(2)(d) of the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations (DR)
  • Disturbance caused by its supporters during the national anthem – Article 16(2)(g) DR
  • Lighting of fireworks by its supporters – Article 16(2)(c) DR

“The case will be dealt with by the UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body (CEDB) in due course.”

Comment There should be an additional investigation of the referee for ignoring England’s blatant fouling and an obvious dive by star Raheem Sterling. It was obvious to me while watching and confirmed by the video replay. Not obvious to the refs and his assistants and not commented on by biased tame media. I wonder why. Obviously England’s presence has been deemed essential to the final. As I have said before , Italy need to beware on Saturday in this tainted tournament. England has no right to be there. Robert Cook

England Not My England – Robert Cook July 8th 2021

  1. News about England Cheat Their Way Into European Cup Danes & Italians accuse England of cheating and Raheem Sterling of diving after Three Lions roared into …FURIOUS Danish and Italian fans have branded England cheats and Three Lions hero Raheem Sterling a …The Scottish Sun · 11hSee more news about England Cheat Their Way Into European Cup Final

Comment England claims moral superiority in all aspects of human society. In truth it is one of the most corrupt, along with the rest of the U.K. In the football , manager and vicar lookalike / soundalike Southgate is on a mission of knee bending righteousness. It ‘s all about love not hate with him.

Well yesterdays match was scurrilous on England’s part. I counted over 20 England fouls but the ref saw none of them. Video replays confirmed that Sterling took a dive because the over rated England team was desperate. The ref saw the chance to swing it for England because it was pretty clear they would lose on a penalty shoot out.

England’s foot ball team is a metaphor for a corrupt decaying society. Top flight football has much else wrong with it as McGuire’s conviction for violence attests. These players are arrogant and hideously overpaid. Their self importance and lifestyles are nauseating in a land that feigns concerns for equality.

But the desperate masses will be out in force cheering them on in another convenient home game. Italy need to watch out because England have distinguished themselves as the champions of foul play and have had much favouritism from the refs. The national media are shameless in their support. Robert Cook

Kasper Schmeichel had laser pen shone at his face as Harry Kane stepped up for England penalty – Posted July 8th 2021

Sean MorrisonThu, 8 July 2021, 10:52 am·2-min read


Denmark goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel had a laser pen shone at his face as Harry Kane stepped up for England‘s penalty in their Euro 2020 semi final clash.

ITV showed footage of a green laser flashing across Schmeichel’s face as he prepared to face Kane’s extra-time penalty at Wembley on Wednesday night.

The goalkeeper did not appear to be aware of the attempted distraction and saved the penalty, before Kane tucked away the rebound to score what would be the winning goal.

ITV presenter Mark Pougatch condemned the unknown perpetrator.

He said: “One thing we have spotted just as Harry Kane took the penalty and which is completely unacceptable and ridiculous…look, someone’s got a laser pen in the stands.

“Whoever they are they’re an idiot, him or her, and we can just hope that it didn’t put Kasper Schmeichel off because it’s stupid and he doesn’t deserve that.

“That sort of thing, nobody wants to see.”

Further controversy surrounded the penalty–which ultimately sent England into their first final since 1966–Raheem Sterling was accused of diving to win the spot kick, which came in the first half of extra time.

There was also a second ball on the pitch when Sterling received the ball at the start of the move. 

Referees normally stop play in accordance with the laws of the game if there are two balls on the field.

They can use their discretion and ignore it if the ball is not interfering with play, but on this occasion the stray ball was in the vicinity of Sterling and the Denmark defenders and could conceivably be said to be causing a distraction.

From F.S July 7th 2021

Elitist Britain (

Covid news – live: Mayor of UK’s virus hotspot warns against scrapping restrictions ahead of PM’s announcement (

Coronavirus news – live: Daily cases ‘could hit 200,000 a day’ as Johnson tears up mask and distancing rules (

Watch this space , it’s the same old , same old. July 6th 2021

From F.S July 6th 2021. I note that, right on cue, the lambda variant has just popped up. Fits in with this:

Ex-Muslim: Leaving the religion – Bing video

England Football team an exceptional nation with more divers than the Royal Navy.

( sic ) – July 7th 2021

I am writing this as I think of it , while watching England cheating its way through the Euro semi final. I have counted 10 serious professional fouls. I have also just seen Harry Kane take a blatant dive. It was a long time before an outraged Harry McGuire got a long overdue yellow card.

England’s performance was a disgrace to sport. The ref was blind to an appalling ongoing display of fouling and diving.

The result of this Euro final was decided long before match day. They should be down to 10 men by now. They equalised because a player threw himself down to get a free kick. The ref sees only what he has to. UEAFA are only interested in the money which is why the tournament gets bigger every year. It won’t be long before they have Monaco and San Marino playing..

The point is, England must win this solidarity ritual and go on to pull the crowds into Wembley. It is also about the big home crowd at the home ground. Wait for all the political propaganda about these over paid bully boys being a credit to the nation in such difficult times. The ref and commentators in all of England’s games – all home bar one – have been blind to England’s cheating. I have just watched Raheem Stirling take an obvious dive to get the winning penalty in extra time. England is a nation of cheats in so many ways. England’s football team has more divers than the Royal Navy and it is a disgrace to compare them to the 1966 team. That’s it.

Meanwhile , I chatted to a rather tired but cheerful 30 something woman on Morrison’s check out in Aylesbury this afternoon. She said she keeps smiling and takes every day as it comes. She said she has heart and lung disease diagnosed a few years ago but they won’t do anything about it until it gets worse.

Robert Cook

Harry McGuire of the England Football Team , bastion of love over hate ,shining example to the world – Posted July 7th 2021

Maguire ‘to be charged with aggravated assault’ after alleged ‘brawl’

Date published: Friday 21st August 2020 3:13 – Joe Williams0Harry Maguire Man Utd

Man Utd captain Harry Maguire will be “charged with aggravated assault” after an alleged “brawl” in Mykonos, according to a police spokesperson.

The 27-year-old, who is the world’s most expensive defender following his £80million move from Leicester to Old Trafford last summer, was one of three Englishmen arrested by Greek police on Thursday night.

The head of the press office for the Hellenic Police’s South Aegean region said there had been an altercation and an exchange of words with the police, and that the three men would appear before a prosecutor on the island of Syros later on Friday.

Harry Maguire: Man Utd captain given suspended jail term for assault and attempted bribery in Greece

Maguire, 27, was convicted in his absence by a court in Syros.

Tuesday 25 August 2020 20:10, UK

‘Victims are still waiting for an apology’

Footballer Harry Maguire has been given a suspended prison sentence after being found guilty of aggravated assault, resisting arrest and repeated bribery attempts in Greece.

The England defender, 27, was convicted of all the charges against him by a court on the island of Syros.

He was handed a jail term of 21 months and 10 days, but it will be suspended because it was a first offence and the charges were classed as misdemeanours. His team have said they will appeal.

Harry Maguire
Image:Harry Maguire pictured outside court.

The Manchester United captain was arrested with his brother and a friend after a fight broke out while he was on holiday in Mykonos over claims his sister was injected with a suspected “rape drug”.

The club said in a statement Maguire “continues to strongly assert his innocence” and the trial gave his lawyers “minimal time to digest the charges and prepare”.

They had asked the court to postpone proceedings over the incident, which happened last Thursday during a family getaway.

But the trial went ahead in the absence of all three defendants – Maguire, his brother Joe and their friend Christopher Sharman.

Scuffles as travellers’ ‘Kill The Bill’ demo ends in clashes with police in London July 7th 2021

Travellers, gypsies, and squatters gathered in London on Wednesday (July 7) to protest against a new government bill which, if passed, will criminalise trespass with the intention to reside. The Kill the Bill protest turned into scuffles after one protester was arrested for unknown reasons on Whitehall which led to demonstrators trying to block the road. If the new bill passes, roadside camps could result in the seizure of vehicles, larger fines and the potential for prison time, affecting the lives of Gypsy, Roma, Traveller communities, as well as people sleeping rough.

Russian to Judgement – July 7th 2021

Russian fighter jets ‘buzz’ American spy plane in the Black Sea

Will Stewart and Chris Pleasance for MailOnline  3 hrs ago

Murder investigation launched after body of missing London woman…Crypto market stasis: Experts and academics take questions on bitcoin…a large passenger jet flying through a blue sky: MailOnline logo© Provided by Daily Mail MailOnline logo

Russian fighter jets have been filmed ‘buzzing’ a US spy plane over the Black Sea in the latest standoff between Moscow and western powers in the contested region. 

Footage released by the Russian Defence Ministry showed two Sukhoi Su-30 fighters flying close alongside a Boeing P-8 Poseidon of the US Navy on Tuesday evening.

The Kremlin said fighters were scrambled as the plane approached its airspace and blocked in from ‘violating the state border’.

It did not say where precisely the intercept happened, though it is likely to have been close to Crimea – which Russia considers to be part of its territory but western powers say is Ukrainian territory that has been illegally occupied by Moscow’s forces.

Then, on Wednesday, Russia said it is tracking a Spanish warship in the Black Sea amid joint Ukraine-NATO military exercises in the region which Moscow has condemned as a ‘provocation’.

It comes exactly two weeks after Russian warships and fighter jets shadowed British warship HMS Defender as it sailed close to the coast of Crimea, with Moscow claiming warning shots and bombs were fired as it was ‘chased away’.a flock of seagulls flying over a body of water: (© Provided by Daily Mail (a fighter jet flying through a cloudy blue sky: (© Provided by Daily Mail (

The British Navy denies that account, saying no shots were fired at the vessel – though admitted jets made low passes and Russian ships followed it as it sailed along the ‘shortest route’ from Odessa towards Georgia.

Speaking about Tuesday’s standoff-in-the-skies, a Russian Defence Ministry spokesman said: ‘On the evening of July 6, Russian airspace control devices over the neutral waters of the Black Sea detected an air target approaching the state border of the Russian Federation.’

Two Su-30s were dispatched to identify the aircraft and prevent it entering Russian airspace, according to the Russians.

‘The crews of Russian fighters identified the air target as a Boeing P-8 Poseidon and escorted it over the Black Sea.

‘The flight of Russian aircraft was carried out in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace.

‘Violation of the state border of the Russian Federation was not allowed.’

Video: Putin says U.S. aircraft involved in Black Sea incident (Yahoo! News)Video player from: Oath (Privacy Policy)

There was no immediate comment from the US and no direct evidence that the plane had sought to encroach Russian airspace. 

Russia is tracking a Spanish naval ship in the Black Sea, the Interfax news agency cited Russia’s defence ministry as saying on Wednesday, as Ukraine and NATO countries both held military drills in the area.a large passenger jet flying through a cloudy blue sky: (© Provided by Daily Mail (a fighter jet flying through a cloudy sky: (© Provided by Daily Mail (

The ministry said the Spanish ship had entered the Black Sea on Wednesday to take part in the Sea Breeze 2021 military drills.

The drills, which began on June 28 and will last until July 10, involve 30 ships, 40 aircraft and around 5,000 troops from 32 nations including the likes of Japan, South Korea and Australia.

Officially a defensive exercise to test ‘interoperability’ between the countries’ militaries, the drills will also send a message to Russia as it takes a more-aggressive stance in the Black Sea and surrounding region.

It comes after Russia moved some 100,000 troops, tanks and artillery pieces on Ukraine’s border – the biggest build-up of troops since it annexed Crimea in 2014.

Moscow called the move a training exercise to test combat readiness, but many of its forces still remain in the region.

That was followed by an icy summit between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin – the first since Biden became president – in which the two men drew red lines for their future relationship in an attempt to restore ‘predictability’.

Russia views any military drills on its border as a provocation, fearing they could be used as a pretext for an invasion.water next to the ocean: (© Provided by Daily Mail (

In response to the Sea Breeze drill, Moscow has deployed dozens of aircraft including fighters and bombers to Crimea and accused the west of engaging in ‘brinkmanship’ in the Black Sea.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov also told Russian media that ‘provocateurs’ risk an escalation,

‘They would be better off leaving their provocations aside next time and staying away from that area because they will get punched in the nose,’ he said.

But Commander Daniel Marzluff, the U.S. Sixth Fleet’s Black Sea Region Engagement Lead, said the Sea Breeze drills are ‘essential’ in deterring Russian aggression.

‘This is clearly the most effective way to bring a unified front to this kind of rogue action,’ Marzluff told Newsweek.

Russia will hold a major strategic military exercise, Zapad 2021, in September with Belarus, an annual event focused on what Russia calls the ‘western strategic direction.’

Russia’s Defense Ministry said last month that it planned to monitor the Sea Breeze exercises and ‘if necessary, respond adequately to the evolving situation in the interests of ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation.’Read more

Ministers overruled Sage and ditched masks after being told the economy would lose billions – July 7th 2021

Jane Merrick  

Eight more bodies found in rubble of collapsed Miami buildingChina’s Central Bank sends another warning to companies against…

Ministers decided to ditch mandatory face masks after being warned the UK economy would lose billions of pounds if people were made to wear them after 19 July.

Modelling from reviews of social distancing and mass gatherings revealed public dislike for wearing face coverings at sporting, music and arts events.

Keeping compulsory face masks could cost the events and hospitality industries more than £4bn in lost revenues, the analysis suggested.

A Whitehall source told i that the research was compelling and the driving force behind the decision to scrap mandatory face masks when all restrictions are lifted in England.

This was despite warnings by scientists from The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) that the Government should keep “baseline measures” in place.

It suggests that ministers are now “following the economy” rather than the science as the country grapples with an exit wave from the pandemic.

The public dislike for face masks in recreational settings such as football matches and live concerts is in contrast to broad support for coverings on public transport, which is regarded as a necessary inconvenience, sources said.

But at a meeting in April, Sage recommended that face masks and other baseline measures such as working from home should be kept in place even after all other restrictions were lifted at the end of the roadmap.

The minutes, published on Monday, said: “Ongoing baseline measures and sustained long-term behavioural change will be required to control a resurgence in infections. Lifting restrictions may recreate conditions for super spreader events.”

The public health chief of one of the areas worst-hit by the Delta variant has added his voice to the widespread calls from scientists and medical experts to keep face masks in enclosed public spaces after 19 July.

Professor Dominic Harrison, director of public health for Blackburn-with-Darwen in Lancashire which bore the brunt of rising Delta cases in May and June, also called for a decision to be made as soon as possible on vaccinating 12 to 17-year-olds to limit transmission in secondary schools once the new term starts in September.

The independent vaccines committee the JCVI is still debating whether to extend jabs to 12-17-year-olds.

Prof Harrison told i: “I generally share the view of some colleagues that it is time for us to open up as much as possible – but the three things we need to make this safer are; to get on with vaccination for those aged 12-plus as soon as possible, increase ventilation measures in schools and other public indoor space and retain mask wearing (as now) in enclosed public space.

“With these mitigations we should be able to have maximum freedoms and minimal risk – but we need to be really clear – we will still not be completely risk free.”

Professor Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, and the Government’s chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance effectively backed Boris Johnson’s decision to scrap face masks by appearing alongside the Prime Minister in Monday’s press conference.

But both scientists wanted to make it clear they would continue to wear coverings in enclosed or crowded public places, reflecting concerns on Sage that people should be mindful of the infection risk.

Professor Calum Semple, a member of Sage, said this was the right approach from the Government’s top scientists.

He told Times Radio Breakfast: “The emphasis from the chief medical officer and the Government chief scientific adviser was to assess your environment.

“They both said they’re going to be wearing masks in many circumstances, as will I.”

Truth in the News ? News in the Truth ? July 6th 2021

According to the Independent ( sic ) newspaper : Sean O’Grady is the Associate Editor of the Independent. He writes editorials, columns about politics and economics, and reviews, including television and cars. He has worked for their titles since 1998, and before that enjoyed a varied career in parliament, the City and at the BBC. His by line has appeared in every section of the publication. He drives a Skoda Octavia and lives in an unfashionable district of south London.

The following is an example of his fashionable work. In spite of his Irish name, he seems to buy into the myth of the Churchillian adjective – or is it a verb like bullsh-t ? meaning to Churchill something ? Whatever, the efforts to evoke the old ‘Dunkirk or Gallipoli spirit are pathetic in the case of Covid. Though admittedly any honest reference to science in this connection would have concluded the virus was an ingredient of warfare from east or west – I believe the latter where the motive is stronger.

So unless something is known about this unusual and rapidly evolving virus giving credibility to the propaganda that it can be defeated or controlled. it must be accepted that we must live and die with it. This has been the case with flu and even colds because certain groups are more vulnerable , old people like me for example. Curiously no one died of flu since March lockdown – believe that you will believe anything because flu deaths could not be distinguished by the dubious testing methods.

However, this is the age of diversity and the war on hate crime of which I have been a victim including from certain parties within the police. This is the reality of British multi culture and diversity , it is a front to protect certain groups, especially the wealthy all powerful elite. It is a truth stifling virtue signalling smoke screen feeding of mass fear and elite hypocrisy.

There is nothing Churchillean about putting up with all of this. Lives are being ruined by far more than Covid and by problems that could ultimately be solved and would never have existed but for global elite greed following the horrors of two elite led and fed World Wars.

Apart from the U.K police, I have no idea who reads this website , assuming anyone does. But I think of it as a diary and archive, so must remind myself that science is not a body of knowledge. It is a methodology for hypothesis, data collection , analysis , working conclusion ,prediction and hopefully control. That is certainly what it said in a book I borrowed from London’s Imperial College library in 1978. In the case of Covid , any honest scientist could only conclude that science has gone more than far enough.

However, that cannot be allowed as a conclusion. Multi culture is not a harmony. By its very definition it describes an excuse for a Dr Frankenstein society where there has to be an ever more dominant elite culture to manage conflict. Hence the ever developing and intrusive British and European Police State – along the U.S impending implosion. It cannot be admitted that certain ethnic groups , rising poverty and the obese present high risk of Covid being easily spread among them – and the last straw for survival under a health system that cannot cope with their increasing numbers and lifestyle , especially in urban areas like Greater Manchester. It woud be deemed racist to target them for special Covid controls , so rules must apply to all.

The ritual of never ending extending Covid lockdowns has become their comfort blanket. In many cases these groups overlap and interaction with the old Empire countries , along with inward migration from Africa and Middle East, has created an impossible set of problems. My generation of old people were hedonists and want to live forever , making matters worse. Well paid media folk lecture and hector any responsible politicians who try to face facts. The implication is this new world order with global reset must advance. It is driving the masses mad. They were told vaccine would sort it.

Many BAME fear effects on fertility. Many BAME work in a management bloated health service unfit for the reality of modern high and ever denser populations. It is what it is. There is no evidence that lockdown social distancing with masks will ever work , but they make some groups feel safe and others very angry. It makes life easier and lucrative for the police and other public bodies. But that is all about the tail wagging the dog.

To cap it all , we are not supposed to criticise, especially public servants. The media’s outrage is a powerful overarching mechanism for that dominant elite culture which has done exceptionally well from this global reset. Robert cook

Boris Johnson has surrendered to Covid – he should never be forgiven

Sean O’Grady  

Emma Raducanu: the new darling of British tennis – from wildcard to the…FTSE 100 set to fall as Morrisons-inspired row over private equity takeovers…

So that’s it, then. We never did send Covid packing. The struggle against this deadly invisible foe wasn’t won. We’re not going to strain every sinew to defeat Covid, after all. Boris Johnson is declaring surrender.

Instead of suppressing the virus to the point where it minimises the threat to health, an aim deliberately misrepresented as an unrealistic “zero Covid”, we’re accepting that we’re beat, that we’ll have to “learn to live with it”, much as we do with flu, and just expect to get sick – very sick, perhaps for a very long time – and perhaps die prematurely.

It’s not very Churchillian, is it? The prime minister is well known as an admirer of the old man, but instead of blood, sweat and tears shed, however heavy the burdens, however long the battle, we’re just shrugging and moving on because the Tories are bored with it now. Just at the moment when, in a matter of a couple of months, the vaccination programme will be as complete as it can be, and we might actually, for a change, have a rapid test-and-trace system in place – the best long-term protections.

Shock Horror as Minister refuses to say virus is under control – July 4th 2021

Johnson told me it would be ‘ludicrous’ for him to become PM, claims…FCA launches consultation to strengthen UK markets

LIVE – Updated at 12:06Boris Johnson wearing a suit and tie: German Chancellor Angela Merkel meets with Britain's PM Boris Johnson at Chequers© REUTERS German Chancellor Angela Merkel meets with Britain’s PM Boris Johnson at Chequers

Boris Johnson is poised to announce that social distancing will be scrapped in England from 19 July as people will be asked to use their own judgement to manage the risk of Covid-19.

The prime minister will lead a Downing Street press conference on Monday where he will say that the country must “learn to live with this virus” amid concerns from scientists that the government is moving too fast with ending all restrictions.

Scientists have warned that such a decision could risk a more transmissible and potentially vaccine resistant variant emerging in the UK as cases are still rising across the country.

On Monday morning, care minister Helen Whately declined to say that Covid-19 was “under control” but argued that the government did not expect rising case rates to lead to a significant increase in hospitalisations due to the success of vaccines.

“That’s a critical difference now: so yes cases are going to continue to rise for a period, but we simply aren’t seeing the same steep rise in hospitalisations as we’re seeing in the past because of the vaccination programme,” Ms Whately said.

Comment You can avoid a cold but you can’t banish cold viruses. People with colds and flu should avoid others. The elite and vested interests , like the NHS George Medal winners for sort of doing their job and then asking for more money , don’t like it. The world must revolve around them and it’s easy to write off all deaths as ‘with Covid’ , along with the panic coming from constant and unreliable tests. Interestingly no one died from flu since Covid appeared. Robert Cook

Lord Bethell faces mounting pressure to quit – Posted July 4th 2021

Claire Ellicott Political Correspondent For The Daily Mail  

Health minister Lord Bethell faces pressure to resign over his sponsorship of a pass for Matt Hancock’s aide and his use of a personal email account for work.

The Tory peer could face an investigation by the Lords standards commissioner as soon as this week into a potential breach of rules over the parliamentary pass. 

He has also been accused of failing to declare meetings between himself and companies that won Covid contracts.

Health minister Lord Bethell faces pressure to resign over his sponsorship of a pass for Matt Hancock’s aide and his use of a personal email account for work.

The Tory peer could face an investigation by the Lords standards commissioner as soon as this week into a potential breach of rules over the parliamentary pass. 

He has also been accused of failing to declare meetings between himself and companies that won Covid contracts.

He has also been accused of failing to declare meetings between himself and companies that won Covid contracts.

Health minister Lord Bethell faces pressure to resign over his sponsorship of a pass for Matt Hancock’s aide and his use of a personal email account for work.

The Tory peer could face an investigation by the Lords standards commissioner as soon as this week into a potential breach of rules over the parliamentary pass. 

He has also been accused of failing to declare meetings between himself and companies that won Covid contracts.

He has also been accused of failing to declare meetings between himself and companies that won Covid contracts.

Health minister Lord Bethell faces pressure to resign over his sponsorship of a pass for Matt Hancock’s aide and his use of a personal email account for work.

The Tory peer could face an investigation by the Lords standards commissioner as soon as this week into a potential breach of rules over the parliamentary pass. 

He has also been accused of failing to declare meetings between himself and companies that won Covid contracts.

He has also been accused of failing to declare meetings between himself and companies that won Covid contracts.

Health minister Lord Bethell faces pressure to resign over his sponsorship of a pass for Matt Hancock’s aide and his use of a personal email account for work.

The Tory peer could face an investigation by the Lords standards commissioner as soon as this week into a potential breach of rules over the parliamentary pass. 

He has also been accused of failing to declare meetings between himself and companies that won Covid contracts.

He has also been accused of failing to declare meetings between himself and companies that won Covid contracts.

Health minister Lord Bethell faces pressure to resign over his sponsorship of a pass for Matt Hancock’s aide and his use of a personal email account for work.

The Tory peer could face an investigation by the Lords standards commissioner as soon as this week into a potential breach of rules over the parliamentary pass. 

He has also been accused of failing to declare meetings between himself and companies that won Covid contracts.

He has also been accused of failing to declare meetings between himself and companies that won Covid contracts.

From March last year, the peer sponsored a parliamentary pass for Gina Coladangelo, who was filmed in a clinch with former health secretary Mr Hancock. 

Lords rules state that, to receive a pass, a person must conduct secretarial work or research for a peer. Lord Bethell has not said what work she did for him.

Liberal Democrat Baroness Brinton said Lord Bethell ‘must come clean and address these serious allegations’ and ‘if he refuses, then he must consider his position’. 

Lord Bethell declined to comment on the issuing of Miss Coladangelo’s pass.

Both Miss Coladangelo and Mr Hancock have since left their posts, but Lord Bethell remains in his job as a health minister.

The peer is also facing scrutiny over his use of a personal email account for work.

He has been accused of failing to declare 27 meetings between him and companies which went on to receive £1 billion worth of Covid contracts.

Downing Street has suggested that the use of the private email address was allowed within the rules and the peer insisted he had done nothing wrong.

Lord Bethell insisted he sought to uphold the ministerial code ‘in everything I do’ as he was questioned by peers last week.

Comment Hancock and this Tory Lord are typical of corrupt elite greedy Britain. Mealy mouthed garbage about gender equality , diversity and a war on racism is smokescreen for the real inequalities of wealth.

It’s most revealing that there is a sense of urgency to find out how the CCTV footage of a sexually active and aroused Member. of Parliament , Health Secretary no less leaked to the press. This mentality implies that the hypocritical Health Moraliser Hancock should not have been exposed. It implies that we the tax paying pubic have no right to know.

Logically , A proper and moral response would have been to install cameras in all offices. We lower beings have to endure being watched and subject to police kicking our doors in on the flimsiest pretext. If this is such a glorious democracy – which it isn’t – them Ministers who drive law making should be subject to the same and more. Bethell will have to be dragged squealing from a sinecure that offers so many lucrative side benefits. Robert Cook

Scientists slam ‘bonkers’ government lockdown plans after Covid likened to flu – Posted July 4th 2021

Rachel Wearmouth  

A top scientist launched a stinging attack on Sajid Javid after the “frightening” Health Secretary compared the Covid pandemic to flu and signalled he is determined to lift all Covid restrictions on July 19.

Professor Steve Reicher, who advises the government as part of SAGE, hit out at the newly-appointed minister after he used a Daily Mail article to say Brits must learn to live with Covid “as we already do with flu”.

The broadside from the St Andrews University academic comes as the Government revealed face masks and the one-metre plus rule will be dropped as part of ‘Freedom Day’.

Earlier Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick said people will soon be exercising “personal choice” when asked about reports on masks, as well as school bubbles being axed and the need for double-jabbed Brits to self-isolate after coming into contact with a Covid case or returning from an amber list country.

Taking to Twitter, Prof Reicher said: “It is frightening to have a ‘Health’ Secretary who still thinks Covid is flu, who is unconcerned at levels of infection, who doesn’t realise that those who do best for health also do best for the economy, who wants to ditch all protections while only half of us are vaccinated.

“Above all, it is frightening to have a ‘Health’ Secretary who wants to make all protections a matter of personal choice when the key message of the pandemic is “this isn’t an ‘I’ thing, it’s a ‘we’ thing. Your behaviour affects my health. Get your head around the ‘we’ concept”.

Comment There are a few concepts that this so called top scientists needs to get his head around. The masses are very hierarchical so they won’t question exactly what ‘top’ and ‘scientist’ mean in this context. Just seeing the two words in the same sentence guarantees fear and blind obedience when it comes to Covid.

There are some pretty good scientists who don’t share his view. But you don’t get the professors chair or national platform simply by being the best scientist. Promotion in everything in U.K Plc depends on being good at politics which involves some interesting behaviour.

Modelling the spread of a virus depends on honesty concerning risk factors , the reasons why some groups are more at risk than others and the amazing degree to which the migrant and travellers doors are kept open for WOKE reasons.

As always the lower classes pay the price. Keeping them locked down and desperate serves serious and devious State and sectional purposes. The facst that few if any have died directly from Covid , PCR tests are unreliable ,the figures are deliberately exaggerated and there is no evidence to support lockdown as a control device ,is of no interest to this type of ‘top scientist’ – nor is the wider damage to peoples prosperity , physical and mental health .’

Meanwhile a long list of vested interests continue to do very well and the elite are safe from protests about anything worth protesting about. That is Western style democracy , in which art the U.K leads the world. It also protects the failing hideously expensive NHS from scrutiny. Robert Cook

Comment on the following :

Anyone who thinks that women are homogeneous and equal to each other is a liar or imbecile. There are some profoundly serious unspeakable reasons for the issues around Batley & Spen. Too many people , including the young, are living without hope. More women per se are not a solution to Britain and the wider world’s problems. Inequalities of wealth , the suffocating blanket of diversity ,compounded by mass immigration, Covid lockdown and the Woke world are most concerning.

This following writer’s comments about freedom of expression under the law, begs the question , who makes the law and to what end. As for repeated references to ‘our democracy’ , the low Batley & Spen turn out should be a warning regarding political apathy. Democracy is no more than a word now and meant more in the old German Democratic Republic. This is the essence of this woman’s ludicrous take on democracy : ‘A democracy where large sections of the population do not feel confident or safe to participate would be no true democracy at all’. It’s very frightening that she wants more like herself in the British Parliament.

This  Tory MP author represents the new echelons of our political elite where their safety is the driving force. The millions living without hope are mere cannon fodder to their self righteousness. I have experienced abuse as an officer of Her Majesty’s Inland Revenue , as a teacher and as a senior member of my local council.

I went into public service for a secure good income , pension and clean workplace. In politics, I expected to encounter those who did not like my views or actions. It went with the territory. If this writer wants more of the ‘safety first’ mentality and laws to encourage them , then we are being sent further down the road to police state hell. Being on the receiving end of police lies and corruption , along with the system endeavouring to section me, ridiculing me on the basis of supposed transgender, have not enamoured me to the cause of public servants or to the true reasons the elite support diversity. Robert Cook


Death threats and arson attacks – the intimidation of public servants will ruin our democracy – Posted July 4th 2021

Chloe Smith  

Transsexual Roberta Jane knows what it is like to be abused by the British Liberal’ public service. These personal safety lovers had police informing ‘her’ doctor she was mentally ill.
The GP told the Gender Identity Clinic who prescribed a psychiatrist to have her declared a paranoid schizophrenic and anti psychotic zombie drugs. That’s the logic of this argument. That is the logic of diversity. Of course the story behind the police behaviour is very interesting and even more revelaltory.
Robert Cook

Critical, robust and oppositional debate has always been a fundamental part of our democracy, and freedom of expression is part of its appeal. But a line is crossed when disagreement mutates into intimidation and abuse that shuts down free debate.

‘A democracy where large sections of the population do not feel confident or safe to participate would be no true democracy at all’

We recently marked the anniversary of the Equal Franchise Act 1928, when women and men were granted equal voting rights. We should reflect on how far we have come – and contemplate where we still need to go.

There are currently 220 women MPs in the House of Commons, making up 34 per cent of parliament. We want this number to continue increasing, and indeed, we want to see our Parliament reflect the full diversity of the United Kingdom that we are proud to live in today.

But the volume and viciousness of the abuse and intimidation aimed at those in public life too often deters talented people from entering a career of service. Recent incidents of abuse of people just wanting to represent their community show that, particularly women and other under-represented groups, still experience intimidation. Women also face significant abuse for their political views. This is not acceptable.

The parliamentary by-election in Batley and Spen saw disturbing scenes of intimidation of candidates and campaigners. Elsewhere, a MP has had to be moved to a safe house after death threats. She said that she has considered taking herself out of the public eye. And in Lanarkshire, a councillor has been targeted in an arson attack for the third time.

I too have had threats – hoax powder sent to my constituency office, screams in my face in the street, being chased in a car park after dark.

No one should have to ask themselves “is public service really worth it?”. A democracy where large sections of the population do not feel confident or safe to participate would be no true democracy at all.

This is not just about those who stand for election. Voters deserve better. Democracy should not be dangerous. It matters to all of us.

The government will shortly introduce the Elections Bill in parliament, which will toughen up the sanctions for those convicted of intimidating political candidates, campaigners and elected representatives – either in person or online.

Acts of violence, public disorder and malicious communications are, of course, already a crime. We’re also going to bar perpetrators for five years from running for elected office themselves, because there is no place for abuse and violence in our public life.

Such measures will bolster wider changes this government has already made, including removing the requirement for candidates at local elections to publish their home addresses on the ballot paper, collaboration with the police on new guidance against intimidation, and the new draft Online Safety Bill.

The Elections Bill will also strengthen action against intimidation of voters, by improving and updating the offence of “undue influence” in electoral law, to prevent people from being coerced or intimidated into giving up control over their vote. Digital campaigning material will also require an electronic “imprint”, which will make it harder to spread anonymous campaigns.

This government is committed to defending free speech within the law. This can involve the expression of controversial or uncomfortable views. But abuse, intimidation and violence is never acceptable.

Voters do not expect to see violence at elections in our country and these moves mean voters, as well as activists, can go about their democratic choice in peace.

It takes all of us to defend our democracy, and call out and condemn the ugly threats of abuse and intimidation when we see it.

Chloe Smith is the minister for the constitution and devolution and the Conservative MP for Norwich North

EU braces for six months of HELL: Slovenia slams Commission ‘pigs’ as it begins presidency – Posted July 4th 2021

Alessandra Scotto di Santolo 

European values infecting the New World like Covid 19. You need a lobotomy or death to escape the past. Robert Cook

Slovenia’s increasingly strained relations with Brussels will undoubtedly be underscored for the next six months as Prime Minister Janez Jansa prepares to be a thorn in Brussels’ side during his presidency of the EU.

The Slovenian leader has been in charge of the rotating EU presidency for just three days and he already lashed out at the EU’s treatment of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Mr Jansa said on Friday that the Hungarian leader must be allowed to express his ideas about the European Union’s future, warning that the bloc would “continue to shrink” if people are excluded from the debate.

1 ) His comments were a further sign of a growing alliance between the nationalist leaders of Slovenia, Hungary and Poland that is worrying more liberal countries in the EU.

Mr Orban faced criticism at an EU summit last week over a Hungarian law banning schools from using materials seen as promoting homosexuality, with French President Emmanuel Macron referring to a fundamental “East-West divide”.

Along with Poland’s prime minister, Mr Jansa was the only EU leader to back the Hungarian prime minister over the LGBT law at the summit, diplomats said.

Like Mr Orban, he has also clashed with Brussels over media freedoms.

Mr Jansa said: “I think that he has the right to explain how he envisages the future of the European Union.”

In an indirect reference to Brexit, he added: “If the debate on the future of the European Union excludes people in advance, then I think that the European Union will indeed continue to shrink.”

Mr Jansa appeared not to be referring to any incident in which Mr Orban was prevented from expressing his views, but rather to the increasing mistrust of him in western European capitals.

He said differences between EU countries due to their different traditions and cultures must be respected.

He said: “So if you now judge a person based on imaginary European values which everyone perceives differently, and dual standards are used, then I think that this is the fastest road to collapse.”

2 )To make things worse, Slovenia Interior Minister Ales Hojs said in a press conference on Friday that he might in future refer to a high-ranking member of the “European bureaucracy” as a “pig”.

It is not clear whom Mr Hojs was referring to, but European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans declined to appear in a group photo with Mr Jansa on Thursday, after the Slovenian Prime Minister questioned the neutrality of Slovenian judges by showing a picture of them in an informal group photo with other centre-left lawmakers.

Shortly after the press conference in the Brdo Congress Center, Hojs assured in a tweet that he did not have Timmermans in mind when making his statements.

However, he also did not write about who he was thinking of. At the press conference, he said that he wanted to keep this a secret for the time being.

Mr Jansa has also backed Poland in a battle with the executive European Commission over reforms of the judiciary, which EU officials say undermine the independence of Polish judges.

3 ) European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen used a joint news conference with Mr Jansa to call for “freedom of expression, diversity and equality” and said the rule of law and European values must be “always upheld”.

On Thursday, Mr Jansa called on the European Union on Thursday to reach an agreement over the enlargement of the 27-nation bloc.

He warned that if the EU did not expand, then others would do so.

Slovenia’s priorities for its Presidency of the Council of the EU include bolstering Europe’s post-pandemic recovery, and its resilience, strategic autonomy and rule of law.

But its turn at the helm from July 1 – setting the agenda of inter-government meetings and representing the EU in some international forums – may also put a spotlight on the growing rift within the bloc over its common values.

In western capitals, the increasingly assertive coalition of eastern leaders is being watched with concern.

4 ) Some academics believe an “Eastern European Union” is emerging based on positions that contradict fundamental EU values such as the rule of law, human rights, media freedom and LGBT rights.

“I think that the whole attitude of this alignment is very anti-European. It shows signs of an establishment of some sort of a new Iron Curtain,” said Marko Milosavljevic, a professor of journalism and media policy at the University of Ljubljana.


The author of the above article is Alessandra  Scotto di Santolo. She joined the Daily Express in 2017 after completing a Newspaper Journalism Master’s Degree at City University of London. Alessandra trained to become a criminal and family lawyer for the Bar of England and Wales and has a keen interest in both domestic and European politics. She is very much the privileged face of modern British & European journalism.

I have numbered and highlighted four significant paragraphs in the ‘liberal’ ( sic ) biased report.  

So , take number I  & 2 ). East European countries are supposed to grovel , be grateful and be patronised by elite fat cats who run the Euro club. They should be grateful for a seat at the table and turn like the Pigs in Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm.’ With years of communist discipline behind them , for all its short comings, however, some East Europeans can see where distractions like LGBTQI and denouncing more and more of White European culture every day , is leading them toward. Their countries might just as well have been taken over by the Nazis because Brussels is the Reich . It’s leader must be the living embodiment of that tyranny. The only freedom of expression is effectively Sieg Heil.  Hence the outrage. Alternative views are just not allowed.  Under this regime, the only freedom East Europeans have had is migrating west for employment as developing the east is not a priority. It is what it always was to the western elite , a bulwark against Russia.

Now to point 3 ) We have this vague self righteous declaration from upper class von der Leyen , whose ancestry includes slave traders , about ‘our European values.’  What those values are is a matter of opinion and interpretation , but definitely not fact. Mainstream historians are apt to see the Napoleonic wars , and the two imperialistic World Wars as matters of good and bad, not elite greed , which they were. That greed is still driving history.

Allowing boys to ‘change sex’ whatever that means, begs deeper questions for a moralising ruling elite. They won’t answer , they will only judge , trotting out their diversity mantra which has firm controls on freedom , for safety inside your box. Jansa puts his finger on it when he mentions ‘expansion.’ If the EU doesn’t expand others will. That ‘s the reality, same old greed , growth and grab. The others Jansa is thinking of is Russia and those of her remaining friends. Russia has ultimately to join this club or else. So give the masses bread and circuses , let boys wear dresses and empower the females, all in the greater cause. Open the door to ethnic immigration and ‘freedom to worship in your own way’ and you’ve bolted the new the new tyrannical monster together. White working classes , especially the dangerous testosterone driven males , must learn to hate themselves and their mythical history. Teachers will help here and there will be lots of toilet paper degrees to certify you fit for a job , along with your Covid passport.

So to point 4 ) The arrogance with which these ‘some academics’ express concerns for a new East European Union, in citing the EU values as an emblem that includes ‘press freedom’ would be side splitting funny if conservative comedians were allowed an audience in freedom loving EU. Obviously Marko Milosavljevic is doing well out of the EU , but millions are not. That is why stupid Brits voted to leave. Their referendum was based on P.M Cameron’s presumption the masses would vote remain.

He underestimated their ignorant and ridiculous patriotism , as he did the likes of Gove and Johnson who were vying for his job and wanted an alliance with the E.U in which their class could deny responsibility. Hence we have a worse than Norway model.  It doesn’t matter because for the elite they can do nastier things to the masses and still blame Europe. Meanwhile, France is fragmented – or growingly diverse if you are an idiot – and more propaganda is required to fool the masses and impress Europe’s wonderful ‘free press.’ Robert Cook

‘Childish attitude of elites’ shamed for ‘sabotaging’ Brexit Britain – furious MEP erupts – Posted July 4th 2021

James Bickerton  

Our traditions, way of life and culture are under threat, Gypsy leader warns PatelBrexit news – live: UK urged to echo EU ‘flexibility’, as Starmer ally insists…Ursula von der Leyen wearing a purple shirt: Brexit © GETTY Brexit

Britain voted to leave the European Union in June 2016 by 52 percent of the vote to 48 percent. However the implementation of this result was repeatedly blocked, and only officially took place in January 2020.

Italian writer Fabio Dragoni on Twitter suggested European leaders are using the Delta coronavirus variant to “sabotage” Boris Johnson.

Marco Campomenosi, an MEP for the hard-right Italian Lega party, agreed.Ursula von der Leyen holding a sign: Brexit © GETTY Brexit

He retweeted Mr Dragoni adding: “Only the latest childish attitude of the elites who LOST the referendum on Brexit and who – especially in the European Commission and in certain capitals – keep trying to obstruct the United Kingdom.

“Someone should remind them of the trade balance with the UK.”

German chancellor Angela Merkel had proposed a 14-day quarantine for all UK visitors arriving in the EU.

Boris Johnson news – live: Starmer condemns PM for dismissing Hancock scandal as ‘Westminster bubble stuff’ (

Covid UK news – live: New wave in Europe ‘inevitable without discipline’, amid calls to expand symptoms list (

Dalian Atkinson: PC guilty of former footballer’s manslaughter – BBC News

Monk should have been sacked for gross misconduct , in 2011 , but West Mercia Police have a record of excelling at cover ups. Robert Cook

Comment , The above is about more control. The virus whatever it is , will go on mutating. So , by this logic freedoms will be ever more restricted. It is life Jim , but not as we knew it. Robert Cook

Believe the following when it happens because vested interests will scream the house down on any excuse. Lockdowns & Masks Do Not Work. Blocking a virus with a mask is like using chain mesh fencing to stop mice. Sick people should stay home on full pay. Robert Cook. July 4th 2021

The Prime Minister is expected to announce an end to domestic coronavirus measures such as mask-wearing and social distancing as we close in on ‘freedom day,’ reports suggest.

It is understood that Mr Johnson will update the nation on the plans for opening up on 19 July this week.

According to The Sunday Times, mask-wearing will become voluntary in all settings and the one metre-plus rule in hospitality venues will end, meaning a return to drinking at the bar without the requirement for table service.

Mass events, including festivals, will also be allowed under the proposals for the final stage of the road map out of lockdown, the paper said.

Meanwhile, the newly appointed Health Secretary Sajid Javid wrote in the Mail on Sunday that “The economic arguments for opening up are well known, but for me, the health arguments are equally compelling.”

He added that lockdowns and other coronavirus measures “have caused a shocking rise in domestic violence and a terrible impact on so many people’s mental health.”

The news comes as Downing Street confirmed proposals to scrap quarantine requirements for those who have received two doses of a coronavirus vaccine are under “consideration” on Saturday.

However, it is understood that Government officials have been discussing the possibility of reintroducing baseline Covid restrictions for the winter.

Of the reports, a Downing Street spokeswoman said: “No decisions have been made but more details will be set out soon.”

Letting fully vaccinated skip quarantine in England ‘will cause resentment’

Demolition of collapsed Miami building to begin on SundayMorrisons takeover saga could bring lots more twists before it’s in the baga person sitting in a chair talking on a cell phone: Photograph: Danny Lawson/PA© Provided by The Guardian Photograph: Danny Lawson/PA

Allowing those who have received two doses of a Covid vaccine to skip quarantine could breed resentment and result in mass non-compliance, a scientific adviser has warned.

Downing Street has confirmed it is looking at whether to drop all legal self-isolation measures for fully vaccinated people who come into contact with someone who is infected “as part of the post-step 4 world”.

It comes after the Times reported that a meeting of the Covid operations committee would take place on Monday at which ministers are expected to sign off a plan that will mean those who have been double-jabbed will be “advised”, after 19 July, to take daily tests but not be required to do so.

Robert West, a professor in health psychology at University College London’s Institute of Epidemiology and Health, told Times Radio he could “see the rationale” for the policy, but that there were significant problems that “outweigh potential benefits”.


More on coronavirus:

Download the Microsoft News app for full coverage of the crisis

Ending furlough too soon ‘will wreck chances for many firms’ (Guardian)

How the world can stop future pandemics in their tracks (The Telegraph)


West, who is a member of the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours, which advises Sage,

said: “The most serious problem is that if you have a situation where not everyone has been even offered the vaccine then you’ve already got clearly a huge unfairness.

“When you get unfairness in situations like this, you get resentment and when you get resentment you can get loss of compliance.”

Comment The real reasons for lockdown and vaccination are not ever going to be admitted and spelt out. I have had a double does and have had viral fatigue ever since. Robert Cook


Ruth Fajemirokun

Why are we ignoring police brutality in the UK? – Artefact (

Covid news – live: UK reports 28,000 new cases as PM hints precautions still needed after lockdown

Akshita Jain and Jon Sharman

England may still need “extra precautions” to protect against coronavirus even after the final stage of lockdown easing, Boris Johnson has said.

The PM said he would set out “in the course of the next few days” what that might entail. The planned 21 June lifting of restrictions was postponed until 19 July because of rising cases driven by the Delta variant, but infections are still rising.

Nearly 28,000 new Covid-19 cases were reported on Thursday – the highest daily reported infections since late January – along with a further 22 deaths recorded within 28 days of testing positive for the virus.

Meawnhile, the World Health Organisation has warned that Europe will inevitably face a new wave of Covid-19 infections unless the public and national governments remain disciplined in their attempts to control the pandemic.

The body’s European chief, Hans Kluge, said the three conditions for a wave of excess deaths were now in place: low vaccine uptake; increased social mixing; and new variants.

Key Points

  • UK reports nearly 28,000 new Covid cases, 22 new deaths
  • England may still need ‘extra precautions’ against Covid even after lockdown, PM says
  • 53 cases of Covid-19 re-infection confirmed in England
  • Europe faces new Covid-19 wave, WHO warns
  • Scientists say UK should expand list of Covid symptoms
  • Schools ‘to be told to treat Covid like flu’
  • NI ministers to decide on lockdown easing

At least nine in 10 people aged 50 and over in most of England are fully vaccinated

18:12 , Ella Glover

NHS England figures on vaccinations show that, as of 27 June, at least nine in 10 people aged 50 and over in most local areas of England are now fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

The estimates range from 90.1 percent in Liverpool and Oldham to 99.5 percent in Stratford-on-Avon.

In total, 276 out of 314 local areas have at least 90 percent of people aged 50 and over likely to be fully vaccinated.

Of the 38 local areas below the 90 percent threshold, 24 are in London.

One in four adult care home workers not fully vaccinated, new figures suggest

18:05 , Ella Glover

The latest NHS England figures suggest that around one in four staff in older adult care homes in England eligible to receive a Covid-19 vaccine have not had both jabs, Press Association has reported.

A total of 73.9 percent of eligible staff were reported to be fully vaccinated as of June 27, with that number falling to 67.9 percent in London, suggesting around a third of staff in the capital have not had both doses.

The Government announced last month that from October all people working in care homes registered with the Care Quality Commission – who don’t have a medical exemption – must have two doses of a vaccine.

Scotland forced to cancel Romania Test after ‘several’ Covid positives

17:48 , Ella Glover

Scotland’s rugby team has been forced to call off its Test match against Romania later this month due to “several” positive Covid-19 tests being returned in the camp.

A statement from Scottish Rugby says that all players and staff are now isolating, with those players and staff who have not tested positive planning to embark on a graduated return to training once their isolation period ends.

Hospital apologises to parents unable to visit dying son due to Covid rules

17:16 , Conrad Duncan

University College London Hospital (UCLH) has apologised to a mother and father who were denied joint visits to see their dying son because of Covid restrictions.

The case of Ollie Bibby, who died aged 27 after being diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia, was raised by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer at Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday.

The case of Ollie Bibby, who died aged 27 after being diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia, was raised by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer at Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday.

Comment on this vile situation tomorrow. Robert Cook

‘Freedom’ just another name for nothing left to lose’ Kris Kristoferssen.
SAGE are the new priesthood and no more trustworthy. They encourage and play on fear. Politicians need them to obscure intractable population and consequent climate issues, allowing the rich the moral high ground and ever more wealth.

‘Empty, frustrated and depressed’: German newspapers react after defeat to England at Euro 2020– July 1st 2021

Jack Rathborn  18 hrs ago

Gareth Southgate’s side struck late with Raheem Sterling and Harry Kane to move into the quarter-finals.

And with it came the end of Joachim Low’s 15-year reign in charge of Die Mannschaft.

Former Chelsea midfielder Michael Ballack described the defeat as “sobering” and that he felt “powerless”, while accusing Germany of making it “too easy” for the Three Lions and criticising Low for “waiting so long with changes”.

As for the newspapers, Der Tagesspiegel’s headline was, “15 years as national coach – that was the Löw era”, while adding below: “Germany now only watches the European Championship – and that is not enough.

“Joachim Löw’s era could not have ended more gloomy. The farewell as national coach in his 198th game was indeed a dignified one over a long season, but the demands on a German national football team are higher than being eliminated in this round . 

“Empty, frustrated and depressed,” that’s how Bild saw the defeat for Germany.

With Thomas Muller’s big miss at 1-0, Süddeutsche Zeitung’s headline read: “Radio Müller loses frequency”.

Die Welt added: “After 15 long years the emptiness comes,” and despite a collection of outstanding young talents, Der Spiegel are not optimistic about the future, they believe: “Löw leaves, but the problems remain”.

Hansi Flick now takes over and will be met with a huge challenge of convincing the likes of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, who levelled delusion against the national team: “The self-deception has been exposed.”

They continued: “Last Exit Wembley. After 15 years, the era of Joachim Löw has come to an end in one of the most traditional places in football. The national team presented a disappointing performance in a comparatively weak round of 16 duel.”

While another Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung headline read: “England wake from German nightmare”.

The term “self-deception” was also used by Bild, with the paper also tearing into the German players in their player ratings with their system of one to six with one as the best and six the worst.

Antonio Rudiger and Timo Werner picked up fives, while Kai Havertz and Manuel Neuer impressed in a losing effort with twos.

As for England, Bukayo Saka was handed a four as the worst player for the hosts, with a two for Raheem Sterling, Harry Kane, Luke Shaw, John Stones, Harry Maguire, Kalvin Phillips and Jordan Pickford.

Comment  It is revealing how football is used to encourage an illusion of national identity. This tribalism panders to ignorance. England performed their best in this match and football is being used as an emblem of this country’s moral superiority – with its ; inclusiveness and ‘knee bending’ to black people. It remains a class ridden nation run by arrogant hypocrites. The cheering multi ethnic multi sexual crowds won’t hide the reality or prevent the consequences.

Germany was lured into World War One by their Kaiser , a very close ancestor to the British monarchy. The man was an idiot who paved the way for the self destructive but logical descent back from new found greatness to Nazism. Now they are reunited but still at the mercy of idiots , including the press who want them to think that their team of rich egotistical playboys losing to their British opposite numbers should matter.

Europe and its multi culture has destroyed national identity. Football can’t hide that. It is not the ‘man’s game’ it once was , though women clearly like watching the men. Those men represent something fake and intentionally distracting.

In Britain we have Prince William and a renewal of his mother’s deity, heading up the British FA. Blame for his mother’s untimely death has shifted from the State and or arms dealers, to Martin Bashir’s interview for the BBC setting her on the road to self destruction. Diana’s colourful life is not seemly enough for the saint she must be. Prince William represents her sacred memory and brings it to football.

In this enchanted fairy land , England’s team are on a roll. Germany needs to ask itself whether it envies and wants to replicate that miasma. Like Britain , in the post war neo colonial age, it has serious problems. It dominates a corrupt expedient EU dictatorship , but its leaders do not care for its masses. Do the Germans want to be as stupid as the British getting high on football and low on the reality check ? Perhaps they do, in which case this otherwise pointless UEAFA solidarity ritual actually matters.  

Robert Cook

Brexit news – live: EU and UK strike ‘sausage war’ truce as Northern Ireland Protocol grace period extended

Methodist Church to allow same-sex marriages to take placePutin reveals he was vaccinated with Russia’s Sputnik V

June 30th 2021

LIVE – Updated at 17:11

A temporary deal has been reached to delay a ban on the sale of chilled meats across the Irish Sea, forcing the UK to abide by Brussels’ food standards rules.

Ministers believe the agreement allows for further discussions to continue for a permanent solution to end the so-called sausage wars.

Meanwhile, Labour chiefs say Sir Keir Starmer will not step down if the party loses the Batley and Spen by-election.

A poll shows four in 10 members of the party would want him to stand aside.

Earlier, Boris Johnson dismissed the Matt Hancock affair as “Westminster bubble stuff” during a fiery clash with Sir Keir at PMQs.

The Labour leader accused the prime minister of attempting to sweep the scandal under the carpet after Mr Johnson had declared the matter closed.

“No questions asked on Friday and no questions answered today. There is a pattern emerging,” Sir Keir said, adding that “millions of people made huge and very difficult sacrifices to follow the rules that his health secretary has introduced”.

Mr Johnson said the former health secretary had resigned on Saturday, a day after the story broke, at “positively lightning speed” and attempted to turn the conversation onto the UK’s vaccine rollout.

Key Points

Javid makes apparent dig at predecessor Hancock

17:10 , Sam Hancock

New health secretary Sajid Javid appears to have made a dig at his predecessor Matt Hancock.

Asked on Twitter why he was not wearing an NHS badge like Mr Hancock always had pinned to his jacket, the new secretary of state responded: “It’s not about badges, but delivering for the NHS.”

Sauce for the Gander : Privilege – a tale of two manslaughters – Robert Cook.  June 30th 2021

What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander is used to say that one person or situation should be treated the same way that another person or situation is treated. It’s the British version of the idiom more commonly known in American English as what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

The U.K police killing of former football star Dalian Atkinson was an extraordinary affair. The fact that it took almost five years to come to court beggars belief , but West Mercia Police have quite a record for corruption and misconduct. This included sending an innocent man to jail for 17 years , without evidence other than that proving he didn’t do it, then letting him out with £47 and no chance of compensation unless he could prove he didn’t do it. It also includes the despicable Plebgate affair where an inquiry into the criminal lies of three officers came to a  conclusion of misconduct which was overturned by a very senior officer;

I understand the police mind set  – it terrifies me -and promotion system so it is a miracle that PC Benjamin Monk and his police officer love interest were ever brought to court. Protecting the police’s fantasy good reputation – ever wondered why they have so many medal ribbons ? – is paramount in a country where the elite are outraged by the leak of a Cabinet Minister’ sexual misconduct at work on DVD. They don’t like the message so must find the messenger. Politicians , like their police guard dogs must not be exposed for wrong doing.

I am offended by a lot of things in this country , to put it mildly.  The people and the class who run it frighten me. But my concerns don’t matter because I am an old ‘privileged white male’. That’s the official view.

So we come to PC Benjamin Monk’s sentence. Those of us who aspire to useful philosophy and fairness can spot the difference between the following two cases of manslaughter and punishment.

It is significant that it took nearly 5 years not only to bring Monk to court , but for his conviction and sacking from West Mercia Police. It is not good enough to hold a misconduct hearing now. All officers involved in this cover up , especially senior ones , should face misconduct hearings.

To add insult to injury , those responsible for the robbery that led to PC Andrew Harper’s death, are being faced with a judicial review to have their 16, 13 and 13 year sentences extended because they are allegedly too lenient. As a victim of what police considered traveller crime that they could do nothing about , I make no excuses for those escaping from PC Harper when he caught his foot in a loop of rope trailing behind their vehicle.

As whether the villains knew PC Harper was so attached to their vehicle , was never proven. However , every effort was made to cover up for the most peculiar behaviour of PC Monk and his sidekick when events led to Dalian Atkinson’s slow miserable horrible death. If Monk truly didn’t know what he was doing and his female sidekick was happy to join in without question , both going on to concoct consistent versions of events , then Monk’s eight year sentence is too lenient and insulting to Dalian Atkinson’s family. I won’t comment on Monk’s female friend.

Police officer’s are not sufficiently accountable , to put it mildly. Clearly the gypsy robbers did not set out to cause injury or death. If that was not Monk’s intention with Dalian Atkinson , he was clearly an idiot. However , not only did he have a criminal record when he joined the police, he had tasered four members of the public who presented no threat in the four months leading up to him causing Dalian Atkinson’s death.

The Government , led by BJ, is looking for at least 20,000 net gain to police numbers. The police chiefs have said they need over 200.000 to find enough applicants with the unique qualities required for modern police work. Don’t forget Sarah Everard’s killer was a member of an elite police unit. He has admitted deception , kidnapping and rape. As to murder , mental health issues are being investigated. Anti rape feminists are apt to say there are many more offenders than those caught and convicted. I am apt to say that the same must be true of the police. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Robert Cook

  1. Dalian Atkinson’s grieving girlfriend says slain ……The grief-stricken girlfriend of slain footballer Dalian Atkinson tonight claimed: “He was harassed for life by police.” Karen Wright, 49, spoke out after the officer who Tasered former Aston …
  1. PC who killed Dalian Atkinson seduced female cop in … pair of police officers who faced court over Dalian Atkinson‘s death started dating in a McDonald’s Drive-Thru and were the subject of an internal investigation, as the force they worked for …

PC Andrew Harper: Killers’ sentences to be reviewed – BBC News

The unduly lenient sentence (ULS) scheme allows people to ask law officers to review sentences for certain crimes that they believe are too low. It only requires one complaint for the attorney…

Olly Stephens, 13, was lured to park by girl and fatally stabbed, court told

Martin Evans  11 hrs agoLike|45

As we lose respect for our politicians, democracy itself is taking a hitBitcoin price – live: Crypto recovery ‘feels very 2013’, leading analyst saysa person posing for the camera: 13-year-old schoolboy Olly Stephens - Hyde News & Pictures Ltd © Hyde News & Pictures Ltd 13-year-old schoolboy Olly Stephens – Hyde News & Pictures Ltd

A 13-year-old boy was “lured” to a park by a girl where he was stabbed to death by two fellow schoolboys, a court has heard.

Oliver Stephens, known as Olly, was “ambushed” after arranging to meet the girl at Bugs Bottom field in Emmer Green, Reading, Berkshire, on January 3 this year, jurors were told.

The alleged killers, one of whom was just 13, spent days planning the attack, using messaging apps to discuss their plan.

Both boys were said to have had “grievances” with Olly, while the girl allegedly described his fate as “karma” in the run-up to his death.

The two boys, who are now 14, deny murder and are on trial at Reading Crown Court.

The girl, also 14, and the older one of the two boys on trial have both admitted manslaughter.

None of the three can be named for legal reasons.

Comment In this age of so called racial and gender equality , boys need to be more realistic about females. This is an appalling story and Reading is largely a brutal , insipid and horrible place. Robert Cook

Lockdown Supremo Demonstrates What Works For Him – June 29th 2021

Elephant and Castle: Huge fire breaks out near south London train station – June 28th 2021

Chiara Giordano and Zoe Tidman 

ITV Hub hit by technical issues as people try to stream Euro 2020 ahead of…US-UK travel corridor talks hit roadblocks over surge in cases – report

A major fire has broken out near Elephant and Castle station in south London.a group of people standing around a fire: A major fire has broken out at garages near Elephant and Castle station in south London - @MeganJearum/Twitter/screengrab© @MeganJearum/Twitter/screengrab

A major fire has broken out at garages near Elephant and Castle station in south London- @MeganJearum/Twitter/screengrab

Huge plumes of thick black smoke can be seen billowing into the air in video footage circulating online.

Eyewitnesses reported hearing “an explosion”, while one recording shows a fireball erupting into the sky as people run for cover.

A spokesperson for London Fire Brigade told The Independent four cars had caught fire at garages in railway arches near the station.

The fire service later tweeted: “Three commercial units underneath the railway arches are completely alight and four cars and a telephone box are also alight near #ElephantandCastle Railway Station.

“Road closures are in place and people are advised to avoid the area and keep windows and doors closed.”

Ten fire engines and 70 firefighters are currently at the scene.

British Transport Police, Metropolitan Police and London Ambulance Service have also attended, however there have been no reports of injuries.

Police said the incident was not believed to be terror-related.

National Rail said trains are currently unable to run through Elephant and Castle, with services expected to be cancelled or delayed until about 4pm.

Dalian Atkinson: Police officer convicted of ex-footballer’s manslaughter kept his job despite gross misconduct – June 28th 2021

ITV Hub hit by technical issues as people try to stream Euro 2020 ahead of…Ether sees record outflows in last week of June -CoinShares

A police officer convicted of the manslaughter of former footballer Dalian Atkinson kept his job despite having been found guilty of gross misconduct years before the killing. he had also fired his taser on four compliant targeted individuals. It has taken 5 years for this case to get to court.a man wearing a military uniform: West Mercia Police constable Benjamin Monk leaves Birmingham Crown Court last week - PA© PA

West Mercia Police constable Benjamin Monk leaves Birmingham Crown Court last week- PA

Benjamin Monk remained in post with West Mercia Police in 2011 after being found to have breached the required standards for honesty and integrity when he failed to mention two cautions on his application to join the force, Birmingham Crown Court was told.

The trial earlier heard how in 2016, Monk tasered Atkinson to the ground with a 33-second deployment of the weapon, and then kicked him twice in the head while he was on the ground.

The 48-year-old retired footballer was rushed to hospital following the incident in Telford, Shropshire, but died after suffering a cardiac arrest.

Monk was last week cleared of murder but convicted of manslaughter. The officer, who denied both charges, said he could only recall aiming one kick at Atkinson’s shoulder outside the former Aston Villa, Sheffield Wednesday and Ipswich Town star’s childhood home.

A judge who is due to sentence Monk was told on Monday that two cautions issued to him in 1997 and 1999 – for theft from a shop during a summer holiday job, and for being found drunk – were not disclosed on his application papers in 2001.

Alexandra Healy QC, prosecutor, told the court: “Mr Monk was cautioned for theft from a shop as an employee – he was employed at the time at Woolworths in 1997.

Video: Pc Convicted Of Manslaughter Of Dalian Atkinson After Five-year Wait For Justice (Birmingham Mail)PauseCurrent Time 0:05/Duration 1:13Loaded: 57.14%Unmute0HQCaptionsFullscreenPc Convicted Of Manslaughter Of Dalian Atkinson After Five-year Wait For JusticeClick to expand

”There was a further caution in 1999 for being found drunk.“

The court was told the warnings were not recorded on a computer system because of policies at the time for dealing with spent cautions.

Speaking before Monk was remanded in custody as sentence was adjourned until Tuesday, Ms Healy said: “When he applied to join the police in 2001 he did not disclose the existence of those cautions.”

The court heard Monk did disclose one of the cautions on a vetting form issued “during the course of his role as a police officer” in 2010.

Ms Healy added: “At that stage he did disclose the theft caution, which led to the discovery of both of the cautions.”

Monk was found to have committed gross misconduct, breaching standards for honesty, and was given a final written warning following the disciplinary proceedings.

But judge Melbourne Inman QC said the cautions were of no relevance “in the circumstances of the case” and he would treat the officer as being of previous good character when he is sentenced.

The judge adjourned the sentencing of Monk until Tuesday and remanded him into custody, saying he wanted time to consider the evidence before passing sentence, after earlier hearing victim impact statements from Atkinson’s family.

Additional reporting by PA

Three arrested and three officers injured at anti-lockdown protests in London – June 28th 2021

Hundreds of tennis balls, some bearing messages, launched at the Houses of Parliament to chants of ‘shame on you’

People throw fencing during an anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown demonstration outside Downing Street.
People throw fencing during an anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown demonstration outside Downing Street. Photograph: Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images

Miranda BryantSat 26 Jun 2021 22.15 BST

Police arrested three people and three officers were injured during anti-lockdown protests on Saturday that saw thousands descend on central London and hundreds of tennis balls launched at the Houses of Parliament.

The Metropolitan police said three people were arrested at the protests – for breach of the peace and assault on police, plus one was already wanted for a previous assault – and three officers suffered minor injuries.

Thousands of protesters – many not wearing masks and carrying anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine placards – marched through London towards Parliament Square.

They threw hundreds of tennis balls, some bearing messages, over the fences around the Houses of Parliament and let off flares and threw tennis balls outside Downing Street to chants of “shame on you” and boos directed at No 10.

A policeman ducks as protestors throw tennis balls over fences around the Houses of Parliament.
A policeman ducks as protesters throw tennis balls over fences around the Houses of Parliament. Photograph: Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images

Meanwhile, in Hyde Park, officers were photographed trying to remove anti-vaccine stickers from their vans.

Iain McCausland, who travelled to London from Devon for the protest, said: “The main reason I’m here is because I feel this lockdown has come at the cost of our liberty and rights. Our freedom to assemble, our freedom to travel and work. I’m really quite angry with the government, so are everyone here.”

Kayleigh Brooke vowed to continue protesting until the government’s sweeping emergency powers to handle the pandemic are removed. “We want the Coronavirus Act 2020 gone, and we will keep on protesting until that happens,” she said.

The 29-year-old from Manchester said she has been camping for four weeks on Clapham Common in south London to protest the vaccination programme.

On Saturday evening, the Met said all of the day’s demonstrations had concluded.

Ch Supt Karen Findlay, gold commander of the operation, said: “The significant majority of those protesting today engaged in a positive manner with our officers. We did experience small pockets of antisocial behaviour in Whitehall which involved missiles being thrown at officers, but these were dealt with quickly and effectively.”

It was one of several protests in the capital over the weekend – including a national People’s Assembly demonstration against the government on Saturday, attended by former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, and an Extinction Rebellion protest in Parliament Square on Sunday.

The Met arrested 12 people in three raids across the capital as part of a crackdown ahead of this weekend, warning that it had “zero tolerance for disorder or criminality”.

Police seized items including bamboo structures, lock-on equipment and other items that it said “could be used to cause criminal damage and obstructions”.

Videos of Police Arrests at London Liberty Rally Finder UK arrested by TSG for Journalism | London Freedom Rally (19…22K views6 months agoYouTubeResistance GB0:33Police arrest protester at anti-lockdown rally in London2 months agoMicrosoft NewsNewsflare

From J.W & The Slog – click link above.

  1. bezuhov1 on June 26, 2021 at 2:44 pm The intriguing thing about the Hancock video is that it is so obviously staged and pre-scripted – thereby requiring the complicity of Hancock, doing his pantomime acting performance as the secret lover.Anyone who thinks that the totally controlled UK mainstream media would publish
    this video without the globalist UK establishment giving their permission is living in cloud cuckoo land: the UK media is as completely controlled as the media of the Soviet Union was.In a children’s pantomime, or a ‘No sex please – we’re British’ type of theatrical farce, if there is to be a secret embrace between lovers, the man will first glance furtively around (in Hancock’s case, glancing through a doorway) – and then the lovers will rush towards each other.In Hancock’s case, in an absolutely obviously pre-scripted way, he duly glances through the doorway – and then awkwardly stands there, waiting for the girl to rush towards him!(As if any woman better looking than a toad would rush towards the shifty, ugly little creep Hancock!)And then, they duly both do their pretend-passionate embrace.Oh, come on! How can people be so naive as not to realize that this was all stage-managed?!The intriguing question is why this utterly corrupt beyond words gang of globalsit puppets nominally running the UK, and their propaganda wing, the UK media, would have decided to put on this second-rate stage performance?Clearly, it can’t be to bring down Klaus Schwaub’s loyal agent Hancock, since he is so obviously willingly performing in this cack-handed stage production.So what is it intended purpose here? A distraction? From what?To make the shifty little creep and globalist conman Hancock be perceived as being only human – or what?
    Hi Bezuhov –
    I’m afraid I don’t buy this. But chaqu’un a son gout…..on verra.
    JWLiked by 2 people
  2. 28cudrefin on June 26, 2021 at 12:58 pm Absolutely spot on as usual John.The BBC has worked tirelessly to not report previous, similar marches in London, unless they have found a way to spin a negative angle on events, as they did a few weeks ago when, later in the day, the police attempted to (unecessarily in my opinion) interfere with attendees who were simply enjoying themselves in a park and not causing any trouble.Today’s march in London is likely to be difficult for the BBC to ignore due to the level of attendance. If the BBC does find reporting of the event unavoidable, then I won’t be at all surprised to see many references to ‘anti-vaxxers’ and ‘right-wing extremists’ in their report as well as the downplaying of attendance figures and the emphasising of any minor problems that can be used to discredit the whole event. It has struck me that these days it is so simple for those in power to discredit any causes that don’t fit in with the official narrative. For marches, simply inject a few of your own people into the crowd whose sole task is to cause trouble and thus discredit the entire event. The same applies to online blogs where they get their minions with keyboards to contribute to online discussions on topics such as Covid, posting more and more extreme views over time until the entire blog is discredited and/or taken offline. I still suspect that some anti-vax stories posted by the BBC on their website have been manufactured.Actually, thinking about ‘right-wing extremists’, is it just me or has ther term ‘left-wing extremist’ disappeared from the BBC’s vocabulary in recent years? When it comes to the left-wing, what were formerly referred to as extremists now seem to have become activists, a far more cuddly, environmently-friendly and generally loveable term.So, onto Matt Handjob. Yesterday, when I picked up on the story about his little indiscretion, it struck me that this has a whiff of TPTB wanting to dispose of Matt in a way that doesn’t put into question the government’s handling of Covid. If what Dominic Cummings has said about Matt lying and Boris’ view that Matt is f*****g useless is true, the government is left open to endless criticism of it’s handling of Covid, having allowed Matt to remain is post until now. Can Matt be removed or forced to resign over an transgression, thus removing the problem?On an unrelated note, I have heard that perhaps the French driving license issue that you have at the moment may be resolved in the not-to-distant future :,months’%20before%20the%20expiry%20date.As the saying goes, we live in interesting times.Liked by 5 people
  3. 29Peter Charles on June 26, 2021 at 12:37 pm It truly amazes me that people seem completely unable to see that the political class no longer work for us. For literally decades the amount of legislation passed that has little or no direct bearing on common, day to day life for ordinary folk and which holds almost zero interest for them has far outstripped that which is relevant, important and of public interest. OK, I suppose much of it was hidden while we were in the EU, tucked away as it was in the rubber stamped Directives, but the simple fact that this legislation was being identically introduced throughout the Western and Allied world should have been a huge red flag to anyone with either a brain or a passing interest in world affairs.That the Intelligence Services have not worked for us for decades is also obvious but admittedly harder to see simply because it is a supposedly secret service. But again the existence of bodies like GC-HQ (in case the robot censors don’t like the real acronym) Integrity Initiative, 77th bde, Belling Cat and so on, all designed to either spy on us citizens or propagandise us clearly demonstrates it.It has been understood by almost everyone of a small ‘c’ or similar Conservative bent that the Establishment in general and academia in particular have been taken over by the ‘left’, but surely they should realise that modern ‘left’ is nothing but a creature of the globalist, neo-feudalist movers that currently hold sway and are behind the Great Reset et al.As for the two great ‘panics’ de jour, Climate Change and Covid both have actually been scientifically dismissed and only still exist because of political determination, abetted by the ‘useful’ idiots and the greedy as is standard. Once it was clearly evidenced that such climatic periods as the Medieval Warm Period and the Roman and Minoan Optimums and a slew of earlier similar periods existed on a roughly millennial scale and were ALL warmer on average than today, AGW should have been consigned to the dustbin. With Covid I say again, the forced experiments of the pleasure cruise ships in the early stages clearly showed the disease to be no more than a bad flu equivalent and nothing since then has changed that, despite the obvious hype, propaganda and downright lies.Liked by 6 people
  4. 30desmond on June 26, 2021 at 12:36 pm very good JW,, the overpowering stink from Handcock and all his activities is not recognised by those who have lost their smell and conscience.. but when we realize that everyone is mad, life sort of makes sense.Liked by 1 person
  5. 31michaeljspencer1 on June 26, 2021 at 12:07 pm Thank you as ever for your insights and clarity regarding the issues we all face JW, and especially wrt questions that all of us should be asking and indeed demanding answers to. No doubt most of your well-informed readers will know the fundamental background info’, which provides answers to most of such questions, however, for those who do not, and have not yet read ex’ intel specialist, Dr. John Coleman’s books, please see the following links:
    Rgds, mjsThe Club of Rome, Chatham House and The Committee of 300 – a lecture by Dr. John Coleman (15Dec’2011) – 1hr 43min

Labour activists ‘egged and kicked’ while campaigning in Batley and Spen by-election – June 28th 2021

Priti Patel plans to ‘hold asylum seekers in offshore processing centres’ – reportGreggs bounces back ‘exceptionally’ after shoppers return to the…

Labour Party activists were egged, pushed to the ground and kicked in the head while campaigning in Batley and Spen, according to the region’s mayor.a group of people standing on a sidewalk: A police officer keeps watch outside Jo Cox House in Batley, West Yorkshire - AFP via Getty Images© AFP via Getty Images

A police officer keeps watch outside Jo Cox House in Batley, West Yorkshire- AFP via Getty Images

Tracey Brabin, who was elected to the new role in West Yorkshire last month, said she witnessed the attack while leafletting on Sunday.

Ms Brabin said the group were “followed, verbally abused and physically assaulted” by a group of young men in the Whitaker Street area of Batley.

“The group I was with included young people and the elderly. I witnessed them being egged, pushed and forced to the ground and kicked in the head”.

The alleged assault is now being investigated by West Yorkshire Police.

It follows an incident on Friday when Jo Cox’s sister Lim Leadbeater, Labour’s by-election candidate in for the Batley and Spen seat, was confronted by a group of protesters.

Video footage showed a man challenging her over the situation in Kashmir and the concerns of Muslim parents about LGBT+ education in schools.

Ms Leadbeater later described feeling “intimidated” and accused fellow candidate George Galloway of laughing during the incident. She has previously suggested the former Labour MP was trying to “sow division” in the area to win votes from the Muslim community.

Holly Lynch, Labour MP for Halifax and shadow crime reduction minister, said Mr Galloway’s campaign had “created a toxic environment that is suffocating democracy and drowning out the voices of local people.”

She added: “There has been a series of increasingly serious and violent attacks in recent days and this is absolutely unacceptable.

“Lawless thugs are seeking to intimidate and attack those involved in the proper democratic process.”

Tensions were also high over the weekend after it was reported that Tommy Robinson – real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – would be joining far-right candidate Jayda Fransen for a rally in the area on Saturday.Labour’s Batley and Spen candidate heckled and chased on campaign trail

In the end Robinson did not turn up and West Yorkshire Police said a planned demonstration of around 400 people “passed off largely without incident”. Three people were arrested – two for public order offences and one for possession of an offensive weapon.

Ms Brabin said: “We know why tensions are rising in our streets. Those who want to sow division are not welcome in our community.

“The actions of these people do not represent the Batley and Spen I know. We are kinder than this.”

Additional reporting by Press Association

MI5 Called in to deflect attention from the Hancocky comedy show – Robert Cook June 18th 2021

We are being led to believe that what is going on here in the British corridors of power is an official secret , so the person who planted the camera presents a security risk and should be routed out and prosecuted.
This is not appropriate work conduct and Hancock should suffer severe consequences as should his lover. There is official anger that this Covid lockdown moraliser’s misconduct has undermined lockdwn complian
ce. Robert Cook.

Obviously the political elite and all the sinister manipulative background interests groups are used to taking the voters for fools. In Europe there is great relief that LePen’s party haven’t done as well as feared in local elections. The reality that only 28% bothered to vote isn’t mentioned by mainstream media. LePen faced a coalition of opposition parties because the cosy political consensus refuses to face reality. LePen faces the Anyone But LePen campaign.

Now here in Little Britain we are supposed to be concerned that an insider planted a secret camera to record the reality of British elite hypocrisy. They need taming at all levels because they are increasingly dangerous. People are not encouraged to make connections. So elite academics want the term Caucasian banned as racist.

Crimes must not mention ethnicity but all men accused of rape must be presumed guilty and convictions must rise. ‘Evidence’ is so far as it matters , must be weighted to the alleged victim who is always described s the victim. Liberal left feminists have argued in print , that white women who report blacks for rape are white supremacists. Meanwhile the elite do as they please. Police are officially allowed to lie.

The real issue concerning Hancock is shameless Boris Johnson’s incompetence and poor judgement, hypocritical cheat Matt Hancock was another of the Prime Minister’s human shields.

In standing by his rule-breaking Health Secretary, just as he did Barnard Castle eye-test driver Dominic Cummings, Johnson displayed a toxic arrogance.

And when enough people have their eyes opened to an immoral tinpot tyrant lording it and exempting his privileged regime from standards the masses are instructed to obey, Johnson will be swept from power in a great British revolution.

Hancock, like Cummings before him, should’ve been sacked on the spot. Instead the rumbled Cabinet Minister drove to Chequers to resign, leaving the Government and his wife and children.

When the real issue is shameless Boris Johnson’s incompetence and poor judgement, hypocritical cheat Matt Hancock was another of the Prime Minister’s human shields.

In standing by his rule-breaking Health Secretary, just as he did Barnard Castle eye-test driver Dominic Cummings, Johnson displayed a toxic arrogance.

And when enough people have their eyes opened to an immoral tinpot tyrant lording it and exempting his privileged regime from standards the masses are instructed to obey, Johnson will be swept from power in a great British revolution.

Hancock, like Cummings before him, should’ve been sacked on the spot. Instead the rumbled Cabinet Minister drove to Chequers to resign, leaving the Government and his wife and children.

Senior MoD civil servant at centre of probe into how sensitive documents turned up at bus stop June 27th 2021

Deborah Haynes, foreign affairs editor  47 mins agoLikeComments|3

Multiple arrests after thousands gather at illegal rave in West SussexLIVE: ‘Stronger border’ could have stopped Delta variant, says adviser

A senior civil servant at the Ministry of Defence (MoD) is at the centre of an investigation into how sensitive military documents – including one marked “Secret UK Eyes Only” – turned up behind a bus stop in Kent, Sky News understands.a large ship in a body of water: HMS Defender sailed through waters off Crimea on Wednesday© PA HMS Defender sailed through waters off Crimea on Wednesday

MoD police began looking into the breach last week after a member of the public found the files, which included classified information on UK plans in Afghanistan and details about the movements of a British warship off the coast of Russia-claimed Crimea.

A Whitehall source said the senior civil servant is thought to have mislaid the documents, which were discovered last Tuesday.diagram, map: A map showing the route of HMS Defender© Sky News Screen Grab A map showing the route of HMS Defender

The bundle was passed to the BBC, which first reported on their existence on Sunday.

Sky News has chosen not to name the civil servant for security reasons at the request of the MoD as the investigation into what happened is still going on.

An MoD spokesperson said the employee concerned had reported the loss of the files at the time of the incident.

“The Ministry of Defence was informed last week of an incident in which sensitive defence papers were recovered by a member of the public,” the spokesperson said.

“The department takes the security of information extremely seriously and an investigation has been launched. The employee concerned reported the loss at the time. It would be inappropriate to comment further.”

The Whitehall source said there was disbelief and anger within the MoD at what had happened.

The gravest concern was around the document, marked “Secret UK Eyes Only”, which set out highly-sensitive recommendations for the UK’s military presence in Afghanistan after US and other NATO forces leave the country by September.

They included a US request for British support in a number of specific areas and tackled the issue of whether British special forces would stay in the country, according to the BBC.

The broadcaster said it had chosen not to report details that could endanger the security of British and other personnel in Afghanistan.

Most of the other retrieved documents, almost 50 pages in total, were marked “official sensitive”, which is a lower form of classification.

They included discussions about a high-stakes plan to sail a Royal Navy destroyer through waters off Crimea that Russia claims as its own following the annexation of the territory in 2014, but which are viewed internationally as belonging to Ukraine.

HMS Defender made the journey last Wednesday, triggering – as anticipated in the documents – an aggressive response from the Russian military, with more than 20 Russia aircraft and two coastguard vessels shadowing the warship.

But the documents, as reported by the BBC, revealed the behind-the scenes deliberations that had been taking place on the UK side in the run-up to the transit – a revelation that will be seen as embarrassing at a time when London and Moscow are engaged in a briefing contest against each other.

The unauthorised release of any information about the British position could be used by the Russian side as a way to criticise the British action.

It is unclear yet what action might be taken against anyone found to have breached rules by misplacing the files, in particular the one marked secret.

The BBC said the member of the public found them in a soggy heap behind a bus stop.

Comment Britain’s history of incompetence is a long one. Off the top of my head we have the upper class Civil Servant who left the D Day invasion plans on a London Underground train. Prior to that we had the Arnhem Bridge Too Far fiasco where a glider crashed on SS HQ , complete with the invasion plans. Fortunately the Germans thought it was a ruse. One mustn’t forget Minister Cecil Parkinson. He left Falklands war documents in his car while visiting his pregnant lover , Sarah Keys. The car was stolen. Doesn’t matter which party is in power. Britain is a class act. Robert Cook

Gender Equality Is So Wonderful. June 27th 2021

Victims of New Mexico hot air balloon crash identifiedLIVE: Booster jab study chief makes urgent appeal for more trial sign-upsAlex Mahon et al. posing for the camera: MailOnline logo© Provided by Daily Mail MailOnline logo

Channel 4 boss Alex Mahon wore a diamond necklace worth nearly £50,000 as she was quizzed by MPs about the ‘obscene’ salaries the broadcaster paid its senior staff.

Ms Mahon, who earns £991,000 as chief executive, donned the jewellery for her appearance before the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee last week.

The extravagant creation consisted of two pieces from jeweller Jessica McCormack’s Ball N Chain range – a £19,250 necklace and a diamond pendant believed to cost just over £28,000.

The parliamentary session put Channel 4’s finances under scrutiny, including Ms Mahon’s pay – which rose by £50,000 last year despite the pandemic and a £150 million cut to the programming budget. 


Equality is a sick joke at the masses expense. Time to get on with privatisation because this pampered supremely privileged white female has been paid at the taxpayer’s expense.

Time also to look at the BBC. These comfortable cushy parasites patronise and judge the struggling masses, churning out politically correct so called ‘new drama’ and rubbish like Akeley Bridge and Hollyoaks – all good social engineering mush for the moronic.

If people en masse were not so ignorant and illiterate , they would realise that ‘equality of opportunity’ is a contradiction in terms ( See Michael Young’s satire ‘The Rise of the Meritocracy’) Competition, a U.K buzz word since the rise and fall of feminist icon Margaret Thatcher , is about winners and losers , so nothing to do with equality.

Feminists never mention class and it’s always about their struggle having not gone far enough. So this Channel 4 fat cat is an inevitable icon for the war on men. It is more than a clue to where we have arrived and where we are going as a society

Robert Cook

Hundreds protest in wake of Roma man’s death after police officer knelt on his neck – June 27th 2021

Chantal Da Silva  

Covid-19 around the world: how are key countries faring?LIVE: Labour brands Javid ‘fox in chicken coop’ as he vows to end pandemic

Hundreds of people in a northern Czech town took to the streets in protest on Saturday to commemorate the death of a Roma man who died after a police officer knelt on his neck.a group of people standing in front of a crowd: People in Teplice gather on Saturday to commemorate the death of a member of the Roma community on 19 June - Getty© Getty

People in Teplice gather on Saturday to commemorate the death of a member of the Roma community on 19 June- Getty

Video footage shows a police officer kneeling on the man’s neck for several minutes during the arrest in Teplice on 19 June.

The man, who has not been named, later died in an ambulance.

Police have said that a preliminary investigation showed no link between the police officer’s actions and the man’s death, according to the Associated Press.

Roma protesters and supporters have rejected that assertion, however, drawing comparisons to the death of George Floyd, whose murder sparked demonstrations around the world.

Mr Floyd, who was black, died after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who is white, knelt on his neck for more than nine minutes during an arrest over the alleged use of a counterfeit $20 note.

Chauvin was sentenced on Friday to 22 and a half years having been found guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter.

In an apparent reference to the Black Lives Matter movement, protesters in Teplice on Saturday held up banners emblazoned with the words: “Roma Lives Matter”, according to AP.

The Roma have long endured racism and discrimination in eastern Europe, with Amnesty International identifying the group as “one of Europe’s oldest and largest ethnic minorities, and also one of the most disadvantaged”.

“Across the continent Romani people are routinely denied their rights to housing, health care, education and work, and many are subjected to forced eviction, racist assault and police ill-treatment,” the organisation says in a report on Roma rights.

Europe’s main human rights body and Amnesty International have called for an independent investigation into the 19 June incident.

Meanwhile, the country’s deputy ombudsman has said she will also launch a separate investigation.

Comment Black people have no monopoly when it comes to being victims of police brutality and corruption. It suits the elites to shoot that line. How can the authorities know that this man’s death was not directly related to the police action ? Ian Tomlinson is long forgotten.

Ian was blatantly killed by a capitalist lackey London Police officer , Stephen Harwood . Harwood’s previous on duty violence got him sacked by Surrey Police. It was Ian Tomlinson’s misfortune to be innocently walking home when Harwood loomed up behind him , in the company of other bullying officers.

Harwood & Co were protecting the great and good at G7 summit in 2008. Ian died minutes after Harwood’s violent police assault caught on video. The police surgeon said Ian, who was poor white working class, was going to die about that time anyway because he was an alcoholic. Europe is a police state and the East have been fooled into thinking the EU is freedom. ‘Democracy ‘ ( sic ) doesn’t work like that.

Robert Cook

Pro-Palestine, pro-BLM, anti-government protest gathers outside UK parliament- June 27th 2021

Thousands of protesters marched to the UK parliament on Saturday 26 June in a demonstration for Palestinian rights and other left-leaning causes. Attendees at the rally also chanted slogans and held up signs supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, opposing the UK government, calling for action on climate change, demanding better pay for nurses, and other causes. Protesters called for an end to the occupation of Palestinian land and what they called the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. It was one of several protests happening in London yesterday, against coronavirus restrictions, climate change and other causes.

Hancock has been forced to resign. June 26th. More comment to follow. Hancock’s social media appearance focuses on his breaking his own social distance rules rather than the more sordid and hypocritical aspects of his misconduct.

Is this how she was interviewed for the ‘position’ ? Looks like a bum job. U.K Minister of Health & Hypocrisy ‘hard’ at work in the corridors of corrupt U.K Power.
Robert Cook

Robert Cook

London Expects Protests Today June 26th 2021

Some of the UK’s leading dance music acts are expected to join a protest march in London calling for the government to scrap Covid restrictions on nightclubs, as the capital gears up for a weekend of mass demonstrations.a group of people wearing costumes: Photograph: Alberto Pezzali/AP© Provided by The Guardian Photograph: Alberto Pezzali/AP

Anti-lockdown protesters, anti-austerity campaigners and environmentalists will also stage protests in London on Saturday and Sunday, and the Metropolitan police said they were preparing for “a busy weekend”.

The force said on Friday that it had been taking “proactive action”. Officers had raided three locations, seizing items including bamboo structures, lock-on equipment and other items “which could be used to cause criminal damage and obstructions” and making 12 arrests.

At least four of those arrested were affiliated with the environmental protest movement Extinction Rebellion, the group confirmed. It said the women had been “creating art” for a Free the Press march targeting media organisations on Sunday. An XR spokesperson said the protest would go ahead.

DJs will perform to crowds from two huge sound systems mounted on lorries on Sunday at the Freedom to Dance protest. Performers will include some of the leading lights from the UK’s house, techno, garage and drum’n’bass music scenes, including Hannah Wants, Eats Everything, Heartless Crew, and Fabio and Grooverider.

The economic impact of coronavirus restrictions has devastated the £1.2bn-a-year nightclub industry. Most venues have been unable to operate since 23 March last year. Between 30% and 40% of nightclub businesses have gone under, according to Michael Kill, the chief executive of the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA), which is supporting the protest.

It’s Just A Joke , So Laugh Damn You !- June 26th 2021

Maybe, when you’re the secretary of state for health in the middle of a pandemic; when you’ve been on the TV telling people they can only have sex within an “established relationship”; and when you’ve also publicly called for the police to investigate a government scientist who broke Covid rules to have an affair – maybe you should know it’s wrong to have an old friend as an adviser on a taxpayer salary and start snogging her in the office in the middle of the afternoon. – extract from Tom Peck ‘The Independent ( sic ) ‘

One is used to Peck towing the establishment line and more. So he goes on with the following diversion: Maybe Matt Hancock, for example, knew it was wrong when – having been asked by the prime minister whether the people being evacuated from hospital and into care homes had been tested for Covid, and he said “yes”, when the answer was actually “no”, and then thousands of people died.* Maybe he’s always known it’s all just so, so, so wrong, and that’s what gets him out of bed in the morning, and then back into bed in the afternoon.

This is all about taking attention away from the facts that 1 ) Hancock breached his own Covid rules , which for real mere mortals , not overpaid contemptuous patronising really privileged journalists, invokes real stigma and punishment. 2 ) It is inappropriate conduct in the workplace. 3) It is not here say because their is photographic evidence. 4 ) There is evidence that the woman in question had a brother benefitting from a Covid related contract. 5 ) She was earning £15,000 p,a for minimal hours at taxpayer’s expense. 6 ) She was recruited by a backdoor process that smacks of cronyism because she was a long time friend of Hancock dating from privileged Oxford University days. 7) Boris Johnson ( BJ ) Clearly shares the same mentality and thinks an apology is sufficient , signalling that corruption , misconduct and hypocrisy are acceptable and normal for this government. This has implications for the wider society and goes a long way to explain why Britain has one of the most sophisticated , feral , expensive and corrupt police forces in the world. The pair of them , Handcock & BJ are appalling and should resign.

Peck rather pathetically aims to divert attention from Hancock’s appalling misconduct by arguing he might better have been forced to resign over care home deaths. That is a question of honesty about the dreadful privatised care home system ( sic ) and the reality that lockdowns , masks and open borders are never going to ‘stop the virus.’ As a government mouthpiece for dubious propaganda Hancock is without equal. This has nothing to do with these issues. Peck is typical of mainstream smokescreen media. Here below are some of the facts about this sordid affair, with images of Hancock having a handful and rather more than an innocent hug. The fact that media lackeys and insiders can find excuses is just more evidence of elite corruption.

Coladangelo is a wealthy friend from his Oxford University days – true white privilege. Officially this is jus Hancock hugging her. Nothing to see here. Just keep on doing as I say and not as I do etc.
Did she pay tax on this easy money ? I doubt it. Probably paid as expenses for her services. Interesting advice here, was it on how to love the voters more ?
That is a full on kiss , or was it the kiss of life after she caught the virus ? Any sort of stupid excuse will do for these people and docile voters. Reality , ambitious women adore powerful men and their money. As Nixon’s Secretary of State Henry Kissinger put it , ‘Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.’
Hancock really means he is above the law and remains focused on pursuing his selfish egotistical career regardless and with BJ’s blessing. If this wasn’t unbridled lust on both sides , then Hancock would be a sex pest. This was the taxpayer funded workplace of an utterly incompetent , hypocritical and unscrupulous government. Why should he have privacy when his Government’s police state allows us lower orders none at all ?

Robert Cook

Handcock Up , From F.S – June 25th 2021

It just gets funnier.

Story headline on Twitter. I don’t usually read the Sun.Perhaps I should.

Pressure on Matt Hancock to quit after PM backs him over tryst with colleague Posted June 25th 2021

Trudeau says Canadians ‘horrified and ashamed’ of forced assimilationBitcoin price: Has it recovered from falling below $30k? Is China still…Matthew Hancock wearing a suit and tie: Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images© Provided by The Guardian Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Matt Hancock is coming under relentless pressure to quit as MPs warned the health secretary’s rule-breaking tryst with a colleague risked becoming as toxic to voters as Dominic Cummings’ drive to Durham.

Hancock apologised for breaching social distancing guidelines, after the Sun newspaper obtained footage from 6 May of him in a clinch with Gina Coladangelo, a non-executive director at the Department of Health and Social Care.

The health secretary appealed for “privacy” to deal with this “personal matter,” and Downing Street said the prime minister had accepted Hancock’s apology for breaking the rules, and “considers the matter closed”.

Hancock, who has been married to his wife for 15 years, is facing fresh questions about how Coladangelo – a friend from his days at Oxford University – came to be hired, and whether they were already in an intimate relationship at that point. Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner has written to Boris Johnson’s independent adviser on ministerial interests, Lord Geidt, calling on him to investigate the apparent conflict of interest.

Families bereaved by Covid wrote to the prime minister, urging him to sack the health secretary. Hannah Brady, whose father Shaun Brady, 55, died in May 2020, wrote: “to allow Matt Hancock to continue to hold the position of health secretary compounds the heartbreak of bereaved families who sacrificed so much whilst he broke the rules.

“It is not only an insult to bereaved families and all those who have obeyed the rules but undermines the public’s trust in measures designed to save others from the loss we have suffered.”

She concluded: “If Matt Hancock is unable to find the decency to do the right thing and resign his position, it is paramount that you relieve him from it.”

Meanwhile, Conservative MPs said they were already beginning to receive angry messages from constituents about Hancock’s public rule-breach, and expected more to come.

“Usually these things tend to build over the weekend,” one backbencher said, while several conceded they were braced for something like the wave of public anger that followed the revelation of Cummings’ Barnard Castle jaunt. “There will be anger, because he broke his own rules,” said a former cabinet minister. Another MP said: “People can’t abide a double standard.”

A snap poll by YouGov found that 49% of those surveyed thought Hancock should step down, up from 36% in May.

Comment will follow tomorrow. This is a very serious matter, including nepotism and abuse of tapayers.

Supreme Court backs protesters and rules blocking roads can be ‘lawful’ way to demonstrate

Lizzie Dearden  Posted June 25th 2021

Royal Mail fake text warning after one victim loses to £80,000 to fraudstersDixons Carphone set to net £151m profit as online growth plan pays off

The Supreme Court has ruled that protests can be a “lawful excuse” to block roads, as the government pushes for new laws to limit peaceful demonstrations.a group of people sitting around a bunch of stuffed animals: Police work to remove protesters who blocked an access road to the 2017 Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair by chaining themselves together on 6 September 2017 - Getty Images© Getty Images

Police work to remove protesters who blocked an access road to the 2017 Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair by chaining themselves together on 6 September 2017- Getty Images

Britain’s most senior judges said it was right to acquit a group of protesters who blockaded the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair in London in 2017.

A ruling given on Friday morning said that protesters can have a “lawful excuse” defence against the offence of obstructing a highway, even where they have used “deliberately physically obstructive conduct”.

“There should be a certain degree of tolerance to disruption to ordinary life, including disruption of traffic, caused by the exercise of the right to freedom of expression or freedom of peaceful assembly,” the majority ruling added.

“There must be an assessment of the facts in each individual case to determine whether the interference with article 10 or article 11 rights was ‘necessary in a democratic society’.”

The offence has been used against hundreds of protesters in recent years, and the trial of Extinction Rebellion activists who blockaded a Rupert Murdoch-owned printworks had been adjourned pending the Supreme Court’s ruling.

The case was sparked by the prosecution of four anti-arms trade protesters who blocked a road leading to the ExCel Centre while it hosted the DSEI arms fair in September 2017.

After hearing the defendants’ argument that the event involved the “sale of potentially unlawful items designed for torture or unlawful restraint, or the sale of weaponry to regimes that were then using them against civilian populations”, District Judge Angus Hamilton found they had a “lawful excuse” for obstructing a highway and acquitted them of all charges.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) appealed to the High Court, which overturned the judge’s findings in January 2019, finding he had erred in his assessment of proportionality and “took into account certain considerations which were irrelevant”.

The protesters appealed to the Supreme Court, which said the original judge had not made an error and restored the dismissal of the charges.a weapon on a table: Weapons on display at the 2017 DSEI arms fair (Lizzie Dearden)© Provided by The Independent Weapons on display at the 2017 DSEI arms fair (Lizzie Dearden)

The ruling said that the DSEI protest had not provoked disorder or seen clashes with police, and had taken place “on an approach road in a commercial area where there was already a sizeable police presence”.

Judges said that when interfering with the right to protest, factors must be considered including the extent to which demonstrators have broken the law, their location, the duration of the protest, its interference with the rights of others and whether the action is over “very important issues”.

Andrew Smith, of Campaign Against Arms Trade, said the judgment had set a “vital precedent” but should not have been needed.

“There should never have been a four-year long legal process with all of the time it has taken and the stress that it will have brought,” he added.

“It was yet another case of totally inappropriate policing and overreach against protesters.

“It is an important verdict, especially now, when the government is trying to crackdown even further on the right to protest. If the current proposals become law, they will give even more powers to the police, while making it even harder for people to make their voices heard.”

Lawyer Raj Chada, a partner at Hodge Jones and Allen who represented the appellants, said the judgment would have a “significant effect” on future cases.

He said it meant there could be “many more arguments to pursue” on behalf of prosecuted protesters, adding: “Even if the protest caused deliberate obstruction, it does not automatically mean the police are right to arrest. There has to be proper evaluation of all the circumstances.”

A spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion said: “This judgment shows how far out of step the government is with its attempt to further criminalise peaceful protest through the new policing bill.

“Such protest, which aims to draw attention to climate and ecological villains including those in our own government, is absolutely the right thing to do, not just morally but in law.”

The ruling came as opposition mounts to controversial protest laws contained in the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights said earlier this week that proposals to allow police to restrict protests on the basis of noise were “not necessary in a democratic society” and must be scrapped.

The law would also give the home secretary the power to define “serious disruption”, allow police to ban one-person protests and increase prison sentences for non-violent crimes related to demonstrations.

It has sparked a wave of demonstrations, including some that resulted in vandalism and violence against police officers, amid accusations that the government was stifling the right to protest.

In March, a report by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary that was commissioned by Priti Patel found police has been “tipping the balance too readily in favour of protesters”, against disrupted businesses and members of the public.

Moment Royal Navy captain coolly faces down Russian threat – June 24th 2021

LIVE: Balearic islands, Malta and Madeira added to UK travel green listNike profit, sales beat estimates on strong demand from Americans leaving…a man standing in front of water: MailOnline logo© Provided by Daily Mail MailOnline logo

This is the moment a Royal Navy captain coolly faces down a Russian threat before Vladimir Putin‘s warship opens fire towards HMS Defender in a video released today.

Footage shows lengthy negotiations in English between the coast guard vessel and the large destroyer during the air and sea skirmish in the Black Sea.

Towards the beginning of the video, the British warship repeatedly insists it is on an established sea route in international waters.

The Royal Navy captain then says: ‘Your actions are unsafe, unprofessional and endanger both of our vessels. Are you threatening me? Over.’  

In Russian there is a command to shoot – but also to miss, with a person saying: ‘No hitting it, no hitting Defender, did you get me?’

The clip’s release follows Russia summoning the UK’s ambassador in Moscow, Deborah Bronnert, for a formal telling off as relations between the two nations continued to deteriorate.water next to the ocean: In the video released by Putin's regime, three shots each with two shells are seen fired as warning shots, by which time HMS Defender is visible but at a long distance away© Provided by Daily Mail In the video released by Putin’s regime, three shots each with two shells are seen fired as warning shots, by which time HMS Defender is visible and approaching fast .

Comment How nauseating when the fact is the Royal Navy were the threat. This press release from U.K elite reads like something from one of those old stiff upper lipped war movies with lantern jawed and stiff upper lip actor Jack Hawkins steadfast on the bridge of a battle scarred destroyer. Shells would be falling all around , but Cap’n Jack in his naval issue duffle coat, gold braided peak cap and pipe sucking, would remain calm right up until the moment his head was blown off. Whoever said British Imperialism was dead , just because a few old statues have been torn down, helping to hide a history that is repeating itself. Robert Cook

Dalian Atkinson: PC guilty of former footballer’s manslaughter
Dalian Atkinson’s family says “the whole country now knows the truth” about how he died. Posted June 23rd 2021

For how much longer can people be bothered even to laugh at Gavin Williamson? June 24th 2021

Lego aims to woo adult superfans with instore ‘storytelling tables’Pre-watershed TV junk food adverts to be banned under new anti-obesity drive…

British Democracy – June 24th 2021

Every so often, a news story comes along that is so shocking that it ceases to be shocking at all because it is simply impossible to believe it can be true. And every so often, two come along at once. The Post Office scandal is one such story. Actual postmasters, running little rural post offices, not unlike the one in Postman Pat, were prosecuted and went to jail for fraud because the Post Office preferred that outcome to accepting their IT system didn’t work.

That, it must be said, is at least faintly plausible, alongside more recent news, that education secretary Gavin Williamson (that’s another word quartet that has sadly lost its power to shock) is telling all the nation’s schoolchildren to come together on 25 June to sing a song containing the following words: “Strong Britain, great nation. Strong Britain, great nation. Strong Britain, great nation. Strong Britain, great nation.”

We are already 36 hours into some of the most relentless public ridicule of the internet age. We have never seen anything quite like it before. It has already been pointed out that, well, this is the sort of mad nonsense they get made to do in North Korea or communist East Germany or Turkmenistan. But there is a slight difference. For the most part, the people in countries where this kind of lunatic behaviour is normal can be divided into those who are stupid enough to have become genuine believers and those who are too frightened to stand up to it. But the forces that take a country to this point are highly sophisticated. It does take a large amount of nous and an even larger amount of ruthlessness to build a personality cult.

Comment Does this chant have a melody ? Zieg Heil springs to mind. So Nazi. A female Tory MP thinks we should all have a portrait of the Queen in our houses. Robert Cook

Dalian Atkinson’s family say five-year wait for trial was ‘unacceptable’ Posted June 24th 2021

Police officer Benjamin Monk convicted of manslaughter of former footballer during disturbance in 2016 by Vikram Dodd Guardian Police & Crime Correspondent June 23 2021

Dalian Atkinson’s family told of their relief and continuing pain after a five-year battle for justice saw a British police officer become the first in 35 years to be convicted of manslaughter while on duty.

PC Benjamin Monk used excessive force when he fired an electric stun gun into the former professional footballer for 33 seconds – six times longer than is standard – and kicked him twice in the head as he lay on the ground, a jury found.

Monk was called to attend a disturbance in Telford, Shropshire in August 2016, when Atkinson was suffering an acute mental health crisis. His behaviour was erratic and out of character, the trial heard.

At the end of a six-minute clash, Atkinson was kicked with such force that his blood was found in the laces of Monk’s police-issue boots, the trial heard. The West Mercia police officer was accused of lying in court about his account.

Legal restrictions meant details of the incident were not made public until the trial began in May, almost five years after Atkinson, 48, died. After the verdict, his family condemned Monk, saying they were “sickened” by the officer’s defence, and that he had meted out violence to a man who needed help.

Monk told the jury he had been terrified by Atkinson and had acted solely in self-defence, as he was entitled to do.

The jury disagreed, and afterwards the Atkinson family said: “On the night he died, Dalian was vulnerable and unwell and needed medical attention. He instead received violence, and died with PC Monk’s bootlace prints bruised on to his forehead.

“We have been sickened to hear PC Monk try to minimise the force he used on Dalian and exaggerate the threat he posed … We would like to thank the jury members for all their hard work and attention.”

The family condemned the delay in achieving justice: “The fact that this case has taken nearly five years to get to trial is completely unacceptable, especially when you consider that PC Monk’s identity was known to the prosecuting authorities from day one.”

The jury at Birmingham Crown Court reached its verdicts on Monk after nearly 19 hours of deliberation over six days. They first acquitted him of murder, but then unanimously convicted him of manslaughter.

The last successful prosecution of an on-duty police officer for manslaughter was in 1986 following the death of Henry Foley. The retired bus driver from Southport was beaten by Alwyn Sawyer of Merseyside police while in custody.

On Thursday the jury will resume to consider their verdicts on Monk’s co-accused, PC Mary Ellen Bettley-Smith, who denies actual bodily harm for striking Atkinson with a baton while he was on the ground.

PC Benjamin Monk outside Birmingham crown court earlier this month. Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA

Atkinson was pronounced dead 70 minutes after the incident on 15 August 2016.

The trial heard he suffered an acute mental health crisis on the day he was killed. He had gone to his childhood home in Meadow Close, Telford, which he had bought for his father, Ernest, with the money he made from being a Premiership star. Shortly after 1.30am, a neighbour called the police because Atkinson was causing a disturbance.

The stun gun used by Monk initially failed to stop Atkinson, who remained standing, the court heard. Monk told the jury that Atkinson said: “You can put 100,000 volts through me. I am the fucking messiah. Your Taser won’t work,” and added: “I’m going to take you to the gates of hell.”

After Monk fired the stun gun for 33 seconds, Atkinson fell to the floor. Explaining the kicks to the head, Monk claimed he believed the former footballer had still been moving and trying to get up. If he had done so, the officer said, he feared he would die.

Monk said the six-minute clash left him the most fearful he had ever been in his life and he had run away. The prosecution said Monk grew angry because he felt humiliated by Atkinson.

Atkinson, a former striker for Aston Villa, had developed severe health problems, the court heard, including an enlarged heart, and required regular kidney dialysis.

In their statement, the Atkinson family said: “We are hugely relieved that the whole country now knows the truth about how Dalian died. While it has been hard for us not to be able to talk about the details of Dalian’s death, it has been even harder to sit through this trial and to hear PC Monk try to justify the force he used.”

They added: “Our sincere hope is that now that the truth about his death is known, and justice has been done, we can start to remember him not for the manner in which he died, but for the way in which he lived.”

In his legal directions to the jurors, trial judge Melbourne Inman QC said they could only convict Monk if they were “sure that Mr Monk used unlawful force against Mr Atkinson” and were “sure that unlawful force caused his death”.

The judge said the jury should acquit Monk of murder if they were “not sure that Mr Monk intended to kill Mr Atkinson or intended to cause him really serious injury”. The judge said they should convict the officer of manslaughter “if you are sure that that force was an act which any reasonable person would realise was bound to subject another human being to the risk of physical harm”.

Monk, 43, denied inventing or exaggerating his account and accepted the evidence from officers who rushed to the scene as reinforcements. They say they saw Monk with his foot on Atkinson’s head as he lay on the ground.

Monk also declined to challenge the evidence of a colleague who said that immediately after the incident the officer had said: “I had to kick him in the head.” Later, in interview, Monk said he had aimed for the shoulder.

Prosecutor Alexandra Healy QC said Monk made up the story about kicking Atkinson in the shoulder when faced with the forensic evidence. The prosecutor said: “I suggest, Mr Monk, you had kicked Mr Atkinson in the head, because that is what you had chosen to do, not once or twice …”

Monk replied: “I would not choose to kick Mr Atkinson in the head … There was no conscious decision of mine to kick Mr Atkinson in the head.”

Atkinson achieved fame with Aston Villa and also played for clubs in South Korea, Spain and Turkey. He retired from football in 2001.

Comment  West Mercia Police have a reputation and record for cover ups and misconduct. Take the following story of West Mercia corruption for example :

Innocent postman wrongly jailed over attempted rape DENIED compensation over 17 years in jail – Posted June 24th 2021

Victor Nealon served more than double his minimum term because he maintained he was not guilty.

A postman who served 17 years for an attempted rape he did not commit has lost his bid for compensation.

Victor Nealon was convicted in 1997 of the attempted rape of a woman in Redditch.

But the Dublin postie, in his 50s, always maintained his innocence and was set free in 2013 after appeal judges ruled fresh evidence made his convictions unsafe.

He spent 17 years behind bars – more than the seven-year minimum term he was handed – because he insisted he was innocent.

On Wednesday, he took his battle for compensation to the UK Supreme Court after previous defeats at the High Court and the Court of Appeal.

But, by a majority of five to two, seven Supreme Court justices dismissed his appeal.

Mr Nealon had argued the refusal to award him compensation was incompatible with his human rights. He launched his legal bid together with Londoner Sam Hallam, who was convicted of a 2005 murder he did not commit.

Mr Hallam served more than seven years after receiving a life sentence as a teenager the murder of a trainee chef – but his conviction was quashed in 2012.

Both had initial applications for compensation rejected by the Justice Secretary.

Speaking after the court’s ruling, Mr Hallam said: “I was released from the Court of Appeal in 2012 having spent seven-and-a-half years in prison for a crime of which I am completely innocent.

“In 2019, I am still having to fight to prove my innocence. This is a very disappointing decision. My lawyers will look at an appeal, or what I can do next.”

Here is another example of West Mercia Police Cover Ups and Malpractice – Posted June 24th 2021

16 Oct 2013

‘Plebgate’ row: IPCC says police changed report conclusions  Posted June 24th 2021

In a letter the Independent Police Complaints Commission accuses the police of changing the findings of an investigation into the conduct of police officers during the “plebgate”.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) on Tuesday said Inspector Ken MacKaill, Detective Sergeant Stuart Hinton and Sergeant Chris Jones should have faced misconduct hearings for lying about what Mr Mitchell said in a private meeting about the so-called “plebgate” affair last year.

On Wednesday, IPCC Deputy Chair Deborah Glass said in a letter that the final report of the investigation had been substantially altered from the first draft submitted to the IPCC in July.

In the draft version the senior investigating officer concluded there was a “case to answer”, says Ms Glass, yet the final report, submitted in August, said there was not.

The conduct of these officers was not acceptableDAVID CAMERON

Speaking at prime minister’s questions on Wednesday, David Cameron said that at that meeting, Andrew Mitchell had given “a full account of what had happened [during an encounter between Mr Mitchell and police officers in Downing St]”, and that “[the police officers] left that meeting and claimed he had given them no account at all. Fortunately this meeting was recorded, and so he’s been able to prove that what he said was true and what the police officers said was untrue”.

Home Affairs Correspondent Simon Israel writes:

So the plot thickens. Dynamite in a letter from IPCC deputy chair Deborah Glass today that makes the plebgate affair even murkier. She felt the need to respond amid the uproar following a decision to take no action against three officers from the West Midlands Police Federation branch. It turns out that’s only half the story.

In a letter obtained by Channel 4 News, sent to three police chief of West Mercia, Warwickshire and West Midlands and the three police and crime commisioners for those forces, Ms Glass reveals why she felt the need to go public in protesting at the decision not put the three officers through a misconduct process for their actions against Andrew Mitchell.

While she accepts the investigation itself was not flawed she writes: “I note that in the first draft submitted to the IPCC in July, the senior investigating officer did in fact conclude there was a case to answer for misconduct, although their final report, submitted in August did not.”

Who changed it and why we don’t know. Was it pressure from the Police Federation, senior officers or the PCCs?

The prime minister said that “the conduct of these officers was not acceptable”, adding “these things should be properly investigated as the home secretary has said”, and he backed the decision of the home affairs select committee to call the chief constables concerned to give evidence about the issue.

‘Quite wrong’

On Tuesday Home Secretary Theresa May insisted West Mercia police had been “quite wrong” not to take disciplinary action. Mr Cameron said in the Commons that he “agreed 100 per cent with what the home secretary said yesterday”.

The force’s chief constable, David Shaw, has been summoned to give evidence to the home affairs select committee on the issue. But West Mercia defended its handling in a joint statement with Warwickshire and West Midlands police.

“Andrew Mitchell MP has never made a complaint to police. West Mercia, with the support of West Midlands and Warwickshire Police, recognising the public interest in this case, independently decided to investigate this incident and made a referral to the Independent Police Complaints Commission,” the statement said.

Read more: IPCC questions police officers’ honesty in ‘plebgate’ row

“We asked for the matter to be independently investigated by the IPCC because we recognise the significant public interest in the matter, however this was declined.

“The IPCC have supervised this investigation throughout and have been invited to reconsider their position on more than one occasion.

“The decisions following this investigation were carefully considered, with the support of appropriate legal advice.

“Warwickshire, West Mercia and West Midlands Police have separately considered the findings of the investigation and all three forces agree on the outcome.”

‘Frankly surprised’

West Mercia police Commissioner Bill Longmore expressed surprise about comments by Deborah Glass and said he was seeking an urgent meeting with Mrs May.

“Given the critical statement which the IPCC Deputy Chair has made in the last few hours, I am frankly surprised the IPCC did not resume conduct of the investigation – they certainly had the power to do so,” he said.

The chairman of the Police Federation, Steven Williams, also questioned the intervention by Ms Glass.

“My concern is that by releasing her personal view that she disagrees with the findings of the West Mercia investigation she displays a lack of independence,” he wrote in a letter to Mrs May.

“This threatens to undermine the considered findings of the investigation in the eyes of the public, whereas in fact those investigating and deciding the case are the proper arbiters in this matter.”

‘Clear the air’

Mr Mitchell met Mr MacKaill, Mr Hinton and Mr Jones, federation representatives of West Mercia, Warwickshire and the West Midlands respectively, on 12 October to “clear the air”.

A transcript shows Mr Mitchell apologised for swearing at the police officers but denied using the word “plebs”.

In comments made after the meeting, Mr MacKaill claimed the former Tory chief whip would not provide an account of the incident.

West Mercia police conducted an internal investigation into claims the three officers were trying to discredit Mr Mitchell but concluded there was no case to answer for misconduct or gross misconduct.

However, Ms Glass said she disagreed with their findings and added that the evidence reveals “an issue of honesty and integrity, not merely naive or poor professional judgment” among the federation representatives.

She said: “In the media and political climate of the day, I do not consider that the officers could have been in any doubt about the impact of their public statements on the pressure being brought on Mr Mitchell.

“As police officers, they had a responsibility to present a fair and accurate picture.

‘Anti-cuts campaign’

“Their motive seems plain: they were running a successful, high-profile, anti-cuts campaign and the account that he provided to them did not fit with their agenda.”

Ms Glass said the officers must have known Mr Mitchell was under pressure to resign his post following scenes at the Conservative party conference at which federation members were seen wearing “PC Pleb” T-shirts.

In a statement released after the IPCC published its findings, Mr Mitchell said he and his family had “waited in vain” for Mr MacKaill, Mr Hinton and Mr Jones to be held to account.

“It is a matter of deep concern that the police forces employing these officers have concluded that their conduct has not brought the police service into disrepute,” he said.

“Most people will disagree. It is a decision which will undermine confidence in the ability of the police to investigate misconduct when the reputation of the police service as a whole is at stake.

“My family and I have waited nearly a year for these police officers to be held to account and for an apology from the Police Forces involved. It seems we have waited in vain.”

The original incident, in which Mr Mitchell was accused of calling officers guarding Downing Street “plebs” as he cycled through the main gates on 19 September 2012, was the subject of a separate Metropolitan police investigation following claims officers conspired against the politician.

Giving evidence to MPs, Mrs May said: “The IPCC statement makes troubling reading. If it is indeed the case that warranted police officers behaved in the way Deborah Glass has described, that’s not acceptable at all.”

Asked if the chief constable of West Mercia Police should apologise to Mr Mitchell, Mrs May said: “I think that would be appropriate.”

She added: “The police need the trust of the public. These sorts of incident will strike at the heart of that issue of trust.”

Operation Alice

Labour former home secretary Jack Straw, who is a close friend of Mr Mitchell, said: “It is lamentable but undoubtedly true, as the IPCC has concluded, that Mr Mitchell has been the victim of wholly unacceptable behaviour by some police officers, a wrong compounded by the woeful inadequacy of the police investigation into this misconduct.

“I hope that this will at last lead to effective action by the employing police forces concerned, and to Mr Mitchell being able to resume his full contribution to British political life. I also hope that the officers concerned might be big enough to apologise.”

The Crown Prosecution Service is considering whether to bring criminal charges following Scotland Yard’s £230,000-plus investigation, known as Operation Alice. Eight people, including five police officers arrested under Operation Alice, were re-bailed.

The police have come under fire for their handling of the inquiry, with ex-director of public prosecutions Lord Macdonald and Mr Straw among senior figures who criticised the length of time and cost of the inquiry.

One of three chief constables involved in the “plebgate” affair says he considered resigning.

The chief constables of West Mercia, Warwickshire and the West Midlands faced MPs on Wednesday over their roles.

No action had been taken against three police officers following comments made after a meeting with former chief whip Andrew Mitchell in October 2012.

West Mercia Chief Constable David Shaw told the BBC it had been “quite tough”.

But he added: “The public tend to judge the men and women I lead, and hopefully me, on how we look after them, day in day out, and that’s what really counts here.”

No action was taken against the police officers – Sgt Chris Jones, from West Midlands Police, Insp Ken MacKaill, of West Mercia Police, and Det Sgt Stuart Hinton, of Warwickshire Police – following an internal review by the forces concerned into their conduct.

The officers told MPs they stood by their “accurate” account of a meeting with Mr Mitchell in October 2012 and said they do not owe an apology to him.

‘Clumsy’ handling

The meeting took place weeks after an altercation at the gates of Downing Street where the Tory MP was accused of swearing at police and calling them “plebs” – allegations he has always denied.

Mr Mitchell, who resigned over the row, has challenged the claim by the three officers that he was not open about the incident.

But Sgt Jones has said he was “not convinced we have done anything wrong”.

Ch Insp Jerry Reakes-Williams, head of professional standards at Warwickshire and West Mercia Police, who led an inquiry into the October 2012 meeting, has said he believed the officers should face misconduct charges.

West Mercia Police had concluded that there was no case to answer for misconduct or gross misconduct, a decision which the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) said it disagreed with.

The head of West Mercia Police told the Commons Home Affairs Committee the handling of the affair had been “clumsy”.

On Thursday Mr Shaw told the BBC the force had “taken a hit on confidence” and added it had been “intensely frustrating” that many media channels had made “pretty direct suggestions that I’ve covered something up”.

He said: “It’s quite tough when your kids phone you up because they’ve read while they’re away at uni that the papers are calling for my resignation.

“I have to concede there have been times when I’ve thought about my position, but far, far more important is that I carry on leading this fantastic force.”

In a briefing after the meeting, the three officers – all members of the Police Federation – told journalists Mr Mitchell had refused to elaborate on what he did or did not say during the original incident.

Mr Mitchell insists a transcript of the meeting, which he secretly recorded, shows that he apologised for swearing and expressly denied that he had used the word “pleb”

Comment Shaw and other senior officers should have been sacked. The fact the government didn’t do this tells us that the corruption is deep rooted and politicians favour feral police because they fear social collapse. The modern police are their elected and trained guard dogs. They think they can manage the type of people they need in a riot. Those people are accustomed to lying and very very dangerous. This was no matter of clumsy handling. It was deliberate and routine. The police do not expect to get caught out. they rely on politicians turning a blind eye and fooling the foolish public.

Robert Cook

And it is not just West Mercia – Posted June 24th 2021

The case of Stefan Kiszko and a police force enamoured by its own sense of invincibility Posted june 24th 2021

This is a piece I first wrote for the uPSD website three years ago (2013). It has been updated with some recent developments, particularly relating to the ex-PC Danny Major miscarriage of justice case, in which I have been closely involved:


On the gravestone that marks the burial place of Charlotte Hedwig Kiszko, and her son Stefan (pictured above), the inscription is carved on blackened Pennine rock: “A loving wife and a very devoted mother“. That is an understatement of monumental proportions. No one could possibly have been more steadfast than  Charlotte, who campaigned tirelessly – and ultimately successfully – for sixteen long years to prove the innocence of her son. Much in the way that the relatives, and friends, of the many who perished in the Hillsborough Disaster have fought relentlessly for justice – and the parents of Danny Major who have battled for so long to clear their own son’s name after he was fitted up by the police force that faetures centrally in this shocking story.

Stefan Ivan Kiszko was convicted, after a diabolical West Yorkshire Police investigation, of the murder of a frail, 11-year-old Rochdale girl, Lesley Molseed, in 1975. She had been brutally stabbed to death on Rishworth Moor, close to the Lancashire-Yorkshire border. The killer had ejaculated on her underclothes.

The murder probe, and subsequent persistently unlawful, and relentless, three day interrogation of Kiszko, was led by Detective Sergeant John Akeroyd and, later, his boss, Detective Chief Inspector, Dick Holland, both of whom were commended at the subsequent trial.

As was the senior investigating officer, Chief Superintendent Jack Dibb. In spite of almost every one of the Judges’ Rules, governing detention and police interviews, at the time, having been broken by the police.

Holland and Dibb were later charged with perverting the course of justice, but the trial was halted after Dibb passed away in 1995. An application for a stay, on the grounds of abuse of process, was allowed by the stipendiary magistrate in Rochdale, Jane Hayward. She said that a fair trial was not possible without hearing oral evidence from the deceased Dibb. Passage of time and non-availability of other witnesses were also factors weighing in the balance.

Holland, and a forensic scientist charged along with the two police officers, Ronald Outteridge, were set to blame Dibb for any evidential shortcomings. Holland died in 2007.

The repeated request to have Charlotte present, whilst he was being questioned, was refused and, crucially, the police did not caution the grossly immature Stefan Kiszko until long after they had decided he was the prime – and indeed only – suspect. He ultimately “confessed” after being told he could go home to his mother if he did so. He retracted the confession almost immediately. Stefan had attended Rochdale police station voluntarily, and had, in fact, driven himself there in the bronze coloured Hillman Avenger that was his pride and joy. He was not arrested until his third day in custody.

That came two days after his first contact with Holland, who is alleged to have said, without preamble, to an immature, frightened, unwell man:     “I’ll get the fucking truth out of you, one way or another”, whilst assaulting him.

Holland waslater to achieve notoriety in the Yorkshire Ripper investigation, after which he was demoted following an internal inquiry. He was also one of the senior investigators on another of the greatest miscarriages of justices of modern times: Judith Ward was wrongly convicted of the M62 IRA coach bomb murders, after a similarly brutalising WYP interrogation.

When he retired in 1988, Holland viewed the convictions of both Stefan Kiszko and of Judith Ward as being “among his finest hours during his 35 years in the police force”. The quashing of both those convictions, by the appeal court, came less than five years later.

It is over 40 years since Stefan, an Inland Revenue clerk with the mental and emotional age of a 12-year-old, was found guilty at Leeds Crown Court by a jury directed by the highly experienced ‘red’ judge, Sir Hugh Park; and 20 years since he died, like his father, of a heart attack, after an all too brief taste of freedom. He was just 41 years of age, mentally and physically broken. His beloved mother, of Slovenian descent, died just a few months later.

Charlotte had buried her husband, the giant Ukrainian-born Iwan Kiszko, in a Halifax cemetery after he dropped dead at Stefan’s feet, in 1970, following a heart attack in the street near their home in Rochdale. His parents had met in migrant accommodation in 1951, married a year later and were a devoted, happy couple. Iwan, a road construction worker had helped build the M62 trans-Pennine motorway that swept past the spot at which Lesley Molseed’s body was foun d near Windy Hill.

Stefan suffered from XYY syndrome, a condition in which the human male has an extra Y chromosome. Such men are normal except for – sometimes slight – growth irregularities and minor behavioural abnormalities. He also suffered from hypergonadism and was acutely anaemic. As a child he had suffered badly with asthma.

One of Stefan’s “behavioural abnormalities” was jotting down the registration numbers of a car if he had been annoyed by the driver. This trait led, in part, to his wrongful conviction as he had, at some point prior to the murder, unwittingly jotted down the number of a car seen near the scene of the crime on the Oldham – Halifax A672 road on that fateful Sunday. A red Renault 16TL with the mark, ADK539L.

It was argued by the prosecution, at the murder trial, that only someone at the scene could have known the number of this car. A submission that was later to be proved wholly unlikely, by even the simplest of investigations. It was a car first registered in Rochdale, and owned by a couple in the town for the first two years of its life. It was even known to have been parked in the car park near the Inland Revenue offices where Stefan worked. One of a number of simple tasks that, regrettably, Rochdale solicitor Albert Wright, the senior partner in the town’s oldest firm of solicitors, and instructed counsel also failed to undertake.

Also, as a symptom of his medical conditions, Stefan Kiszko would have been physically incapable of producing the the type of sperm that covered Lesley’s knickers, which was a cornerstone of the prosecution case. A crucial fact that was never disclosed to either the court, or more particularly, his defence team, at the time of the trial. Another incapacity, a surgical pin in a recently, and badly, broken ankle, would have prevented Stefan carrying, or dragging, Lesley up a steep forty foot ascent, away from the main road to the killing ground. Wright, and the defence team, never made submissions to the court in this regard.

Apart from these evidential and investigative failings, Stefan Kiszko’s defence team, led by David Waddington QC, made a number of significant tactical mistakes at trial. Grounded in the belief, it seems, that the jury would find Stefan guilty of the murder.

Firstly, they did not seek an adjournment when the Crown delivered over 6,000 witness statements, as part of the unused material, on the first morning of the trial. These had lain, untouched, in an office attached to the Director of Public Prosecutions for weeks before the trial. Included in those statements were those of Chistopher Coverdale and Maurice Helm, both of which would have seriously undermined the prosecution’s claims. Coverdale had seen a man and a girl, at the lay-by on the A672 beneath the murder scene, on the Sunday afternoon. The man described bore no resemblance at all to the the accused, the description of the girl, and what she was wearing, was uncannily close to Lesley. Helm was a local milkman who admitted inadvertly exposing himself to two young girls when taking an emergency ‘leak’ on the Friday before the murder. Much was made of this ‘crime’ being committed by Stefan Kiszko at the crown court, in what was perversely described as ‘similar fact evidence’ to a brutal murder. Had Coverdale and Helm been brought to court as witnesses the trial would have been, effectively, over.

Secondly, Waddington never challenged the admissibility of the Kiszko confession or the lurid similar fact evidence of alleged indecent exposure offences. In his summing up, the judge gave a clear direction to the jury that the latter bore no relevance to the murder. It follows, therefore, that an application to exclude it would have succeeded

Thirdly, in court, Waddington maintained the risky, inconsistent, and parallel, defence of diminished responsibility, which the Kiszko family had never authorised. The lawyer contends that they did. Stefan was adamant that he had never seen nor touched Lesley Molseed and they were his instructions to Mr Wright and instucted counsel. In effect, Waddington was putting to the jury an admission of guilt to murder but a plea for them to return a manslaughter verdict running alongside an alibi defence to the murder.

Waddington went on to become Margaret Thatcher‘s last Home Secretary, on the very day that Stefan’s second, and ultimately successful, appeal was filed with the Home Office – and now sits as a cross-bencher in the House of Lords as Baron Waddington.

Albert Wright had, in fact, initially instructed George Carman QC, the best criminal defence barrister of his day. He was, however, detained elsewhere when the Kiszko trial started on 7th July, 1976. It is not difficult to believe that the trial would have had a very different shape, and outcome, had Carman retained the brief.

In February 1992, at the time of the quashing of Stefan’s conviction, Charlotte Kiszko said that it was David Waddington who ought to be “strung up” for his pro-capital punishment views and for the way he had handled her son’s defence at the 1976 trial. On any independent view, it was shocking – and Waddington was not helped by a judge who also appeared, in a one-sided summing up, to take the view that Kiszko was guilty.

Prosecuting counsel, Peter Taylor QC, later became Lord Chief Justice and, in another quirk of fate attained that high office one day after Stefan’s conviction was finally quashed. He maintained, at the time, that the police had withheld the crucial scientific evidence from the prosecution, as well as the defence, at the fateful trial. A proposition that now seems highly likely.

As Lord Chief Justice, and, by then, Sir Peter Taylor, he became increasingly aware of miscarriages of justice and gave due attention to appeals against conviction. He was also responsible for many liberal innovations in the English criminal and civil justice systems and gave strong support to the full disclosure of police and prosecution evidence. Still a controversial topic almost 30 years later.

Taylor is, of course, is now eternally (and now posthumously) famous as the legal luminary leading the Departmental Inquiry into the Hillsborough Disaster, just over 4 weeks after the football stadium tragedy which cost 96 lives at the Sheffield Wednesday football stadium, in April, 1989 .

After a month in the notorious Armley Jail, following his conviction, Stefan Kiszko was transferred to the Category A Wakefield Prison and immediately placed on Rule 43 to protect him from other inmates. As, at least in the eyes of the law, he was now a convicted sex offender. Or, in prison parlance, a ‘nonce’. He suffered a number of assaults during the first five years of incarceration but, after striking back at his assailaint on the fifth occasion he was attacked, the beatings ceased.

Stefan’s mother launched an appeal, but it was dismissed on 25th May 1978, when Lord Justice Bridge, sitting with Mr Justice Wien and Mr Justice Eastham, said, curtly: “We can find no grounds whatsoever to condemn the jury’s verdict of murder as in any way unsafe or unsatisfactory. The appeal is dismissed”. Lord Justice Bridge is, probably, best known as presiding judge in the infamous Birmingham Six trial, especially his closing remarks where he expressed regret at being able to pass a sentence that would see those convicted, hanged.

Stefan had insisted that Waddington and Clegg represent him at appeal. The former should, arguably, have returned the brief as he was compromised by the grounds of that appeal.

Charlotte Kiszko, ably aided by her elder sister, Alfreda Tosić (Stefan’s beloved Aunt ‘Freda), never gave up the fight to clear her son’s name, despite being roundly ignored, and then airily dismissed, by many politicians, including her own MP, the now notorious Cyril Smith, together with successive Prime Ministers James Callaghan and Margaret Thatcher and their secretaries of state, and by a legal system designed to stonewall justice campaigners. Thatcher’s role in the police cover-ups after both the Battle of Orgreave and Hillsborough Disaster has now unravelled in spectacular fashion. She set out to protect her political militia at all costs and would hear no criticism of the police.

In 1984, Charlotte contacted JUSTICE, the UK human rights organisation which, at the time, investigated many miscarriages of justice. Three years later, she made her first contact with solicitor Campbell Malone, who agreed to take a look at the case when it seemed almost certain that Charlotte’s son would never be released.


Meeting Malone (pictured above right) was the turning point for Mrs Kiszko and two years later, working with barrister Philip Clegg (Waddington’s junior at the trial and later a highly respected circuit judge) a petition was presented to the Home Office. By an astonishing quirk of fate, Waddington replaced Douglas Hurd as Home Secretary on the very same day, 26th October 1989. It took the Home Office a further sixteen months to refer the matter back to West Yorkshire Police for re-investigation. Detective Superintendent Trevor Wilkinson was asked by his chief constable, Peter Nobes, to look at the investigation afresh. He quickly established that there were glaring errors in the prosecution case, particularly relating to the medical evidence. Key witnesses against Stefan also retracted their original statements saying that they had lied for “a laugh”and other witnesses were located through private investigator, Peter Jackson, who discovered that Stefan had strong alibis at the time of the original trial.

On 17 February 1992, a fresh appeal against Stefan Kiszko’s conviction was heard by three judges, Lord Chief Justice LaneMr. Justice Rose and Mr. Justice Potts. The Crown were represented by Franz Muller QC and William Boyce . The inimitable Stephen Sedley QC and Jim Gregory were defence counsel, who asserted Kiszko was innocent. Gregory had taken over from Clegg when the latter took up his judicial appointment. However, Muller and Boyce did not put up any counter argument after hearing the new evidence, and immediately accepted its provenance.

Despite the overwhelming, and obvious, evidence that Kiszko was innocent, West Yorkshire Police and Ronald Outteridge, the original forensic scientist, refused to apologise to Kiszko for his wrongful conviction. In 1991, Outteridge became angry when questioned by journalists about his role in the trial.

Neither did David Waddington, Sheila Buckley, her daughter Maxine BuckleyPamela HindDebbie Brown and Catherine Burke, whose perjured evidence helped convict Kiszko, offer any apology, or express one word of regret, for what had happened. All refused to comment when Kiszko was released. West Yorkshire Police even tried to justify the position they took in 1975 whilst accepting, and admitting, they were wrong. Stefan did, however, receive a letter from Sir Hugh Park, the trial judge, expressing his profound regret over what had happened, but maintained that his conduct of the trial was above criticism. A view not shared by a number of legal commentators.

Anthony Beaumont-Dark, a Conservative MP said, “This must be the worst miscarriage of justice of all time” and, like many others, demanded a full, independent and wide ranging inquiry into the conviction.


Fifteen years after Stefan was vindicated and released, justice was finally done for the victim’s family. Ronald Castree, a comic-book dealer from Oldham (pictured above), was eventually caught after he gave a DNA sample in connection with what is understood to have been a serious sexual assault in 2005. No action was taken over that complaint, but the body sample provided a match with semen found on Lesley Molseed’s underwear. The sexually deviant Castree was found by the jury to have lured Lesley into his taxi before sexually assaulting her, stabbing her 12 times and leaving her for dead high up on the moors.

Despite DNA evidence that established there was a billion-to-one chance that Castree was not the killer, he continued to protest his innocence after he was sentenced at Bradford Crown Court. “I didn’t do it” he shouted out, as he was led down the steps to the cells beneath the dock.

Liverpool-based Mr Justice Openshaw (also twice Recorder of Preston) told him: “You kept quiet whilst an entirely innocent man was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced for this murder. He served 16 years before his conviction was fully set aside, living only a couple of years after his release before he died.”

Justice campaigners continue to protest Ronald Castree’s innocence saying he was the second person fitted up for Lesley Molseed’s murder by West Yorkshire Police. But I have, so far, not been given sight of any materials that support their campaign.

One of the grounds appears to be that, at the Castree trial, it was said that Lesley’s knickers had been pulled down whilst he masturbated and then returned to their normal position.  Which, apparently, explains the presence of Castree’s DNA inside the knickers, but this movement of the little girl’s underwear had never been part of any evidence advanced by the police or prosecutors previously.

Another ground mentioned by those campaigning for Castree concerns the provenance of the DNA sample and the fact that no counterpart sample was provided to the defence team for independent checking.

Castree’s appeal against conviction and sentence was dismissed by the Court of Appeal, Criminal Division, although the judgment appears to have gone unreported on BAILII.

Whilst writing to his eldest natural son, Nick Castree, in October 2013, seeking reconciliation and inviting a prison visit, Castree said that it had taken six years for the case file, containing only the used materials at trial, to be disclosed to him (read here). The schedule of unused material (MG6c) was still absent.

In 1997, a book written by Jonathan Rose, now a judge based at Bradford Crown Court, journalist Steve Panter and retired WYP detective, Trevor Wilkinson named Raymond Hewlett as the likely murderer of Lesley Molseed. In a highly forensic account, it provides significant background detail and witness statements. The book also identified a previously unknown link between Hewlett’s family and friends of the Molseed family.

In 2002, when Detective Chief Superintendent Max McLean was leading the new investigation into the Molseed murder, he reported that he was confident he would find Raymond Hewlett, who remained the prime suspect.

Hewlett was a drifter, at the time busking his way across the sunnier spots of Europe and North Africa. He was later captured and interviewed by police over the Molseed murder but released after a no reply interview through lack of evidence.

In 2009, Hewlett was, it is said, still being investigated by Max McLean, who travelled to Aachen in Germany to see him, over an attack almost 35 years previously: “West Yorkshire Police are also investigating his possible involvement with an indecent assault in 1975.”

As Castree continues to proclaim his innocence, it should be borne in mind that his defence counsel Rodney Jameson QC told Bradford Crown Court that there was “an overwhelming possibility” that the man who sexually assaulted Lesley and stabbed her 12 times was Hewlett. There is controversy over the proposition advanced by some of Castree’s campaigners that his DNA was planted by police on the piece of tape used to convict him. Lesley’s clothing had been destroyed by the Forensic Science Services in 1985. Extraordinary, particularly when one considers the vociferous, and persistent, campaign mounted by Stefan’s mother and aunt over his wrongful conviction.

Could a case as shocking as the Stefan Kiszko fiasco happen today? I say, emphatically, ‘yes’ because you have the same West Yorkshire Police force completely enamoured with its own sense of invincibility. The man who helped to prove Stefan’s innocence, and who acted as his mother’s staunch ally, believed at the time that there was just as much danger of ignoring equally egregious miscarriages of justice. “In the current climate more miscarriages will take place,” said Campbell Malone. “It is nonsense to suggest miscarriages of justice are less likely to happen now. We are more at risk – the climate is just as bad as it was in the 1970s when you had all the Irish cases (including Judith Ward featured here). I am profoundly gloomy about the situation.”

Mr Malone accepted that changes in the law through the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) had removed some of the dangers. Stefan Kiszko was, for instance, initially questioned without a lawyer and made his confession after being told by West Yorkshire Police detectives that, if he did so, he would be allowed to go home. Under PACE both those events would now be unlawful.

The bad news here is that West Yorkshire Police treat PACE with almost complete disdain. In almost every case I examine, that features one of their officers, breaches of PACE are blatant and manifest.

It is hoped, with Danny Major’s case back in the national newspapers, on network television and, possibly, headed back to the Court of Appeal, that it will give people the opportunity to think about the widescale misery that can be caused by concealing the truth about such cases – and remind people that the real perpetrator can be free to carry out other offences. The drive-by West Yorkshire Police (and aided by the Independent Police Complaints Commission) to keep their star witness against Danny Major ‘clean’ allowed PC Kevin Liston free licence to go and out and commit a string of sex, drug and violence offences.

Since the Birmingham-based Criminal Case Review Commission opened its doors in 1997, it has received 10,288 applications for cases to be reviewed. Of these, 376 were referred back to the court of appeal and 241 convictions were quashed.

Anecdotally, the CCRC presents a higher evidential hurdle than the Court of Appeal to which it refers those cases it deems have sufficient merit. It is an area of our judicial system which, uPSD believe, requires urgent review.


Here is yet another example of corrupt West Mercia Police-posted June 24th 2021

The Case of Stephen Downing

On 12 September 1973 a seventeen-year-old naïve and vulnerable young gardener Stephen Downing returning from a short lunch break encountered the badly beaten and unconscious figure of thirty-two year old Wendy Sewell lying on the footpath …


Author: Stephen Downing

Publisher: Pen and Sword True Crime

ISBN: 1526742020



View: 352On 12 September 1973 a seventeen-year-old naïve and vulnerable young gardener Stephen Downing returning from a short lunch break encountered the badly beaten and unconscious figure of thirty-two year old Wendy Sewell lying on the footpath of Bakewell Cemetery close to Catcliff Wood and the consecrated chapel where she had been attacked. Stephen ran to the nearby workmen’s building and in the meantime the perpetrator of the attack who had been hiding, dragged Wendy’s body out of sight to a second location where she was subsequently found soon after. There then occurred a horrifying sequence of events which were to change his young life forever. He was immediately taken into custody and questioned at length without a solicitor and eventually signed a false confession statement and Wendy was to die some two days later from her injuries. Following a very biased prosecution based three day trial during February 1974 Downing was found guilty by a jury, convicted and sentenced to what was eventually a full life sentence. Just eight months later during October 1974 there followed an appeal with fresh evidence from an eye witness who saw Wendy Sewell alive after Downing left the cemetery for lunch, however the prosecution rubbished this evidence and the appeal failed. In the many years which followed Downing’s incarceration he was moved from prison to prison, continuing to maintain his innocence and in doing so jeopardised any chance of parole as he was “In Denial Of Murder” until eventually his plight reached journalist Don Hale, whose tireless efforts eventually led to a Criminal Cases Review and appeal in which Downing was released as a middle aged man after some twenty-seven years, the longest miscarriage in the United Kingdom legal history.2020-02-19 By STEPHEN DOWNINGBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY

The Case of Stephen Downing

The Worst Miscarriage of Justice in British History Stephen Downing. Operation
Noble HISTORY OF THE CASE The initial Police Investigation On 12 September
1973 at about 12.40 p.m. Wendy Sewell left her place of work at Catcliffe House …


Author: Stephen Downing

Publisher: Pen and Sword

ISBN: 9781526742032

Category: Biography & Autobiography

Page: 192

View: 818The memoir of a man wrongfully convicted of murder and his 27 years spent in the U.K. prison system until his conviction was overturned. On September 12, 1973, seventeen-year-old, naïve gardener Stephen Downing returned from his lunch break to discover the badly beaten, unconscious, thirty-two-year-old Wendy Sewell lying on the footpath of Bakewell Cemetery close to Catcliff Wood and the consecrated chapel where she had been attacked. Stephen ran to the nearby workmen’s building, and in the meantime Wendy’s attacker returned and dragged her body to a second location where she was subsequently found soon after. Despite having learning difficulties, Downing was immediately taken into custody, questioned at length without a solicitor, and eventually signed a false confession statement. Wendy died some two days later from her injuries. Following a very biased, three-day trial during February, 1974, Downing was found guilty by a jury, convicted, and sentenced to what was eventually a full life sentence. Just eight months later during October, 1974, there followed an appeal with fresh evidence from an eye witness who saw Wendy Sewell alive after Downing left the cemetery for lunch. However, the prosecution trashed this evidence, and the appeal failed. In the years following Downing’s incarceration, he was moved from prison to prison, continuing to maintain his innocence—and in doing so, jeopardizing any chance of parole, as he was “In Denial of Murder”—until eventually his plight reached journalist Don Hale. Hale’s tireless efforts led to an appeal in which Downing was released after some twenty-seven years,

the longest ( known )miscarriage of justice in the United Kingdom’s legal history.2020-02-19 By STEPHEN DOWNINGBIOG

‘If you don’t change course, I’ll fire!’: Royal Navy destroyer in Crimea confrontation with Russian warships – June 24th 2021

Corrections and clarificationsLIVE: UK Covid cases increase by almost 40% in single day

Russian jets and warships were involved in a dramatic confrontation with a Royal Navy destroyer off the coast of Crimea on Wednesday with the British warship being told it would be fired upon unless it changed course.a large ship in a body of water: HMS Defender, target of Russian warning shots - PA© PA

HMS Defender, target of Russian warning shots- PA

The skirmish off Cape Fiolent came amid growing tensions in the region. Russia, which was said to be shadowing HMS Defender with more than 20 aircraft and two coastguard ships, claimed the Royal Navy vessel violated territorial waters near the disputed peninsula and opened warning fire.

A BBC journalist who happened to be on board HMS Defender said increasingly hostile warnings were issued over the radio by the Russians, including the threat: “If you don’t change course, I’ll fire.”

In an interview with Channel 4 News last night, the Russian ambassador to the UK, Andrei Kelin, said the incident was “regrettable” and that HMS Defender had “gone deep, about three kilometres… into the territorial waters”. He added that Britain was in violation of existing territory agreements.

‘One Britain One Nation’ song labelled ‘sinister’ as schoolkids across country urged to sing it on June 25

Government is supporting former police officer Kash Singh’s campaign Posted here June 23rd 2021

A former West Yorkshire Police officer who founded patriotic campaign group One Britain One Nation has defended plans for children to sing a Government-backed song in school on Friday.

Kash Singh, a former police inspector based in Bradford, said he was “shocked and surprised” by the reaction to the song from some people.

He said the campaign was about national pride and shared values.

READ MORE: This area of Bradford has been branded a ‘no-go area for white men’ – I went to find out the truth

And he said: “We don’t do enough to celebrate this wonderful country.”

After the Department of Education backed the song on Twitter, a number of people poured scorn on the song, calling it ‘sinister’ and ‘chilling’ and the type of ditty that might be played in a totalitarian state.

Mr Singh said the song had been written by children aged from 7-9 who attend St John’s Primary in Bradford.

One Britain One Nation (OBON) Day is due to be celebrated in schools on Friday through the singing of the song.

Comment This is wihful thinking. Leftie feminists schoolteachers , Muslims and BLM along with militant and terf feminists want empowerment without addressing the real bastions of power. These woke folk want gender war. There are officially 150 genders. Feminist lefties love this. White and black families are inclined toward one parent mother dominated set ups – which produce interesting male offspring.

We are a long way from Disraeli’s nineteenth century ‘Two Nations.’ Feral youth and no go areas are normalising. So called privileged white kids are the worst failures of our zombie tick box education system. The Muslims live on another happy planet planning for the afterlife. Woke liberals want all 150 genders to do as they please expressing their sexuality. So the song is absurd. Kids should be singing my 1980 punk school song :

‘They limit our horizons and fit us for a task

‘Dressed in blue overalls and carrying a flask.

‘Left Right, Left Right the headmaster roars

‘And mind you don’t stand talking and blocking up the doors;

‘All running round in circles and marching up and down,

.’Preparing for a life drifting round the town.’

The only one nation in Britain is the ruling elite’s – a global force behind the mindless soporific culture of Ackley Bridge , Hollyoaks and Enders. Modern feminist teachers want boys to loathe their skin colour and sex – unless they go to Harrow, Eton, Winchester and the like. There they get a leg up into Oxbridge and the best jobs. Robert Cook

Read in BBC News:

Privilege is about class not skin colour. The global elite are setting lower class blacks & whites against each other , covering up mass slaughter by blacks on blacks in Africa and with London gang crime. It shows how sick the elite are to scapegoat the whites they have exploited for years – along with the self centred virtue signalling blacks and whites feeding off the BLM movement. R.J Cook

Terms like ‘white privilege’ may contribute to ‘neglect’ of disadvantaged white pupils, report finds – June 22nd 2021

Sophie Morris, political reporter  

The use of terms including “white privilege” may have contributed to the “neglect” of white working-class pupils in the education system, a Commons committee has found.

MPs on the Education Select Committee said schools must consider the implication of such “politically controversial terminology” and find “a better way to talk about racial disparities”.

A report by the committee agreed with the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities that the term “white privilege” can be “divisive” and said disadvantaged white pupils have been let down by “muddled” policy thinking.

It also accused the Department for Education (DfE) of failing to acknowledge the extent of the problem.

Conservative MP and chairman of the Education Select Committee Robert Halfon said white working-class pupils have been “let down and neglected” by the system “for decades”.

Accusing governments, including his own, of a “lack of attention” to the issue, Mr Halfon urged the Department for Education to “desperately” address the matter.

DfE said the government is focused on ensuring “no child is left behind”.

Among the recommendations put forward by MPs were the need for tailor-made funding at a local level and a focus on attracting good teachers to challenging areas.

Apprenticeships and vocational opportunities should also be more widely promoted, they said.

The committee found that 47% of white British pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) – about 28,000 children – did not meet the expected standard of development at the end of the early years foundation stage in 2018/2019.

In 2019, just 17.7% of FSM-eligible white British pupils achieved at least a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and maths at GCSE, compared with 22.5% of all FSM-eligible pupils.

The committee found these disparities striking because white people are the ethnic majority in the country, yet FSM-eligible white British pupils are the largest disadvantaged group.

“If the government is serious about closing the overall attainment gap, then the problems faced by the biggest group of disadvantaged pupils can no longer be swept under the carpet,” Mr Halfon said.

“Never again should we lazily put the gap down to poverty alone, given that we know free school meal eligible pupils from other ethnic groups consistently outperform their white British peers.”

The Conservative MP added: “We also desperately need to move away from dealing with racial disparity by using divisive concepts like white privilege that pits one group against another. Disadvantaged white children feel anything but privileged when it comes to education.

“Privilege is the very opposite to what disadvantaged white children enjoy or benefit from in an education system which is now leaving far too many behind.”

A Department for Education spokesperson said: “This government is focused on levelling up opportunity so that no young person is left behind.

Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), said the committee’s debate on the term “white privilege” is unhelpful.

“We’re not quite sure why the committee has chosen to enter the debate about the widely discredited report from the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, and the term ‘white privilege’,” he said.

“This does not seem helpful and is likely to divert attention from the rest of the report.

“Schools are well aware of their responsibilities and do a very good job in providing opportunities for discussion around issues in a sensitive, balanced and measured way.”

Analysis: An incendiary contribution to Britain’s current debate over racial justice

By Jason Farrell, home editor

On the face of it, you might say it’s uncontroversial – why shouldn’t the Education Select Committee write a report highlighting the worrying under achievement of a marginalised group?

But this report, with its references to the white working class being “forgotten”, is an incendiary contribution to Britain’s current debate over racial justice.

The statistics are unarguable: the poorest white kids do worse, educationally, than most of the poorest kids of a minority ethnic background.

Robert Halfon’s committee talks of geographical marginalisation and a lack of “social capital”. There is a clear implication throughout that race has been – what’s the word? – privileged, more than social class, in a lot of modern debate.

Indeed, it lays the expression “white privilege” as part responsible for the “systemic neglect” of white working-class children.

“It promotes disharmony,” committee chair Robert Halfon told me. He added: “The concept of white privilege is entirely wrong-headed, because white working-class boys and girls from disadvantaged backgrounds under-perform compared to most other ethnic groups.”

The report’s opponents question why the issue of improving the lot of the white working class is set against the issue of ethnicity.

Nels Abbey, author of Think Like A White Man, said: “White working-class people are not an ethnic group – they are an economically challenged section of an ethnic group and these debates are always predicated on the fallacy of white working-class people versus ethnic minorities.”

The report plays into the politics of left behind communities and sets it against the goals of some racial equality campaigners for white privilege to be universally recognised.

It lands in the lap of a government peculiarly dependent, in its own eyes at least, on the support of the white working classes.

Comment – Long Forgotten by Robert Cook June 22nd 2021

The British political system has long forgotten the white working classes who were once the life blood of the Labour Party , especially in the hard pressed industrial north. Their underdogs of choice are now ethnic minorities and women who are all victims and without privilege.

Thatcher turned the Tories into the greed party , pandering to the worst of the white working classes and their immediate gratification culture. She waged foreign wars, helped destabilise the Middle East and wrecked industry and agriculture. She nudged the door open to mass immigration and social instability. Enter Blair to ‘pick up the pieces’ and throw them all over the place.

Now the political system is dominated by smug comfortable women who do not like bad language and love police , along with aggrieved ethnics who want redress for historic crimes against their race, like slavery – from which the Royal family benefitted more than anyone , certainly more than the white underclass did !.

I know from teaching years that we were made to focus on ethnic ‘minority’ pupils and ostracise white boys. Parliament is hideously PC and the police institutionally corrupt. They target hapless white men far more than they do blacks. Positive discrimination and the ‘all whites are racist’ mentality smacks of Nazi Germany , but as back then, people were afraid to comment or were comfortably oblivious. So we have the current lunacy and injustice reported above. Robert Cook

Privileged white working class males enjoying themselves in a Newcastle backstreet. They were all somebody’s baby , loved and now forgotten.
Image by R.J Cook ,August 2002.

Dalian Atkinson trial: Jury to resume deliberations in murder trial on Monday after being sent home for weekend  Posted June 21st 2021

Ex-footballer Dalian Atkinson died in August 2016; PC Benjamin Monk denies murder and alternative charge of manslaughter; PC Mary Ellen Bettley-Smith denies committing assault; jury sent home for weekend, deliberations continue Monday

The jury in the Birmingham Crown Court trial of PC Benjamin Monk, who denies murdering ex-Aston Villa, footballer Dalian Atkinson, has been sent home for the weekend and will resume its deliberations at 10am on Monday.

PC Monk denies murder and an alternative charge of manslaughter in connection with the ex-footballer’s death in Telford, Shropshire, in August 2016.

The 43-year-old’s colleague and former girlfriend, PC Mary Ellen Bettley-Smith, denies committing assault when she struck the former Aston Villa, Sheffield Wednesday and Ipswich Town star with a baton after he was tasered to the ground.

Monk and Bettley-Smith have both told the jury they believed 48-year-old Atkinson was trying to get back to his feet and still posed a threat to them and others.

Counsel for Monk has claimed the ex-footballer was not motionless on the ground when he was kicked twice in the head “as a last resort” after the officer ran out of options.

Defence QC Patrick Gibbs also submitted that the length of a 33-second Taser deployment by Monk was the clearest evidence that it was delivered by mistake “in complete confusion and panic”.

Prosecutors claim Monk used unlawful and unreasonable force out of anger, prior to the death of Atkinson, who suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest.

Judge Melbourne Inman QC, sitting at Birmingham Crown Court, has already summed up the law in the case and began to summarise the evidence for the 11-strong jury on Monday.

The judge told the jury that the Crown had to prove three elements for Monk to be guilty of murder – that the officer had used unlawful force, which caused death, and that he intended to kill Mr Atkinson or cause him really serious harm.

Stating that the purpose of the summing up was to help to crystallise the issues for the jury’s consideration, Judge Inman told the panel: “It’s not up to me – you decide what you accept, what you don’t, what conclusions you draw.

“It’s what you consider to be relevant that’s important, not me.”

Evidence from eyewitnesses, other police officers, forensic experts and medical professionals was summed up to the jury on Monday.

Jurors retired to consider their verdicts on Tuesday.

Lib Dems send warning to Johnson over controversial planning reforms June 21st 2021

As you can see, the Delta variant is having a massive impact in Bucks:

08:09 , Conrad Duncan

The Liberal Democrats have sent a warning to Boris Johnson that he must drop his “undemocratic” planning reforms following the Tories’ shock by-election defeat in Chesham and Amersham.

Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey is hoping his party can capitalise on discontent over the plans, which critics say would weaken oversight of planning applications.

Labour is also trying to pressure the prime minister by calling on backbench Tory rebels to support an opposition vote in the Commons on Monday calling for protections for communities to register objections.

“People are fed up with being taken for granted by Johnson and his government and demand to be listened to,” Sir Ed said.

“That’s why the Conservative’s ill-thought through and undemocratic planning reforms must go. These reforms are nothing short of a developers’ free-for-all.

“They would stop local communities from protecting cherished green spaces and do nothing for first-time buyers in areas like the Chilterns, who are desperate for a home of their own.”

The government has argued that it is overhauling an “outdated planning system to deliver the high quality, sustainable homes communities need”.

“Local democracy and communities are at the heart of our reforms, with decisions remaining with councils and communities having real influence over development location and design,” a spokesperson for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government said.


As a former member of the Liberal Democrat Party who went through the prospective parliamentary candidate selection process before deciding they were not for me, I would not take their warnings on anything political. They are a vested interest.

South Buck is a bastion of privilege. They don’t like to be challenged. Symbolically , back in the 1960s, a team of us four lower order boys turned up for a road running relay at Dr Challoner’s in Amersham. There was an objection because two of us had County team badges and the County name on our tracksuits.

It is because of South Bucks snobbery and obsession with house price values that the HS2 has to run under the Chilterns, using millions of gallons of water to dissolve the chalk. They will switch political allegiance only from self interest. Boris Johnson does not appear to be in charge of anything. He certainly lacks his hero , Churchill’s gravitas.

As for the local planning process, that has never been fair and new Labour was not fair to North Bucks when they imposed Milton Keynes expansion – see my book ‘More of Milton Keynes, Building On The Vision.’ I was my local council’s planning chairman at the time and chair of the North Bucks Town and Parish Council consortium.

I was a representative at the Richardson Inquiry , where the Governments ODPM representative told us ‘You are here to make it work , not find fault, One of the great cons , mentioned in my book , was the Kate Barker report which argued Milton Keynes expansion would reduce house prices in the south east by increasing supply.

I started out in local politics ambitious to move on to Parliament. I ended up disillusioned and have removed myself from the electoral register. The fact that my local MP was John Bercow who had an automatic right to the Buckingham seat as a Tory and then as speaker , furthered my discouragement.

As planning chairman in the Thatcherites 1980s, I concluded that successful applications depended on who you were and saw some interesting violations. Money was and still is the big factor. easing the restrictions would upset the club like mentality. As it stands , plans can be approved by paid officers of the council under delegated powers. Serious and major developments are referred into a planning committee of local councillors who can make decisions with or without qualified council officer’s opinions.

In my experience , paid officers of the council have the same petty minded mentality as the people I worked with during my Inland Revenue days – which is the same as the police. They pick on the little people and are ‘persuaded’ to respond to the money and associated power. If planning permission is refused. matters can be referred to an Inspector’s Inquiry. If the council loses , as Aylesbury Vale did with Regent Road in 1986 , they pay costs.

So the whole process is riddled with potential for corruption and petty officialdom’s self seeking interference. A country pub in Little Horwood was not allowed a restaurant , but could have a marque for restaurant purposes as long as it wasn’t touching the main building. So the pub owners left a one inch gap !

What we have in South Bucks is the snooty mentality of open door immigration , family breakdown and feral youth are not problems so long as the wreckage doesn’t turn up at their door. Dump it all in Milton Keynes , the likes of Grenfell Tower, Luton or the frozen north , but keep it away from ‘our precious greenbelt and the Chilterns in particular. As for democracy , local or otherwise , it sucks in Britain. Robert Cook

Hancock Up – June 20th 2021

The following story is scandalous because it is known fact that Hancock and family have made significant money from this Covid Con. The wonder is how someone as slippery and superficial can have such power. Here is the report :

June 21 debacle: Hancock accused of ‘withholding’ positive vaccine data from Boris Johnson

Luke Hawker  15 hrs agoLike74 Comments|57

‘Jabbing as many arms as possible is our way out of this pandemic – so join the…Kylie Jenner calls Travis Scott a ‘blessing’ in her life

A study by Public Health England (PHE) was released on June 14 and concluded the vaccines offered “significant protection against hospitalisation from the delta variant”. The Health Secretary is alleged to have known about the findings on June 10 – three days before the Prime Minister ultimately decided to delay the June 21 “Freedom Day” by four weeks.

On June 13, Mr Johnson chaired a virtual meeting from the G7 in Cornwall with the Health Secretary, Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove and agreed to halt the roadmap.

Sources say Downing Street was only informed about the positive PHE study via an email a couple of hours before the Covid summit.

During the talks on Sunday, June 13, the Health Secretary did not raise the PHE findings, nor was the data included in any briefing papers, The Sunday Telegraph reports.Matthew Hancock wearing a suit and tie: Matt Hancock © GETTY Matt Hancock

Comment: Four more weeks of lockdown – no doubt with another spike in cases, new variants of concern etc – until lockdown continues indefinitely. The only so called ‘science’ in use here is the manipulation of data to continue constructing the British totalitarian fascist police state where some animals are far more equal than others ever will be. BLM anyone?

The vaccines already in use in the UK are highly effective against all known Covid variants, Those most likely to die with Covid have already done so – or been double dosed against them. There is no need for keeping any of the social distance restrictions. They are more damaging to health than Covid.

The over 50s are safe now – comprising over 99% of those who died from Covid and with it. In most of those cases Covid was not the primary cause of death – it was pre existing conditions. They were going to die at some point anyway. Their lives have been artificially extended at the expense of young people. Where are the healthy non obese people not over retirement age who are allegedly overloading the bureaucratic incompetent bloody NHS?

The very old have no right or reason to expect the young to shoulder the burden of this man made economic collapse on their own. They are the future not the old people. It is time to let the young out of this solitary confinement prison or be honest and start killing them off humanely.

Labouring under illusions – June 20th 2021

Desperate Keir Starmer has moved to overhaul his top team as he faces disaster in the Batley & Spen by-election.   

Amid mounting panic in Labour ranks and chatter about a leadership challenge, Sir Keir has shifted his top adviser from the role of chief of staff – with key communications roles also changing.

Morgan McSweeney will move to a ‘strategic role’ with less of a focus on day-to-day activities, a party source said.

The changes emerged after the dismal result in the Chesham and Amersham by-election – where Labour recorded its worst ever performance with just 1.64 per cent of the vote.

Defeat in Hartlepool last month send shockwaves through the party, and Tories are increasingly bullish about dealing another huge blow to the so-called ‘Red Wall’ by taking Batley and Spen on July 1.

Comment Political Parties , for all of their PR gimmicks etc , are still very much like the door to door salesmen of old, that in other fields have been replaced by call centre cold callers.

They are out to sell a product. , telling you what your problems are and what you need to solve them. Back in 2003 , I was a guest on BBC Radio Solent’s Peter White Show. We were discussing whether or not postal voting would solve voter apathy.

It was live radio , which I always enjoyed doing – I replied . ‘Peter , may I answer this question starting with a joke. There was this man laying on the ground on St Stephen’s Green , outside the House of Commons. He was beaten , bleeding and moaning painfully. Then out came a New Labour MP. This politician bent down over the injured man then said “My God , you are in a terrible state. Whoever did this to you needs help. I must find him and get him help.”

So off went the New Labour man to do his good deed. Moments later , out came a Tory MP who bent down , then said to the man ” My God , you are in a terrible state. You need help. I must get you some help or you will die.” So off went the Tory to find help.

Moments later , out came a Liberal Democrat MP , bent over the injured man , then whispered . ” Before I say anything , what did the other two fellows say.”

Politicians of all parties are part of a consensus that has grown increasingly insipid since the Thatcher years destroyed industry , the real Trade Union Movement and inadvertently promoted rampant self centred feminism along with the notion that all blacks are victims and need massive compensation , along with positive discrimination.

Meanwhile , the majority white working class, whose needs historically created the Labour Party are marginalised and vilified if they as much as say that ‘White Lives Matter.’ The reason that white lives cannot be said to matter in the same way as the BLM represents blacks is simple. If the two political statements were given equal status there would be no point in making them. The point of BLM is to put working class whites , especially testosterone driven hopeless men, in their place. The feminist movement has been crucial in dividing working class men and women to rule them.

Consequent family break up has created production lines of feral men. Hence we have crimes like yesterday’s car jacking , in Manchester ,of a young woman , as three young men took her car and nearly her baby with it. Feminist arguments here are simply to hold men under curfew. I wrote yesterday of the feminist who has gone on written record stating that women who allege blacks have raped them , are ‘white supremacists.’ .

This term refers to a person who believes that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular black or Jewish people. The politically correct view is that all whites are racists.

Exactly how Sir Kier Starmer , who oversaw a CPS that worked in collusion with police to convict innocent mainly white working class men , is going to fit his Labour Party into any kind of meaningful honest relationship with Labour’s old core vote , is a a mystery.

It can only happen by deluding the voters as Boris Johnson did with his lie that ‘Brexit means Brexit’ nasal whine. Hardcore old Labour Northern voters foolishly rushed to support his Tory landslide because they wanted an end to Islamic and North African migrants who they saw as overwhelming their culture and neighbourhoods. Now the smug upper middle class feminists and professionals of the Liberal democrats are counting their chickens about the next General Election.

‘Drowning men will clutch at straws’ as they say. Meanwhile , do not look for enlightenment from the BBC whose highly paid ‘experts’ do not live in the same world as the masses. It is their job to enhance ignorance and compliance with lots of long winded intense obfuscation. Robert Cook

How very true.

Bucks Blues – June 19th 2021

Winslow Hall , North Buckinghamshire – a Tory bastion.

Boris Johnson was under increased pressure to rethink his planning reforms as they were partly attributed to the Conservatives’ shock defeat in the Chesham and Amersham by-election.

Cabinet ministers were said to be among those warning the Prime Minister after the Liberal Democrats won the Buckinghamshire seat that has been a Tory stronghold since its creation in 1974.

The HS2 rail line being built through the constituency was a major issue in the campaign, as was the proposed planning reforms that have sparked fears about building in the countryside around the seat in the Chilterns.

Sir Ed Davey said his party’s victory would “send a shockwave through British politics” while claiming the result demonstrated that the “Blue Wall” of Tory southern seats could be vulnerable.

Mr Johnson conceded “it was certainly a disappointing result” when asked if he was neglecting voters in the South in favour of those in the North, but insisted: “We believe in uniting and levelling up within regions and across the country.”

Tory rebels were, in the wake of Thursday’s defeat, eyeing a chance to water down the planning proposals, with the legislation due to be introduced to the Commons.

Conservative Party co-chair Amanda Milling said the “concerns about planning and HS2 were loud and clear”.

“I am in no doubt that this result is a warning shot,” she wrote in the Telegraph, adding that “the people have spoken and we have heard them”.

Fat Cat Tories – A Comment on the above.

Having been born m bred , and spent a lot of time living , working in ( including for the County Council ) and writing about Buckinghamshire, I know what I am talking about. I was also my local council’s planning chairman.

South Bucks is flush with wealthy and comfortable people who enjoy proximity to London and pleasures of the countryside. Their silly selfish little protest vote over HS2 and planning relaxations should be ignored. If they want mass immigration for cheap labour and to virtue signal , they should pay the price. Britain may well be the most densely populated country in Europe , but 90% of the population live on 10% of the land. Time to build on the great estates of moralising fat cat tories.

The only shame about HS2 is that only people like them will afford to use it. Burying it in a tunnel is a sop to the sensibilities and selfishness. If Tory crook transport Minister Ernest Marples hadn’t forced Beeching to close so many railway lines because he was a senior partner in road builder Marples Ridgeway , then there would be no need for HS2. Robert Cook

Our ‘leaders’ ( sic ) having fun.

Wokeness Gone Wild: UK Charity Claims “White Women Reporting Rape By Black Men Support White Supremacy” Posted June 19th 2021

Yes, you read that headline correctly. A UK charity is seriously claiming (well, as seriously as such unserious people can be) that “white women reporting rape by black men support white supremacy.” Remember that post on the English refusal to deal with Pakistani rape gangs and how political correctness is causing the death of the West? Well, this is that on steroids.

According to Zero Hedge:

“In the wake of sex scandals that have rocked the British charity, an Oxfam staff training document says “privileged white women” are supporting the root causes of sexual violence by wanting “bad men” imprisoned

The PowerPoint recommends staff read Me Not You: The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism, a book by Alison Phipps, a professor of gender studies at Sussex University.

It then links to the academic’s Twitter account, including a thread which summarises the main themes of the book, including: “White feminist tears deploy white woundedness, and the sympathy it generates, to hide the harms we perpetuate through white supremacy…”

…Summarising the book’s central premise, the Oxfam document says white feminists need to ask themselves whether they are causing harm when they fight sexual violence.”

While most Brits, gelded as they are by centuries of oppressive government (exempting that glorious period that was the Gilded Age), normally refuse to stand up to wokeness, a few are fighting back against the ridiculous contention that “white women reporting rape by black men support white supremacy.”

For example, Julie Bindel, a writer for the Telegraph, had this to say:

Calling women who have been traumatised by male sexual violence or campaign against it “privileged” because they are white is staggeringly offensive. To further claim that white women give more power to the police by reporting their rapists loses sight of the fact that if sexual predators did not face serious consequences, they remain a danger to all women.

Does Phipps imagine that when “white, privileged” women demand that sexual harassers be removed from a workplace that they do not care if these men go on to rape impoverished black women?

In suggesting white women are “racist” or harm black and marginalised people when they speak out about rape is nothing more than a warning for them to shut up.”

But too many remain silent in the face of such obvious insanity. It’s as if they want more women to be raped by non-white men, thinking that to be some twisted form of reparations for sins supposedly committed in the past.

The British Empire used to be the greatest civilizational force on Earth. Now, thanks to wokeness and CRT, it’s committing ritual suicide on the altar of racial consciousness.



falsely accused of rapeContents1 Will the police come to my house?2 Will the police interview me?3 What happens after the police interview?4 Should I contact the accuser?5 What happens to the person who falsely accused me?6 Where can I get help if I have been falsely accused?

Of all the crimes that one could falsely be accused of, rape is without a doubt among the worst. People are falsely accused for a number of reasons, which include malicious accusations as well as cases of misidentification, misrecollection, and misleading forensic evidence. Knowing what to do if you are falsely accused of rape can go a long way to mitigating the damage that could be done to your reputation, as well as setting your mind at ease about what might happen next. Read on to discover more about what will happen if you are accused and what you can do to prevent word spreading about the accusation as much as possible.


With accusations as serious as rape, the police will want to speak with you, and they are likely to try to find you as quickly as possible. This is not only because the nature of the offence itself is so serious, but also because – in their eyes – you could be a threat to other people, or to yourself. Because the police do not want to give accused individuals a chance to run, they are likely to turn up at your house or at another location where you are likely to be (your workplace or a particular place you are known to spend a lot of time, such as your favourite pub or restaurant, for example). You are not likely to get any notice of this, again, because the police do not want to give people a chance to run away or to arrange for others to lie to police on their behalf.


The police are likely to interview you under caution. This means you will be taken to (or requested to attend) a police station where you will be questioned about your alleged criminal activity. In cases of suspected rape, this is likely to be a difficult interview where your personal life and relationships will be questioned and scrutinised. As difficult as this may be, and as upset as you are likely to be on account of the falsehood of the accusation, you must remain calm and answer the police officers’ questions as fully and as truthfully as possible.

Remember that you have rights at the police station, including to have food, water, and rest breaks, but more importantly to legal representation. Do not say anything unless you have spoken to or are in the presence of a solicitor, who will be able to protect you as far as possible from anything that may be self-incriminating or taken in evidence and used against you at trial. If you have not had time to arrange a solicitor prior to your interview, you have the right to call one at the station or to use the duty solicitor.

The police are likely to take your fingerprints and a number of samples from you. Your consent is not required for fingerprints, saliva samples, oral swabs, or footprint impressions, but your consent is required for samples of urine, blood, and semen, and for dental impressions.

The police are also likely to take your mobile phone and any cameras or computer equipment they find in your possession. These devices will be sent to a forensic laboratory for testing, and it could be weeks or even months before you receive these devices back.


As soon as any accusation is made, the police will begin to investigate. This includes collecting any scene of the crime evidence, like footprints, abandoned clothing, CCTV images, and other contextual information, as well as interviewing key suspects, witnesses, and the accuser(s).

In this regard, you should know that the police investigation may have preceded your interview, and it may proceed it too. In other words, both before and after the interview the police will be investigating and gathering more evidence. As such, there could already be evidence against you and in combination with your answers at the interview, the police may decide to detain you in custody. Even where there are suspicions that the accusation may be false, with crimes as serious as rape, people are usually detained ‘just to be on the safe side’. If you are detained, you may remain at the same police station or you may be transferred elsewhere until you are able to be seen in court.

If you are released, it is highly likely you will be released with conditions attached to your bail, meaning not only that you are required to return to the station for further questioning at the police officers’ instruction, but also that you might be required to observe a certain curfew, to remain within a certain geographic area or avoid a certain area, or that you have your passport confiscated.


Whatever you do, do not contact the person who has accused you of raping them. For one thing, you do not want to exacerbate the situation in general, but perhaps more importantly, you do not want to be accused of intimidating your accuser or trying to silence them. Contact whether direct or indirect (i.e. getting someone else to speak to the person on your behalf) counts in this sense, so try to put as much distance between you and the person accusing you as possible.

In any circumstances where someone is accusing someone else of a serious crime, emotions and tensions are likely to be sky high. For this reason alone, any attempt to speak to the person accusing you carries a significant risk of having the situation get out of hand. If the accuser keeps confronting or contacting you, do your absolute best to remove yourself from the situation and, where possible, have witnesses see that you are doing so. It is best to inform your solicitor if this happens.


If it is discovered that the person falsely accused you, or if the person admits to such, there could be a number of consequences for that person. Much depends on the situation in these cases, and the police may decide to take or not take action regardless of your views on the matter.

In some cases, especially where the investigation has taken a lot of time or where multiple false accusations were made, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) may find it appropriate to charge the accuser with perverting the course of justice (a very serious offence that carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment, although it is highly unlikely such a punishment would be issued in a case of false accusation) or – more commonly – the offence of wasting police time (which carries a maximum sentence of six months’ imprisonment and/or a fine).

In practice, however, such prosecutions are extremely rare. Rape accusations are, of course, highly sensitive issues and the criminal justice system has to be very careful not to deter people from making complaints where warranted.

In some cases, a civil claim against the person for defamation of your character may be more appropriate, especially if you have lost your job or suffered other harm as a result of the false accusations.


On account of the serious nature of accusations and the fact that so often accusations can be false, a number of helplines have been established to assist people finding themselves in this position. It is important that you get the necessary support if you have been falsely accused, not least because you will need to be in a strong mental state to face any charges that are made against you, and the legal proceedings that will follow.

Certain websites offer general assistance and emotional support whether you have been falsely accused or have falsely accused someone else, and others offer advice solely to those on the receiving end of a false allegation. Some of the most popular and well-respected services include:

While these services are undoubtedly useful in terms of emotional and community support, the best option for figuring out what to do if you have been falsely accused of rape is to contact an expert criminal defence solicitor.

At Stuart Miller Solicitors, we have been helping people with false rape accusations for a number of years, and our experts are placed to help you in a confidential, non-judgemental, and friendly manner. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation about your case and more information on what to do next.

Only 1.7% of reported rapes prosecuted in England and Wales, new figures show

Overall proportion of reported crimes prosecuted plummets to 8 per cent amid justice ‘crisis’

Campaigners said victims were being failed by the criminal justice system, after one woman told The Independent that police claimed her attacker could not be caught if she failed to hand her mobile phone to officers.

EXCLUSIVE: Alarm over surge in migrant murder and rape suspects in Britain  Posted June 19th 2021

HALF of all rape and murder suspects in some parts of Britain are foreigners, new figures show. An investigation found that across the country almost a fifth of those believed responsible for the worst crimes last year were born outside the UK.


PUBLISHED: 05:22, Mon, May 23, 2016 | UPDATED: 08:29, Mon, May 23, 2016

But in parts of England and Wales with high immigration levels, the proportion rises to 50 per cent or more.

However, in areas largely unaffected by immigration, such as Cumbria and North Wales, no one charged with rape or murder was born overseas.

Brexit campaigners said disturbing police data proved Britain had lost control of its borders and was another reason to quit the EU.

Tory MP Stewart Jackson said: “These are shocking and scandalous figures and demonstrate the consequences for real people of open borders and unlimited immigration from the European Union.”

Freedom of Information responses from 36 of the 44 forces in England and Wales.

Immigrants were alleged to have been responsible for 17 per cent of these major crimes.

In London, detectives charged 34 overseas nationals with murder and 186 with rape.

Murder suspects included five from Poland, five from Sri Lanka and three each from Albania and Italy.

Nineteen Jamaicans, 13 Nigerians, 11 Portuguese and 10 Romanian and 10 Somalians stood accused of rape.

Ukip MEP Mike Hookem, the party’s defence and security spokesman, said: “People have suspected for some time that police forces have not been allowed to reveal details of the countries of origin of suspected criminals.

Now we have a glimpse of what the pro-EU forces have been trying to hide.”

The Home Office said that 29,000 overseas offenders had been removed from Britain since 2010.

Last year 5,602 were deported.

What do we know about the ethnicity of sexual abuse gangs? Posted June 19th 2021

Sarah Champion, the Labour MP for Rotherham, resigned from her position as shadow women and equalities minister on Wednesday over what she called her “extremely poor choice of words” in an article she wrote for The Sun.

The piece was written after 17 men and one woman were found guilty of committing nearly 100 offences, including rape, against vulnerable women and girls in Newcastle.

Ms Champion’s article stated that “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls”.

Is that a fair characterisation? FactCheck looks at the statistics relating to sexual abuse and grooming gangs.

The background

In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile cases in which groups of predominantly Asian men have been found exploiting girls and/or young women for sex.

In 2012, nine men were jailed for running an exploitation ring in Rochdale, abusing girls as young as 13. Eight of those men were of Pakistani origin; the remaining one was from Afghanistan.

Earlier this year, six men were convicted of abusing two girls in Rotherham between 1999 and 2001. All of the men convicted were British-Pakistani.

Types of sexual abuse by groups

In 2013, CEOP published a study looking at “contact sexual offending against children by non-related adults”. They found that there are two types of group-based abuse.

  • “Type 1” group abuse involves targeting a victim, or victims, based on their vulnerability.

CEOP says: “The focus here appears to be on the sexual abuse of teenagers and young adults on the basis of their vulnerability, rather than as a result of a specific preferential sexual interest in children […]  CEOP assesses that type 1 offenders are unlikely to identify themselves as having a sexual interest in children, but molest children because they are vulnerable to sexual exploitation.”

  • “Type 2” group abusers are defined as having “a longstanding sexual interest in children”.

Type 2 groups operate in a way that’s often characterised as a paedophile “ring”. In other words, these offenders are not simply targeting children because they are vulnerable, but because they are children.

What do we know about the ethnicity of group abusers?

The latest data we have on this is from the 2013 CEOP study. It reports 57 cases of Type 1 group abuse in 2012, and police provided ethnicity data on 52 of these.

Half of those Type 1 cases involved all-Asian groups. 21 per cent were all-white groups, and 17 per cent were groups containing multiple ethnicities.

75 per cent of recorded Type 1 group abusers, who target victims based on their vulnerability, were Asian. The Office for National Statistics estimates that 7.5 per cent of the UK’s population are Asian.

17 per cent of Type 1 offenders were white, compared to 86 per cent of the UK population.

There were six recorded cases of Type 2 group abuse.

100 per cent of recorded Type 2 group offenders, who abuse children because of long-standing paedophilic interest, are white.

Type 1 groups tend to be larger: the majority involve groups of four abusers, compared to Type 2 abusers, who tend to act in pairs. That means in terms of raw figures, there are more Asian men carrying out group abuse than white men (229 compared to 70).

It’s worth saying that CEOP itself doesn’t believe this data is a comprehensive picture of group abuse and exploitation in the UK. They warn against drawing too many conclusions from this data.

What about exploitation by lone abusers?

Abuse by lone offenders is much more common than abuse by groups. According to CEOP, “25 [police] forces identified a total of 2,120 lone perpetrators involved in either suspected or confirmed cases of non-familial contact child sexual abuse in 2012. In comparison, all 31 forces reported a cumulative total of 65 group and gang associated offences.”

CEOP’s report doesn’t include data on the ethnicity of lone child abusers, and the government doesn’t publish comparable information.

But we do know that while Asian men are disproportionately represented among group abusers, this is not the most common type of child sexual abuse recorded in the UK.

FactCheck verdict

Self-evidently, sexual abuse of children and young people by groups of men – including Asian men – happens in the UK.

According to the best available data, Asian men make up 75 per cent of “Type 1” group abusers, who target children and young women because they are vulnerable.

But white men make up 100 per cent of recorded “Type 2” group abusers, who target children because of a longstanding paedophilic interest.

From the information available, we know that actual number of group abusers who are Asian is around three times higher than the number of group abusers who are white.

However, it’s worth remembering that child sexual abuse by lone offenders is more common than abuse by groups. What we don’t know is how many of those lone offenders are white or Asian. We should be wary of drawing too many conclusions.

Men Guilty of Rape Until Proven Guilty , Govt & Feminists Want More Women To Make Anonymous Allegations Naming Men. Myth That Women Lie About Rape To Be Debunked. They Don’t Lie – It’s Official. Feminists Outraged Saying Reforms Don’t Go Far Enough For Maximum Convictions. June 18th 2021.

Police State in Sport June 18th 2021

British Police Institutionally Criminally Corrupt – Posted June 16th 2021

A perfect description of the police across Britain – and don’t forget the Freemason element.

National Shortage Emergency from F.S – June 14th 2021

Passengers stranded as Aer Lingus regional carrier Stobart Air enters Liquidation June 14th 2021

Almost 500 staff have lost their jobs and thousands of passengers face uncertainty after a regional airline closed down. Stobart Air, based in Dublin, has ceased all operations from yesterday and is appointing a liquidator.

The airline provided a busy network of flights badged as Aer Lingus Regional.

Travellers booked on a dozen flights to and from Belfast City airport have been grounded. Services linking the Northern Ireland airport with Birmingham, East Midlands, Edinburgh, Exeter, Leeds Bradford and Manchester are all cancelled.

Links from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester and Newquay to Dublin have also been cancelled, as well as Irish domestic routes from the capital to Donegal and Kerry.

Stobart Air was founded in 1970 as Aer Arran, originally serving the island of Inishmore off the west coast of Ireland. It had an expanding network of regional routes in the UK and Ireland. Many of the links replaced those left unserved by Flybe, which collapsed in March 2020 at the start of the coronavirus crisis.

Like all airlines, Stobart Air had been hard hit by the pandemic and the travel restrictions involved. In April an Isle of Man company, Ettyl, announced plans to buy the carrier, along with Carlisle Lake District airport. But that deal has now collapsed.

Stobart Air is part of Esken, formerly the Stobart Group.

The airline announced: ““Given the continued impact of the pandemic which has virtually halted air travel since March 2019 and in the absence of any alternative purchasers or sources of funding, the board of Stobart Air must take the necessary, unavoidable and difficult decision to seek to appoint a liquidator.

“All 480 staff at the airline have been informed.

“Last April, Stobart Air announced that a new owner had been identified. However, it has emerged that the funding to support this transaction is no longer in place and the new owner is now unable to conclude the transaction.”-

MPs call for people to see ‘true freedom again’ as PM extends restrictions – June 14th 2021

The public must “see true freedom again”, a former Conservative minister has said, as the government delayed lockdown easing in England for four weeks until 19 July.

Steve Baker, MP for Wycombe, called on Health Secretary Matt Hancock to explain under what conditions the country will move to step four of the government’s roadmap, noting many people forecast that the measures would be extended into July.

Fellow Conservative MP and chairman of the Justice Select Committee Sir Bob Neill warned it is “unconscionable” for economic support to not be extended for four weeks alongside the restrictions.

It came as Boris Johnson, speaking at a Downing Street news conference on Monday evening, announced a four-week delay in lifting lockdown restrictions in England to 19 July amid rising cases of the Delta variant.

The PM said the postponement of step four of the government’s roadmap, which was due to take place on 21 June, will allow for more people to receive their second jab before further easing of restrictions takes place.

The proposed extension will be reviewed to see if action can be taken two weeks sooner on Monday 5 July.

MPs will get to have their say on the delay in a Commons vote on Wednesday, the PM’s spokesperson has said.

The PM also announced that the time between vaccine doses has been shortened for people aged over 40 – from 12 weeks to eight weeks – with all in this age group to be offered a second dose by the week of 19 July.

This will mean two-thirds of adults will have been offered both doses by that date. All over-18s will have been invited for their first jab by 19 July.

It is “sensible” to put back the end of all legal limits on social contact to 19 July, the PM said, adding that he is “confident” no further delay will be necessary.

“We can simply keep going with all of Step 4 on 21 June, even though there is a real possibility that the virus will outrun the vaccines and that thousands more deaths would ensue which could otherwise have been avoided.

“Or else we can give the NHS a few more crucial weeks to get those remaining jabs into the arms of those who need them,” Mr Johnson said.

Boris Johnson will urge public to accept ‘one last heave’ to freedom as he gets set to delay June 21 June 14TH 2021

Boris Johnson is set to urge the public to accept “one last heave” to freedom as he delays the final step of lockdown reopening.

On Sunday night the Prime Minister was finalising his plan to push back the June 21 reopening in England by up to four weeks owing to a surge in Covid cases. Earlier in the day he had refused to rule out further delays in the future. 

It means rules ordering the wearing of face masks, limiting groups to six people indoors and 30 outdoors, and keeping nightclubs shut are set to remain in place.

The cap on weddings being attended by only 30 people is expected to be relaxed, but the exact details of what new rules would replace it were still being debated in Government on Sunday night.

Mr Johnson’s message to the nation at a Downing Street press conference on Monday evening is expected to be that sticking to the rules now is worth it to avoid a future lockdown. 

It comes as industry body leaders warned that compliance with the restrictions could slip, with pub staff already facing abuse from drinkers when enforcing the rules. 

when the rate stood at 69.6.

Sir Keir Starmer has blamed the government’s “pathetic” border policy for the delay to lockdown lifting.

Speaking to LBC, the Labour leader said ministers delayed the introduction of hotel quarantine, confused people with their traffic light system for foreign travel, and delayed putting India on the red list until late April.

Key Points

  • Prime minister to delay lockdown easing
  • Keir Starmer blames ‘pathetic’ border policy for delay to lockdown easing
  • UK in ‘early stages of third wave’
  • Lockdown easing would allow ‘another 10 million second vaccine doses to go into arms’
  • Restrictions on weddings could be eased, health minister suggests
  • England’s Covid case rates climb to highest level since early March

Campaign group hopes to get ‘wedding industry acknowledged’

13:55 , Chiara Giordano

Emma Meek, managing director of Miss Bush bridal boutique, says she became involved with campaign group What About Weddings to get the “wedding industry acknowledged”.

She told PA: “It’s not a pastime, or this ephemeral group of nothing, and it has been a struggle over the last 14-15 months to try and get the government to acknowledge us as an industry.

“Scenes from sports and the Euros, you can just see that the regulation around weddings has been very harsh for a long time. It hasn’t given any sense of parity, so we have got a cohort of brides who have postponed and this has impacted everyone’s life emotionally, financially and on the industry at large.

“It has been quite devastating, so that is why we are campaigning to try and get weddings taken seriously. We may not be essential as far as the categorisation of businesses go, but I still think weddings are a part of our social, cultural, religious, and spiritual foundations.”

She said wedding size should be taken based on “capacity size of venue, based on whatever safety measures are required”.

England’s Covid case rates climb to highest level since early March

13:33 , Chiara Giordano

New coronavirus cases in England have climbed to their highest level for more than three months, according to new analysis.

A total of 37,729 new cases of coronavirus were recorded in England in the seven days to 9 June, according to Public Health England.

Comment It won’t end. Lockdown and vaccinations won’t solve the BAME, elderly, obesity ad migrant demands on the over hyped dreadful NHS. This isn’t pandemic thanks to bio engineering , it is endemic like flu. Nobody des just from Covid and flu s now extinct. All very odd. Robert Cook

What the Dickens ? Posted June 13th 2021

Like so many classic authors , if Charles Dickens were writing now he would have to use social media or a website because no one would publish or sell his books. He would also end up arrested and jailed for hate speech and offending minorities. There would be no Fagin of Mr Bumble because of sensitivities about Jews and fat people.

Gareth Southgate , England manager , reminds me of an earnest vicar.

So what I have to say now is risky. It refers to the England v Croatia Euro 20 match today. There seems to be the air of a vicar about Gareth Southgate. he is preaching at us , implying we are all racist. He chooses a lot of black players but forbids booing bad behaviour and poor play , like today when one of them repeatedly fouled a Croatian and should have been sent off. The BBC backed every harsh judgement by the ref against Croatia, facilitating their only goal. It was set up by an England player who should have been sent off long before.

The masses need something to believe in – England fans today. So England can do no wrong. The fans rated a British cheat ‘man of the match’ presumably for his skill in fouling and getting away with it..

But Southgate , England and the media are on a moral campaign because they have been outstanding at taking the knee to blacks – Croatia didn’t do it today. It all started when a white U.S cop murdered a black suspect. There is also the fact that England has to stay in the tournament all the way to maximise audiences and advertising – and of course to keep banging the anti racist message which many of us find patronising and insulting.

Taking the knee before matches is now a self righteous virtue signalling ritual by England players, manager and media.

Today , Croatia were the better team , with the ref winning the game for England. We were even exhorted by the BBC panel of experts to support ‘our home team’ They are worried because some of us do not think the British Police State feels like home anymore. If they think the Floyd murder was cause for a crusade , then it’s time the media looked closely at the PC Monk trial and refocus on the police who are out of control. It is also a bit much to have the obscenely wealthy overpaid players and pundits lecturing us on equality.

The biased ref who went out of his way to help England win with some very interesting decisions. It was only the linesman who got an England player a well deserved yellow card. One of the BBC commentators had the cheek to dismiss one obvious yellow card incident that went unnoticed , by referee , as a ‘cheeky foul.’ It was one of many by England’s Kelvin Phillips condoned by said ref.

Robert Cook

G7 B.J Vow to protect integrity of U.K – for whose benefit ? June 13th 2021

Boris Johnson sought to play down reports of a rift with the EU over Northern Ireland at the end of the G7 summit, although he insisted it was the job of the government “to protect the territorial integrity” of the UK.

Speaking at an end-of-summit press conference, the prime minister was careful not to escalate a row that had intensified following a report that France’s Emmanuel Macron had suggested that Northern Ireland was not part of the UK.

“What I’m saying is that we will do whatever it takes to protect the territorial integrity of the UK,” Johnson said, but he declined to repeat remarks made by the foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, who said Macron’s reported comments were “offensive”.

The row had threatened to overshadow the G7 summit in Cornwall, which was finishing on Sunday afternoon, the first gathering of world leaders in person since the start of the pandemic.

“But actually what happened at this summit was that there was a colossal amount of work on subjects that had absolutely nothing to do with Brexit,” Johnson added.

The prime minister also discussed the origins of the pandemic. Although he said “the advice we’ve had” was that it did not look as if Covid-19 had come from a lab, he said western leaders had agreed “to strengthen the World Health Organization” in a decision likely to irritate China, accused of not being fully transparent about the origins of the pandemic.

They wanted the WHO to have powers like international weapons inspectors, Johnson said, who could “go on the scene and try to determine as independently as possible exactly what is going on” so people could have confidence about the origins of such diseases.

Comment The answer to the question ‘for whose benefit’ is obviously his, B.J’s , class and international cronies. The same has to be said for BREXIT. Their attitude to China and for empowering the vested interest of the WHO , should worry any non elite person with a brain. As for being open about the origins of diseases like Covid , well they will never admit it was a bio weapon aimed at China and made to look as if it came from them. Anyone who mentions a conspiracy also like Salisbury as another example -is nuts.

There was no conspiracy to murder Princess Diana in spite of all the suspicious evidence and how they treated the brilliant West End Play and its author who was sent to a psycho ward , with Douglas Home trashing it , speaks volumes as to what our elite are capable of. So we have no choice but to obey on Pain of jail.

We now have the official view on Princess Diana’s death , endorsed by Prince William none the less. The dasatradly BBC man Martin Bashir tricked the poor innocent angelic 35 year old Diana into a T.V interview which then led to the behaviour that killed her. Well maybe it pushed the patience and hands of Britain’s security services and their sub contractors because she revealed too much of the truth.

Now they are rehabilitating Royalty as a sticking plaster for PC corrupt and divided U.K. That’s why Prince William is fronting the F.A. I hope to see him take the knee for his ancestors sins on both sides next time he hands out the prizes. Robert Cook

May Be – June 13th 2021

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has given his support to former prime minister Theresa May as the next head of Nato.

Mr Wallace told Italian media that Mrs May would be an “excellent candidate” to lead the transatlantic defence alliance after its current chief Jens Stoltenberg steps down next year.

“Theresa May was a fantastic prime minister in really tough times,” Mr Wallace, who was a senior member of Mrs May’s cabinet, told the political magazine Formiche.

Wonderful examples.

Boris Johnson quoted from the Bible yesterday as appeared to confirm he believes in God.

The thrice-married Prime Minister borrowed from Psalm 14, verse one in a bid to settle ongoing questions about his faith.

The Conservative leader’s religion has been under the spotlight since his wedding to bride Carrie last month.

The pair tied the knot in Westminster Cathedral, the mother church for Roman Catholics in Britain.

Twice-divorced Mr Johnson was only allowed to marry in Westminster Cathedral because of a loophole in Catholic Canon Law.

Rules ban the marriages of a divorcee whose former spouse is still alive.

But while the faith does not allow divorcees to marry in its churches, because the PM’s two previous other marriages were “in non-Catholic settings”, they were not recognised by the Church – meaning his wedding to Carrie was treated as his first.

The ceremony prompted questions about which Christian denomination Mr Johnson was signed up to.

He was reportedly baptised as a Catholic but confirmed as an Anglican as a teenager.

If he is now a Roman Catholic, he would have to delegate a little-known power to another minister.

Technically, the PM formally advises the Queen on the appointments of Church of England bishops.

But the 1829 Roman Catholic Relief Act, passed when the Duke of Wellington was PM, says that no “person professing the Roman Catholic religion” is allowed to advise the monarch on the selection of Church of England bishops.

In practice, the Church chooses bishops.

But last week it was reported that when the issue arises, another minister would be chosen by Buckingham Palace to advise the Queen on appointments.

Lord Chancellor Robert Buckland QC is understood to be the prime candidate for the role.

Comment From Thatcher to Johnson, the idea of ‘brilliant Prime Ministers; has seen some amazing examples . If may exemplifies brilliance that explains a lot. If Britain was a democracy Assange would never have been jailed on bogus rape and espionage charges. He would be free now.

NATO wants regime change in Russia and confrontation with China. The U.S and its allies couldn’t cope with the Viet Kong , so imagine World War with China.

China can see what is wrong with the west and its designs on Russia and its sphere of influence. The only consolation is that May would have to go some to be worse than her puupet predecessor. Robert Cook

Fishing fury: New Brexit deal means 1,600 EU boats can plunder British water for 2021 – Posted June 12th 2021

The move has infuriated green campaigners and UK fishermen with one accusing Whitehall of being “utterly negligent”. No limits will be placed on how much non-quota stock, such as lobster, scallops and red mullet, 1,600 EU boats are allowed to collect.

A draft version of a UK-EU fishing agreement for this year, seen by the Daily Telegraph, states London and Brussels have “exceptionally agreed not to apply tonnage limits” for non-quota species until next year.

Rather they will “closely monitor and exchange” data on fish being caught in order to help draw up future plans.

Labour’s shadow environment secretary, Luke Pollard, strongly condemned the move.

He commented: “The Government has sold out our fishers.

“Plundering our oceans in an uncoordinated free-for-all is the oppose of sustainable fishing.”

Boris Johnson agreed a Brexit trade deal with the EU last year, which covered fishing.

Under its terms UK fishermen will get 25 percent of the EU’s quote from British waters by 2026.

After this Britain could theoretically exclude EU boats entirely, though this could lead to retaliatory sanctions.

David Stevens, a Cornish fisherman, expressed anger limits haven’t been set on non-quote species.

“There are no limits on the total quantity that can be caught and no assessments of the health of stocks.”

A spokesperson for the Government justified the decision not to place quotas due to “the unique situation this year”.

They commented: “For 2021, the UK and EU have agreed due to the unique situation this year and the need to provide clarity to our respective industries to take a monitoring-only approach to the implementation of the non-quota provisions.

“This is to provide the opportunity for the development of multi-year strategies for the conservation and management of shared non-quota species via the Specialised Committee on Fisheries.”

Fishing rights have proven highly contentious since the end of the Brexit transition period in December.

Earlier this year French vessels protested off the coast of Jersey, claiming their access to its waters had been cut.


When the voices of our so called democratic leaders talk of sustainability, they always mean how can the masses be forced physically or psychologically to take less ? These poorly educated masses. distracted by woke folk and thought police, are not supposed to realise that open door immigration will mean less because the elite won’t take less. They want more which is why they want third world cheap labour , much coming as a result of oil greed wars.

The elite must make an issue of race and gender. Football represents the lowest common denominator , especially among males. So we have Gareth Southgate & crew , with media megaphones full blare , on full alert from any ‘crowd ‘ ( sic ) manifestation that can be construed as racist. Blacks exempt of course.

Foolish Brits fell for Tory lies over Brexit. They voted leave not to block East European migrants , but to block Africans and Moslems with their very different culture. East Europeans are too white. Now whites are told to disengage with their ‘racist’ culture and embrace all things black. This is vital for the elite to sustain their global gluttony. Unfortunately the masses can’t make connections which is why so many will think I am writing rambling bulls-it.

Now we mustn’t talk of the Indian variant because it is racist and suggests a link with open doors to and from afflicted Covid India. The Tory elite Brexit plan selfish , aiming to dominate and further corrupt our police & legal system , freeing itself from a Europe it had flooded with new PC and police state laws , then blaming them on Europe. The Irish and fishing problems were glossed over so the masses just voted against immigration. Muslim areas like those in Birmingham voted leave because they didn’t like East Europeans , who also tended to dislike them.

This attack on white culture is not meant to raise questions about the white and black rich whose extravagant life styles are the essence of unsustainability and conflict. So is the religious driven mentality that leads to African women having an average of 15 babies each.So the Third World will get worse rather than reform , and more of it will come here. All the more reason for brainwashing the whites into being ashamed of their culture.

The Queen and her seriously privileged class , with deep roots in slavery ,must be left out of all this. After all , she and her husband have done more than their fair share of touring her commonwealth and waving at the natives who just lover her. Robert Cook

How the commonwealth was made , by spilling gallons of privileged white men’s blood , to make the rich richer and ever more powerful. History must be re written.

BLM & Woke Folk take note , black gangs don’t seem to care about BLM. June 12th 2021

Boy, 17, stabbed to death by machete gang in Streatham

John Dunne and Anthony France 21 hrs ago ‘Tutors change daily’: headteachers call for schools to control England Covid… Streaming: Shiva Baby and the best boundary-pushing Jewish films

A teenager was “hunted down” by a machete-wielding gang and fatally stabbed near three nursery schools in south London.

Up to 10 people chased the 17-year-old 200 yards along Streatham High Road to Prentis Road in Streatham, where he was cornered outside a postal delivery office and knifed in the chest.

Police were called shortly after 4pm yesterday and found the teenager with a stab wound.

He was taken to a central London hospital, where he was pronounced dead at about 5pm.

One witness said: “I saw the gang brandishing machetes and other knives.

They were chasing a boy, they looked like they were hunting him down.

Postal workers came out and were fighting to save his life.”

Another witness said: “It was very vicious, there was lots of shouting. The next thing we knew, a boy was lying on the ground and there was lots of blood. The postal workers were real heroes for stepping up.”

The attack happened near the Little Flowers, Growing Beans and Springtime nurseries.

A worker at Growing Beans said: “Thankfully, the kids didn’t see anything but we had to arrange for them to be picked up at a diff

erent point because of the incident.”

Four men and three women have been arrested in connection with the killing.

Forensic science officers were today scouring the area for clues.

Police believe they know the identity of the victim and his next of kin have been informed.

The boy is the 16th teenager to be killed in London so far this year, one more than in 2020, and the capital is on course to overtake 2019’s total of 26.

Scotland Yard has launched 55 homicide investigations in 2021.

The latest killing follows two other violent deaths in the capital this week.

Taylor Cox, 19, died on Tuesday after being shot in the head in a “targeted hit” near a nursery and primary school in Hornsey Rise Gardens, Crouch Hill.

Nathaniel Eyewu-Ago, 35, also died on Tuesday, six days after being stabbed in a brawl in Barge Walk, Greenwich.

Russian Roulette June 12th 2021

Western elite media portrays Russia as a giant monster. Th fact that the Russian revolution was provoked by the vile Romanaov dynasty, first cousins to British and German Royals, has never been forgive by the rich parasitical fake democrats who run most of the modern world , never shying from lying , injustice and war to maintain their lifestyles. Robert Cook

In an exclusive interview with NBC News, Mr Putin said: “We have a bilateral relationship that has deteriorated to its lowest point in recent years.”

The two leaders will meet in the Swiss city of Geneva on 16 June.

Mr Putin described former US president Donald Trump as “an extraordinary individual, talented individual, otherwise he would not have become US president”.

He added: “He is a colourful individual. You may like him or not. And, but he didn’t come from the US establishment, he had not been part of big time politics before, and some like it some don’t like it but that is a fact.”

Police Driver Fatal Collision June 11th 2021

Stockwell London

A woman has died after being struck by a marked police car answering a 999 call in south London.

The incident took place around 11.20pm on Wednesday on Stockwell Road, Stockwell.

Scotland Yard say paramedics and an air ambulance crew rushed to the scene after the pedestrian, 25, was struck by the police vehicle.

Despite their attempts to save her life, the woman died at the scene. Her next of kin have been informed, police say.

The incident has been referred to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), which has now launched an investigation.

Comment As a former professional driver, I know the road is a dangerous place. The police , however, can be aggressive and cause accidents. I don’t think making them look like heroes on TV shows help. London is a challenging city , as I know from considerable and wide ranging experience. It is usually a case of more haste less speed. The U.K police seem to think every person and vehicle should jump put of their way. They have an underlying bully mentality & culture. Robert Cook

Bordering on Chaos – June 10th 2021

EU border agency ‘failing’ to stop illegal migrants entering Europe despite massive funding boost

Frontex was handed a bolstered role in policing the bloc’s borders after the 2015 migration crisis but it has become overstretched, said a report by the European Court of Arbitration, the EU’s financial watchdog. 

It has almost 10,000 officers and its budget will increase to £774m by 2027 up from just £16.3m in 2006. It had just 45 officers in 2005, the year after it was created. 

In 2016, its mandate was expanded to include cracking down on illegal migration and cross-border crime. The Warsaw headquartered agency helps national border police in their duties and has recently taken on new roles including in deportations. 

Frontex was “biting off more than it could chew,” the report’s lead author, Leo Brincat said.

Mr Brincat said,  “This is especially worrying at a time when Frontex is being given added responsibilities.”

“We are not saying ‘scrap Frontex’ but definitely Frontex is often its own worst enemy,” the former Maltese minister added. 

The report found gaps in information exchange between Frontex and national border agencies, which stopped it being able to properly monitor borders. 

Auditors also accused Frontex of a lack of transparency in detailing the real cost of its joint operations. 

The agency has faced separate allegations its guards were involved in illegal pushbacks of migrants on the Greek-Turkish border. 

The European Ombudsman, which scrutinises maladministration, has opened an investigation into whether Frontex breached migrants’ human rights. 

A  Frontex spokesman said it had “undergone a massive transformation that would have challenged any organisation, especially in the times of the COVID pandemic.”

He told Deutsche Welle that Frontex was aware improvements were needed.  “Unfortunately, many of the raised issues are related to external factors outside of the agency’s control,” he added.   

Policeman accused of Dalian Atkinson murder has not been honest in his account, jury told – June 10th 2021

Former footballer Dalian Atkinson died in August 2016; prosecutors claim PC Benjamin Monk used unlawful and unreasonable force out of anger; the trial continues

By PA Media

The prosecutor in the trial of a policeman accused of murdering Dalian Atkinson has urged jurors to consider five “facts” surrounding the officer’s evidence – including three allegedly showing a “convenient” loss of memory.

Beginning her closing address in the sixth week of the trial of PC Benjamin Monk, Crown counsel Alexandra Healy QC claimed the constable had not been honest in police interviews or during his account to the court.

Prosecutors claim the West Mercia police officer used unlawful and unreasonable force out of anger, prior to the death of former Aston Villa, Sheffield Wednesday and Ipswich Town star Atkinson in August 2016.

The Crown alleges Monk murdered the retired striker by excessive use of a Taser and kicking him in the head at least twice, intending serious harm.

The 43-year-old has pleaded not guilty to alternative charges of murder and manslaughter, while 31-year-old PC Mary Ellen Bettley-Smith denies assaulting Atkinson with a baton outside his father’s home in Telford, after the ex-footballer made threats and smashed a window.

Addressing jurors at Birmingham Crown Court on Wednesday, Ms Healy highlighted “five facts” that she said the defence accepted “even if the defendants claim not to be able to remember.”

Ms Healy told the jury that Monk’s alleged lack of memory of three of the facts – that he kicked Atkinson at least twice to the head, had his foot on the 48-year-old’s head when colleagues arrived, and told others at the scene he had kicked him in the head – was “nothing more than a barricade to shelter behind”.

The prosecutor told the 11-strong jury panel: “Those three really important facts are all matters that he now claims to have no memory of.

“Convenient, you may think, because those three are facts that cause a great deal of damage, you may think, to his case that whatever he did was part of an instinctive desire to protect the life and limbs of them and others.”

Ms Healy added: “He was not honest in his interview and he has not been honest with you about his actions that morning and about his reasons for it.

“Mr Monk told his colleagues in the early hours of that morning that he had kicked Dalian Atkinson to the head.

“He expects you to believe that when he was interviewed only 10 days later, perhaps as a result of the stress of the occasion, that that important detail had slipped his mind.

“The Crown say the truth is all too apparent – Mr Monk has always known what he did… and as soon as he became aware of the full consequences of his actions, he realised how damaging that admission was, and he has sought to row back from it by claiming he can no longer remember.”

The trial continues.

Never Ending – June 10th 2021

Lockdown may only be ‘partially lifted’ with a new ‘mix and match approach’ to ending restrictions, it has been reported.

The next and final phase of the end of lockdown restrictions had been touted to come into force from June 21.

Amid a surge in Covid cases and fears over variants of the disease Boris Johnson has said it was still too early to say if England’s lockdown could end in just under two weeks time.

The PM warned the vaccine rollout may not be enough to go ahead with unlocking.

Meanwhile, the number of coronavirus cases in the UK has risen by 74 per cent since the same time last week, with another 7,540 infections recorded.

Lockdown may only be ‘partially lifted’ with a new ‘mix and match approach’ to ending restrictions, it has been reported.

The next and final phase of the end of lockdown restrictions had been touted to come into force from June 21.

Amid a surge in Covid cases and fears over variants of the disease Boris Johnson has said it was still too early to say if England’s lockdown could end in just under two weeks time.

The PM warned the vaccine rollout may not be enough to go ahead with unlocking.

Meanwhile, the number of coronavirus cases in the UK has risen by 74 per cent since the same time last week, with another 7,540 infections recorded.

Wednesday’s increase was the highest daily jump since the end of February, when 8,523 cases were reported on February 26.

VWednesday’s increase was the highest daily jump since the end of February, when 8,523 cases were reported on February 26.

EU-UK talks on Northern Ireland appear close to collapse on eve of G7 – June 9th 2021

Lisa O’Carroll and Peter Walker

Talks between the EU and the UK over Northern Ireland appear on the brink of collapse as London indicated it was still considering unilateral action to keep unhindered supplies flowing from Great Britain into the region.

The European commission vice-president, Maroš Šefčovič, said patience was “wearing very, very thin” and described the relationship with the UK as “at a crossroads”.

Amid fears that the escalating crisis over Northern Ireland would develop into a trade war, David Frost, the Brexit minister, said there had been “no breakthroughs” over the Brexit checks but no “breakdowns” after a two-hour meeting with Šefčovič in London.

They agreed to continue to try to find a solution before 30 June when a ban on chilled meats including sausages and mincemeat is due to come into force.

Late on Wednesday, Boris Johnson insisted that there was no crisis. “I’m very very optimistic about this. I think that’s easily doable,” he said, referring to an issue that was at the heard of the fraught Irish border negotiations two years ago: preventing a border on the island of Ireland while protecting trade within the UK post-Brexit.

Johnson’s optimism could face a challenge at the G7 meeting on Thursday, however, when Joe Biden will warn him and the EU not to “imperil” the Northern Ireland peace process.

The US president landed at an RAF base in Suffolk on Wednesday evening. Earlier his national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, had said that Biden harboured “very deep” concerns on the issue provoked by Brexit, which would be raised in a bilateral meeting with the prime minister at the summit in Cornwall. Joe Biden, Jill Biden are posing for a picture: President Joe Biden and Jill Biden arrive on Air Force One at RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, ahead of the G7 summit in Cornwall. Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA © Provided by The Guardian President Joe Biden and Jill Biden arrive on Air Force One at RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, ahead of the G7 summit in Cornwall. Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA

Behind the scenes, UK sources were more trenchant than Johnson about the row with the EU. “All the options remain on the table,” said a senior source close to the talks when asked about the possibility of unilateral action to extend a grace period for checks on chilled meats that ends on 30 June.

On the prospect of retaliation and a trade war, the source said: “We feel like we’ve heard this before. Nobody wants to get into a trade war or anything close to it, obviously.

“Unfortunately we have got used to living in an atmosphere where there are threats made to us, and not just in this context. The EU quite often seems to resort to threats at a relatively early stage in the process.”

Comment: The EU is an anti democratic imperial dictatorship by and for the global super rich – some of whom are based in Europe.

Basically Northern Ireland has been annexed by the EU. The south , Eire, is happy to have exchanged a Roman Catholic dictatorship for something far worse. Now they want the Northern Irish Protestant loyalists to give up their British identity and join them in a diverse reality where being white poor – and male – puts them at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Some lives matter far more than others in our so called liberal Western democracies.

Dalian Atkinson: PC defends using baton on ex-footballer – it is interesting that our politically correct mainstream media have not made a BLM connection , which is rather a contrast to their attitude to armed robber George Floyd – comment by Robert Cook June 9th 2021

PC Mary Ellen Bettley-Smith
image captionPC Mary Ellen Bettley-Smith Telling told the court she used a baton “to try to gain control of the situation”

A police constable has said it was absolutely necessary to hit former footballer Dalian Atkinson with her baton after he had been tasered.

PC Mary Ellen Bettley-Smith, 31, told a jury she did it to protect herself and her colleague.

She denies a charge of assault and said she was terrified during the incident in Telford, Shropshire, in August 2016.

Her colleague, PC Benjamin Monk, denies murdering Mr Atkinson and also denies an alternative manslaughter charge.

The prosecution alleges West Mercia Police probationary constable Bettley-Smith acted unlawfully after Mr Atkinson had been tasered by PC Monk outside his father’s house in Meadow Close, Trench.

Giving evidence in the sixth week of a trial at Birmingham Crown Court, PC Bettley-Smith said “I recall that he opened the front door and was there, this huge figure. He appeared very, very angry – probably the angriest person I have ever seen in my life.”

She added: “I remember his eyes bulging out of his head. His chest was puffed up … his stance made me think he was ready to fight.”

PC Bettley-Smith, a social work graduate who joined the force in February 2015, said she had pressed an emergency alarm button for urgent help, because she believed the situation to be life-threatening.

“I said in my interview that my life flashed before my eyes and that is no exaggeration – I was absolutely terrified,” she said.

Dalian Atkinson
image captionDalian Atkinson, who played for Aston Villa, Ipswich Town and Sheffield Wednesday died aged 48 on 15 August 2016

After Mr Atkinson – who played for Aston Villa, Ipswich Town and Sheffield Wednesday – was tasered and fell to the ground she said she hit him three times with her baton, aiming at his thighs, to prevent him from getting back up.

She told the jury: “It was at this point when I decided I needed to strike Mr Atkinson with my baton. Unless it was absolutely necessary, I would never have used my baton that night.

“I struck him to prevent him from getting up and protect myself and Ben.

“If he was successful in getting up, I genuinely thought he would seriously hurt me.”

Ms Bettley-Smith told the court she still felt overwhelming sadness at Mr Atkinson’s death.

Dalian Atkinson celebrates scoring for Aston Villa against Manchester United in the 1994 League Cup final
image captionMr Atkinson had a number of pre-existing conditions at the time of his death, including kidney disease and an enlarged heart

Asked how she felt when she learned of his death on returning to the police station, she said: “Terrible. I felt really, really upset that that was the outcome.

“But I was also very aware and conscious of the fact that it could have been very different and it could have been myself or Ben or Mr Ernest Atkinson [Dalian’s father].”

Under cross-examination from prosecutor Alexandra Healy QC, Ms Bettley-Smith denied exaggerating her account to justify the use of excessive force by PC Monk, with whom she was in a relationship.

The officer also denied trying to “help” PC Monk by changing her account, or by agreeing to “fudge” what was said about kicks to Mr Atkinson’s head.

PC Benjamin Monk arrives at Birmingham Crown Court on 2 June
image captionProsecutors allege PC Benjamin Monk used unlawful force when he arrested Mr Atkinson in 2016

The court has previously heard PC Monk used a Taser on Mr Atkinson for 33 seconds after the first two attempts to use a Taser on him failed.

He also admitted he kicked Mr Atkinson but said it was not-targeted and “instinctive”. He has challenged witness accounts that he then rested his boot on the sportsman’s head.

The trial continues.

To be Frank – June 7th 2021

Majority of illegal migrants are Islamic. They have been offended by criticisms and blasphemy. They have brutally killed journalists and decapitated a teacher . They take their religion very seriously and do not integrate with multi culture. Teenager Mila found this out the hard way.
Mila , pictured, is now in hiding.
Macron has been vilified for making serious criticisms directly to African leaders , blaming them for the chaos and cruelty across their continent which is rich in resources. Africa must only hear excuses and claim aid which is filtered into corrupt black leaderships.
That is a point of view some , but what about Islamic hate crime ?
Interesting that so many still take a religion derivative of 3000 years of Judaism and its’ offspring Christianity so seriously in the 21st century. Islamists do not take criticism.
So called debate can only go one way in The New Europe.

Asylum seekers in Napier barracks ‘face blacklist threat for speaking out’ Posted June 7th 2021

British Border patrols secretly enter French territorial waters to collect illegal migrants and alleged asylum seekers. The Eurostar s doing little business during Covid lockdown so why not just load them all on in Paris and send them here to U.K in style ?
Migrants collected from France and have right to good accommodation and food.

Asylum seekers held at the Home Office’s widely criticised military barracks in Kent claim they will be “blacklisted” if they speak out after last week’s high court ruling that the decision to use the site was unlawful.

Staff employed by private Home Office contractors at the Napier barracks site at Folkestone have allegedly told residents that their asylum application will be impaired if they talk to the media about conditions at the camp.

Not Good Enough For Migrants

On Thursday asylum seekers won a legal challenge against the government that ruled Napier’s “squalid” accommodation failed to meet a minimum standard. The high court ruling prompted calls for the home secretary, Priti PPatel, to resign and the barracks to be closed immediately.

Army barracks not good enough. Judge orders better standard of living for illegal migrants. Migrants moved to hotels have also demanded more nutritious food.

Maddie Harris from Humans for Rights Network, which documents violations against asylum seekers, said allegations that contracted staff were still warning asylum seekers that their claims would be compromised for shedding light on conditions was alarming.

Illegal migrants are vulnerable people and need protection it is claimed.

Harris said she understood that one staff member had recently approached a group of five Napier residents and singled out two of them.

“They were specifically told that it was known they had spoken to the media and this would affect their claim,” she said.

After the high court ruling Harris said fresh allegations emerged that Napier residents were again warned not to approach the media.

Young make migrants arriving in U.K after U.K border patrol vessel secretly entered French territorial waters to collect them.

She said she understood that: “They were told by staff that there is a full list of people in the camp and that names have been circled who are known to have spoken to journalists. They were told it’s going to be a problem for their asylum claim.”

Asylum is a human right backed by the UN Refugee Convention and assessed in the UK using agreed screening processes and Home Office immigration caseworkers.

It has also emerged that trafficking victims appear to have been transferred to Napier contrary to new official guidance on the barracks. The high court also criticised the home secretary’s process for choosing people to be accommodated at the site as flawed and unlawful.

Illegal migrants arriving so far this year number 4,000
Illegal migrant arrivals last week numbered 850

Guidance for Home Office staff made publicly available the day before the high court verdict, but dated 27 May, states that asylum seekers were “unsuitable” for the barracks if they had been reported. to the national referral mechanism, which is designed to identify and support trafficking victims.

Barracks just not good enough. Better standards demanded for future, which should comfort and encourage more arrivals.

The guidance stipulated they should also not be sent to Napier – where 267 asylum seekers are being held – if “there are reasonable grounds to believe they are a victim of modern slavery or a decision on this matter is still pending”.

However Clare Moseley of charity Care4Calais said they had managed to remove 45 residents from Napier over concerns they were trafficking victims since the camp reopened two months ago.

The high court also heard that Public Health England had warned Patel that the use of dormitories meant a coronavirus outbreak was inevitable – half its almost 400 residents were subsequently infected. Despite crowded rooms being identified as the cause, sources say the Home Office was planning to increase room capacity at Napier from 12 to 14.

Sally Hough, a volunteer at Napier, said she had been informed that despite concerns over a third coronavirus wave, room capacity increases were being considered.

“With the spread of the Delta variant this is so negligent. This is a threat to the men in the camp and the wider community as the Home Office move people from known hotspots to Napier,” she said.

Britain’s Woke folk should take the blame. Britain’s low classes take the pressure of all this.

The Home Office and contractors Clearsprings have been contacted for comment.

Objects thrown at police as officers break up illegal rave in Essex June 7th 2021

Police have broken up an illegal rave in a field attended by around 200 people.

Essex Police said officers were called to Theydon Bois at around 11pm on Saturday after reports of the music event.

Objects were thrown at police as the force engaged with people at the unlicensed music event off Forest Drive, and one man has been arrested on suspicion of breaching coronavirus legislation.

The music was turned off at around 1am and decks, speakers and a generator have been seized by police.

Cut of £40m in help for tenants will ‘drive up homelessness’ Posted June 7th 2021

Meanwhile increasing numbers of mainly white males are sleeping on the streets. There is no offer of hotels or ex army barracks for these people or Human Rights Brownie points for WOKE folk for helping these people.

The government is cutting the funding it gives to councils in England and Wales to help struggling tenants by more than a fifth, with critics warning the move will drive up homelessness following the recent end of the Covid evictions ban and the end of the furlough scheme in September.

Discretionary housing payments (DHPs) provide financial support to people claiming housing benefit or universal credit who face rent shortfalls or need assistance with payments such as rent deposits in order to move home.

The government boosted DHP funding from £139.5m to £180m in 2020/21 amid the pandemic, but is now cutting that back to £140m in 2021/22 – a reduction of 22%, and lower than the DHP budget in 2017/18 or 2018/19. The cut was slipped out as part of the spring budget this year.

While the worst of the pandemic appears to have passed, unemployment remains high in much of London and deprived parts of northern England. Local housing allowance (LHA) has been frozen this year, leaving tenants facing higher rent shortfalls in many parts of the country.

A government survey in April suggested that nearly one in 10 private renters were behind on their rent at the end of 2020, about three times as many as before the pandemic. A further 8% of private renters said they were likely to fall behind on rent in the following three months.

Karen Buck, Labour’s shadow minister for social security, told the Observer: “Every time since 2013, since the first big wave of the benefit cuts came into effect from the government’s welfare legislation, every time we’ve said anything about the bedroom tax, about the benefit cap, about LHA restrictions, the mantra is: DHPs will fix it. If there are exceptional circumstances, if there’s a need for flexibility, if there’s a need for a local response, you’ve got the DHP pot, and the DHP pot is kind of magic beans – it can grow to cover anything you want it to.

Superficial Solution 4 Patronised People in ‘Scotland the Grave’ – June 7th 2021

Time to be realistic about the British Monarchy. It has no honest solution to U.K or any other world problems other than as a smokescreen and basis for solidarity rituals.

Prince William and Kate Middleton are to be sent to Scotland in a bid reportedly being drawn up by Buckingham Palace courtiers to save the Union.

Royal officials are reportedly uneasy at the prospect of Scotland breaking away from the rest of the UK as Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP continue to push for a second referendum after sweeping the board at May’s Holyrood elections.

Scotland has become increasingly out of step with England politically, with the Conservatives enjoying a comfortable Westminster majority and gaining council seats in last month’s local elections.

Kate and William would spend more time at Balmoral and strengthen ties with their former university town of St Andrews if the proposals go ahead, according to the Sunday Times.

Officials hope this could build on the success of their recent tour of in which William said the country was “so important” to himself and wife.

He also spoke movingly of how he enjoyed some of his best days in the country, referring to his university days when he met Kate, and some of the worst, as he was staying at Balmoral when mother Diana died in 1997.

A source close to the Royal household told the Sunday Times: “They think of it as their Union,”

“It was originally a union of crowns. They think the politicians have been losing Scotland for them.

Russia appeals for U.K to ignore MI6 Mischief making and empire building – June 4th 2021

Asked about the remarks in a press conference, Mr Putin said: “You said that the new head of MI6 has given these assessments, so he is new and I think he is going to get some experience and he will probably revisit his assessments (on) if Russia is a declining power.

“So why bother, why be concerned, just live your life and don’t try to spoil the Russian-British relations further.”

Speaking through a video link from St Petersburg, he said the UK and Russia had seen a growth in trade last year, adding: “So if you don’t try to interfere into this process then everything is going to be good.”

has refused to say if he would follow Alexander Lukashenko’s lead and force a passenger jet to land if he knew one of the Kremlin’s wanted men was flying over Russia.

“I’m not going to tell you,” he said in comments made during the plenary session of Russia’s premier investment forum in St Petersburg on Friday.

While clearly uncomfortable when being asked about his ally’s recent conduct, the Russian president offered a robust defence while reverting to claims of ignorance.

Mr Putin said he knew nothing about the blogger – Roman Protasevich – who the Belarusian president commandeered off a Ryanair flight last month. He also forgot to mention Mr Protasevich’s girlfriend, Sofia Sapega, a Russian citizen, who has been held without charges.

“I don’t want to give you my assessment about what happened,” the Russian leader said. “I honestly don’t know. I don’t know Roman Protasevich and don’t want to know him. Let him do what he wants to do. Let him fight with the regime.”

Fears are growing that Mr Protasevich is being subjected to serious physical and psychological harm while under Mr Lukashenko’s watch.

A video of a “confession” interview recorded under duress showed wrists with deep flesh wounds suggesting deliberately improper use of handcuffs. On Monday, Mr Lukashenko made a scarcely veiled threat to hand his opponent over for a death penalty trial at the hands of Russian-backed combatants in eastern Ukraine.

Still, Mr Putin insisted the issue was a “domestic Belarusian affair”, and claimed Russia was trying to hold a “neutral position” while the West was “interfering”.

He laughed away suspicions that Russian agents may even have been involved in planning the operation to kidnap Mr Protasevich.

“I saw all these statements made by Nato’s leadership that Russia had taken part, but I want to say this: if Nato is making statements like this, it’s in real danger,” he said. “It means people don’t understand the processes involved.”

For all his words about national sovereignty, Mr Putin made several unexpected interventions into US domestic politics.

Without a hint of irony, he drew attention to what he said was an excessive clampdown on Trump supporters. Those involved in post-election clashes on Capitol Hill were not rioters, he said, but “Americans with political demands”.

“More than 450 people were arrested, and now all face criminal charges,” he said. “Rubber bullets can take out your eyes, you know. Tell the victims: there, there, it’s only a democratic bullet.”

Mr Putin, who appeared to be in generally accommodating mode ahead of his 16 June summit with Joe Biden in Geneva, said the Kremlin was not, in fact, in direct conflict with the United States.

“We have only one disagreement with them,” he said.

“They want to rein in our development. Everything else derives from that.”

Comment Britain is run by an arrogant profiteering fake democrat elite. MI6 is staffed and run by arrogant upper middle class Oxbridge public school types. The days of Burges and McLean are long gone. Britain excels at corruption and conspiracy guiding their U.S offspring all the way.

Robert Cook

No End To Restrictions Until All Countries Covid Free – so ultimately no escape India Road Must Stay Open June 4th 2021

It can only get worse and never end. This appeals to the police state mentality and terrifies the masses. The elderly believe that death is being abolished and the BAME – well to many legal issues talking about them.

The Welsh Government has confirmed groups of up to 30 people will be allowed to meet outside from Monday. In addition, three households will be allowed to form an extended bubble and large outdoor events can go ahead at limited capacity.

The Government has opted for a “phased” approach due to clusters of the Delta variant, which first emerged in India.

Restrictions on indoor household mixing will still apply from Monday, as the Welsh Government looks to vaccinate more people before easing measures.

Only a Moron June 3rd 2021

A new study by German scientists claims to have found evidence that lockdowns may have had little effect on controlling the coronavirus pandemic.

Statisticians at Munich University found “no direct connection” between the German lockdown and falling infection rates in the country.

Instead, the study found infection rates had already clearly begun to fall before a national lockdown was imposed last November. 

Only a moron would be surprised by this report. But lockdown was never expected to contain or defeat the virus. It was an opportunistic strategy for social control and to cover for the monolithic incompetent NHS which cannot cope with such increased demand. Hence the ritualistic rubbish of clapping for the NHS. It is what sociologists call solidarity rituals.  

The mutation that originated in India is now believed to be dominant in the UK, with 12,431 cases now confirmed.

PHE said early evidence suggests there may be an increased risk of hospital admission from the variant.

Figures showed there were 278 people with the variant who attended hospital emergency departments this week, up from 201 last week.

There were 94 overnight hospital admissions for patients with the Indian variant, up from 43 admissions the previous week.

The majority of those admitted to hospital had not received a coronavirus vaccination.

Dr Jenny Harries, chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency, said: “With this variant now dominant across the UK, it remains vital that we continue to exercise caution particularly while we learn more about transmission and health impacts.

“The way to tackle variants is to use the same measures to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19 we have used before. Work from home where you can, and practise hands, face, space, fresh air at all times.

“If you are eligible and have not already done so, please come forward to be vaccinated and make sure you get your second jab. It will save lives.”

The mutation that originated in India is now believed to be dominant in the UK, with 12,431 cases now confirmed.

PHE said early evidence suggests there may be an increased risk of hospital admission from the variant.

Figures showed there were 278 people with the variant who attended hospital emergency departments this week, up from 201 last week.

There were 94 overnight hospital admissions for patients with the Indian variant, up from 43 admissions the previous week.

The majority of those admitted to hospital had not received a coronavirus vaccination.

Dr Jenny Harries, chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency, said: “With this variant now dominant across the UK, it remains vital that we continue to exercise caution particularly while we learn more about transmission and health impacts.

“The way to tackle variants is to use the same measures to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19 we have used before. Work from home where you can, and practise hands, face, space, fresh air at all times.

“If you are eligible and have not already done so, please come forward to be vaccinated and make sure you get your second jab. It will save lives.”

PHE said the area worst affected by the Indian variant remains Bolton, where cases have risen by 795 from last week to a total of 2,149.

PHE said the area worst affected by the Indian variant remains Bolton, where cases have risen by 795 from last week to a total of 2,149. – comment by Robert Cook : It is not dominant across the U.K and masks & lockdowns wouldn’t help if it was.

Robert Cook

Footballer Death

A forensic pathologist who reviewed the death of Dalian Atkinson has told a court the continued use of handcuffs in spite of unconsciousness probably contributed to the ex-Premier League footballer’s death.

Dr Nathaniel Cary told Birmingham Crown Court that “poor management” of the former Aston Villa, Sheffield Wednesday and Ipswich Town star, after he lost consciousness, was “more likely than not” to have been a factor in the death.

In the fourth week of the trial of Pc Benjamin Monk, Dr Cary also identified a “third Taser deployment and/or kicks to the head” as playing a role in the fatal outcome.

West Mercia Police constable Monk, who denies murder and manslaughter, is standing trial alongside fellow Pc Mary Ellen Bettley-Smith, who has pleaded not guilty to assault, after striking Atkinson with a baton.

Jurors have heard Pc Monk, aged 43, claims Mr Atkinson, who had been tasered to the ground, was “very, very obviously attempting to get up” before he kicked him twice in Meadow Close, Telford, on August 15 2016.

Atkinson’s head injuries explained 

Two separate forensic scientists have said that the injuries to Dalian Atkinson’s head were consistent with being kicked while his head was off the ground. 

This could have been Atkinson attempting to get up off the ground or his body seizing under the use of the Taser, lifting his head. 

Pc Monk’s boot imprints – the laced area – were visible on Atkinson’s forehead, the Crown told the court.

And there were two separate imprints, Ms Healy said, suggesting they were two kicks. 

There were also blood stains on the boots that matched the DNA of Dalian Atkinson. 

Officers ‘had feared for their lives’

Pc Monk and Pc Bettley-Smith drove back to Malinsgate police station in their vehicle after theambulance had cleared Meadow Close. 

A senior officer spoke to them both and they were said to be “very shaken up and said they had been fearful for their lives”, the court heard. 

The officers told their superior that they had been so scared that they had actually run away from Atkinson before engaging with him.

Pc Bettley-Smith said that the male had been shouting he was the Messiah and that he had killed someone, the court heard. 

Ten minutes after their arrival at the police station the news was received that Dalian Atkinson had died.  

Atkinson loaded into ambulance with handcuffs on because officers thought he was ‘feigning illness’

Dalian Atkinson was loaded into the ambulance with his hands cuffed behind his back because police officers believed he was feigning illness, the court heard. 

During the six-minute journey to the hospital, the paramedics requested the handcuffs were removed in order to treat their patient. 

Officers then removed the handcuffs. 

When Atkinson arrived at hospital, he was still breathing, but he then went into cardiac arrest. 

He was pronounced dead at 2.44am

The two accused. The dead man had the Benjamin’s boot imprint on his forehead. He was handcuffed in the ambulance because officers believed him to be feigning illness after being tasered 3 times for 30 seconds longer than allowed by the rules, and kicking him in the head several times , after which Benjamin’s officer girlfriend set about hitting him with her baton while he was laying on the ground.
Benjamin said they were afraid he was going to get up and attack them . He said they had already run away from him once. Robert Cook

Comment This story gets ever more incredible.  Robert Cook

Fools Paradise June 3rd 2021

Africa has serious cultural issues. This block on criticism and comment in the name of equality and anti racism will simply exacerbate & export the problems. The ruling global elite are either stupid or see personal gain for their class in this attitude.
Patronising Tory Caroline Nokes wants it all to be seen as men oppressing women and whites oppressing blacks. We mustn’t see the class exploitation , profiteering and overpopulation issues. So many views are now criminalised by the elite consensus. Robert Cook

Led by the former Tory cabinet minister and chief whip Andrew Mitchell, who has been rallying against the cuts, the rebel MPs said they were “confident” of having the numbers to overturn the prime minister’s healthy Commons majority.

The amendment signed by 18 MPs — including 14 Conservatives — boasts other senior figures such as former cabinet ministers David Davis and Jeremy Hunt, alongside the chair of the international development committee, Sarah Champion.

It comes amid intense criticism of the government’s decision last year to flout the Conservative general election manifesto pledge and move to slash overseas aid spending from 0.7 per cent of national income to 0.5 per cent.

Ministers have insisted the cut — estimated to be around £4 billion — is only a temporary measure due to the economic fallout of the Covid pandemic, but have refused to test support in a Commons vote, or outline any timeframe for the budget to be restored.

The risk of an embarrassing defeat for the government over its decision to cut aid for some of the poorest and unstable areas of the globe could come just days before the prime minister hosts leaders from the G7 nations, including US president Joe Biden.

Mr Mitchell has tabled an amendment to the Advanced Research and Invention Agency (Aria) Bill, a piece of legislation which establishes a new “high-risk, high-reward” research agency backed with £800 million of taxpayers’ cash to explore new ideas.

The explanatory note of the amendment says: “This new clause is intended to reaffirm the duty in the International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Act 2015 for UK official development assistance (ODA) to amount to 0.7 per cent of gross national income each year. It will require Aria to make up any shortfall in that proportion from January 2022”.

It will be up to speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle to decide whether the amendment is selected for consideration when the Bill returns to the Commons for further consideration on 7 June.

Tobias Ellwood — the Conservative chair of the Commons Defence Committee who has signed the amendment — described the government’s cut as “devastating” on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

Asked about the size of the rebellion, he said: “We need the number 45 [to defeat gov] and at the moment I’m confident – quietly, cautiously confident – that we’re going to get that number”. So I do hope the government will recognise where we want to go and why we want to do this.”

“Next week at the G7 summit, members will address the simple question: is our world becoming more dangerous, or less?” he said.

“With growing authoritarianism, extremism extending beyond the Middle East, climate change creating a raft of new challenges, and of course so many countries holding out for help to tackle the pandemic, I think the answer is pretty clear indeed”.

He added: “And yet here were are holding this summit to address these very issues, but choosing to cut the aid budget — the one G7 nation to do so. As a leading western nation would must remain an exemplar in helping shape the world around us. Retaining that aid budget is absolutely in the spirit of Global Britain.”

Opposition parties, including Labour and the Liberal Democrats, have severely criticised the cut in funding for overseas aid and are almost certain to back the amendment, if it is selected next week.

Lisa Nandy, the shadow foreign secretary, told The Independent: “As the eyes of the world turn to Britain ahead of next week’s G7 Summit in Cornwall, the government faces defeat over its short-sighted and self-defeating decision to cut foreign aid. At the very moment our international partners are stepping up to lead the global response to the pandemic, the Tories are in retreat.

“Parliament is ready to do the right thing and vote to reverse these ill-judged cuts – will the government do the same?”

Caroline Nokes — another former Tory minister backing the amendment — told ITV’s Peston programme: “It’s taken quite a lot of manoeuvring to find an opportunity to actually have a vote on this. I feel really strongly that we legislated for the 0.7 per cent commitment and the cuts are affecting women and girls.

“I am chair of the Women and Equalities Select Committee, the cuts of 85 per cent to family planning, the cuts to girls’ education – what we know from that is that if girls are not educated they won’t be empowered, they won’t be empowered if they are pregnant too early.

“Women will die because of these cuts to family planning so I have joined forces with colleagues to make sure we can have a vote on it and I will be voting to keep that 0.7 per cent.”

Six asylum seekers who brought a legal challenge against “appalling” conditions at a disused army barracks have won their High Court action against the Home Office.

The group housed at Napier Barracks in Kent had claimed the facilities were “inhumane” and “unsafe”.

The court found the accommodation was “inadequate” for asylum seekers, that the Home Office’s process for selecting people to be accommodated at the barracks was “flawed and unlawful”, and that residents there were unlawfully detained under “purported COVID rules”.

Comment The very last purpose foreign aid has ever served is defeat poverty, The comment from Caroline Nokes is typical of the white upper middle class feminists in politics. They are fixated with the concept of female empowerment as the solution to the all the world’s problems.

History is being re written. The West’s white working class slaves are far less valuable. They are not allowed a racial identity. To claim one is to be racists against balcks. All blacks are seen as victims . They are portrayed as equally downtrodden. The left wing liberal view is that the nice black people were living in harmony with each other and nature, when the nasty white people arrived to take them away to the Americas for work as slaves..

The reality was very different . Black dynasties grew richer and more powerful off the sale of fellow blacks. The liberals and BLM don’t want to talk about this.

The problem is that the British and other European imperialists left behind ruthless dictators who shared exploitation of vast resources with big business interests. Their black masses were left to religion and to poverty, consequent overpopulation encouraged by religious delusion and hopes for a wonderful afterlife.

The only afterlife young black Africans can hope for is escape to the western industrial world. Some fans of foreign aid see cutting it as making the flow of migrants and so called asylum seekers greater. The European elite condemn all arguments against them. The aid industry is headed up by people on six figure salaries. The aid industry is not about progressing the poor. It is about guaranteeing the profits of global elites and their corporations.

We will hear some impressive moralising from Britain’s political elite in the House of Commons today. They will say fine words and virtue signal, with no mention of the ugly truth. Tribal hierarchies and in fighting opened the door to the slave trade. It is very much the same today.

Talking about the past is a very clever diversion for the ignorant black masses to rise up against and ultimately for poor whites to rebel against.. The elite do not care. The symbolic removal of slave statues is cover for the new and ongoing slavery. This argument about a tiny cut in foreign aid is more diversion.

Foreign aid is like urinating money into a bucket with a hole in the bottom , connected to a pipe leading to the rich dictator’s home. Senegal recently bought their leader a new state of the art Airbus because the old one had been left idle and wouldn’t work. That is a metaphor for African leaders. Robert Cook

These People Don’t Know What They Have Done Or What They Are Doing . June 2nd 2021

The government’s education catch-up chief has resigned after seeing his proposals for a £15bn programme rejected by the government.

Sources close to Sir Kevan Collins said he was dismayed that his long-awaited proposals were watered down to a £1.4bn offer for schools in England, announced by the Department for Education on Wednesday.

In a resignation letter to the prime minister, he said there was no doubt about the size of the recovery challenge. “Without a comprehensive and urgent response, we risk failing hundreds of thousands of pupils,” he wrote.

“The package of measures announced today provides valuable support, including important investment in teaching quality and tutoring. However … I do not believe it is credible that a successful recovery can be achieved with a programme of support of this size.”

The education recovery commissioner, who was appointed in February to oversee catch-up plans in schools in England following the pandemic, is understood to have told the government that a vastly bigger sum in the region of £15bn would be required to meet the needs of pupils who have lost months of learning due to Covid disruption.

A former teacher who went on to be the director of children’s services and chief executive in Tower Hamlets, east London, Collins signalled his disappointment at the limited scale of the government’s latest catch-up offer in the Department for Education’s announcement earlier on Tuesday.

“Supporting every child to get back on track will require a sustained and comprehensive programme of support,” he said. “The investments in teaching quality and tutoring announced today offer evidence-based support to a significant number of our children and teachers. But more will be needed to meet the scale of the challenge.”

Comment These people had no idea what they were doing when they started all of this , deliberately exaggerating and distorting the Covid threat to a society already seriously fragmented – and rather humorously described as ‘diverse and inclusive.’

They have no idea what they have done , how to fix it or get their desired new normal. But at least this elite have made a lot of money out of it and do not want to stop the bandwagon or face up to real underlying issues like mass immigration and an increasingly violent world overpopulating with only religion for hope.

These people are the sort of arrogant know alls I went to university with back in the elitist days. They thought they knew it all then and were always off down to London to protest. They still think they know it all and can’t abide protests which is why they like the police – people they apparently detested in student youth days.

These money grabbing hypocrites are very dangerous. All they have to do is frighten us with ‘the science’ . Easily done in a nation of conceited people with toilet paper degrees , student debt and lucky to have jobs in call centre. Robert Cook

Boris Johnson Has Seen Nothing. June 2nd 2021

Boris Johnson has seen “nothing in the data” to mean the 21 June easing of lockdown measures can’t go ahead – although he said there was a need to wait “a little bit longer” for a firm decision.

The fourth and final stage of the prime minister’s roadmap for easing coronavirus rules – dubbed “freedom day” and when the government aims to remove all legal limits on social contact – is scheduled to take place in less than three weeks.

But, in recent days, Mr Johnson has faced growing calls from scientists to delay the full lifting of restrictions due to the spread of the Indian variant of coronavirus, which is believed to be more transmissible, within the UK.

Speaking in Downing Street on Wednesday, the prime minister appeared positive about the prospects of his roadmap remaining on track for 21 June.

Yet he stressed a need to be “cautious” due to “ambiguous” data on how successful the UK’s vaccine programme would be in combatting a new surge in infections.

“I can see nothing in the data at the moment that means we can’t go ahead with step four of the opening on 21 June,” he said.

“But we’ve got to be so cautious because there’s no question the ONS (Office for National Statistics) data of infection rates is showing an increase.

“We always knew that was going to happen. Don’t forget we always said the unlocking steps that we’ve take would lead to increases in infection,

“What we need to work out is to what extent the vaccination programme has protected enough of us – particularly the elderly and vulnerable – against a new surge.

“There, I’m afraid, the data is just still ambiguous and so every day we’re having long sessions where we’re interrogating all the data, we’re looking at all the various models.

“And the best the scientists can say at the moment, in their guidance to us, is that we just need to give it a little bit longer.”

Comment There is nothing democratic about a country where ‘scientists’ and senior police officers make key decisions. It is the hallmark of fascism. Science is a methodology , not an absolute body of knowledge.

There never was any science to justify lockdown , which were no cases of flu this year. the average person does not know the difference between the maths of epidemiology , which uses maths to predict virus spread. It is a very selective and easily biased process, omitting high risk BAME areas to make it look as if everyone is at risk , for example – and ignoring the issue of open door population movements which is why we now have the Indian variant. Epidemiology is meant to be about controlling disease , not peoples minds through fear.

The much more objective Virology on the other hand, is the scientific study of viruses – submicroscopic, parasitic organisms of genetic material contained in a protein coat – and virus-like agents.

Virology focuses on the following aspects of viruses: their structure, classification and evolution, their ways to infect and exploit host cells for reproduction, their interaction with host organism physiology and immunity, the diseases they cause, the techniques to isolate and culture them, and their use in research and therapy. Some scientists and politicians have argued that Covid’s unique structure indicates human interference, deliberate or by accident in a Chines , British or U.S Bio weapons lab.

Hence the worldwide official response moved from calm routine to absolute panic , in spite of the indicators that Covid was no more transmissible or deadly than flu, – the latter virus seemingly having disappeared. As with flu , poor ,BAME and elderly have been at highest risk. Virology is a subfield of microbiology. Robert Cook

Fakism June 2nd 2021


Un sackable top cops and politicians in Police State Britain.

The Metropolitan Police is “institutionally racist”, one of Britain’s most senior female Asian officers has claimed.

Former Chief Superintendent Parm Sandhu claims there is a “core” of Met officers who are racist and in positions of power.

Ms Sandhu alleges that when she told Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick in 2019 that the force had “gone backwards” and is “not a safe environment for black and Asian officers”, she “turned her back and just walked off”.

“I think that she’s so far removed from reality, so far removed from real operational policing, she doesn’t know anymore,” said Ms Sandhu.

“She either doesn’t know, or she chooses to ignore it, institutional racism exists in the Metropolitan Police, and it’s alive and kicking.

“As a leader, as a manager, if a member of my staff had said that to me, I would have had them in my office and said: Why do you feel that way? What can I do to make it better for other people? She didn’t have the courage to do that.

“In the 189 years of the Metropolitan Police Service existing, there has only been one woman of colour who has achieved the rank of Chief Superintendent, and that’s me. And that hasn’t changed. So in 120 years, there’s not one single black female who’s made it.”  

Ms Sandhu successfully sued Scotland Yard for racial discrimination. She lodged an employment tribunal case, claiming she was denied promotion and work opportunities due to her race and gender.

Last year she agreed a confidential settlement after she left the Met having been cleared of gross misconduct.

The Met said Dame Cressida’s record on issues of race and discrimination speaks for itself and she is deeply committed to building a service which reflects those it serves.

Comment  It is impossible for me not to repeat myself on the subject of the police and race. Firstly , the message that Muslims and Indians are not a different race to white people never takes root. Their image of being separate identities from whites comes from the fact that a high percentage globally, are poor and take refuge in a bigoted religion that does not move them in step with education and science. Nor does the culture of the British Police. For some odd reason we are supposed to believe that London’s Metropolitan Police is the benchmark for Britain and the world’s police – China , Saudi Arabia and Bahrain certainly admire it.

Britain’s elite and their media adore ‘isms’. They are powerful patronising and dangerous people. They were quick to jump on board the racists BLM movement which is now imploding as one of its U.S black female leaders has signed lucrative contracts with Hollywood and has the mansion to go with it.  

The impact of BLM on London streets has been to create ‘no go areas ’ , with one black gangster expressing his surprise that the police were not laying low after the George Floyd murder by a serving police officer.

There is no doubt that the ludicrous lockdown and attendant mass immigration has created an ever bigger need for a smokescreen.  

I came very close to joining the Metropolitan police on an accelerated graduate promotion scheme. But I could see what was coming so chose teaching instead , training at South London’s Goldsmiths College and getting my first teaching experience in that multi ethic area. The reality was poverty , high density multi ethnic areas and youth crime.

The year was 1978. One little young black fifteen year old boy , called Gladstone, told me he was not going to follow in his father’s footsteps as an electrician on the London Underground.  He said : ‘I am going to be a pimp.’ He was already running a shop lifting racket and behind homophobic hate crime towards a fellow young black – that is another sad story which will be covered in my new book.

The white teachers purveyed a culture bending over backwards to make excuses for black kids’ bad behaviour. Their patronising virtue signalling behaviour permeated the teaching culture, growing stronger over the 18 years of my teaching experience.

Teaching has a lot in common with policing , including bad self interested vain arrogant management promoting its own kind.

As a victim of serious police corruption and their 14 years of very serious conspiracy and harassment , including trying twice to have me sectioned for what I have had to say, I have no sympathy for them.  They are unaccountable. Focusing on harm done to blacks is a convenient smokescreen for them , the elite and media lackeys.

So it doesn’t surprise me that the woman in charge of London’s Metropolitan police , Cressida Dick , once again walked away from criticism , as mentioned above. Her incompetence and stupidity led to the death of an innocent 28 year old young Brazilian on July 22nd 2005 – for more see the South America page. Dick , the current Met Commissioner was the regional commander who gave the shoot to kill order and should have resigned. Instead , she was promoted in stages to the top job , with more milestones of failure and incompetence.

It had been decided that the top job had to go to a woman and it was her or Sara Thornton. The British police tail is wagging the dog in the British world of Fakism. Cover ups, as we have seen with the Hillsborough latest , are what the police excel in.

One cannot expect an equally smug patronising ismistic British Parliament to do anything about it. More injustice is inevitable. Policing is not conducive to attracting or keeping good officers getting anywhere. A Thames Valley Police officer told me three years ago that if I had gone ahead and joined the police , ‘they would have soon weeded you out.’ What does that tell you about him and his friends. Positive discrimination in the recruitment process is not going to improve this situation in an increasingly fragmented society where problems and policing issues will become ever more difficult , with casualties on both sides.

The senior officer who locked himself in his car during the London Bridge Terror attacks, is a metaphor for the over promoted fat cat privileged cosseted over paid corrupt senior management. They will never take responsibility but won’t hesitate to sacrifice the troops.

The curious case of Sarah Everard and the officer who flashed more than his blues and twos or warrant card before becoming number one suspect in the murder, became the clarion call for more action and curfews to control men, rather than make an issue of how such a person passed the close scrutiny for the diplomatic squad. I would not be surprised if this man’s trial is held in camera with reporting restrictions. That is British Democracy in the last analysis. We urgently need an anti fakism movement before anything else can progress.  Robert Cook

Four arrested at Dover anti-immigration protest June 1st 2021

Clea Skopeliti

About 60 people gathered in the town centre and along the sea front on Saturday, Kent police said.

Two were arrested on suspicion of public order offences and two on suspicion of obstructing the highway, the force said in a statement.

The protest, which is understood to have dispersed by about 3.30pm, led to traffic disruption, with lorries forced to line up along the A20 as people blocked the route. Many protesters were carrying England flags, and some set off red flares as they marched towards the town amid a heavy police presence.

The MP for Dover, Natalie Elphicke, condemned the incident at the port, saying the protesters were “not welcome in Dover”.

Elphicke tweeted: “It’s time to stop the small boat crossings but today’s protesters are not welcome in Dover. There’s no excuse for their disruption to trade and to our town. Time and again we see that the protesters’ day out causes direct damage to someone else’s livelihood, tourism, business and trade. That’s not right or fair.”a group of people in uniform: Protesters at an anti-immigration demonstration in Dover on Saturday. © Photograph: Andrew Matthews/PA Protesters at an anti-immigration demonstration in Dover on Saturday.

The Conservative MP said Kent police had had a “challenging year”, listing border issues, policing during the pandemic and the killing of PCSO Julia James. She added: “They deserved a proper bank holiday break this weekend – not being sworn at by loud-mouthed protesters.”

Dover has frequently been targeted by anti-immigration protests in recent years, with 10 arrested last September in an anti-migrant demonstration at the port. The protest was attended by far-right supporters, white nationalists and neo-Nazis.

In 2016, demonstrators from the National Front and the rightwing South East Alliance descended on the port town to protest against the arrival of immigrants.

While the home secretary, Priti Patel, has spent £33.6m on border controls in Calais and announced plans to crack down on smugglers, asylum seekers have spoken about how tighter border controls help smugglers become ever more powerful. People smuggling has became increasingly lucrative as security between the UK and Calais has increased.

Maya Konforti, secretary of L’Auberge des Migrants, said: “For years and years now it’s the same story on repeat: one way is blocked and another appears. Smugglers just keep outsmarting security.”

The number of people crossing the Channel has almost doubled so far in 2021, with more than 3,100 reaching the UK coast.

Right is Wrong June 1st 2021

Far Right protesters in Aylesbury Bucks , June 1st 2021

More than a dozen members of the armed forces have been referred to the UK’s counter-terrorism programme, according to new figures.

Ministry of Defence (MoD) data shows that in 2019, a total of 14 investigations into serving military personnel were conducted, with 11 of those sparked by far-right concerns. There were fewer than 10 investigations the following year and “less than five” so far in 2021, according to information revealed under a Freedom of Information request.

The MoD failed to give a precise breakdown, meaning the number could be even higher. Referrals to Prevent are made when there are concerns that an individual is at risk of becoming involved in terrorist activity.

Piss’ng in the Wind June 1st 2021

Britain went out of its way to exaggerate Covid . the covid related trick causing fear and panic, with an apparent case rate 10 times , per capita of India, It was a great way of covering for NHS serious shortcomings and overwhelming BAME demand. Now we have the Indian variant with more nonsense about vaccines and lockdowns.

The government is under increasing pressure to delay the lifting of final lockdown restrictions – although a minister has said ramping up the COVID jabs programme could keep England’s roadmap on track.

Stage four of Boris Johnson’s roadmap for easing coronavirus rules – when the prime minister aims to remove all legal limits on social contact – is scheduled to take place from 21 June.

But there is growing doubt over whether the prime minister will be able to keep to that date due to the growing impact of the Indian variant of coronavirus in the UK.

Some scientists advising the government have urged Mr Johnson to delay the planned full reopening on 21 June, while the doctors’ union has warned against the “premature ending” of restrictions.