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January 5th 2022
UK Border Force could strike over Channel pushback plan
Nicola Slawson
Plan B ‘taking edge off’ Omicron but more than 20 NHS trusts on highest alertRyan Reynolds and Blake Lively’s generous donation after couple’s…
Border Force officials could strike over Priti Patel’s “morally reprehensible” plans to turn back dinghies in the Channel, a union has said.
Read More UK Border Force could strike over Channel pushback plan (
U.K Border Farce Continues.
Comment The phrase ‘morally reprehensible’ is the sort of vacuous cliche one has come to expect from the dominant comfortable chattering classes, including job secure well paid public servants The Border Force would be more aptly named The Border Farce.
These people have a job they well are paid to do. It is bad enough having a corrupt nationwide police forced acting as judge , jury and mental health consultants, along with Covid chaos.
The cost of accommodating and caring for the average migrant is over £100,000 a year. If they are genuine refugees, which most are not – if Rowling can call all transsexuals aspiring rapists, I don’t see why liberal free speech lovers can object to me pointing this out – then they would stop in the first safe country. They are not refugees, as many admit they are coming to be with family and for a better life.
Well, with Britain’s Covid lockdown and Brexit lunacy having spiked inflation and record homelessness, what is morally reprehensible is not looking after these indigenous people first – but to say that is judged as racist.
It is also morally reprehensible when grown men put their wives , girlfriends and children at risk by taking to the Channel crowded in flimsy rubber boats in all weathers.
If the Border Farce, wish to continue acting as an advocacy group for illegal immigration , which is massively associated with London’s rising gang crime, then they should not have the opportunity to strike. They are not doing the job they are paid for. They are luring migrants into the Channel. They have no obvious intention of protecting U.K borders so are not worth the money. They are in breach of contract and if they were in the private sector they would quite correctly be sacked on the spot. How could they be missed on strike if they are already not doing their job ?
It is no wonder lower class people, especially whites, are alienated from the political system. It is also very sad that they believed all the drivel about getting their country back. All they have achieved is the continued use of the far from perfect EU as a scapegoat for the British multi racial elite to hide behind, as waves of cheap other worldly cheap labour flow in , much to the satisfaction of sweatshops and mosques. The lower orders pay the extra taxes and are increasingly facing the winter choice of whether to ‘ eat or heat.’
R J Cook
NHS group in Norfolk declares critical incident after coming ‘under unprecedented pressure’
Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group has declared a critical incident with services currently “under unprecedented pressure” amid surging COVID cases across the country.
Comment If this madness continues our socio economic system will collapse. The focus on Covid as the only challenge that matters is either a giant smokescreen or testament to the quality of modern politicians, the mania of the elite and the vain OCD limitations of so called experts who just cannot think outside of the box- and are enjoying their honours and self importance.
There are home truths these people can’t or don’t want to understand. The WHO inevitably deny links between Third World population growth and mass migration into the developed world to escape war – often caused by western elites – and poverty for a better life.
Whether they be Catholics from Latin America, migrating north to the U.S, or Muslims heading into Europe and U.K from Africa and the Middle East, the problem is that they still adhere to the Bible or Koran and believe it God’s will that they should ‘go forth and multiply.’
One of the first things little Greta had been coached to say on the matter of climate change, was ‘It has nothing to do with overpopulation.’ I am afraid that is a lie. As the Third World moves into the west and Russia is pressurised to behave as welcomingly and stupidly as the West, the massive population growth goes global. The consequences are incessant. Migrants want a better life, but their religion comes with them and conflicts with the more rational secular societies people have struggled for ever since the Crusades. It is that secular society that has produced the goods the migrants want.
Conversation on these matters is forbidden. The likes of J K Rowling only want their views spoken. All else is hate, but theirs isn’t. Rev Thomas Malthus is treated as an irrelevant relic from Victorian times. However, his prediction that population would outstrip food production only to be reduced by war , famine and disease, has come true.
The Industrial Revolution , according to reputable academics, came about because of England’s breach with Roman Catholic political tyranny in 1536. Catholicism and Islam have much in common. Poverty and ignorance is rife where these faiths rule. BAME communities have lifestyles and population densities where the likes of Covid thrives. Old people, like me , are also susceptible, unless , like me, oldies have not taken too much alcohol, smoked or neglected to exercise. To give these groups hospital priority, rather than challenge their lifestyles, allowing them to self isolate, will impoverish our society and economy to the extent that mental illness and other ailments will become more significant than Covid.
Covid figures are deliberately alarmist. Instead of deaths, we hear of rising cases, and deaths within 28 days of the endless testing. This is leading to pinging, shutting down education and strangling the supply change. Decisions to enforce on off and ever tighter lockdown type measures, more pointless vaccinations profiting vested interests, pleasing media luvvies who always get their high pay and mask wearing , is the road to social collapse and who knows what else. R J Cook

PM faces Commons showdown after rejecting calls to abandon Plan B
MPs are returning to Westminster after their Christmas break and plunging straight into a potentially fiery Prime Minister’s Questions and a Commons showdown over COVID-19.
Besides the latest crisis over Omicron, Boris Johnson and Sir Keir Starmer are poised to clash over soaring energy bills, investigations into Downing Street parties, and the PM’s flat makeover.
And immediately after the leaders’ first confrontation of the New Year, Health Secretary Sajid Javid will face a lengthy and tough interrogation from MPs on the government’s latest COVID strategy.
MPs will want to challenge Mr Javid on NHS staff absences, the controversial issue of masks in schools, shortages of COVID test kits, and demands from doctors and health chiefs for tougher curbs.
Read More PM faces Commons showdown after rejecting calls to abandon Plan B (
Comment The elite, elite media, appalling greedy NHS vested interests wanting more money, and chattering classes are setting the agenda. The essence of this problem must not be discussed. Its’ alleged solutions are impossible and mere smokescreen. As a problem, it is just what those in charge of moronic multi culture ordered, because only the ruling class culture matters – hence police won’t touch Boris & Co for rule breaches. Adding insult to injury these people call it democracy, claim to protect us and imply we voted for it by majority. It is a reign of fear and tyrant’s heaven, at all levels of tyranny. R J Cook

Brexiteer Edwina Currie roasted for failing to come up with tangible benefits of Brexit
Ellie Abraham
Brexiteer Edwina Currie has been criticised for being unable to name any tangible benefits from Brexit during a radio interview.
Read more Brexiteer Edwina Currie roasted for failing to come up with tangible benefits of Brexit (
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest On Steroids by R J Cook
Comment This won’t be the first time Thatcher’s one time sexiest Cabinet Minister and Sir John Major’s ‘favourite’ has got egg on her face. She famously told a Sunday morning politics show that ‘Everyone knows British eggs have salmonella.’ Egg farmers were devastated.
So here she goes again. As a novelist story teller, her lines were no better. I bought one of her books, where the cover showed a shapely pair of women’s legs beautifully adorned in seamed black stockings. Things in real life are rarely what they seem. She teased another chat show about whether or not she wore lavish and outrageously expensive Janet Reiger satin & lace lingerie. Perhaps that is what did it for John Major whose wife was portrayed on ‘Spitting Image’ satire show as very dull with a very normal Norma name.
Perhaps Edwina can curry favour with the masses by writing a sexy novel about corruption in the European Union, where it is led astray by a glamorous expensively dressed well spoken woman, like Ursula von der Leyen and the James Bond villain lookalike Ms Merkel. I am sure Currie could come up with a plot to justify her notion that Brexit is best. Europe undoubtedly needs reform, but Britain’s elite never wanted that.
They are enjoying life on the outside, where little Britain will increasingly feel the punch and deadening effect of the elite’s iron fist. Meanwhile Europe flounders, spitefully creating an energy crisis with Russia – aided by U.K secret services and subterfuge – because they want Ukraine and Russian regime change. Freezing their masses is one way to get support.
No shortage of plot lines here if one can get past PC obsessions and smokescreens about Covid crippling lockdown, clapping the NHS, feminism, protecting Islam , BLM and LGBTQI. Speaking as a victimised transsexual – victimised for Police State political reasons- I think trans people should enjoy realising their true gender and get on with making a less sectional more useful approach to life on earth ( setting an example to lavatory obsessed feminists like J K Rowling ) which will soon not be worth living for most of us.
The system, as they proved by making my sex change surgery conditional on accepting powerful anti psychotic drugs for alleged paranoia, bi polarism, schizophrenia and long time alcohol dependency. They write the fake records. The world of ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ is now on steroids. The lunatics are in charge of the asylum, as the saying goes. Currie’s contribution is yet more of the intentionally mind numbing nonsense. As for Covid, I will comment again later as the nightmare conveniently goes on toward another full lockdown. R J Cook

January 4th 2021
When is Boris Johnson’s next announcement? What time Covid update is today ahead of Plan B rules review.
David Hughes
Boris Johnson has not ‘earned’ a knighthood – Sir Keir StarmerThe late Harry Potter actress who was meant to play Bellatrix Lestrange instead…
England’s Plan B Covid restrictions are being reviewed this week, three weeks after they were announced in response to the spread of the new Omicron variant.
While Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all tightened measures immediately after Christmas amid rising coronavirus case rates, Boris Johnson has so far resisted announcing new rules.
Instead, the Prime Minister urged people in England to celebrate New Year’s Eve in a “cautious and sensible way”, ahead of the review in the first week of January.
No matter how awful Boris Johnson may be, he is not running this country and has to do as he is told on Covid. There is no evidence that any measures will stop new variants or their spread. Stupid people demand more pay for NHS staff as if that will cut absenteeism or make them take the vaccine the rest of us are told we must have.
We live in an age of censorship so cannot be truly scientific about risk and spread factors because it might seem racist. The NHS is dysfunctional , riddled and replete with vested interests. The review is a foregone conclusion. The social and economic costs, let alone other health issues don’t matter. The cost of the inevitable lockdown, exacerbated by ongoing economic migrants, will fall on those with the least money. The rich will have more room to move and profits made.
There is nothing really scientific about the weird world of Sir Chris Witty and Dame Susan Harries . Her ‘Health Security’ supremo title is frightening and redolent of Germany in the 1930. The fact that the latter is ‘.COVID on death certificates is great cover. Lockdowns are great obstacles to observational journalism. DNR is creeping into the NHS.
Boris must do as the rich man’s media and ‘the scientists’ tell him, or he will be blamed for anyone who dies with Covid – no one dies from just Covid. The 28 day rule for positive tests is not scientific, but that is life in the New Ever Expanding Third World. R J Cook
Jeremy Corbyn ‘preferred choice for Labour leader’ in Red Wall seats
He is tied along with shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper according to a survey by DeltaPoll released over the weekend.
by Jack Peat
Jeremy Corbyn has been named as the preferred choice for Labour leader in critical Red Wall seats, according to new polling.
Read More Jeremy Corbyn ‘preferred choice for Labour leader’ in Red Wall seats (
Comment Mainstream political pundits have an interest in obfuscating politics. Very few vote for idealistic reasons. Given the character, performance and hypocrisy of mainstream politicians there would be no point.
Starmer got his knighthood for heading a corrupt target driven Crown Prosecution Service notorious after exposure for withholding crucial evidence, enabling corrupt police to maximise convictions of mainly working class men. He is no worthy flag bearer for the working classes.
People my age recall days of Labour and Tory representing two sides of the working world and associated social interests. Immigrants were expected to integrate and take their place in this order. The elite have seen little change to their structure, except for ever increased wealth. The white working classes have been marginalised , labelled chav racists, while the native blacks are persuaded to identify as Africans in a multi cultural Nirvana , where African migrants must never be associated with knife crime gangs.
Our current politicians, with their leaders being their worst kind, offer only illusion and the rich pull the strings. Corbyn was and and still is , like his brother, rather too sincere. Nothing will break this down spiral into dizzying chaos. We are beyond hope. Still it would be nice to see a little resistance to this vile clique. R J Cook
We’re still paying the price for Tony Blair’s vanity, greed and folly
Covid live news: US sets global record of 1m daily cases; Delhi imposes…Must-watch romantic comedies from the 2000s
Back in 1997, at his first audience with the Queen as prime minister, Tony Blair was left in no doubt on who was in charge. The Queen politely informed him: ‘You are my tenth prime minister, Mr Blair. Winston was my first and that was before you were born.’
Just a few months later, following the death of Princess Diana, and it was Blair who was posing as the ‘saviour of the monarchy’ for having persuaded the reluctant Queen to return to London from Balmoral to pay a public tribute to the ‘People’s Princess’.
Read More We’re still paying the price for Tony Blair’s vanity, greed and folly (
Covid live news: US sets global record of 1m daily cases; staff absence causing crisis say NHS trusts
Jedidajah Otte and Samantha Lock
Marco Pierre White on his BBC Maestro course: ‘Going vegan for nine months…Eminem bought a Bored Ape NFT resembling him for £334,000
More than 1 million people in the US were diagnosed with Covid on Monday; NHS trusts in England issued alerts as fears grow vital care will be compromised by workforce absence.
Comment Britain is rapidly becoming a Third World country. The key issues behind this Covid Crisis are off limits in this age of Assange and the ludicrous patronising ruling elite claim that this is a democracy. R J Cook

Exclusive: More than 400 churches close in a decade amid ‘shocking’ threat to parishes
Gabriella Swerling, Ben Butcher
Plan B is working, says minister despite NHS trusts declaring critical incidentsMissing in action: this season’s most overlooked movie performances
More than 400 churches have been shut down in less than a decade, The Telegraph can reveal, as senior clergy warn of the “shocking” threat to parishes as “the bedrock of the Church of England”.
Read More Exclusive: More than 400 churches close in a decade amid ‘shocking’ threat to parishes (
Bringing Back God by R J Cook
Comment Christianity is not the dominant religion in the U.K. The Church of England has , quite correctly, been seen as an arm of the State , itself increasingly terrifying , hypocritical ,tyrannical and remote.
Anyone who wants to track the Church of England’s decline should read a series of fact based novels by the brilliant writer Susan Howatch, starting with Glamorous Powers.
As head of religious education at a large secondary school , it was my job to present a curriculum covering all the great religions and connections. The school had a rapidly growing devout Muslim population and I was chastised for carrying a copy of Rushdie’s ‘Satanic Verses.’ Muslim pupils had reported back to parents who complained.
Historically, Islam and Christianity have established their authority by the sword, not by demonstrating truth. There is no tolerance for Christianity or atheism across the Islamic Middle East and Islamic Africa. The British and European authorities have cowered before the Islamic migrants, apparently for fear of causing offence and to demonstrate their liberal superiority with all its fake tolerance.
They see it as a way of bringing back the religious distraction that encouraged the nineteenth century industrial masses into obedient conformity, slaving in factories, coal mines and other work places where they were exploited for profit. Islam is an ideal way of setting the clock back – along with indoctrination into fighting rich peoples’ wars, as of old..
The precise details of the religion do not matter. Official concern for the environment does not tolerate pointing the fingers at real problem areas – like religious and poverty driven overpopulation. This is the very essence of the problem and reason why carbon absorbing forests are being massively destroyed. Indigenous Brits see no reason for paying homage in churches , to their so called betters or God. The authorities are bankrupt of integrity , truth or honesty. They will do anything to bring back God.
R J Cook
BBC licence fee will be axed and replaced by government grant and subscription, John Whittingdale predicts
Adam Sherwin 23 hrs agoLike387 Comments|275
The BBC licence fee could be axed and replaced by a Government grant, with viewers paying a voluntary subscription for entertainment and sport, John Whittingdale has proposed.
Comment It is hard to believe that will happen any time soon as the BBC are essential state propogandists. This permeates everything they do, as with Channel 4, it permeates so called new drama and what passes for comedy. R J Cook
January 3rd 2022
People saying same thing as MP asks ex-teachers to invoke ‘blitz spirit’ & return to profession
The prize for the first Tory to mention the ‘Blitz Spirit in 2022 goes to…
by Joe Mellor2022-01-03 14:36in Education, News
Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi has been trying to encourage former teachers back to work.
It comes as headteachers have warned that staff shortages in the new term caused by teachers isolating because of positive lateral flow tests will be “challenging” for some schools and could lead to more pupils learning online.
Comment Can this corrupt country get any more absurd ? It isn’t just Covid nonsense and paranoia causing this problem. The job was becoming near impossible toward the end of my 18 years doing it. It is now, from what I have been told, a minefield. Teachers prefer getting paid to stay home. They are safer from school dangers there. Harm to the mass of lower class, especially those from the increasing numbers of one parent homes, is ever worsening, R J Cook
January 2nd 2022
Prince Andrew could face legal action despite agreement between Virginia Roberts Giuffre and Jeffrey Epstein
Victoria Ward
Australia news live update: NSW reports 20,794 Covid cases and four deaths as…Christina Aguilera reflects on ‘incredible’ achievements in 2021
A deal that Prince Andrew’s accuser made with Jeffrey Epstein does not explicitly rule out legal action against the royal, The Telegraph understands.© Kelvin Bruce On Tuesday, the Duke of York’s LA-based lawyer will try to persuade the judge, to throw the case out – Kelvin Bruce
The agreement Virginia Roberts Giuffre struck with convicted sex offender Epstein in 2009 will be made public by a New York judge on Monday.
It comes ahead of a critical court hearing on Tuesday, when Andrew Brettler, the Duke of York’s LA-based lawyer, will try to persuade Lewis Kaplan, the judge, to throw the case out.
Comment If Prince Andrew was a commoner he would be judged guilty before being proved guilty. I find him obnoxious and a profound reason as to why Britain should be a republic. British Royalty were major beneficiaries of slavery. If Liberals ant to dump statues of slave traders in the river, then dump Royalty. This guy whose brother said he wanted to be his lover’s Tampax , is an appalling individual who roams the world with a copper to watch over his every move. Why are poor white girls sold into sex slavery for disgusting so called aristocrats? R J Cook

Harmless’ big cats ‘scavenging for food like foxes’ in UK countryside
More people could come face to face with ‘harmless’ big cats in the British countryside as they have apparently become bolder after lockdown, an expert has claimed.
Sightings of the predators continue to be reported across the country, with the cats said to be scavenging for food ‘like foxes’.
Read More ‘Harmless’ big cats ‘scavenging for food like foxes’ in UK countryside (
New rules from TODAY threaten to wreak havoc on Britain
Dan Hastings
From January 1, importers will have to submit customs declarations for goods entering from the EU. Although imports from Ireland will be exempt, importers will also need to provide advance notice of any animals, food or plant products entering the country, sparking concern some smaller businesses may struggle to maintain stock levels. New rules of origin regulations will also be enforced, meaning British exporters to the EU must show their product qualifies for it to be exempt from tariffs.
Read More New rules from TODAY threaten to wreak havoc on Britain (
Prince Andrew suffers double setback from US judge in Epstein abuse case
Graig Graziosi

Duchess of Cambridge: Kate to enjoy ‘scaled down’ 40th birthday celebrations due…Stacey Jackson thankful for ‘second chance’
A US federal judge has blocked two attempts by Prince Andrew to derail the sex assault lawsuit that Virginia Giuffre has brought against him.
Read More Prince Andrew suffers double setback from US judge in Epstein abuse case (
Comment Britain has very serious high level endemic corruption, including an endemic problem in the police. It is high time these people were routed out and severely punished. The police like to say, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear – but that adage must never be applied to them, If Prince Andrew had sex with this young woman or any other, there would have been at least one ‘personal protection officer’ close by and in the know. He needs to be named. R J Cook
British businesses may ‘give up importing’ under new rules – Ex-Brexit boss warns
“This is what taking back control of our borders means”, Philip Rycroft said.
by Jack Peat2022-01-02 09:19in Business and Economics

A former senior civil servant in charge of Brexit planning has warned some British businesses may “give up importing” as a result of new rules implemented in the new year.
Read More British businesses may ‘give up importing’ under new Brexit rules (
Comment Britain will get the economic migrants, but not the goods. Well done City of London lover Boris & Co. R J Cook
January 1st 2022
Dazzled by R J Cook
Comment My early life alternated between a small North Bucks Market Town and Islington in North London. The most exciting aspects of my life in the former, was a Saturday afternoon trip to the toyshops in Aylesbury or Oxford Street in the latter. We had little money , and even less when my father died while I was approaching my 12th birthday.
My late mother often said. ‘We don’t have much money but we do see life.’ We accepted our place in life in a post war world where most of us could get on if we had talent and worked hard. I liked working hard , in sport, education and a variety of jobs from the age of 12. Britain’s great institutions , like Royalty and Parliament were inspirational to naïve people like me. I am ashamed to say that, although I went to an elite university, I had not the least inclination to join my radical student contemporaries on protests. I spent my vacations working on dangerous construction sites and was so dull, I joined the Civil Service.
From there I went to The Nitrate Corporation of Chile and back to University in London, before spending 18 years as a teacher and lecturer.
Thatcher had come to power and I sensed serious changes afoot. Having lived in London during the Firemen’s Strike and Dustman’s Strikes , her victory was no surprise. She appealed to a sense of patriotism, but there was something odd about her and her new version of conservatism. It was very much the opposite of conservative. Social divisions and economic hardship became normal for many.
Thatcher misled Galtieri into believing Argentina was clear to invade the Falkland Islands. She needed a patriotic war to distract from rising unemployment and social fallout. The sceptics and more caring members of her government were labelled ‘wets’ some resigning. I abandoned the Conservatives for Labour during the Miner’s Strike. I didn’t survive long because I questioned Arthur Scargill’s conduct in calling the miners out without a ballot -playing into Thatcher’s hands when coal stocks at power stations were at record levels. I was advised to join the Social Democrats. When I asked, a month later, why my subscriptions had not been collected, I was told that I had resigned.
Thatcher’s second war, backing her admirer Ronald Regan, was a big hit. They set Iraq up by telling them it wouldn’t matter if Saddam Hussein invaded the allegedly democratic oil rich little Kuwait. Iraq took the bait and was defeated by the Anglo U.S coalition.
The victors were wise enough not to topple Hussein, having achieved their objective of forcing up oil prices to benefit the rich. It was left to Tony Blair and George Bush Jnr to lead an illegal war , which Blair & Co justified with the big lie about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction that could wipe out London. Dr David Kelly was the U.N weapons inspector who exposed the lie – hounded by Blair’s New Labour and apparently committing suicide. Blair had led the Iraq war hysteria with lies that Hussein was responsible for 9/11. Ironically, after setting off a domino effect of wars across Middle East, he was appointed , after retiring from Parliament, the roles of Middle East Peace Envoy.
Along the way to this depressing situation, Princess Diana had an equally mysterious death in 1997. This followed some embarrassing revelations about Prince Charles’s adultery , including a leaked phone record that he would like to have been his lover’s Tampax. Diana went on to have affairs of her own, settling with a rich Muslim , hinting at being pregnant.
Add to this, Thatcher’s apparently dull successor John Major’s exposure as sexy Edwina Currie’s lover , and Britain was beings seen for what it is. Corruption wasn’t new, but this was an age of very intrusive press and moralising hypocrisy. I ceased to be Royalist. Subsequent events , especially with efforts to keep Prince Andrew above the law in respect of serious sexual allegations, have proved me right.
Therefore. I am disgusted by Blair’s knighthood and question why sports personalities who are in it for money and ego, should be honoured. It throws the whole antiquated process and privilege into doubt. The same goes for these honours being daubed out to police chiefs in an age of institutional feral unaccountable police and CPS corruption. As if that was not enough, Ministers , like Hancock and Johnson are shameless when exposed for breaking their own rules cum laws. The common folk are beginning to see them for what they are.
The revised nomenclature for the person in charge of health , is alarming to me. The title ‘Head of Health Security’ smacks of Orwell and ongoing police state control. Whitty & Harries are rewarded for questionable well paid services to health. The essence of the Covid Crisis is one of moving goal posts. The essence of health service response is failure, calls for more money, refusal to have the jabs we are being forced to and absolutely no evidence that it kills healthy people or that Covid measures, including testing, do anything but harm. What they do is ensure mass fear and obedience.
Britain has done much to remould Europe in its own image and for own its purposes. Distancing itself now from Europe, exploiting mass ignorance ensured by appalling tick box State Education, freeing the elite from the prospect of having the dubious City of London regulated. Honours and titles are awarded to symbolic individuals , like police chiefs and media folk. They dazzle like car headlights on full beam – they can see us underlings but you can’t see them. R J Cook

Professor Chris Whitty And Tony Blair Knighted In New Year’s Honours List
Dominic Smithers
Published 10:41, 01 January 2022 GMT
Professor Chris Whitty and Tony Blair have been knighted in the New Year’s Honours list.
The pair are two of a number of high profile figures to have been recognised, alongside the likes of Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, and Dr Jenny Harries, the chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency, who have been given a knighthood and a damehood, respectively.
Read More Professor Chris Whitty And Tony Blair Knighted In New Year’s Honours List (
Arise, Sir Tony: Blair knighted in New Years Honours list
Emma Raducanu, Adam Peaty and Daniel Craig have also been recognised in the annual honours list.

Former prime minister Tony Blair is to be knighted with the highest possible ranking, Buckingham Palace has said, in an announcement that coincides with the New Year Honours List.
Sir Tony, who held the keys to Number 10 between 1997 and 2007, is appointed a Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the oldest and most senior British Order of Chivalry.
The appointment, which is made by the Queen, has regularly been bestowed upon past prime ministers, with Sir John Major, Sir Tony’s predecessor, the last to receive the honour.
Read More Arise, Sir Tony: Blair knighted in New Years Honours list (
David Beckham’s leaked emails slamming New Year’s Honours as football icon snubbed again
Tom Blow
David Beckham was again snubbed in the New Year’s Honours list, despite reportedly being given the “all clear” to receive a knighthood.
The former England captain is widely regarded as a sir-in-waiting after enjoying a remarkable footballing career – both on and off the pitch.
Read More David Beckham’s leaked emails slamming New Year’s Honours as football icon snubbed again (
Does Jenny Harries really deserve a damehood?
Harry de Quetteville
Covid live: limits on freedom in UK ‘last resort’, says health secretary; India…Craig’s Bond exit, Indy and Tom Cruise: The showbiz year in pictures
What will you get at New Year? A damehood? Or a case of Covid? Many of us, suffering from the nation’s broken testing system, may have to put up with the latter. By contrast Jenny Harries, in charge of that system, is today rewarded with the former.© PA Dr Harries will protest that she is not to blame, that she inherited doddery Test and Trace from Baroness Dido Harding, and that shortages both of staff and tests are affecting everybody – PA
If she appears to be failing upwards, it would not be the first time. Last March, according to ex No 10 vizier Dominic Cummings, she helped frame a Covid policy which led to “total and utter chaos… So Whitehall has promoted her, obviously.”
Read More Does Jenny Harries really deserve a damehood? (
December 31st 2021

British citizens banned from French roads under new shock rule change
Luke Chillingsworth
The new driving law changes come after France tightened entry requirements due to a spread of the Omicron coronavirus variant. However, the update could be a hammer blow to dozens of UK citizens who may be unable to access their own properties in EU countries.
According to the new rule, the only way UK drivers can access French roads is if they also “hold French residency”.
Read More British citizens banned from French roads under new shock rule change (
Acceptable Bigotry
by Roberta Jane Cook.
Comment It is hard to be sympathetic to these people. They must be affluent to have homes on both sides of the Channel and, no doubt supporters of Draconian anti Covid laws and restrictions. The reality that Covid is endemic, not pandemic is an abstraction beyond those who enjoy being slaves to so called experts.
Over 50% of U.K voters chose to leave the EU. Most of those were working class, conscious that Europe had not eased their working class lives. Few realised that around 80% of Euro laws were British inspired, with British officials not interested in the other 20%, which included French intentions to pass laws to regulate corrupt finacial institutions, particularly threstening the greedy City of London.
So out comes windbag Johnson, the famous Churchill impersonator, full of drivel about making Britain free and stronger. The masses lapped it up. However, those comfortable Brits who had the best of both worlds are now feeling the pinch.
Britain’s elite oil wars caused the migration crisis, in tandem with U.S cousins. They overwhelmed Europe, wanting the flow across the channel, egged on by comfortable white liberals and media, because they need an endless supply of cheap labour. As a bonus, they get religion back to oppress and guilt the white underclass. To argue is to hate speak.
When J K Rowling, author of the toffy nosed and absurd Harry Potter drivel, preaches hate against vulnerable transsexuals, she is exercising her right to free speech. Say a word against Islam, TERF feminists or women in general and you are hate speaker. This an excuse for a society riddled with dangerous contradictions. Multi culture is a sham.
The only culture that counts is the elite’s. The rest are the worst examples of subculture , internecine and explosive. The elite are bound to defend Rowling because she is a key spokesperson for their hypocrisy. You are not supposed to notice or laugh at Rowling, the absurd gender and rape obsessed multi millionaire author of garbage, redolent of Britain’s average reading age. She is on record as saying that transsexuals assume female identity to get into ladies toilets to commit rape. That has never been known to happen, unlike Muslims and blacks raping and trafficking white women.
These white liberals will not legitimate that kind of free speech because it would upset and encourage racial violence. Equally, what would happen if I suggested that gays and lesbians should have special toilets in case they feel like committing sexual assault ?
One would not be allowed to assert that TERFS are FTM transsexuals. So why is picking on vulnerable transsexuals so acceptable ? I will write more about why the likes of Rowling think its good to vilify transsexuals in due course, on the Transaction page. Rowling is a typical liberal , with her vile long winded espousing of anti transsexual feminist obsessed socially acceptable bigotry. R J Cook

Prince Andrew’s accuser insists she is US resident and so lawsuit can continue
Classic cooking tips from Grandma we still use todayMaggie Gyllenhaal says Olivia Colman didn’t like to talk to her on The Lost…
Lawyers for the woman who has accused Prince Andrew of sexual assault have rejected claims her lawsuit against the royal cannot go ahead because she is not a US resident.
Prince Andrew’s accuser insists she is US resident and so lawsuit can continue (
December 30th 2021
Prince Andrew makes ‘unprecedented’ request for evidence in sex abuse case to be kept secret
Victoria Ward 15 hrs agoLike348 Comments|145
After a year of sloth, I’ve rediscovered the joy of immersing myself in a bookThe Best Comedy Movies To Watch On Netflix Right Now
The Duke of York has made an “unprecedented” request for all witness testimony taken in his sexual abuse case to be kept secret, it has emerged.© Max Mumby/Indigo Prince Andrew has made a request for all witness testimony to be kept secret in upcoming case brought by Virginia Giuffre – Max Mumby/Indigo
He wants depositions, including his own, to remain under seal, even if neither party declares the evidence confidential.
Rip-off Britain: How much does petrol cost around the world?
Jane Denton For Thisismoney
The eye-watering cost of filling up a vehicle with fuel in Britain has been revealed by new data showing how much motorists pay to fill up their tanks all over the world.
Motorists in Russia pay around 94p a litre less for their petrol than drivers in Britain, according to figures from FairFuelUK.
Howard Cox, founder of FairFuelUK, said: ‘Boris and Rishi’s head in the sand economic management of the fuel supply chain’s unchecked opportunistic profiteering [is] beggars belief.’
Read More Rip-off Britain: How much does petrol cost around the world? (
December 29th 2021
Tesco to begin UK’s first commercial use of fully electric HGVs
Gwyn Topham Transport correspondent
Tesco is to launch the first fully-electric HGVs to be used commercially in Britain to serve its distribution centre in Wales.
Read More Tesco to begin UK’s first commercial use of fully electric HGVs (
Vile West Mercia Police
18th November
West Mercia Police officer admits corruption over ‘sex with crime victims’
By James Connell @JamesConnell8Chief Reporter/Crime/court reporting
A POLICE constable who had been working for West Mercia Police has admitted corruption after attempting to engage in sexual relationships with three alleged female crime victims.
Rhett Wilson indicated guilty pleas to three charges of corrupt or improper exercise of police powers and privileges by a constable while working for West Mercia when he appeared before magistrates in Worcester on Thursday.
Read More West Mercia Police officer admits corruption over ‘sex with crime victims’ | Malvern Gazette
PC Ian Langford & Corrupt Police Officers in West Mercia Police Force
Mr MCJ Chambers made this Rhyddid Gwybodaeth request to West Mercia Police
This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.
Dilynwch 2 ddilynwr
Yn disgwyl am adolygiad mewnol gan West Mercia Police o’u triniaeth o’r cais hwn.Mr MCJ Chambers Delivered
Dear West Mercia Police,
I request to you that you provide details of the following corrupt police officer by the name of PC Ian Langford and explain why WMPF fails to report matters on their website.
1) Why was PC Langford dismissed from his position at WMPF.
2) How many times has PC Langford been reported for poor, verbal warnings, miss or gross conduct while working for WMPF.
3) Why is this information not reported on WMPF website in line with recommendations in the Home Affairs Committee – Sixteenth Report – Police and Crime Commissioners (26th March 2014) & the Normington report Home Affairs Committee – Eighteenth Report – Reform of the Police Federation to all Chief Constables in England as this asked for greater transparency.
West Mercia , A Feral Police Force.
West Mercia

Dalian Atkinson death: Pc’s conviction ‘does not draw a line under case’
West Mercia’s police and crime commissioner says the conviction of a serving police officer for the manslaughter of Dalian Atkinson cannot draw a line under the case. John Campion was speaking after Benjamin Monk, a West Mercia Police officer, was convicted of the manslaughter of the former Premier League star. A jury failed to reach […] […]

Dalian Atkinson death: Campaigner welcomes police officer’s conviction
Bishop Desmond Jadoo, of the Justice 4 All Coalition, said the organisation welcomed the conviction of West Mercia Police constable Benjamin Monk at Birmingham Crown Court. Mr Jadoo and friends of the retired sports star led a march and demonstration outside Telford’s Malinsgate Police Station after the incident happened five years ago. He said: “It […] […]

First officer convicted of manslaughter in modern era of policing
A police officer has been found guilty of the manslaughter of ex-Aston Villa striker Dalian Atkinson in what is believed to be the first time in recent history that officer has faced such a conviction. Atkinson, a 48-year-old black man, died on August 15 2016 following the use of force by police officers which included […] […]

Dalian Atkinson: jury discharged after failing to reach verdict on second PC
A jury has been discharged following its failure to reach a verdict on allegations that a police officer assaulted the former footballer Dalian Atkinson with a baton after he was felled by a stun gun on the night he died. The case against Mary Ellen Bettley-Smith, a West Mercia probationary constable, ended with a hung […] […]
Read More West Mercia Archives – Page 3 of 4 – UK Corrupt Police
Priti Patel’s ‘alarming’ asylum seeker plan , as will harm modern slavery victims claim watchdogs
Charles Hymas
Perrottet stands by decision to ease restrictions as NSW records 11,201 Covid cases…Jada Pinkett Smith ‘wants to be friends with alopecia’
Police efforts to root out modern slavery will be undermined by “alarming” plans by Priti Patel to put a time limit on victims’ asylum claims, say two senior independent watchdogs.
December 28th 2021
‘J.K. Rowling is my woman of the year’: Feminist fired for stance on trans rights
By Sara NathanDecember 18, 2021 4:00pm Updated

Read More ‘J.K. Rowling is woman of the year’: Feminist fired for trans view (
‘The Penised Individual’
– by R J Cook
Comment . I find the backlash against Rowling and the flocking feminists rushing to defend her most amusing. If one takes the view that transsexualism, and I dare not risk revealing my exact thoughts on this, is unnatural and insane, then one can offer an epistemology stating that feminism is equally unnatural and insane – the former in large part an outcome of the latter as young males rush to join the perceived superior sex that is immune from mortal sins and all known human vices.
I saw all this coming which is why I wrote my semi autobiographical novel, Man Maid Woman and the PC people did not like it. Nor did transsexuals because the heroine’s life raises questions about the origins and essence of transsexualism. Unfortunately, one will end up pleasing very few extremes because I am predominantly conservative in outlook.
However, I have no more time for radical transsexuals than extreme feminsits like Rowling. There are serious issues in Britain and the wider world. The main reason matters are getting worse is due to self centred individualism and an obsession with sexual identity – especially feminists because trans people are on the receiving end of prejudice and abuse made worse by the self obsessed feminazis like J K Rowling. People should be very concerned as to exactly where her brand of intolerance, which extends further afield is leading. More laws to protect women from criticism or raised voices is like forbidding alarm bells and loud orders on the sinking Titanic. The boat is still destined – or doomed – to sink.
I love how the cancel culture brigade think the rules only apply to them. They clamour for ever more rules and laws, with police to control language being used against their wishes and outside their rules. So if transsexuals wish to merge MTF transsexuals nomenclature with sis women, making it impossible to make distinctions, feminists don’t like it. Yet when it suits, they expect all conversation inside and out f the public domain to suit their restrictions purposes and priorities.
Rowling’s obsession with transsexuals lurking in ladies loos is hysterical. She had to be nuts to write Harry Potter (Potty ). I love how she twists Orwell with ‘ The penised individual who rapes you is a man.’ R J Cook
REVEALED: Peers claim £15million of UK taxpayers money over past year
“Taxpayers up and down the country will rightly feel aggrieved that their taxes are being spent – in ludicrous sums – on an undemocratic, outdated system,” Scotland’s ruling party has said.
by Andra Maciuca2021-12-28 13:04in News, Politics

Read More REVEALED: Peers claim £15million of UK taxpayers money over past year (
Sarah Ferguson snubbed by royal family on Christmas day—including her own daughters
Aoife Hanna
Women more likely to be affected by homelessness, charity saysMatthew McConaughey, Jared Leto and Reese Witherspoon lead tributes…
Sarah Ferguson was snubbed by the royal family on Christmas day, including her daughters and their families, as she spent the day alone three miles down the road at Royal Lodge.© Provided by Woman&Home Princess Eugenie, Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York and Princess Beatrice hold hands in the parade ring on day 4 of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 19, 2015 in Ascot, England.
Read More Sarah Ferguson snubbed by royal family on Christmas day—including her own daughters (
Comment British Royalty are utterly ruthless, which is why they are the Royal Family. R J Cook
Sturgeon’s Covid measures spectacularly backfire as Celtic fans storm football ground
Dylan Donnelly
Escape your comfort zone: I am terrified of driving – but behind the wheel I find…Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto and Reese Witherspoon lead tributes…© PA Sturgeon news: Celtic fans attempted to storm a game despite Covid rules
In a bid to curb the spread of the Omicron variant of coronavirus, Scotland brought in attendance caps in large venues from Boxing Day. In Scottish football stadiums, only 500 people are allowed to attend games, meaning thousands will miss out on matches.
On Boxing Day’s Scottish Premiership match with St Johnstone at McDiarmid Park, Celtic fans ended up in clashes with police.
Read More Sturgeon’s Covid measures spectacularly backfire as Celtic fans storm football ground (
Is Boris Johnson making an announcement today? When to expect a Covid update with no new restrictions yet
David Hughes
Britons think politicians’ hypocrisy will hamper tackling climate crisisKanye West buys $4.5m mansion across the street from ex-wife Kim…
Boris Johnson was expected to make an announcement this week on whether tighter Covid restrictions will be introduced in England – but it now appears no changes are imminent.
The Prime Minister was presented with the latest data on the spread of the Omicron variant on Monday. However, Sajid Javid later confirmed that England would not face new measures until 2022 at the earliest.
Comment Boris Johnson does not run the U.K. The so called ‘experts’ , police, media chattering classes, politically correct and money does. The obsession with endless new ever more ‘transmissible variants’ is perfect cover for very drastic changes in a world where the rich are getting ever richer and more powerful. The economic and wider health consequences are not considered. Meanwhile, it is clear that few if any die from Covid alone, vaccines and lockdowns make no difference. Free movement and economic migration must not be stopped. In the U.K , there has been a spike in do not resuscitate orders ( DNR ), even applied to Downs Syndrome children.
R J Cook
December 27th 2021
West Mercia Police chief formally apologises to family of Dalian Atkinson
Published: 23:10, 26 December 2021
| Updated: 13:42, 27 December 2021
The chief constable of West Mercia Police has formally apologised to the family of ex-footballer Dalian Atkinson over his death.
Atkinson, a former Aston Villa, Sheffield Wednesday and Ipswich Town star, died after Pc Benjamin Monk used excessive force in kicking the 48-year-old in the head at least twice and also used a Taser on him.
West Mercia Police chief formally apologises to family of Dalian Atkinson (
Comment Apologies won’t bring back the dead or stop corrupt U.K Police from ruining, destroying lives and killing people. There needs to be a U.K wide internal affairs department, with a separate career structure. The police are demanding and gaining ever more powers from self interested politicians in the U.K. Therefore there must be a more than commensurate increase in how they are watched, monitored , brought to account and severely punished for gross misconduct.
West Mercia Police are notorious for withholding and fabricating evidence. Among their crimes were jailing an innocent ESN 17 year old for the Kidderminster graveyard murder ( for 17 years ), and a jailing an Irishman for a sexual assault, getting him 17 years before released because West Mercal Police corruption was exposed. They had fabricated and withheld evidence. There is no reason to suppose that West Mercia will improve standards as a result of yet more exposure.
R J Cook
Disgraced West Mercia police officers who have lost their jobS.
Some officers were sacked while others resigned after discrediting the forcebirminghammail
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Police forces have been under intense scrutiny following the horrifying murder of Sarah Everard by Met officer Wayne Couzens.
Amid growing distrust towards officers across the country, West Mercia Police has also faced knocks to its reputation during the past year.
Dalian Atkinson: Police apologise for killing black ex-footballer
By Joseph Lee
BBC News

Police have sent a written apology to the family of ex-footballer Dalian Atkinson, six months after an officer who Tasered him and kicked him in the head was jailed for manslaughter.
West Mercia’s Chief Constable Pippa Mills said she was “deeply sorry”.
“A police uniform does not grant officers immunity to behave unlawfully or to abuse their powers,” she wrote.
Read More Dalian Atkinson: Police apologise for killing black ex-footballer – BBC News
Comment The current Deputy Chief Constable was not in post when the conspiracy to cover up Monk’s crime was put in process. The then senior management team, who were involved in the previous Plebgate cover up scandal were culpable.
West Mercia was named as feral by a Crime Commissioner at the time in the national press with Glass of the IPCC blocked from starting a fresh inquiry, by West Mercia institutional corruption, with the then Deputy Chief Constable singled out for altering an Inspector’s report to overrule a recommendation for severe disciplinary action against three lying officers, for gross misconduct. Thus they remained in post because West Mercia’s senior management team saw no problem with employing liars and thugs. Even a cabinet minister was not safe from West Mercia’s vile lies and criminal misconduct. The Plebgate 3 , even broadcast their lies, self satisfied and smug, on national television.
What kind of senior police officer would find such behaviour acceptable? It is worse than a a bus company employing drunk drivers because the damage they do is incalculable and covered up by the police close knit community which is basically unaccountable. Police institutional corruption is endemic in the U.K.
R J Cook
December 26th 2021
Queen issued brutal republicanism warning as ‘fork in road’ looms (
PETER HITCHENS: Are we finally coming to our senses?
Peter Hitchens
Escape your comfort zone: I love swimming outdoors – so I decided to confront…The best songs of 2021 … that you haven’t heard
Is Britain recovering its senses? I am wary of optimism, and this may be like one of those brief thaws they had in Communist Russia, before clamping down again even harder.
Or is it like the moment in The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe where the snow begins to melt and the wicked witch starts to lose her power?
Look at all these amazing things. For the first time in 21 months the Cabinet considered the damage to society, the economy and human civilisation that would result from yet another effort to scare us all into cowering in our homes.
Read More PETER HITCHENS: Are we finally coming to our senses? (
December 25th 2021
J.K. Rowling accused of perpetuating the ‘false narrative’ that trans women are ‘predators’ in latest tweet
J.K. Rowling is being slammed by transgender activists — again — after criticizing the Scottish police for saying they’d allow rape suspects to self-identify as female should Scotland’s proposed pro-trans policies take effect next year.
The Harry Potter author, who’s past transphobic comments have created a major rift among her fans, took to Twitter on Sunday by sharing an article from The Times of London that examined the issue.
“War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength,” Rowling wrote, referencing George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, before adding, “The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman.”
Read More J.K. Rowling fuels idea that ‘trans women are predators’ in latest tweet (
Comment Rape is a female fantasy and Rowling has got it bad. She has committed hate crime and should be no platformed with her work banned. She got lucky with a book for people with a reading age of 8-9. She now thinks she is some kind of oracle on social morality. R J Cook
New COVID restrictions ‘could be in place until late March’ under measures examined by scientific advisers
Alexa Phillips, news reporter
My winter of love: It was our first holiday together. Could we find romance in a squalid caravan?Amanda Holden channels December 25th 2021her inner Mrs Claus to celebrate Christmas in…
Scientific advisers to the government have predicted that any new coronavirus restrictions – including a ban on indoor mixing – could be in place until the end of March in order to reduce COVID-19 deaths in England.
Comment people should be very concerned by this image, two strutting big armed coppers, a sign talking of restrictions in a country where Public Health England has become ‘Health Security’ under the auspices of an upperr middle class elderly female ‘ post middle age ‘expert.’ This is the world of George Orwell and double speak. R J Cook
December 24th 2021
What is the point of the Metropolitan Police ?
As the year draws to a close, it’s worth reflecting on which of our national institutions came out of 2021 in the worst shape. There’s the Foreign Office of course, whose failure to anticipate or prepare for the fall of Kabul was so brutally exposed by its top mandarin’s testimony earlier this month. There’s the Church of England, whose war on parishes came close to whipping up an Anglican insurrection. And then there’s the Conservative party, which seems to have embraced the dirigisme of Pompidou with none of the shiny infrastructure to match.
A quote:
Take for instance, the New Scientist reporter Matthew Sparkes, who was mugged for his bike three weeks ago. Shortly thereafter, he spotted his bike was advertised on Facebook, listed by the mugger in question. With another account he arranged to buy it back and got an address. He told the Metropolitan police and after a fortnight of chasing them managed to get an appointment for them to join him to pick it up. They didn’t bother to turn up.
Or take the Guido Fawkes journalist Christian Calgie, whose £2,500 MacBook was stolen from his backpack. When he went to a police station with the exact location of the stolen device which was just a few doors down in a second-hand tech shop, the Met closed the case ‘due to no further leads.’ Other than the exact location of a shop, potentially containing other stolen items, what exactly did they need? Similar cases include someone being asked to track down their own cyberstalker; despite providing them with the man’s address, the police closed the case having failed to look up their address.
Read More
Comment I can’t resist being facetious. Firstly it appears to exist to cover up for killing people like Charles De Menezes a 27-year-old electrician who was shot dead by police on 22 July 2005 , under orders from the current MetBossMs Dick.. Officers were hunting terrorists who had tried to bomb London the previous day, and two weeks before. They mistook tee shirt wearing Charles for a fat Islamic middle aged terrorist wearing an anorak with explosives packed inside. They exist to smear and discredit witnesses like the woman who saw them shoot Charlee nine times in head and chest, while Charles was sitting next to her. She was called a whore. they exist so top cops like Sir Ian Blair can award dodgy contracts to his cronies.
They exist to cover up for paedophiles and to ignore weird behaviour like Sarah Everard’s killer PC Wayne Couzens whose colleagues nicknamed the ‘rapist.’ They exist to promote diversity but admit looking for certain types. They exist to promote a woman to the top super well paid job as a point for ‘equality ‘ . They do more cover ups than a busy undertaker.
They exist to avoid knife crime gangs. They exist to boast of bravery, putting their lives on the line everyday. They exist to bug phones, watch TV CCTV and monitor internet activity. They exist to make political statements and malicious records against anyone that criticises or exposes them. They serve politicians who never pay for them , hence no prosecutions of No10 Covid rule breakers. They exist to protect only the rich and powerful regardless of their bad character.
They exist to shoot first and never ask questions later. They exist to fabricate evidence . They exist to withhold evidence and jail innocent people, disposing of nuisances and meeting Blairite targets , in the pretence of safety. They exist to avoid really bad criminals. They exist to control thought crime and catch Covid rule breakers. They exit to put down protesters and kill innocents like Ian Tomlinson who was just walking home. They exist to arrest anyone they don’t like the look of.
They exist to bully and tell lies. They exist to photograph corpses, then post on the internet for a laugh. As Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick wrote, ‘It wasn’t my homosexuality that caused me problems in the police, it was my honesty. They exist for ever more pay , self glorification, telling politicians what to, fight off reform, promotion , dubious medals and knighthoods and power to abuse. They exist to watch each other’s backs, cover up and drive out honest cops. Corruption is institutional, R J Cook

December 24th 2021
Voices: Britain is broken from a decade of Tory government
Decision on stricter Covid rules for England may come on MondayBrad Pitt to re-open music studio in French chateau where Pink Floyd and…
There is a very clear reason for the mess the country is in right now. It is called the Conservative Party. It has been in power for over a decade. A lost decade. A wasted decade, in which the big choices and challenges faced have been decided, not with the national interest in mind, but on the basis of the internal divisions and difficulties of the wretched Tory party.
Read More Voices: Britain is broken from a decade of Tory government (
Covid live: UK science chief denies claims of ‘fearmongering’; airlines cancel hundreds of Christmas flights
Clea Skopeliti (now) and Samantha Lock
December 23rd 2021
Data that Omicron ’causes milder illness than Delta’ is good news but two big questions remain
Tom Clarke, science and technology editor 7 hrs agoLike|59
The first studies of real-world hospitalisation data from Scotland and England suggest the Omicron variant does cause milder illness than the Delta variant it is fast outpacing.
But – and it’s a huge but – we still don’t know whether this means we’ll still see post-Christmas restrictions or an NHS breaking under the strain
Funeral for Liverpool schoolgirl Ava White to be heldEd Sheeran intends to prioritise his family over his career
Covid cases analysis: Is London’s Omicron wave showing signs of slowing down?
Nicholas Cecil 8 hrs agoLike|4
Australia Covid news live: Dominic Perrottet to speak as NSW cases soar to 5,715, one death; Victoria reports 2,005 cases and 10 deathsEd Sheeran intends to prioritise his family over his career
It’s too early to call but there are signs the Omicron surge in London may be losing some of its ferocity.
If so, it will be a hugely welcome Christmas present for many Londoners. They have probably partly wrapped it themselves, by easing back on social mixing.
Read More Covid cases analysis: Is London’s Omicron wave showing signs of slowing down? (
December 22nd 2021
The Dark, Fascist Connections Of The UK’s Vaccine Minister, Nadhim Zahawi
Judge Him By The Company He Keeps
Read More The Dark, Fascist Connections Of The UK’s Vaccine Minister, Nadhim Zahawi (
‘using boosters to kill children’
All very bad.
Six-figure UK daily Covid cases for first time ever as PM faces calls for strategy
The previous record number of cases, was the 93,045 seen last Friday. Highest number of infections seen during last winter’s wave was 68,053.
by Joe Mellor2021-12-22 16:22in News
The UK has reported over 100,000 Covid cases in a single day for the first time since the pandemic began.
Today’s figure of 106,122 infections is the highest ever, however mess testing wasn’t occurring.
The previous record number of cases, the 93,045 seen last Friday.
The highest number of infections seen during last winter’s Alpha wave was 68,053 on January 8.
There were another 140 deaths in the latest 24-hour period, bringing the seven day total to 783.
Comment This writer is all for Covid panic. These figures are based on unreliable tests samples and following extrapolations. The deaths are not just Covid related. BAME . elderly like me and unhealthy lifestyles are key factors. The wider damage to life chances and the life sustaining economy are never mentioned by these vested interests.
Biden has ruled out lockdowns because they, masks and social distancing make no difference. I waited in a busy bus station this afternoon and could smell the diesel fumes through my masks. Those particles are much smaller than the virus. The masks are like using a chain link fence to keep out rodents. It i all a bout social conditioning and brain training . R J Cook
Lewis Hamilton Is Gay
The 36-year-old, made the announcement via a statement on Instagram.
“Huge respect and admiration for our friend lewis,” tweeted fellow F1 drivers Verttel and Raikonnen. “Sending love to you H, .”
Dermot O’Leary, David Walliams and James Corden also applauded him.
“Takes a lot of guts to do this, not least when you’re a very public figure and know it will all be dissected in a very public way,” said Good Morning Britain host Piers Morgan. “Sending my very best to Hamilton and his family.”
Hamilton, said in his statement: “Today, quite rightly, being gay is a reason to celebrate and be proud.
“Yes, I am feeling pain and confusion, but that comes only from the hurt that I am causing to my family.”
He later thanked fans for their support and urged others to reach out for help in a post on Instagram.
Comment Well done Lewis. This took more bravery than driving your racing car. Now you are an example to others, including myself as a transsexual who has been harassed , ridiculed and undermined by police and morons in general – who have made my life hell. Took me a lot longer to come out. Hopefully you will realise that BLM is divisive and that there are , in my view, Men , Women and Individuals.
Very Best Wishes R J Cook
December 21st 2021
Crown Pooping Service
A natural gas opportunity has been tested in a Crown Prosecution Service office as a gas filled barrister’s contribution to recyclable energy triggered lawyer suing lawyer PM Doris Bonkers said it could be the renewal able energy the world is looking for. MPs could be like blood donors.
The natural gas was filling the office and could have caused an explosion , which if harnessed could have powered small torch light.. The following court case saw prosecutor against prosecutor . with farting given the blow ahead. Fortunately their office is a non smoking area. Government scientists are concerned that gas emissions might spread the Covid virus and spawn an even more transmissible variant that experts fear could kill 400.0000 a day in the U.K alone.. They suggest a new booster every Friday morning, NHS staff exempt.
PM Boris Bonkher’s says he has had seven gas fart injections and has never felt more pumped up and ready for his next gassing in the Commons. He said ‘ I feel I can intoxicate the chamber with some of the sweetest gas they have ever enjoyed and my excellent gut feeling.. Very best ingredients from your very best leader. R J COOK
Barrister who sued after colleague asked him to stop farting loses case
Tom Ambrose 5 hrs agoLike19 Comments|14
Government under fire for ‘not doing enough’ to support theatre industryClaire Foy always feels ‘exploited’ when filming sex scenes
A senior barrister who sued the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) after a colleague asked him to stop breaking wind in the room they worked in together has lost his case.
Paramedic took own life during lockdown after Facebook users piled on to shame her for littering
Australia Covid live news update: national cabinet to discuss mask rules amid…BBC Celebrity Masterchef Christmas Cook-Off: Oti Mabuse’s plans after…
A “well-loved” young paramedic took her own life during the Covid-19 lockdown after being shamed on Facebook for littering, an inquest has heard.© Provided by The Telegraph Charlotte Cope, aged 23, took her own life in April 2020
Comment This country is sick and this girl’s death is such a waste. However, I suspect her suicide has roots in reasons why she was anorexic.
Covid madness with the stupid nonsense of clapping NHS staff who demand more money for doing their job, has made some people angry.
An internet campaign to discredit this girl for littering is vile and absurd, but there have to bee deeper reasons for her extreme response. I think this poor girl’s story is being hijacked for more NHS worship propaganda.
The reality is that more ordinary girls are being sheep herded into a feminists man hating no man’s land. Hence the rapid rise in white female suicides. Covid 19 insanity has pushed many troubled people over the edge.It needs to be talked about.
There are nasty reasons why the ‘at risk ‘ Covid groups cannot be mentioned, with too many of us old folk worried that they might not be immortal. BAME lifestyle issues and Third World migrants cannot be considered when modelling predictions.. R J Cook
Mail says Xmas is saved as Ministers ignore ‘gloomy scientists’
“The Daily Hellscape telling us to ignore the ‘gloomy scientists’ is peak UK dystopian energy,” wrote one Twitter user.
by Joe Mellor2021-12-21 10:08in Media, News
Rod Stewart’s ‘painful’ Royal Variety performance causes viewers to switch off
Amy Denman
Dubai ruler’s divorce settlement reveals ‘truly opulent’ standard of livingI didn’t even know you had broke up!!! The stars split and we didn’t even notice…
Rod Stewart left fans unimpressed by his “painful” appearance at The Royal Variety Performance, which aired on Sunday 19 December.
Sir Rod, 76, performed at the annual event, which was hosted by Alan Carr and attended by Prince William and Kate Middleton.
Singer Rod took to the stage to perform his song One More Time. But, viewers were left unimpressed by his appearance.
One wrote on Twitter: “No thanks. Got as far as Rod Stewart and that’s enough. #RoyalVarietyPerformance.”
Comment This show is essentially bland and out of time. It’s nice that it pleases some people and amazingly has gone on so long. Rod Stewart was a lucky boy when Long John Baldry heard him singing to while away the time on a London station, at night after he had missed his train. He had a unique voice, got signed up, but was never more than light entertainment – rather like Cliff Richard. No harm in that. Both made a lot of money from it.
R J Cook

December 21st 2021
Final insult for Bonnie Prince Charlie as site of his final defeat is added to slavery list
Craig Simpson
Covid news live: WHO declares 2022 to be the year ‘we end the pandemic’ as…Taika Waititi ‘could soon propose to Rita Ora’
The site of Bonnie Prince Charlie’s final defeat has been added to a list of locations connected to the slave trade by the National Trust for Scotland (NTS).
December 20th 2021
From F.S in the Mild West.
Coffee HousePoliticsEconomyWorldCultureLifeMagazine
My Twitter conversation with the chairman of the Sage Covid modelling committee
The latest Sage papers have been published, envisaging anything from 200 to 6,000 deaths a day from Omicron depending on how many more restrictions we’ll get — up to and very much including another lockdown. Earlier today I had an unexpected chance to ask questions of Graham Medley, the chair of the Sage modelling committee.
He’s a professor at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) which last weekend published a study on Omicron with very gloomy scenarios and making the case for more restrictions. But JP Morgan had a close look at this study and spotted something big: all the way through, LSHTM assumes that the Omicron variant is just as deadly as Delta. ‘But evidence from South Africa suggests that Omicron infections are milder,’ JP Morgan pointed out in a note to clients. Adjust for this, it found, and the picture changes dramatically:“Bed occupancy by Covid-19 patients at the end of January would be 33% of the peak seen in January 2021. This would be manageable without further restrictions.
So JP Morgan had shown that, if you tweak one assumption (on severity) then — suddenly — no need for lockdown.
Why was this scenario left out? Why would this fairly-important and fairly-basic fact on Omicron modelling not presented by Sage modellers like Professor Medley to ministers — and to the general public? I was thrilled for the chance to speak to him on Twitter. It was kind of him to make the time (he’s still going, as far as I can make out). The Spectator data hub has a page devoted to past Sage modelling vs actual, and I wanted to make sure I was not being unfair to Sage in my selection or presentation of those charts.
The latest Sage paper-drop — the 6,000-deaths-a-day one — refers to ‘scenarios,’ not predictions. Professor Medley emphasises the distinction: saying something could happen is not saying that there’s a realistic chance of it happening. But then why do Sage modellers publish some scenarios and not others?
Scientists ‘surprised’ by Omicron variant as virus ‘alters way it infects cells’
Rachel Russell, news reporter
Approval of new Covid jab raises hopes of persuading Germany’s unvaccinatedAled Jones teams up with pianist with dementia on Christmas charity tune
Scientists have been “surprised” by properties of the Omicron variant as studies suggest coronavirus has “altered the way it infects cells”, a professor has said.
Read More Scientists ‘surprised’ by Omicron variant as virus ‘alters way it infects cells’ (
December 19th 2021
Anger as former F1 boss questions whether Lewis Hamilton ‘deserves’ knighthood
Liam O’Dell
The former chief of Formula One, Bernie Ecclestone, has sparked fury online after he appeared to dismiss Lewis Hamilton’s knighthood, saying the honour should only be given to “people who have really done something for the country”.
Read More Anger as former F1 boss questions whether Lewis Hamilton ‘deserves’ knighthood (
Comment Very few if anyone gets a knighthood for serving their country rather than themselves. If otherwise thousands of young servicemen ( women don’t do front line fighting ) would have knighthoods, even though duped into to thinking they were doing something worthwhile.
Hamilton did what he did for himself and rode on a tide of racist BLM. Sportsmen and women are self centred which is why and how they excel . It is never about country these days. Money is paramount. Knighthoods are pompus relics from a sentimentalised Imperial age.
The fact that Ecclestone’s true words about not so whiter than white black identifying ‘Brit’ tax exile have sparked outrage, says more about intolerant repressive Britain which no intelligent person could take pride from gaining a knighthood.
R J Cook.
Strange beasts, these ‘libertarians’ who love to curb the freedom of others
Kenan Malik 4 hrs agoLike42 Comments|16
Unvaccinated taking up hospital beds has damaging impact – Health SecretaryColin Young obituary
When is a libertarian not a libertarian? When, apparently, it is the wrong kind of people whose liberties are being curtailed. The past week has seen so-called “libertarian” Tory MPs rebel against the government’s Covid plan B – the necessity for vaccine certificates or negative tests to attend large venues, mandatory vaccinations for NHS staff, and the compulsory wearing of masks in certain spaces. “We’re not a ‘papers please’ society,” Tory MP Marcus Fysh claimed. “This is not Nazi Germany.”
Read More Strange beasts, these ‘libertarians’ who love to curb the freedom of others (
Brian May details battle with coronavirus
Bang Showbiz
Anger over child deaths should not trigger knee-jerk overhaul of social care…Julia Roberts hilariously crashes George Clooney’s Jimmy Kimmel interview… ( Why no knee jerk response to female violence and child abuse, but a knee jerk response to Sarah Everard’s police officer raping and murdering her, so it’s all men, not all cops ?
Brian May has been through a “truly horrible” few days after contracting coronavirus.
Read More Brian May details battle with coronavirus (
Comment People should remember that Dr Brian May is a a graduate of Imperial College who have benefitted from Covid research and the epidemic has raised the College’s profile. He had his fun when young. he comes from my generation of fake opportunistic rebels who now want to shut down debate and dissent.
As for his hermit like existence, I think media stars and Gods are so far out of touch with reality – and the notion of natural anti bodies being the only hope with a virus that kills very few, if any directly – that their age distorted perspective should be treated with at least as much caution as anti vaxxers.
Obviously we old folk are more fragile. Our time is nearly over and their are no anti death vaccines. If there were, there would be no room for babies. My anti bodies are strong because I was breast fed and spent years teaching in classrooms full of germs. May should stick to physics and its musical offshoot – music is physics but not virology. R J Cook
Javid refuses to rule out plans for more restrictions as he accuses anti-vaxxers of having ‘damaging impact’
Sophie Morris, political reporter
Masalchi by Atul Kochhar: ‘Come here for a bit of everything’ – restaurant…Channel 4 Sunday Brunch: Jamie Cullum’s life from his celeb model wife and…
Sajid Javid has refused to rule out plans for a two-week circuit breaker after Christmas, as he accused those unwilling to have the vaccine of having a “damaging impact”
Sacred Society, Multi Culture, A Set Of Play Pens For The Masses.
Comment It is interesting how Javid references ‘Society.’ His reponse is revealing of ‘multi cultural’ reality. There is no multi culture. One set of ‘attitudes & values’ reigns supreme. In crisis, real or government manufactured, people across the liberal rainbow spectrum will be obliged to conform to that one set. Muslims will be protected and encouraged to focus their attention on God. Multi culture , with all its hate laws, boxes people in. If the state wants to persecute, as it is in my case, it will do so. For example :
I have just learned that the police have had regular communication with my doctor and lied in 2018 that I was convicted of working in a non existent brothel for my son and his associates. Their source of information here, according to them was me. Yes I wrote telling them and offering incriminating fake documents in my name. A letter made clear that my doctor should tell the gender identity clinic about this as a warning. I have been subject to PNC monitoring at least since October 2008, now I am told this is evidence of paranoid delusion – because police say so -and I may need the mental hospital. I was told I could not have sex change surgery unless I took powerful anti psychotic drugs, even though I had been informed in writing that I have a ‘secure female identity.’ Obviously I need not worry about Catching Covid, because Dr C R Ramsay’s report suggests, without explanation, that I am more likely to die from misadventure than anything else, not even old age or suicide ! I am in my 72nd year!
The gender Identity Clinic had been persuaded, through police communication with my doctor. that I am nuts. The GP told me that the Clinic discharged me because of all this. Now I have seen correspondence where various interactions with the police have led to further mental health reports rather than investigation of my allegations against them as an organisation.
Now I have read that my GP , Norden House Surgery, actually wrote to the Gender Identity Clinc , lying that I wished to withdraw from sex change – but fr police interference, my sex change surgery would have been completed some years ago..
I would never have used the internet to discuss any of police problems dating at least from October 2008, had the police behaved appropriately in the first place. I can’t publish the second page of the following document for legal reasons. Suffice it to mention that there is reference t me demanding a visit from police for very good reasons in July 2017 , me being intoxicated home, according to police, and having peripheral neuropathy when my hand problem had already been linked after X Rays and examination to injury caused by heavy lifting in work I was forced to do because the police ruined me professionally.
The value of alleging neuropathy is its known link with alcoholism. This is commensurate with another entry on my records, of non abusive alcohol dependency. It followed a certain person ( who can’t be named for legal reasons ) alleging I drank so much, the doctor warned me my hippocampus would fail , leading to me having to crawl around on the floor. The party in question became angry if I drank more than one glass of wine per week. My domestic life was so horrible, I started to need a little more.
However, I was working throughout as a private music teacher, writer and journalist prior to my divorce , having supressed my transsexualism for way too long. I went on to work as an HIG driver for many years until corrupt police activity led to me being labelled a paranoid personality in 2019.
After lockdown, my employer closed down and I couldn’t get another because of these records. That is Javid’s concept of society , where multi culture is a series of playpens. Step outside and question society and you could end up like me or Julian Assange. The system, or should I say society, will use the police, smear campaigns , doctors and more to destroy you.

When I refused their prejudiced police driven diagnosis, my GP from Norden House Surgery Park Road Winslow , Bucks MK18, told the Gender Identity Clinic that I am ‘conflicted; and asked to stop my medication. it suits all of these precious public bodies to present me as a drunkard and random paranoid schizophrenic personality ,because of what I have written, and published.
I am going on trial in May and cannot be more specific. My e mail accounts have ben subject to official data mining. Anyone would go insane in this situation. Crucial Disclosures cannot be made because the police have marked them sensitive. R J Cook
Brexit minister’s shock resignation leaves Boris Johnson reeling
Michael Savage and Toby Helm
Australia news live update: Tasmanian premier speaks after sixth child dies in…Kate Hudson and daughter Rani arrive in Colorado for the holidays
Boris Johnson was dealt another major blow to his leadership last night as it emerged the man overseeing Brexit was resigning from the cabinet.
Read More Brexit minister’s shock resignation leaves Boris Johnson reeling (
Comment Ignoring the fact that unelected lords should not be in government, this tells us that the people overseeing massive economic decline, along with dangerous influence in the wider world, are incompetent vain and moronic people- always patronising and simplistic but stupid enough to cheer lead elite cronies into a war with Russia which ahs never been forgiven for executing our Royal family’s vile cousins.
R J Cook
Drink-driver, 29, swallowed hand sanitiser before a breath test
Mark Branagan For The Mail On Sunday 5 hrs agoLike23 Comments|24
How To Make Minestrone Soup To Feed The SoulSteve Bronski: Co-founder of Bronski Beat
A drink-driver tried to fool police by swallowing hand sanitiser before a breath test – without realising that the anti-bacterial gel contained alcohol.
Read More Drink-driver, 29, swallowed hand sanitiser before a breath test (
Comment Good name for this girl. I am shocked that a female appears to have lied and deceived. We all know females never lie, so some man must have made her do this. R J Cook.

December 18th 2021
Astonished reactions as Express front page demands we put ‘faith in Boris’
“We must put faith in Boris’ screams Tory fanzine aimed at the under 10s and the wildly gullible. Why. On. Earth. Would. We. Do. That?” Said one Twitter user.
Have you ever had faith in Boris Johnson? If the answer is no then, it is doubtful the Express newspaper will change your mind.
Read more Astonished reactions as Express front page demands we put ‘faith in Boris’ (
December 18th 2021
F1 fans want Michael Masi sacked as Mercedes told they got Lewis Hamilton appeal wrong
Alex Turk
Express Sport readers are calling for the FIA to sack Formula 1 Race Director Michael Masi. At the same time, the majority believe Mercedes were wrong to withdraw their appeal against Max Verstappen’s controversial world title win.
Read More F1 fans want Michael Masi sacked as Mercedes told they got Lewis Hamilton appeal wrong (
Comment Express Sport readers are bunch of ‘Little Englanders’ who think that a tax exile ‘Brit’ being given the title or Masi taking blame, makes this sad oppressive country great , just like so many thought Brexit would. It is like OCD , a mindset that keeps shifting on to one delusion after another.
Fact, every silly petty rule in the book was used to obstruct Verstappen this season. he even had his car written off by Hamilton’s dangerous driving and ended up in hospital. Hamilton took no penalties for that.
On the final race, Hamilton cheated by leaving the track to gain advantage, as Bernie Eccleston noted. He took no penalty. Had he not done that, Verstappen would have dominated the race. The Brits who are calling for Masi to be sacked are pathetic – as was multi millionaire moraliser Lineker’s absurd , allegedly clever football analogy on the subject.. R J Cook
Sajid Javid’s 200,000 daily omicron infections claim ‘no longer valid’
Sarah Knapton, Joe Pinkstone
Country diary: For a moment on this shadowy lane, the ghost story feels true20 stars that are impossible to work with
Modelling used to justify Sajid Javid’s claim that there were 200,000 omicron infections a day has been abandoned by health officials, who say it is “no longer valid” because of behavioural changes.
Read More Sajid Javid’s 200,000 daily omicron infections claim ‘no longer valid’ (
Comment The figures have not materialised because epidemiologists are not experts on viruses. They calculate nature and rate of spread, which is very much about guess work and their own self importance. Their modelling ensures it doesn’t factor in the sacred high risk groups in case the wrong conclusions are drawn.
The reason the figures haven’t materialised is because they are utter alarmist nonsense. Meanwhile other health and general priorities, apart from heavy policing and certifying ever more people insane,. are ignored. This is no way to run a country let alone a planet. R J Cook

Boris Johnson is facing real opposition for the first time in his career – from other parties and his own
Paul-waugh 12 hrs agoLike48 Comments|55
Omicron surge likely to make government miss Covid booster jab target…The absolute best celebrity quotes of 2021
In the early hours of this morning, the defeated Tory candidate in the Shropshire North by-election walked quickly from the count to a 4×4 car waiting to take him home.
Comment Johnson does not have leadership qualities. If he did, he would not be Britain’s Prime Minister. The whole Brexit con , for which I did not vote, was to suit a pernicious power made section of Britain’s ruling elite. They took advantage of the gullible masses who blamed France for mass Islamic immigration – for which the masses have to pay the taxes and share already miserably crowded living space and low wages – 90 % of Britain’s population live on 10 % of the land… Consequences have been disastrous.
Boris blusters. The Tory elite, like Labour’s comfortable leadership, pander to BAME offering a wealthy ethnic Shropshire candidate, simply showing just how little they care about white working people.
Tyrannous anti hate laws prevent robust argument or discussion. Boris is one of the privileged wealthy who will never understand the masses and probably not want to. His book on Churchill is redolent of fantasy, delusion and hero worship. Both of them had wealth which they wanted to protect and increase. At least Churchill was honest, with an obvious sense of his own superiority. Like Boris, , Churchill blustered, but ultimately what you saw was what you got. With Boris, a perfect name for third rate magician, it is a matter of now you see it , now you don’t.

Image by Oliver Lasio, cocktail dress borrowed from Lucille Jane Fletcher – aka Dean. Roberta was accused of sending this picture and one of a scantly dressed female, allegedly her ex wife, and videos that turned out to be police lies, to important people, including two Chief Constables and a Deputy, to expose herself as a ‘gay whore.’
Police have lied to court that she was convicted of these offences. Police reported her arrest as evidence of her guilt, getting her judged a paranoid schizophrenic in order to discredit her and block completion of her sex change.
That’s life in police state Britain. Boris Johnson promises us ever more police, lockdwn and surveillance. People should start worrying why. Roberta said, ‘The last 14 years under the police spotlight have been so terrifying that I have made three suicide attempts and was taken to hospital unconscious on December 19th 2016 after 7 terrifying Crown Court hearing.
Here the allegations were changed to domestic violence, without warning or evidence ,along the way and leading to further hell. I have been told by an official mental health ‘assessment’ ( sic that I am more likely to die by misadventure than suicide.’ My ex partner told me the police told her I had lied to them and that they were frequent visitors to her Hertfordshire home checking up on me.. They wrecked my relationship and my life..‘ Roberta Jane Cook

December 17th 2021

He – Quality – A comment on the British Justice System
The following two reports extracted from today’s Metro newspaper are revealing of the double standard of so called justice applied between the genders in British society – obviously there is a significant class and power structure variable, explaining matters like rule makers getting away with a lockdown bash at 10 Downing St, and a senior police officer pulling rank to overturn an inspector’s report that 3 police officers should be excused disciplinaries after lying about a Cabinet Minister central to Plebgate. When top cops can do that and keep getting away with it, we are in a NAZI state.
As for the following stories, the first one involves glamour Model Katie Price, aka Jordan. She has been convicted 5 times for drink driving. This is a woman who built a career on a certain and unusual appearance. It gets tough for women when their looks fade. But age is tough on all of us, particularly so for us of the lower orders. Men would not be excused 5 times.
Statistically more women than men abuse children – and at least equal numbers abuse men, but they are always allowed the excuse of provocation. So when the 2 monsters in the second story were sentenced for the slow killing of a small boy, there were the usual cries of mental health issues – no doubt it was all a man’s fault way back along the line.
The Feminists have established an agenda and media style which has nothing to do with justice, or equality. ‘He’ is always to blame. ‘He’ is always a pig.’ That is more ‘He Quality’ than equality.’ We must accept Simone de Beauvoir’s concept of Sacred Woman, as with Mother Mary.
This extract says much about this famous French intellectual and friend of Jean Paul Satre.
Simone de Beauvoir naît le 9 janvier 1908. Ses parents occupent alors un confortable appartement boulevard du Montparnasse. Son père, George Bertrand de Beauvoir a étudié le droit mais cet avocat se passionne moins pour le prétoire que pour les salons mondains et surtout le théâtre ; il aurait voulu être acteur. Il épouse Françoise Brasseur, fille d’un riche banquier de Verdun, élevée au Couvent des Oiseaux, de sept ans sa cadette. La famille Beauvoir possède une propriété en Limousin où Simone passera de nombreuses vacances.
For those of my readerss who don’t read French, this formative feminist ( have to admit I enjoyed reading her ‘The Second Sex.’ ) , this grand lady was born to wealthy parents, enjoyed a wonderful holiday home and frequent vacations. She married a rich banker and enjoyed the theatre. She also wrote a very depressing book, not mentioned above, about old age. I read both during my teen years when we had teachers worth the name. R J Cook

Criminal Procedure Rules and Practice Directions 2020
The latest versions of the Criminal Procedure Rules and of the Criminal Practice Directions made by the Lord Chief Justice.From:Criminal Procedure Rule Committee and Ministry of JusticePublished5 October 2020Last updated4 October 2021 — See all updates
Farmdrop collapse: Christmas food deliveries cancelled as online grocer ceases trading
Amy Walker
An online delivery service has cancelled food packages expected to arrive in time for Christmas after falling into administration.
Farmdrop, which delivered produce directly from farmers, told customers it was permanently closing and that yesterday would be its final day of deliveries.
Farmdrop collapse: Christmas food deliveries cancelled as online grocer ceases trading (
December 16th 2021
Medical advisers risk turning country into ‘public health socialist state’, Tory MP says in deleted tweet
Sophie Morris, political reporter 8 hrs ago
10 victims of Astroworld music festival crush were asphyxiated, officials sayMovies starring New Year’s Eve
Medical advisers like Professor Chris Whitty are putting the country at risk of becoming a “public health socialist state,” a Conservative MP has said in a tweet which has now been deleted.
Comment Joy Morrissey Is spot on, but there are consequences for speaking out about Prof Whitty & Co in a non stop repeating Dunkirk.
Yesterday the government claimed
The government is claiming that Omicron will double every day.
There will be “400,000” cases today, up from “200,000” yesterday.
On this assumption, we will have 26 billion new cases on New Year’s Eve.
On that day every person in the UK will catch COVID 374 times, or once every 4 minutes.
So tomorrow there will be 800,000 cases.
6 Facts About the Covid-19 Vaccines the Media Won’t Tell You – F.S Reports
Dec 11, 2021 | COVID-19

My ode to all media | PostPoems
My ode to all media
only one group left to troll
Because their bars set really low
I’m talking about the mainstream Media
spellblinding us with psychedelia
putting on the grandest of plays
to help manifest the end of days
but it’s far from that, a new beginning
being a perpetual liar is just sinning
called programming for a reason
for controlling the people in every season
hypnotizing the people to think their way
when all we long for a brighter days
97% of all the media outs
owned and controlled by the canaanites
the hidden hand that controls all
that want us slaves or not at all
I know to many its just a job
high paid, easy one, falling off a log
you feel obliged to do as your told
calling in you now to be bold
good men do nothing for evil to succeed
backed up by the propaganda tv
all owned by the bloodline of cain
the news stinks
to anyone with half a brain
do you ever doubt the info you spew?
Or just too trusting of your crew?
Someone’s giving the msm a bad name
cos state TV is their game
same paymasters as the politicians
where’s your impartiality mission?
All journos need to take an oath
to test for truth or just get loathed
public confidence in the media
must be at an all time low
cos all your narratives are falling apart
about the covid scam, just the start
cos when my boss looks into your heart
and finds out your serving the dark
expect some hereditary disease
and your family to suffer badly
just as the people suffer today
cos you got a big part in that play
brainwashing the sheep to accept
the works biggest ever lab experement
it’s the 4th Reich Reich here Reich now
and to the dark all editors kow tow
even the one great BBC give a platform to
bill gates, Eugenecist, wants us dead me and you
because he throws them millions, petty cash tin
he funds loads to perpetuate suffering
covid scam, he’s covered all the bases
John Hopkins, imperial, and more to up covid cases
he’s made a living from making cheap copies
and selling high, big Pharma, Vax photocopies
I tell you how to stop the spread of covid
turn your TV off and throw it
most of the content garbage anyways
that will make for fear free days
one thing about the propaganda spew:
it hides the truth from me and you
omicron is just so mild, funny how every country
had 2 cases, want to see the scriptwriter faces
when arrested for war crimes
whilst everyone else has a nice lifeView dazthedruid’s Full Portfolio
ITV Lorraine hit with thousands of Ofcom complaints after ‘controversial’ Covid remark
Lea Dzifa Seeberg
Tory Health Minister suggests Brits skip parties if they ‘want to make it to…Stars who had singing lessons with the pros
ITV’s Lorraine has been hit with thousands of Ofcom complaints following a remark she made about Covid.
The broadcasting regulator reported 2,401 complaints on December 6 and a further 254 the following day when the claims were repeated.
Read More ITV Lorraine hit with thousands of Ofcom complaints after ‘controversial’ Covid remark (
December 15th 2021
Race War
Lewis Hamilton‘s hopes of overturning Max Verstappen‘s maiden F1 world title have been given a fresh boost after another lawyer claimed that Mercedes could have legal grounds to change the outcome of Sunday’s race in Abu Dhabi. FIA race director Michael Masi caused outrage from the Mercedes camp due to a contentious decision in the race’s dying embers.
- Wolff and Horner face 2022 rule change as Rosberg prayers answered
- Hamilton title hopes boosted as petition starts to oust Max Verstappen
Hamilton looked to be cruising towards his eighth Drivers’ title on Sunday, with Red Bull and Verstappen unable to respond to Mercedes’ pace.
The Dutchman was handed a major stroke of luck, however, when Nicholas Latifi’s crash brought out the safety car in the closing stages.
The safety car retreated with one lap remaining, and Verstappen was suddenly dealt another miracle when the hoard of lapped cars between himself and Hamilton were ordered out of the way to enable a straight shootout.
Mercedes boss Toto Wolff was infuriated as Hamilton’s healthy lead was suddenly wiped out, and the 24-year-old, on brand new soft-compound tyres, passed Hamilton to clinch the title in thrilling fashion.
Max Verstappen has reportedly been messaged by Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff, amid reports that the Silver Arrows are prepared to give up on their pursuit of an appeal regarding Sunday’s world title showdown in Abu Dhabi. The Dutchman passed Lewis Hamilton on the final lap to clinch his first crown in dramatic, yet controversial circumstances.
Amid growing intensity in the championship race, relations between Red Bull, Mercedes and the FIA reached boiling point on Sunday over a dramatic final lap.
With lapped cars cleared out of the way once the safety car left the track, Verstappen and Hamilton were free to battle it out, although the Dutchman had just put on fresh soft-compound tyres.
With only one lap remaining, the Red Bull man took his chance and passed Hamilton to claim his first world title.
Mercedes immediately protested two incidents that occurred towards the closing stages of the race, although both were promptly slapped down.
The race has certainly stirred up plenty of emotions from those in the driving world, but the legendary Bernie Ecclestone does not see what all the fuss is about.
Speaking to Sky News, he said: “About (Hamilton) being robbed it’s complete and utter nonsense. If you want to think about it carefully, on the first lap of that race he (Hamilton) went off the circuit and came back on again and Verstappen stayed on the circuit and did absolutely nothing wrong.
“Lewis wasn’t punished at all for this so he shouldn’t be complaining too much. These things happen all the time in sports. We shouldn’t blame the race director, he did exactly what was the right thing to do.”
Millionaire soccer pundit and former England star Lineker, 61, threw in an absurd analogy for football fans.
He wrote on Twitter: “Imagine Man City and Liverpool going toe to toe for the title.
“On the last day of the season they meet & City are 3 up with just minutes to go.
“The referee decides it would be more exciting to have a penalty shootout. What’s more the City players have to be barefooted. That’s @F1.”
A real analogy would have been that if the race had been stopped by preventing overtaking, in order to get Hamilton a secure win, that would have been the 3 minute stoppage, but without penalties. Lineker has to be on message. He was the cleanest footballer ever. R.J Cook

December 14th 2021
Wetherspoons boss Tim Martin slams ‘lockdown by stealth’
The outspoken Spoons boss said pubs were “a bastion of social distancing” as he hit out at Plan B.
Read More Wetherspoons boss Tim Martin slams ‘lockdown by stealth’ (
Voices: The police could soon seize the homes of Gypsies and Travellers – this is not who we are as a nation
Alf Dubs
‘Null and void’: boycott clouds New Caledonia’s final poll on independenceBillie Eilish reveals she had Covid: ‘It was terrible. I still have side effects’
If I began talking about children with hearts heavy from exposure to prejudice, separated from their parents and forced to leave their homes, you could be forgiven for thinking I was referencing my past. I was part of the Kindertransport, one of 10,000 Jewish or partly Jewish children brought to the UK by Sir Nicholas Winton in the lead up to the Holocaust.
What We Are – a comment
by R. J. Cook.

Image R.J.Cook Appledene Photographics.
Nazi Germany had a prelude of hedonistic middle class self indulgence – the world of Sally Bowles ‘Cabaret’ and Christopher Isherwood, a gay writer, The multi culture con is the very opposite of being a nation. There is a dominant culture personified by the Queen and Royal Family. The rest are expendable as convenience commands.
We are not a nation according to traditional definition. Giving women , transsexuals , Muslims and Blacks the right to talk about their respective identities and blame each other for miseries and fear, is not nationhood. It is diversion and latent tension management in an increasing law and rule bound police state.
We are in transition toward something terrible, with leaders brazenly talking about a new world nuclear war. Mass movements of impoverished extremely religious populations are passed of as humanitarianism. That is a word with no worthwhile definition for today’s world. It is a bourgeoise gloss on horrific world instability caused by a combination of stupidity and greed.
Covid chaos has a role here which is why language and internet is increasingly controlled. Internet was not meant to advance human cooperation. It was meant for social control and solidarity beneath the ruling classes. So this nonsense about mistreating gypsies being out of character with what is euphemistically called the United Kingdom is rubbish. It is absolutely in character with not ‘who we are’ but ‘what we are.’

WHAT BRITAIN REALLY IS -Homophobic thugs kicked woman’s teeth through cheek after she defended man being ‘attacked for being gay’
“I could never be a bystander watching someone beaten up for no reason – and I’d do it the same again despite my injuries.”
by SWNS2021-10-05 10:48in Broken Britain, Must Reads
Raab gets numbers wrong twice in an hour as officials clarify Omicron hospital figures
Sophie Morris, political reporter 3 hrs agoLike|41
Outcry over ‘blatant misogyny’ in Indian English examSwan Song review – Mahershala Ali is twice the man in melancholy sci-fi mystery
There are currently 10 people in hospital with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 – not 250, as Dominic Raab told Sky News.© Sky News Screen Grab Dominic Raab didn’t seem across the figures when interviewed by Kay Burley
The deputy prime minister later told the BBC that there were nine people in hospital with the variant.
But officials have clarified that Mr Raab “misspoke” on both occasions by getting his figures wrong, and that there are currently 10 people in hospital with Omicron.
Comment It rather demonstrates that government and experts should not be taken at face value. R J Cook

December 13th 2021
Johnson’s Plan
This has just been leaked to us from a reliable source.
Johnson’s plan:
1. Hype ‘threat’ from Omicron to win Tue vote on ‘Plan B’.
2. On Sat 18th Dec announce ‘Plan C’ – Parliament not sitting for Xmas so no scrutiny or vote needed cos ‘emergency’.
3. ‘Plan D’ i.e. Lockdown, very early in New Year – prob. 5 Jan., relieved for ‘fully jabbed’ after 2-3 weeks but maintained for those not ‘fully jabbed’ as in Austria.
4. Vaccine Passports greatly extended as in EU and promoted as the way to ‘reopen the economy & public places safely’.
Hamilton’s wounds with verdict on Max Verstappen win
Read More Jeremy Clarkson appeared to revel in Lewis Hamilton ‘s heartbreak after sharing his delight over Max Verstappen ‘s shocking Formula One title win following Sunday’s pulsating Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Jeremy Clarkson rubs salt into Lewis Hamilton’s wounds with verdict on Max Verstappen win (
Comment Hamilton is a sore loser. I absolutely agree with Jeremy Clarkson. There has been a nauseating bias in favour of Hamilton, a champion of the divisive racist BLM – because it can’t be balanced by WLM and not be exposed as the vile racist nonsense that it is.
Bringing that into F1, with the self righteous victimhood kneeling was appalling and a more than slippery slope. However, the multi millionaire tax exile traded on being a ‘Brit’ and has been lauded by the agenda setting elite media. They have and still are pushing the line that Verstappen was robbed, in spite of Hamilton writing of his car in a near fatal collision caused by Hamilton.
Along with that, Verstappen faced a hostile press and an array of petty rule punishments. Now the rules favoured Verstappen, their is a chorus of indignant self righteous ‘liberalism’ screaming ‘Hamilton was robbed.’ Humbug. R J Cook
Met PC who shared photos of dead sisters made racist cover-up boast
A police officer jailed for sharing photos from the murder scene where two sisters lay stabbed, tried to impress his friends by using racist language and claiming police covered up an attack on Asian men.
The private messages on WhatsApp from the former Metropolitan police constable Deniz Jaffer were discovered after he was arrested last June by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). He and fellow PC Jamie Lewis were ordered to guard the scene where the bodies of where Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman were discovered in north London. Instead, they took photos, some showing the bodies, and shared them in two WhatsApp groups, calling the victims “dead birds”.
Read More Met PC who shared photos of dead sisters made racist cover-up boast (
Comment When will the great British public realise how dangerous their police are ? They suit the politicians perfectly. When a man is convicted for rape, to meet targets, the elite media and women’s groups will respond that there must be thousands more getting away with it. I propose the same argument in respect of the police.
A powerful independent force to police the police is long overdue. The IOPC and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary are not up to the job. Police and Crime Commissioners are a joke as proved by the idiot who said that Sarah Everard should have resisted arrest. No, when Couzens faced multiple complaints, earning him the nickname ‘the Rapist’ he should have been investigated.
Feminists have turned the police into a sex and domestic police, the very last people to be trusted – with male officers high on statistics for domestic abuse and adultery. They hang around dogging sites, one officer being jailed for having a police helicopter hover over a dogging site so he could make videos for masturbation purposes later. His wife shopped him and he went to jail.
As a teacher, my demanding and often dangerous profession faced constant criticism. quite rightly. As a truck driver out in all weathers, on long shifts, day and night, including blizzards, I risked my life every day because people needed food. Unlike the police , my trucking colleagues accepted the job for what it was.
The police, however, like to project themselves as heroes worthy of medals,, rather than the people who routinely withhold evidence and pick on soft targets. As drivers, they tend to show off – encouraged by absurd fawning TV ‘documentaries’ – putting other road users at risk of fatality. It is time they were seen for what they are , with questions asked about what exactly Is the right stuff , requiring 200,000 applicants for 20.000 jobs.
R J Cook
P.S All police stories will now be presented on this page, or World Matters for foreign police. This is to simplify the site. Police State pages will remain as archive pages.
Red Bull to fight any further Mercedes appeals against F1 champion Max Verstappen
Mark Mann-Bryans

© AP Max Verstappen celebrates on the podium (Hassan Ammar/AP) – AP
Christian Horner insists Red Bull will continue to fight any further appeals from Mercedes against Max Verstappen’s victory at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix as the Dutchman took the Formula One world championship with a thrilling last-lap overtake.
The Red Bull driver stormed past title rival Lewis Hamilton in the closing stages of the season-ending race at the Yas Marina Circuit having benefited from a late safety car that bunched up the pack.
Read More Red Bull to fight any further Mercedes appeals against F1 champion Max Verstappen (
Max Verstappen accused of benefitting from ‘abuse of the rules’ against Lewis Hamilton
Jordan Seward 1 day agoLike|71
Max Verstappen has been accused of benefitting from ‘abuse of the rules’ after beating Lewis Hamilton to the F1 world championship. The Red Bull driver clinched the title in a dramatic season finale after overtaking rival Hamilton on the final lap.
Read More Max Verstappen accused of benefitting from ‘abuse of the rules’ against Lewis Hamilton (
Comment Britain’s elite media and chattering classes have a problem with this. Time and time again Verstappen was victim of petty rule distortions and inversions. He was meant to be robbed, but has the last laugh.
Formula One has been utterly discredited by this long term effort to hand Hamilton the crown of crowns. Politics and race have got right in here and it is sickening.
Pity the word race wasn’t applied to what has been allowed on the track. You can tell the British invented this ‘sport’ the way it breeds more and more rules and regulations. R J Cook
How current Level 4 restrictions compare to February 2021 – does this signal a move towards lockdown?
Gareth Davies 4
On Sunday, the UK Covid Alert level was increased to four, meaning the epidemic is “in general circulation, transmission is high and direct Covid-19 pressure on healthcare services is widespread and substantial or rising”.
In a statement, the four UK chief medical officers and the NHS England national medical director said the emergence of Omicron “adds additional and rapidly increasing risk to the public and healthcare services”.
Comment This isn’t based on science. It isn’t based on understanding a virus and its mutations. There is a global elite agenda excepting Russia and China who are the western elite’s targets for ‘reform.’ R J Cook
Russia faces ‘massive consequences’ if it invades Ukraine, warns Liz Truss
Delaying action on Omicron may keep children away from school longer, says…13 streaming highlights to watch on Christmas Day from Netflix to Disney+© Jon Super – WPA Pool/Getty Images Liz Truss led G7 leaders to a tough joint statement on the build-up of troops on the border – Jon Super – WPA Pool/Getty Images
Vladimir Putin faces “massive consequences” and a “severe cost” if Russian forces invade eastern Ukraine, Liz Truss said, as she led G7 leaders to a tough joint statement on the build-up of troops on the border on Sunday.
President Joe Biden met with Russia’s Vladimir Putin over a two-hour video call, during which Mr Biden voiced “deep concern” over Ukraine escalation and both sides sought concrete reassurances. But some experts believe the Russian president might have ulterior motives.
During the call, Mr Biden warned Mr Putin the West would impose “strong economic and other measures” on Russia if it invades Ukraine, while Putin demanded guarantees that NATO would not expand farther eastward.
The White House said Biden did not make any guarantees to limit NATO expansion with regard to Ukraine.
About Liz Truss After graduating from the University of Oxford in 1996, Truss worked in sales and as an economist, and was deputy director at the think-tank Reform, before becoming a member of parliament at the 2010 general election. As a backbencher, she called for reform in a number of policy areas, including childcare, maths education, and the economy.
Truss was born on 26 July 1975 in Oxford, England, to John Kenneth and Priscilla Mary Truss.[1][12][13] Her father was a professor of pure mathematics at the University of Leeds, while her mother was a nurse, teacher, and member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.[14] Truss has described both as being “to the left of Labour“.[5] When Truss later stood for election to Parliament, her mother agreed to campaign for her while her father declined to do so.[5] In 2000, Truss married accountant Hugh O’Leary. The couple have two daughters.
Read More Russia faces ‘massive consequences’ if it invades Ukraine, warns Liz Truss (
Comment The planet will face serious consequences with people like Truss sabre rattling. The Anglo U.S led western alliance has got away with murderous failed regime changes.
The consequent elite money grabbing horror is then described as a humanitarian crisis for the same west to trot out its elite virtue signallers.
With people like Truss leading the charge against beleaguered Russia , there can be little hope. Obviously these people have an agenda and the arrogance to think they can get away with it.
The western elite want Ukraine for its massively rich farm land and other valuable resources. That is why they have been promoting civil war and hideous propaganda. They don’t care about killing the masses. They shamelessly use religious divisions and hypocrisy as a valuable part of their toolkit. R J Cook
Hundreds queue for vaccines in Britain after Omicron ‘tidal wave’ warning
By Hannah McKay and Guy Faulconbridge
Bookies make Lib Dems favourite in North Shropshire poll15 celebrities reveal their all-time favourite Christmas films
By Hannah McKay and Guy Faulconbridge© Reuters/PHIL NOBLE People queue for their booster jabs outside a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination centre in Manchester
LONDON (Reuters) -Hundreds of people queued up for COVID vaccines in British cities on Monday and home testing kits ran out after Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned a “tidal wave” of the Omicron variant could overcome those inoculated with two shots.
Read More Hundreds queue for vaccines in Britain after Omicron ‘tidal wave’ warning (
Good News For Plan C
Comment Who is this patient, how old and what other conditions ?
R J Cook

December 12th 2021
British council urges staff to avoid ‘Brits’ and ‘the Queen’s English’
Chris Hastings Arts Correspondent For The Mail On Sunday 13 hrs agoLike269 Comments|177
New rules on UK arms trade make it ‘easier’ to sideline human rightsGhosts future confirmed by BBC beyond series 3© Provided by Daily Mail MailOnline logo
Its mission is to promote the nation to the world, yet the British Council has urged its staff not to refer to ‘Brits’ or ‘the Queen‘s English’.
The taxpayer-funded body, which will receive £189 million from the Foreign Office this year, has issued employees with a ‘non-discriminatory’ guide that states: ‘Careless, uninformed or ill-considered use of language can categorise, marginalise, exclude or stereotype.’
Royal Mail Bosses Fighting ?
Royal Mail bosses are fighting to prevent a nightmare before Christmas after admitting that large swathes of the country are not receiving a normal service.
The postal operator apologised to customers and blamed disruption to services on ‘Covid-related self-isolation, high levels of sick absence, resourcing, or other local factors’.
Analysis reveals the number of delivery offices impacted by the problems more than doubled in a week, hitting a year-high of 32 offices last Wednesday.

Comment The only people Royal Mail bosses fight are the ones who actually do the job. I spent 5 years in the private parcel world of ‘City Link’ in a number of roles. These included customer service and out on the vans with 120 drops a day, over a wide area – facing disgruntled customers. That is the bench mark to which Royal Mail is sinking.
There was so little to do in the office that I read up company data files , which included the fact that the company lost 50 pence for every parcel delivered – that was in 2011. City Link went bust. Royal Mail with fat cat bosses will expect taxpayer funded bonuses and bail outs from the tax payer. This disgusting (dis ) organisation jailed 50 sub postmasters for fraud when it was in fact useless expensive software in accounting. I worked as a postman i n the late 1960s, when it was a service to be proud of – and fun to work for. R J Cook

December 11th 2021
Tenfold increase in patients waiting over eight hours to be transferred from ambulance to A&E
Australia news live updates: Covid booster vaccines cut to five months amid Omicron concern; NSW records 485 new cases and two…People who famously cheated to win TV game shows
The number of patients waiting more than eight hours to be handed over from an ambulance to A&E has increased almost tenfold this year compared to pre-pandemic.
Covid Money Making Elite Empowering Con Goes On & On.
Amid the threat of further “Plan C” restrictions, the Government has been warned of the threat of “civil disobedience” by one political commentator. With the Covid cases rapidly rising, commentator and creator of ConservativeHome, Tim Montgomerie, claimed he will not actively engage with any new restrictions. He said: “I will actively engage in civil disobedience if the government attempts another lockdown. Enough is enough.”
Comment So what , cases are rising ! So is the damage from this absurd never ending flow of restrictions. Deaths aren’t rising and no person has died simply from Covid. Intelligent people should know who the high risk groups are. If these people are afraid of dying they should self isolate. the real issue is using this as social control and people watch. There is also the need to build a lot more hospitals commensurate with the ongoing welcome for illegal immigrants. There should be an extra tax on the rich to pay for them. R J Cook

Making the truth from Laura Dodsworth.
“Masks were to soften you up for Plan B”A government whistleblower lets the mask slip Laura DodsworthDec 8‘Masks were a softening up exercise for Plan B,’ according to a government whistleblower. He told me that while there is little appetite in the Cabinet for a full lockdown, Covid Passes are ‘oven-baked’ and ready to go.In my opinion, the UK government’s Winter Plan was always about Plan B. It displayed a classic ‘foot-in-the-door’ strategy – the raison d’être of Plan A was to prepare you for Plan B. Now winter is upon us, and the nudges fall in a flurry of torpefying snowflakes. Worst case scenarios, big numbers, salutary stories in the media, threats and cajolements are directed at us daily. Plan B is in motion as calls for working from home are heard from the usual suspects and we hear the Cabinet is divided on Covid Passes.This seasoned government insider plays a key role on a Covid task force and has decided to speak out now because he is disturbed by the unethical reasons for mandating masks. Firstly, ‘It’s a highly political move to reset the Johnson administration’s orientation after bad polling over sleaze and corruption. If Omicron turns out to be super-bad and the public ask what the government did about it, the answer is we implemented masks. The one-way systems, plexiglass screens and masks are to give you an illusion of the government doing something. It’s just theatre. There is no evidence base or proportionality in favour of masks.’Boris Johnson is a fan of deadcatting, a technique to deflect attention from one issue to another, akin to throwing a dead cat on a table during a heated debate to change the topic. Masks are a dead cat. In this case rather than throw them on the table, the government have slung them on our faces.Face masks are increasingly discredited, but certain journalists fell hungrily upon a recent new study which concluded that face masks reduce transmission by 53%. The Guardian, The Times, Metro and New Scientist positively feasted. However, that fragrant soupçon of a percentage was based upon weak evidence, there were confounding factors and caution was required when interpreting the study, as Fullfact explained.‘The public are annoyingly on board about masks’, said this task force advisor. ‘Journalists have not demanded evidence that they work. But the message from the government and the media is hegemonic – everyone says they do work.’Subscribe nowAs I set out in my book A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic masks are a nudge, even described as a ‘signal’ by David Halpern, the director of the UK government’s Behavioural Insights Team. Similarly, Professor Neil Ferguson said that masks remind us ‘we’re not completely out of the woods yet’. They serve as a visible public reminder of the pandemic, turning us back into walking billboards pronouncing danger. My source concurred: ‘Masks are a behavioural psychology policy. We need to stop pretending that it’s about public health. Nudge is a big thing in government.’Despite ‘a pretty much unlimited budget to run trials’ they didn’t run one for masks ‘because they knew that they don’t work’. In effect, ‘the trial was Scotland versus England. And we found they don’t work.’For this government insider the implications are now too serious to remain silent because ‘we are lying when we say masks work. They are a signal, a psyop. And we’ve criminalised not wearing of them. Masks also transfer the blame onto individuals for the epidemic spreading. We have people counting the unmasked on public transport, policing each other. It is deeply unethical that we have set people against each other in this way. It allows the creation of an “out group” to blame.’ He points out that it is the government we should be blame for not increasing healthcare capacity.The timing of our conversation is interesting. He speaks to me just before the news about Downing Street Christmas parties breaks. People are rightly angry about hypocrisy and the pain of their own cancelled plans last year. The nation suffered last minute restrictions while Downing Street enjoyed revelry. More than one million pounds in fines have been served to nearly 2,000 Covid-19 rule breakers at Westminster magistrates court, including throwing and attending parties, while Boris Johnson evades punishment.But the real point is not the hypocrisy, or that we suffered while they did not. Rather it is that those who organised and attended the party had a different risk calculus. They did not feel imperilled by parties and gatherings. They knew they were safe, just as they know that masks don’t work. What we are expected to believe is another matter.As these distasteful double standards are unmasked, Ministers are considering whether to impose Plan B and roll out Covid Passes. When the Winter Plan was published, we were told that the trigger to move from Plan A to Plan B was if the NHS comes under ‘unsustainable pressure’. This was left deliberately vague. If you were watching cases and hospitalisations with an anxious eye, I’m afraid you were missing the more important signs: stories about doctors’ anger at the ‘selfish’ un-jabbed, daily polling via Twitter, TV shows and Yougov about the national appetite for Covid Passes and mandates, and the reintroduction of masks.There is an army of behavioural scientists, communications specialists and Covid task forces focussed on Covid. The government insider told me there are hundreds of people in this Covid apparatus, even though we are no longer in an emergency. Robert Higgs talks about the ‘ratchet effect’ in his book Crisis and Leviathan whereby the state expands in response to a crisis and then doesn’t recede afterwards to its former level. The aura of emergency will not fade and we risk ever more stringent and unpalatable restrictions unless this apparatus is dismantled. Furthermore, public reputations have been staked on enforcing restrictions, including journalists, scientists and politicians. The government insider is brutal about the reality of our situation: ‘England is teetering on the edge of a depressing, bureacratic, safety-obsessed society. We’re not at the level of Germany or Austria yet, but we’re on a precipice nonetheless.’ On his primary reason for calling me, he said he is ‘ashamed how much people believe in masks despite the lack of evidence’.Our leader’s masks are slipping, exposing hypocrisy, psychological manipulation and barefaced lies. Frankly, I am ashamed of them.Please subscribe to support my writing and to access the full substack.Subscribe nowShareYou’re a free subscriber to Laura Dodsworth. For the full experience, become a paid subscriber.Subscribe |

Image by R J Cook Appledene Photographics December 6th 2021
Met Police threatened with legal action over failure to investigate No10 Xmas party
Milo Boyd
From hippos to hamsters: how Covid is affecting creatures great and smallHalsey always wants to reinvent her genre
The Metropolitan Police has been threatened with legal action for its refusal to investigate the alleged Downing Street Christmas parties.
Earlier this week Scotland Yard said it would not probe the gathering in Number 10 in December last year due to a lack of evidence.
Read More Met Police threatened with legal action over failure to investigate No10 Xmas party (
Gym owner refuses to pay £30,000 lockdown fine after Downing Street Christmas party row
Jamie Lopez & Alice Peacock 18 hrs ago
Country diary: These hills are my life, but still they chill my bonesI’m A Celeb’s Danny Miller tipped to make £1million if he’s crowned king of ITV…
A gym owner who was fined £30,000 for refusing to shut up shop during lockdown has blasted Boris Johnson over the parties alleged to have taken place at Downing Street.
Steven Todd, who owns Reps gym in Preston, Lancashire, has also insisted he will not pay the three £10,000 fixed penalty notices he had been issued for breaching coronavirus legislation, despite defeat in court.
Read More Gym owner refuses to pay £30,000 lockdown fine after Downing Street Christmas party row (
What ‘Plan C’ COVID restrictions could we see if Plan B fails?
Lara Keay, news reporter
Banksy designs T-shirt in aid of Colston statue accusedI’m A Celeb’s Danny Miller tipped to make £1million if he’s crowned king of ITV…
The rules on face masks, working from home and self-isolation have been tightened across the UK in response to the Omicron variant.
Read More What ‘Plan C’ COVID restrictions could we see if Plan B fails? (
London Mayor Sadiq Khan Says Says More Than 400 Fines Have Been Issued In The Last Week On Public Transport
More than 400 people have been fined for not wearing face coverings on Transport for London services in the last week, Sadiq Khan said on Friday.Tube and bus users in the capital risk a £200 penalty if caught not wearing a mask as the battle against the spread of the Omicron Covid variant is stepped up.The Mayor of London said British Transport Police were helping TfL and the Metropolitan Police issue fines.Mr Khan kept compulsory mask wearing rules on all London transport service after the Government dropped the legal requirement in the summer.

Comment Covid measures will never end. So called experts will continue to find dangerous more transmissible variants. Infections measure by fallible testing will be presented as Covid deaths, with no mention of context.
Here in Winslow Bucks, we have been told that Norden House surgery cannot cope with high demand due to staff sickness , so we should look elsewhere in the first instance.
Rapidly advancing technology whicg was supposed to make life easier, is used to bomb , waich , propagandise and profit a super rich global elite. Population floods from the expolited and war torn third World. Massive growth and influx , minds distratcted by religious fervour, makle perfect cheap labour and cannon fodder for the elite’s war on what they callfar right racism.

Police murder victim Sarah Everard may have been foolish to night walk through dangerous London, but it needs to shouted out how an abusive sick officer, previously reported and allowed to get away with sex offending, used his warrant card to arrest Sarah, under guise of lockdown breach, handcuff, abduct , rape and kill her by breaking her neck. She was only 30 years old.
An idiot crime commissioner said diminutive Sarah should have resisted arrest by this powerfully built cop deemed the right stuff for an elite police unit, in which case this disgusting vile police officer would have at the very least got her a criminal record for doing so.
She coould not win because the police are a big part of a very big problem. Met boss Dick was cleared of causding the manslaughter of 28 year old de Menezes in 2005. She gave the order that led the innocent man to be shot 9 times while sitting on a tube station at Stockwell. The woman sitting next to him was rubbished with false prostitution claims and videos went missing. Dick was promoted soon after..
The establishment elite media worked hard to pin all blame on men as potentially violent toward women, with need of curfew. No blame was placed on corrupt unaccountable ( The IOPC are a joke ) police or lockdown lunacy..
Covid measures, against this abnormal bio weapon of a virus, is a smokescreen, but you cannot fight a police state. Now we have Biden with his Space Force, talkinmg about an imminent hyper sonic nuclear attack from Russia. Russia’s military build up on the Ukrainian border is blamed , even though NATO built up there first. The west are frightened of .the Russo Chinese alliance which they have provoked.
The greedy megalomaniac global super rich want hegemony. They brainwash hopeless unemployed white males into believing they are freedom fighters. It is an old story. My father and uncles had the same treatment in 1939 and I used to believe it. Britain’s MI6 has been working to subvert Russia ever since their stooge Yeltsin was kicked out. Bullies make the laws and they are above them , along with their police forces.

December 10th 2021
From F.S
‘Miscarriage of justice:’ British court agrees to US request to extradite Julian Assange
Julian Assange’s fiancee said: “How can it be fair, how can it be right, how can it be possible, to extradite Julian to the very country which plotted to kill him?”
by Joe Mellor

Credit: WikiLeaks TwitterFacebookTwitterLinkedinEmailWhatsapp
The US Government has won its bid to overturn a judge’s decision not to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

The elite want privacy to do the same in Iran and Syria. And they wonder why there are so many migrants. At no stage has the kind of Western wealth spent on destruction and religious division been considered for educating and developing life for the Middle Eastern masses.
International elites work on divide and rule, with all the scapegoats they can gather to take attention of them and their greedy unbridled hedonism. That applies to Islamic elites outside of Iran. I will quote Bob Dylan again : ‘All the criminals in their coats and their ties are free to drink Martinis and watch the sun rise’ Meanwhile, the United States claims to be run by ‘Democrats’ when it is actually run by Demagogue’s..
R J Cook.
Comment So much has been said. People should see so called Western Democracies for what they are. Assange exposed Anglo U.S conspiracy and war criminals. That is illegal. R J Cook

Lewis Hamilton engine change is ‘possible’ in bitter blow to Red Bull and Max Verstappen
Lewis Hamilton will take on Max Verstappen in the final Grand Prix of the Formula One calendar on Sunday in a bid to win his eighth Drivers’ Championship, breaking the record of seven he currently shares with Michael Schumacher. And it’s been suggested that he could even take another engine change in a bid to outsmart Red Bull this weekend.Video Player is loading.Play VideoGeorge Russell joins Lewis Hamilton at MercedesClick to expand
Verstappen was 19 points ahead in the battle for the title with just four races to go following his victory in the Mexican Grand Prix.
Yet three victories in a row for Hamilton – including a fastest lap in Saudi Arabia last time out – has seen the pair go head-to-head in the last race level on points.
It is the first time a scenario such as this has occurred since 1974, when Emerson Fittipaldi took all the honours in the last race of the season.
And Sky Sports pundit Ted Kravitz has suggested that Mercedes could drop a new power unit into Hamilton’s car to give him the edge come Sunday.© GETTY Hamilton
“What do Mercedes fear most? Max Verstappen taking out Lewis Hamilton and winning the championship that way,” said Ted Kravitz on Sky Sports.
“I don’t really see there are any other things they have to fear.
“They have the package that seems to be quickest at the moment, they have done the hat-trick in the last three races and they always have the option of putting a new power unit in.
“[An engine change] is possible because then what do Red Bull fear most? A Mercedes the like of which Lewis Hamilton had in Brazil, which was nigh-on unbeatable.
“Not my words – the words of Christian Horner, the Red Bull team principal.”
Mercedes have won the last seven Constructors’ Championships and will look to make it an eighth consecutive title on Sunday.
Having dominated the sport since 2014, Mercedes now sit just one title behind McLaren in the race for third in the all-time standings.© GETTY Verstappen
Boss Toto Wolff will be set on claiming the title that he has won every year since his arrival at Mercedes.
Verstappen will be looking to win his first title at the age of just 24.
And if he does, he will become the third-youngest driver to ever win the accolade behind Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel.
Comment Penalties from engine changes are no problem for Hamilton because any driver, especially Verstappen, who doesn’t make way for him, will get a penalty. The whole Formula One scene is a joke. As for engines, well the sport is a mix of poltical correctness, health & Saftey and money. Not worth watching in my view. More excitement looking down from a motorway overbridge. R J Cook
UK trade has shrunk since Brexit while EU thrives – data
Liam Doyle
Since Brexit manifested early this year, the Government has attempted to reforge the many trade deals it held as an EU member. Liz Truss has helped establish several since January 1, setting off ambitious targets to cover 80 percent of UK trade with free trade agreements by 2022. But data from the Bank of England shows that, despite her efforts, the UK’s trading prospects have shrunk.
Read More UK trade has shrunk since Brexit while EU thrives – data (
Government faces Tory backbench revolt over plan B Covid measures
Peter Walker and Aubrey Allegretti
I’m A Celebrity winner Giovanna Fletcher won’t hand over crown or return…Rockin’ around the Christmas streams: why festive music is bigger than ever
Downing Street is facing a damaging revolt over planned Covid restrictions after dozens of Tory backbenchers threatened to rebel or abstain in fury over the proposed new rules and Boris Johnson’s handling of the Christmas party scandal.
Read More Government faces Tory backbench revolt over plan B Covid measures (
Comment It says it all that the likes of Boris Johnson, Theresa May and David Cameron can rise to lead the Tory Party and the nation ( for want of a better word ) . Boris brought us Brexit and now Plan B. He has no mind of his own. On the other hand, Labour has Starmer , the dangerous conceited man who led a corrupt Crown Prosecution Service which conspired with police to withhold evidence to get convictions. There is no real plan B for this institutionally corrupt country. It has been on the road to ruin for years, livening on past glories and myths of the ‘Swinging Sixties’ which bled into the ‘Souring Seventies.’
R.J Cook

December 9th 2021
Boris Johnson’s standards adviser on brink of quitting over Downing Street flat
Court rules against Trump effort to shield documents from Capitol attack panel…Fifty Shades’ Jamie Dornan blasts ‘absurd’ theory he had kids with Dakota…
Boris Johnson’s standards adviser was on the brink of quitting on Thursday night following accusations that the Prime Minister misled him over the refurbishment of his Downing Street flat.
Comment Boris Johnson is no leader. He is a pompous windbag, so full of wind he blows with it. I was no fan of Brexit but it could have ben handled better.
Johnson displays a lack of everything needed for the job. Prime Ministers are not presidents. They have no real right to lead , but they should put principles before re election. I don’t think he has any.
He makes a lot of money from articles ghosted in his name, knocking out biased history books as with his a Churchill factor , a dubious concept that he thinks he fits. Hi voice lacks gavitas. His acting skills are fit only for the village hall drama club. He is funny peculiar, not h ha.
I didn’t see this at first, but the conduct of the Tory Party should see them ousted at the next election. a Brexit promises have come to knout and London is in chaos, with serious migrant problems and gang crime.

R J Cook
December 8th 2021
Antibodies from Pfizer vaccine may be up to 40 times less effective against Omicron, first lab tests suggest
Tom Clarke, science and technology editor
Covid live news: South Korea surge sparks hospital alarm; ‘stealth’ Omicron variant…20 movies you probably didn’t realize were propaganda
Antibodies from the Pfizer vaccine may be up to 40 times less effective against Omicron than the original COVID strain, the first lab tests on the new variant in South Africa have shown.
Comment Does anyone wonder why and how this research is conducted and funded ? It is meant to keep Covid panic and measures ongoing , with associated social control and economic consequences for the masses.
It is convenient and lucrative for worried elites, offering excuse for ever more repressive laws. Oddly, this message nullifies the whole point of the widely used Covid jab, which made me feel very ill after the second one.
These jabs are untested and the so called experts answer is , more jabs and ongoing restrictions, either because they know they don’t work or are merely conceited well paid apologists’ for the people who gave us this problem with their bio warfare research which we must not know about..
R J Cook

December 7th 2021
Will Boris Johnson implement Plan B? Sajid warns Omicron now spreading in the community
Liam Doyle
Covid live: early signs Omicron more transmissible, UK PM says; Scottish firms…‘And cut!’ Movies that have been banned or censored
Officials have detected 336 new Omicron cases since late November, and experts believe this total could soon become thousands. The new virus has come at an unfortunate time, as most of Europe and the US prepares to celebrate Christmas. Britons are eager to know whether the Government means to trigger Plan B, which would crack down on their freedom before the big day.
Read More Will Boris Johnson implement Plan B? Sajid warns Omicron now spreading in the community (
Comment One wonders what Javid understands by ‘the community.’ Britain is barely a nation, with all its broken homes , one parent families and multi culture. This is why the elite media play the race card in football and F1, to make us all feel we have something to support up, with multi cultural millionaire sports figures look up to.
When media say people want tougher measures , they are being selective . As a former teacher of many years experience, I am never surprised when teachers argue to shut schools. It is comic. However, they and so many others clamouring for more restrictiosn, with no real science basis – which is why the virus is still a problem – are causing far mre serious problems.
R J Cook
Tories on track to lose 77 seats in next election – Electoral Calculus
Here’s a full list of seats predicted to change hands.
The Conservatives are on track to lose 77 seats in the next general election, according to a regression poll byFind Out Now and Electoral Calculus.
A disastrous November saw the party caught in a sleaze scandal that ate into a healthy poll lead that has endured since the 2019 election.
Boris Johnson and the leader of the house, Jacob Rees-Mogg, ripped up the Commons rule book to save one of their colleagues, Owen Paterson at the start of the month. The Conservatives are on track to lose 77 seats in the next general election, according to a regression poll byFind Out Now and Electoral Calculus.
A disastrous November saw the party caught in a sleaze scandal that ate into a healthy poll lead that has endured since the 2019 election.
Boris Johnson and the leader of the house, Jacob Rees-Mogg, ripped up the Commons rule book to save one of their colleagues, Owen Paterson at the start of the month.
Read More Tories on track to lose 77 seats in next election – Electoral Calculus (
Comment Tories deserve to lose but there is no better alternative. Humourlessly there are people who think voting matters. I don’t.
R J Cook
‘What don’t you get?’ Furious Andrew Neil loses it with Hartley-Brewer in vaccine row
ANDREW NEIL was involved in a furious Twitter row with Talk Radio host Julia Hartley-Brewer over the potential introduction of vaccine passports in the UK.
By JAMES LEE11:10, Mon, Dec 6, 2021
Read More Andrew Neil loses it with Julia Hartley-Brewer in vaccine row | UK | News |
UK records more than 100 new Omicron cases in past 24 hours
Covid live: early signs Omicron more transmissible, UK PM says; Scottish firms…BBC Strictly Come Dancing: Kai Widdrington’s famous dancer ex and co-star he…
Another 101 Omicron COVID variant cases have been recorded in the UK, taking the total across the country to 437.
Read More UK records more than 100 new Omicron cases in past 24 hours (
Comment Britain’s actual population is over 80 million. London has at last 2 million illegals. The official population is 63 million. Either way 437 cases not deaths, is very small proportion. What the Covid obsession is a smokescreen for far worse and underlying health issues.
As I have said before , the NHS cannot cope with the BAME , obesity and ageing population demands. Add to that the massive BAME impact of open door illegal immigration ( normally called refugees ) and the eagerness to distract people with Covid lockdowns, masks and vaccines makes sense.
More worryingly is the hidden agenda of using Covid exaggeratio n to bring in back door ID cards, more police state watching uis, mre obdeience training and fear. Fear is the basis of political power , the police are the agents, no longer traditional thief and muirdder investigators.
Police officers themselves are chosen for charcataristics that make them amenable to obedience training within the police hierarchy, where most of them lack the peculiar qualities necessry for serious promotion, One could go on and talk about the school teaching culture into which I was barinwased and served for 18 years. Covid is the ultimate icing on the cake. R J Cook

Image Appledene Photographic Archive.
Two Met police officers jailed over photos of murdered sisters
Vikram Dodd Police and crime correspondent 16 hrs agoLike275 Comments|216
Covid news live: Omicron likely to become dominant variant, UK and US experts…LBC’s Steve Allen cleared by Ofcom after calling Strictly’s Tilly Ramsay ‘chubby’
Two Metropolitan police officers who “dehumanised” two black murder victims “for their own amusement”, by taking and sharing photos from the scene where they lay murdered, have been jailed for two years and nine months.
Read More Two Met police officers jailed over photos of murdered sisters (
Comment The country was in the semi chaos of an Industrial revolution when Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel created the 1929 Metropolitan Police Act. It’s purpose was to control the impoverished brutally exploited lower class masses. Peel supported the Corn Laws, making sure the working classes starved.
These people often had no alternative but petty crime, thousands transported to the Australian penal colonies for as trivial . matter as poaching game from aristocrats big estates , built on the backs of the workers. In my home town ., the nineteenth century magistrate was major landowner Fremantle . He transported all he could to work on his family’s Australian estates.
The police were not particular who they recruited, many lower class criminals and alcoholics numbered among recruits, as mentioned in my book ‘Southampton Past & Present’ – a book much assisted by Hampshire Constabulary.
London’s police force was copied across the nation, but London is still regarded as the jewel in the police crown, It shouldn’t’ be unless being the most corrupt of the most corrupt is the criteria. Police Chiefs have said they are looking for something special and need 200,000 applicants to find the right 20,000 !
Britain is returning to chaos and the rich are afraid. New laws roll off the production line faster than Model T Fords ever did , to control everything we do.
Into this new tyranny walked Sarah Everard who was violating night time lockdown. In this context she was forced into handcuffs, abducted by a member of the Metropolitan Police’s elite Diplomatic Protection Squad. She was later raped and murdered by this man who mentioned his connection with east European sex traffickers.
That aspect has been played down. Instead Police Chief Dick , PM Boris and mainstream media have made nothing of this. Instead they denigrated all men, with a senior female member of the House of Lords seriously suggesting a night curfew for ‘all men’ in the war against male violence toward women.
I have lost count of cop shows, all pushing a positive police image and the myth that they put their lives on the line to keep s safe. Many of us think the priority should keeping us safe from the police. They are a top down organisation and fish rot from the head down. Police whistle blowers have a tough time , especially when dealing with corrupt senior officers.
The police have a mentality to close ranks to protect accused officers. As a police inspector said, the Professional Standards Departments only act against officers who do not fit in. The cases of Chief Constable Sue Sim and Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick. As Paddick said, “It wasn’t my homosexuality that caused me problems in the police. It was my honesty.”
No government has the guts or inclination to create an external organisation , independent of the police, to investigate the police , enforcing accountability. It is an outrage that West Mercia Police’s senior management spent 5 years obstructing prosecution of convicted killer PC Benjamin Monk. If anyone else from the lower orders, had done that to a black man, they would have been immediately in custody with racism added to the charges. As for the IOPC, the police can ignore them in most cases and they overlap with police staff, rarely more than a mailing service – rebranded from IPCC. R J Cook

Winslow Fat Stock Show

All images by Roberta Jane Cook / Appledene Photographics

December 6th 2021
UK warned not to replicate Australia’s immigration detention centres
Diane Taylor
Covid news live: Omicron found in one-third of US states but early reports on…Celebrities who were cheated on
Two former detainees in Australia’s notorious offshore immigration detention centres have issued a “dire warning” to UK parliamentarians ahead of a vote to replicate these centres this week.
Read More UK warned not to replicate Australia’s immigration detention centres (
Next virus could be ‘more contagious’ and ‘more lethal’, warns Oxford vaccine creator
Sharon Marris, news reporter
Australia Covid live news update: Qld border to reopen 13 December…Celebrities who were cheated on
The next pandemic could be more deadly than COVID-19, according to one of the scientists behind the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.
Read More Next virus could be ‘more contagious’ and ‘more lethal’, warns Oxford vaccine creator (
Comment There will be no end to this, and the absurd propaganda that a virus can be defeated. We are now not just in the hands of scientists and experts , but of what they think might happen. It can only lead to social collapse as people are driven mad. We also have the absurd notion that indefinite third world population growth and free moment – with associated profiteering and economic growth – is sustainable. It isn’t.
R J Cook

December 5th 2021
Huge fire erupts in London – 15 engines and 100 firefighters rush to scene
Paul Withers
The London Fire Brigade (LFB) said all of a single storey workshop is alight. The Brigade’s 999 Control Officers received dozens of calls in relation to the blaze. Fire crews from six stations and several other nearby ones have rushed to the scene. It is not yet known what caused the fire.
Read More Huge fire erupts in London – 15 engines and 100 firefighters rush to scene (
Sacked staff discuss mass legal action against Yorkshire
Ben Rumsby
Covid live: UK reports 43,992 cases and 54 deaths; protests in Brussels turn…Strictly Come Dancing: Dan Walker becomes tenth celebrity to leave…
Yorkshire’s sacked staff will meet with lawyers on Monday to discuss taking legal action en masse against the club after Friday’s cull of the entire coaching team.
Comment People are increasingly afraid of accusations of racism. with new laws to protect women from unwanted comments , advances or negative comments regarding women en masse, life will become very difficult – as if Covid chaos was not enough to drive people mad. R J Cook
UK Omicron cases rise more than 50% in a day
Ian Collier, news reporter
Covid live: UK reports 43,992 cases and 54 deaths; protests in Brussels turn…Prince William ‘cringes’ as he recalls following Taylor Swift on stage ‘like a…
A further 86 cases of the new Omicron COVID variant have been reported in the UK, taking the total to 246.
Read More UK Omicron cases rise more than 50% in a day (
London buses stopped and ‘old ladies removed’ due to Covid mask rules – but some think it’s a ‘good idea’ after Omicron
Covid live: India records worst death toll in months; UK public urged to get…The Guilty director Antoine Fuqua signs first-look partnership with Netflix
Londoners have been left divided after a man reported that his bus was stopped so that TFL enforcement officers could get on board and check people were wearing facemasks.
Comment This is part of a very worrying trend. Even more cancer patients are missing vital care due to Covid fixation. I don’t think masks are about defeating the virus, but they are jolly handy at keeping my face warm.
R J Cook

December 4th 2021
High Court action launched against USS plans
University academics have issued the proceedings over ongoing valuation concerns
The High Court
The High Court is set to review four claims against Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) Limited on behalf of all members of its pension scheme, after more than 1,500 university staff members launched legal action on Friday.
Read More High Court action launched against USS plans (
December 3rd 2021
Mum diagnosed with cancer has ‘no case’ for surgery on the NHS, court hears
Bronwen Weatherby
Brother charged with murder and sexual assault of 16-year-old Amber Gibson30 of the greatest girl groups of all time
A 50-year-old mother-of-two diagnosed with a rare form of cancer has “no case” for asking the NHS to pay for her potentially life-saving surgery, lawyers on behalf of a Welsh health board have said.
Read More Mum diagnosed with cancer has ‘no case’ for surgery on the NHS, court hears (
Comment The National Health Service is appalling. Following U.K lockdown it was turned into a religion with ritual night time clapping. Then the staff said they would strike if they didn’t get more money for their stress and work. It was clown Boris Johnson at his best, taking the mickey out of the masses, creating a diversion.
Doctors , especially consultants, are vastly over paid and training places are deliberately limited and subject to criteria that favours the comfortable upper middle classes, where many newly qualified women choose to work a maximum 3 day week.
At the current rate of economic migration from the mainly Islamic world , there should be at least one new major hospital needed every year , with migration over 500,000 per year, many with health issues and heading for low or black market labour. There will also be need for more maternity facilities and care. Others will have to pay more taxes and it won’t be the rich. At the moment they rob Peter to pay politically correct Paul. The NHS uses every trick to avoid paying for the damages it causes and at least 40% of increased spending goes on staff pay rises. The bureaucracy grows along with the failures.
Add to that the ageing white population and the problem is insoluble with the current mind set. British people are not taught to connect, which is why they are vulnerable and easily manipulated. Then they go mad, get given pills , many losing everything then dying on the streets or in the mental hospitals. This doesn’t stop them piling on more Covid panic with ludicrous infection case figures as if those will die. R J Cook
Entire Yorkshire CCC coaching team to leave in wake of Azeem Rafiq racism scandal
Alexa Phillips, news reporter
Yorkshire’s director of cricket Martyn Moxon and head coach Andrew Gale are among 16 members of staff leaving the club in the wake of racism allegations made by former player Azeem Rafiq.© PA Yorkshire Cricket Club has been accused of ‘endemic racism’ over its handling of allegations from a former player
The total includes the club’s entire coaching team.
Read More Entire Yorkshire CCC coaching team to leave in wake of Azeem Rafiq racism scandal (
Comment This individual player was caught making anti Semitic posts on social media. His allegations should be seen in that light because there was no solid evidence to back his claims. Only opinions This political correctness is poison to robust interaction, but unstoppable.
Only certain kinds of equality matter in ‘liberal’ Britain with laws clearly favouring certain groups because they do not get applied in reverse. Women’s Rights is an even more dangerous example because women are assumed to always tell the truth – and unless you are rich or a police officer, men will always be assumed to be liars and pay the price because a woman’s tears say more than real evidence ever can.. R J Cook
Unite to slash Labour donations as union says party must do more for workers
Emily Atkinson
Murdered six-year-old boy ‘failed’ by the authorities, says grandmotherThe full cast for the stage adaptation of The Da Vinci Code has been revealed© EPA
The latest move threatens to deepen the divide between Unite and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer- EPA
Unite has decided to slash its funding for the Labour Party as a union official says the party needs to “talk about” and “defend workers”.
Currently Labour’s biggest union donor, Unite general secretary, Sharon Graham, told the Guardian that they would continue to £1 million in affiliation fees to the party.
Read More Unite to slash Labour donations as union says party must do more for workers (
Comment Labour has not represented the British Working classes since Atlee’s defeat in 1950, when the British working classes betrayed Labour so it started reinventing itself. I got kicked out of the Labour Party in 1986 for criticising Scargill’s miner’s strike and the anti Trident virtue signalling bourgeoise members of the party. It was totally out of touch.
Hence came New Labour and Blair as Thatcher MKII , an even more dangerous weapon against social order and justice. Now we have career opportunists on all sides, avoiding the indigenous masses to the extent that many think they are being wiped out. R J Cook
‘Only you can solve migrant crisis’: French prime minister blames UK for Channel chaos
Charles Hymas, Lucy Fisher 12 hrs ago
Angela Merkel urges Germans to stand up to hatred as she leaves office…From Welcome to Earth to The Great: the seven best shows to stream this week
The French prime minister has blamed Britain for the migrant Channel crisis, saying “only you can solve it”, as he rejected Boris Johnson’s proposal for joint patrols.© Provided by The Telegraph French Prime Minister Jean Castex said Britain needed to deport more failed asylum seekers, open up safer legal routes and crackdown on its black market
Jean Castex said Britain needed to deport more failed asylum seekers, open up safer legal routes and crack down on its black market if it was to reduce the record numbers of migrants crossing the Channel and make itself less “attractive” as a destination.
Read More ‘Only you can solve migrant crisis’: French prime minister blames UK for Channel chaos (
OBLIVIOUS TO REALITY – the border farce by R J Cook
Comment The French are absolutely right. Britain’s elite and mad military has persisted in destabilising the Islamic World in the absurd name of democracy. It’s elite and chattering self styled absurdly named new left chattering classes want the migrants.
The Border Force should be renamed The Border Farce. Given the rate of Islamic population grown in the Middle East and Black North Africa, this will not stop. The comfortable patronising upper middle classes tell these people they are an oppressed race, rather than a people dominated by an unreformed religion that must never be criticised on pain of jail.
That is the essence of a situation that the ruling elite have created. Neither these people or the migrants have any worthwhile spatial awareness, or grasp of basic human psychology , let alone the environment that they keep banging on about.
Massive food , health , social and economic conflict are here already, but they will get very much worse. The people encouraging this will not be stopped. Multi culture is nonsense, but so were the elite’s World Wars I and II . But that didn’t stop the elites and their minions who followed to kill and be killed.
My generation are so culpable, and they were those who enjoyed a blip of real education before they took over to create this political tyranny where any argument is hate speech, every raised voice offends women. Herding us frightened transsexuals into a pen and treating us like freaks is not liberal. I have written much about this country’s ‘interesting’ transgender clinic. It’s philosophy is peculiar and its real purpose quite obvious. They don’t like discussion of their prejudices, or questions about their practices. Typical ‘liberals’ they just have to be engaged with.
That is par for the course in our collapsing society. Now we have more pretending to care with another step toward greater lockdown on the pretext of saving lives and the appalling NHS.
This ever mutating bio engineered virus , which kills few if any on its own efforts, can’t be defeated , but its mutations make it ever weaker. So called scientists and experts know that , but it isn’t the point.
Of course massive economic immigration , passed of as asylum seeking will import more vulnerable BAME people with vulnerable life styles. They may die with Covid, in ever greater numbers, in line with rising immigration.
Obviously an ageing still mainly white population with ever declining birth rates because of the feminist con, will die. We old people will die soon enough. Fact, there is no mass vaccine to stop death and the majority of my generation were either hedonistic students or hard worked and underpaid proletarians . The didn’t have the means or knowledge to look after themselves. Many have drunk and smoked too much to make themselves as oblivious to reality as our ruling and chattering classes appear to be.
R J Cook

December 2nd 2021
LV chairman oversaw 161 botched Post Office prosecutions: Fresh shame for Cook as he seeks to sell mutual
Lucy White For The Daily Mail 7 hrs agoLike32 Comments|18
© Provided by This Is Money MailOnline logo
The businessman behind LV’s controversial sale oversaw the prosecution of 161 innocent postmasters during his time at the helm of the Post Office.
Comment The face says it all. Migrants want to live like us, which ones of us I wonder ? Justice U.K is a game, where the rich make the rules, where feminists want men jailed for rape with r without evidence, as long after the event as possible – they want the same for domestic violence as long as the accuser is female. Real tears say more than evidence ever could, so long as it isn’t the man who is crying. We have unaccountable authorities and a tame press owned by the rich. We would all like to live like the rich but an increasing number are living – for want of a better word – on the streets in this bogus democracy U.K. R J Cook
Emerging picture from South Africa suggests Omicron variant could be real cause for concern
Tom Clarke, science and technology editor 8 hrs agoLike65 Comments|152
Australia politics live update: Scott Morrison announces investigation…Prince Harry pens letter to mark World AIDS Day
Don’t be distracted by headlines that the Omicron variant might be less deadly than Delta. More worrying pictures are starting to emerge from South Africa.
The first is data from the South African COVID-19 monitoring consortium on new cases.
These graphs are showing a “sustained increase” (coloured orange) in cases in recent days in most of South Africa’s provinces. Out in front, is Gauteng province, home to Johannesburg and South Africa’s capital Pretoria.
Comment This report is deliberate scaremongering by Sky news et al. The talk here is all about rate of infections , not mortality specifically linked to any variant. The consequences of this will be more panic and unemployment – as well as more profit to Covid interest groups. The overpopulating Third World is always going to be a haven for all manner of illness and infection.
Free movement spreads the problem world wide, along with poverty. As long as key issues cannot be talked about on pain of jail, matters will worsen. Real deaths from lockdowns, stress , medical neglect of real issues and mental health problems will increase significantly.
Clearly lockdowns do not work , nor do masks. You cannot have it both ways. Nor can BAME groups have world wide exemption on fertility or religious grounds, as we are seeing with the refusal of so many NHS workers to have the vaccine.
They are now talking of fourth boosters. You will not ‘defeat’ this virus and the chance of natural immunity is vanishing. There is so much more to this than meets the eye. However it was created – and it was created – it is no bigger danger than flu and there are no jabs against dying from old age and poor life style. There is no immortality jab. If there were , only the rich and powerful would get it.
R J Cook

December 1st 2021
New London
The London takeaway street where delivery drivers ‘poo on road’ and make local lives hell
Robert Firth
Ex-Tesco boss ‘humbled to get knighthood on behalf of food industry heroes’Celebrities who are HIV positive
People living opposite takeaway kitchens say their lives are being made hell by delivery drivers who allegedly defecate outside their flats and shout abuse at them.
Residents of York House in Lambeth, South London claim they have seen raw meat dumped in the street, delivery drivers having sex, and rats running along their balconies since the “dark kitchens” opened.
Read MoreThe London takeaway street where delivery drivers ‘poo on road’ and make local lives hell (
Comment I have delivered into London by truck and van. There are no public toilets to speak of. The traffic jams make it much worse. R J Cook
All Britain’s fault! EU close ranks to join French in blaming UK for migrant crisis
Treasure Island review – BSL production a sign of progressThe rise of Riz Ahmed, Hollywood’s latest leading man
Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn said Britain should be held responsible for issues in the English Channel – blaming “evil” Brexit for stopping any possible efforts to work closely with France. Mr Asselborn told Deutschlandfunk: “People want to go to Great Britain, but can no longer get into the trucks at the Eurotunnel. That’s why they only have the sea. “It is a fact that the compass of the people who come from the Middle East, North Africa and Asia is set to Great Britain.”
Comment Europe is absolutely right. Britain’s elite and chattering classes , however, do not accept reasoned criticism. They have significantly harmed and undermined the European project. Their so called humanitarian democratic promoting wars didn’t help. R J Cook
November 30th 2021
London Underground: Muslim man told ‘this is a Christian country’ by passenger in racist attack for reading Quran on Tube
Charlie Lawrence-Jones
Australia news updates live: Qld floods; bigger Covid quarantine fines in NSW…Famous people buried in unmarked graves
A London Underground passenger was left shocked after a stranger started shouting at him for reading the Quran.

Comment I am not sure if this country can be reasonably described as Christian , although that was my religion until police and State psychiatrists started making seeking t section me – with newly discovered sensitive secret reports that I am officially deluded. With that in mind , I must also be insane to believe in the Christian God.
Massive Islamic migration brings with its acolytes, the sense of a power vacuum. Very few people of any of the Judaic Christian Islamic Empire understand the politics of that grouping , all proclaiming to worship God in the only true way. That sotrt of behaviour about anything else would be called OCD.
The person ranting about the Koran reader senses multi cultural chaos. The reader is looking for certainty and guidance. Reality is a chimera for them. Fear is their religion. Religion is the source of their delusion that obscures their real problems.
It is just as well , because we minions are powerless against a ruling hypocritical elite and its lackeys. We need a common religion and associated delusion. For many it is football, with woman rushing in for comfort.
But too many religions means too much conflict. But until we get mass chemical lobotomy and stop humouring the Muslims that they can live like us, when our ruling elite doesn’t want us to live worthwhile lives, we will have more silly incidents like this one until we reach critical mass.
R J Cook
Living Like Us
Videos of Mad World Johnny Darko
Donnie Darko – Music Video of Mad World

‘It’s all for the best you know’ , as Whiteleaf’s lying well paid consultant Dr C R Ramsay told me after he wrote a report stating that I am a paranoid personality , schizophrenic , bi polar person with abnormal psychology – all on the basis of invading my home for 3 brief sessions after I had been on a truck driving shift of 400 miles each and handballing cargo.
Three years later, in an interview I secretly taped, one of his quack colleagues has now backed him up to make sure they follow police policy to block my sex change treatment because they need me to be mad and perverted. But I would say that , would I not, because I am officially paranoid. This is living like us. Who are the real money grabbing depraved greedy whores ? R J Cook
People Like Us ?

November 29th 2021

Amazing to think she ever laid 29 inch sewer pipes in a 17 feet deep trench and drove a big hydraulic digger in the 1970s.
She stupidly thought an aspiring writer actually had to do things before writing anything about life. According to Dr C R Ramsay of Oxford Area NHS Trust , she ahs ‘abnormal psychology.’
Image Appledene Photographics Archive. .

Roberta Jane Cook with her digger, taking a break from road building in Summer 2011. Image Appledene Photographics / Christine Halpin.
UK must make itself ‘less economically attractive’ to migrants, French interior minister says
Andy Hayes, news reporter
Nissan stresses importance of UK plant in global electric vehicle investmentLin-Manuel Miranda, Sara Bareilles and more pay tribute to Stephen…
The UK must make itself less economically attractive to migrants, France’s interior minister has said.© Reuters French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin during the meeting on Sunday
Gerald Darmanin added that France would not be “held hostage” by Britain’s domestic politics.
People gather in Calais and Dunkirk because they are “attracted by England, especially the labour market which means you can work in England without any identification”, he continued.
Comment This will upset ‘liberals’ in well paid elite occupations but is the essence of the situation. The elite want the cheap labour and the virtue signalling chattering classes enjoy kudos and credit from virtue signalling.
An aggrieved mainly white working class of under dogs are written off , by them, as far right. These self righteous people have wanted to inflict this PC insanity on all Europe , hence U.K media outrage at Polish authorities using water canons. It was this attitude in interwar Germany , that led to Hitler, the Nazis and World War Three. R J Cook

Pictured: Boy, 16, stabbed to death in Hounslow over ‘Gucci bag’
Barney Davis
Today programme off air for nearly 30 minutes after alarm soundsLin-Manuel Miranda, Sara Bareilles and more pay tribute to Stephen…
A 16-year-old boy who was stabbed to death in a residential road in Hounslow has been named as Rishmeet Singh.© Evening Standard stabbing.jpg
The teenager was found suffering fatal knife wounds in Raleigh Road on Wednesday evening.
He is the 28th teenager to be killed on the streets of London this year, one away from a peak of 29 teen homicides in 2008.
Read More Pictured: Boy, 16, stabbed to death in Hounslow over ‘Gucci bag’ (
London trains: Inside the capital’s quietest railway station with just 24 passengers a day
Callum Marius
Today programme off air for nearly 30 minutes after alarm soundsLin-Manuel Miranda, Sara Bareilles and more pay tribute to Stephen…
South Greenford has been dethroned.
London’s least used open station is now Sudbury & Harrow Road , a station that sees just eight trains per weekday and nothing on weekends and bank holidays, according to the Office of Rail and Road.
In the financial year from 2020 to 2021, just 6,258 passengers used the station.
READ MORE : London train station is so polluted it’s seven times over the safe limit
London trains: Inside the capital’s quietest railway station with just 24 passengers a day (
‘Tear up the ENTIRE deal!’ Boris urged to strike back in Brexit row if EU refuses to cave
Migrants are told they must earn a place in Britain. But no one should have toThey see me trollin’, they hatin’….The most trolled celebrities in the…
The UK’s Brexit minister Lord Frost has continued to insist the Northern Ireland Protocol is not working, and has called for large parts of the mechanism to be completely overhauled. He has continued to demand the removal of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) from the deal, which would effectively act as a referee between the two sides in any future disputes. The EU has flat-out rejected this and so far several rounds of talks between London and Brussels have failed to make any significant breakthrough.
Read More ‘Tear up the ENTIRE deal!’ Boris urged to strike back in Brexit row if EU refuses to cave (
Comment Logically there are two options here. They are 1 ) Force a United Ireland 2 ) Re join the EU. Obviously I favour the latter as one can already see what I expected, the elite using Brexit to further abuse and oppress the masses, while still using the EU as a scapegoat. R J Cook
‘The Tories are drowning in a sea of desperation with incompetence and malice’
Migrants are told they must earn a place in Britain. But no one should have toThey see me trollin’, they hatin’….The most trolled celebrities in the…
Demonising desperate men, women and children as if they are an Omicron Covid virus to be kept out of “Global Britain”, is the dirtiest politics.
Shameless Boris Johnson and a hiding Priti Patel are more interested in propaganda than saving lives.
Read More ‘The Tories are drowning in a sea of desperation with incompetence and malice’ (

Landowners who own a third of England make ‘climate-friendly’ carbon pledge
Tom Bawden
Migrants are told they must earn a place in Britain. But no one should have toThey see me trollin’, they hatin’….The most trolled celebrities in the…
A group of organisations led by the National Trust, who own and manage a third of England’s land, have signed a pact to make their grounds more climate-friendly by boosting peat bogs, woodlands and rivers.
Forests and peatland absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide while measures to reconnect rivers and slow down their flow, for example by making them more bendy, can help prevent flooding and coastal erosion.
Read More Landowners who own a third of England make ‘climate-friendly’ carbon pledge (
Comment When considering the migrant crisis and Covid spread, it should be noted that 90 % of the population live on 10 % of the land , the majority in high density urban areas where deprivation is an increasing issue.
R J Cook.

Train drivers will be ‘left with angry customers’ who will not wear masks
Sophie Corcoran
Clarence House dismisses claims Charles speculated about Sussex baby’s skin…Donatella Versace and Pharrell Williams lead tributes to Virgil Abloh
Train workers will be left to deal with angry passengers who do not want to wear face masks, after they were once again made compulsory on public transport, a union has said.© PA Archive Coronavirus – Mon Jun 15, 2020
Read More Train drivers will be ‘left with angry customers’ who will not wear masks (
Omicron will cause chaos in schools, warn MPs
Camilla Turner
Clarence House dismisses claims Charles speculated about Sussex baby’s skin…Donatella Versace and Pharrell Williams lead tributes to Virgil Abloh
The omicron variant will lead to “chaos” in schools, MPs have warned, with children set to be forced into self-isolation by the new rules.
Read More Omicron will cause chaos in schools, warn MPs (
November 28th 2021
Special forces to infiltrate Calais migrant traffickers using disguises
Covid: Britons who refuse to wear a mask ‘face fines of £200’ as ministers tighten…Prince Charles’s aides deny book claims he was ‘royal racist’Play VideoMigrant crisis: France ‘ridiculous’ for cancelling meeting says MPClick to expand
The UK is set to offer a team of 30 troops from the Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) to help French police. The elite soldiers may even use disguises to penetrate the criminal gangs.
It comes following the deaths of 27 migrants, whose boat deflated in the English Channel on Wednesday.
Boris Johnson wrote to French President Emmanuel Macron following the incident, saying “unless we increase our efforts, other tragedies will happen.”
Read More Special forces to infiltrate Calais migrant traffickers using disguises (
Comment Still missing the point. The issue is , what has attracted Islamic and African migrants to the U.K in the first place and why are the countries they leave so awful. ? This idea is window dressing and will solve nothing.
R J Cook
Camped in Calais, migrants renew resolve to try for England
By DANICA KIRKA, Associated Press
Australia Covid live update: Omicron detected in NSW, states tighten border restrictionsVirgil Abloh death: Influential Louis Vuitton and Off-White menswear…
CALAIS, France (AP) — At the makeshift camps in France near Calais and Dunkirk, migrants are digging in, waiting for their chance to make a dash across the English Channel despite the deaths of at least 27 people this week when their boat sank a few miles (kilometers) from the French coast.
Read More Camped in Calais, migrants renew resolve to try for England (
Border Force workers ‘aghast’ at ‘inhumane’ migrant boat pushback plans as union joins legal action
Liam James
Australia Covid live update: Omicron detected in NSW, states tighten border restrictionsVirgil Abloh death: Influential Louis Vuitton and Off White menswear…
Border Force staff have joined the legal fight to stop Priti Patel from “pushing back” migrant boats in the Channel, branding the government’s plan “cruel and inhumane”.© Reuters
Their union, PCS, and charity Care4Calais are demanding the Home Office publish details of the policy and the legal basis for it.
Michel Barnier calls on France to destroy border treaty with UK and let in asylum seekers
Covid live news: Austria reports first case of Omicron as new variant continues…Tony Iommi teases Ozzy Osbourne collaboration
On Wednesday 25 November a fishing boat sounded the alarm after spotting several people at sea off the coast of France. The boat that the asylum seekers were trying to cross the Channel in was found mostly deflated by rescuers. Amongst the 28 people who died were pregnant women and three children.
Read More Michel Barnier calls on France to destroy border treaty with UK and let in asylum seekers (
Comment Interested parties in the U.K , combined with outcomes of Anglo U.S foreign policy has given Europe a migration nighjtmare. Because the U.K elite and chattering classes project a dubious image of humanitarianism , multi cultural tolerance and democracy, there is already a substantial migrant community. Current migration is beating a path to this haven.
Additionally, the U.K persists as if it hadn’t left the EU to do its own repressive thing. However, it acts as if it still has a patronising right to lecture Europe on what it should and shouldn’t do. The only thing these parties will agree on is building up armed forces in Ukraine because they want regime change in Russia , making it look as if Russia is the aggressor. R J Cook

November 27th 2021
Row with France escalates as Macron bans UK from migrant talks
Sam Lister – Deputy Political Editor
Australia Covid news live: country braces for Omicron as states and territories…Can you guess the celebs in these pictures?© Christopher Furlong/Getty Images Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron
The French president had accused Boris Johnson of not being “serious” after the PM revealed on Twitter details of a letter he wrote to Mr Macron, detailing his plan to stop migrants leaving France for the UK.
It followed the deaths of 27 people during a bid to cross the Channel on Wednesday.
A Whitehall source said of the French: “Are they really going to let people keep drowning because of a tweet? Everyone now needs to come together, stop this tit for tat and work on how we can stop people dying.”
Read More Row with France escalates as Macron bans UK from migrant talks (
French Kissing As Johnson Sucks Up And Cocks Up. He Is The Cumming Man.
Comment Again Macron is absolutely right. Who does Johnson et al think they are ? They led this collapsing incestuous smug badly run fake liberal little country to Brexit and still think they can blame the EU for their arrogant washout..
One can picture the elite Civil Servants drafting the ridiculous speeches full of typicall British Churchillian cliches like ‘ coming together and ‘mult culture.’ There are disturbing reasons for the flood of migrants through Europe into U.K. The migrants are not refugees. They make it very clear they are after a better lifeand know they will get privileged treatment.
Britain’s smug ruling arses seriously want the French to share in this scavenging for people who bring rigid Islamic views on transsexuals, of which I am proudly one, and homophobia.
European culture is vilified and the Dark Ages mentality of many migrants is excused. Islam is not a race, It is not an acceptable way to truth for many of us, but it serves the elite’s purpose in silencing dissent with a plethra of new laws to control speeech , thought and formulation of ideas.
Johnson has a privileged back ground and has been an irritating superficial journalist, over paid and simplistic. His book on Churchill was meretricious periphrastic drivel .
To borrow from my psychiatrist who reported that I ‘do not need hospital yet , but am likely to die from misadventure’ , Johnson is deluded like so many orators before him. Europe really needs to escape his influence. Let the Brexiteers see what they have done, exactly what I expected. R J Cook
P.S If the police and Dr ( sic ) Ramsay think all I do is write this stuff all day, I have just taken a break from writing 2000 words of my new commissioned book. It is what I do since their malicious mental health report disqualified me from truck driving.
It is amusing, in spite of everything, that they persist in the view that I am obsessed with the police and certain related parties, thinking of nothing else.
It is true they have been a serious 14 year old problem for me that urgently needs sorting. But they don’t surprise me because they are a manifestation of our highly corrupt secretive police state. They fascinate and intrigue me. They are full of PC Monks and PC Wayne Couzens types. – and worse. I am so glad I resisted the invitation to join the Met for accelerated promotion in 1978,. i couldn’t live with serious criminals.
If the Chinese are guilty of genocide against Uighur Muslims then the same can be said about what is being done to Britain’s white working classes by their so called leaders whose positive discrimination is destroying their culture.
As a devout Christian with strong Republican Irish roots, Dr ( sic ) Ramsay reporting me as deluded paranoid schizophrenic is undermining my faith and genocide against Christians. State / Police hate crime against me is seriously off the scale. If Jesus came again, the smug Christian fakes would kill him all over again.
R J Cook
Black & White – True Colours

Vernon and I met just after we were posted to Havant tax office in February 1975. In many ways we were both outsiders. We were best friends within the first week. My only other friends there were four wonderful ladies affectionately known as the ‘movement girls.’ They are another story.
Along the way, at Stanmore B Training Centre , I met Carol Winston, a mixed race rather outspoken American girl. We both had ambitions to be writers and had a close relationship for 18 months. She once said that one day I would talk of my affair with an old black woman – she was all of 24. I did not protest when she returned to her estranged white university lecturer husband, . We learned a lot from each other , both writing poems. She wrote one for me called ‘Gone.’ It included the line. ‘Gone, all of the child , in one tiny second.’ She went on to train as a barrister.
At no time did I think of her or Vernon as black. They were good happy interesting people and an important part of my life. Many years later, when Vernon had been promoted to Southampton and I had gone to London, then back to my native Buckinghamshire, Vernon approached me for a reference to the Southampton Magistrates Bench.
By this time, I had begun my political career and was Chairman of my local council’s planning committee , school special needs governor , member of the Buckingham & District Crime Prevention Committee upon the recommendation of a Chief Superintendent acquaintance, and an experienced school teacher. I was qualified to give him an excellent reference. He was accepted.
Over the many years of our friendship , Vernon had always been loyal and a great support to my endeavours. He helped me write two books on Southampton, a city where my mother’s family had many roots and connections.
He had not been long on the bench, with two others, beside him when he faced the case of an habitual young black burglar and house breaker from the then impoverished St Mary’s District of Southampton. He said that his colleagues were uncomfortable and asked to adjourn for conference.
They sheepishly suggested to Vernon another chance for the young man. Vernon’s reply was as follows : ‘If you want to improve race relations here, then you do not give special privileges. He has admitted guilt and a string of offences.’
I would have been a poor lawyer , judge or police officer because I am quite soft , with a background of growing up in a one parent and materially poor home. My father died two months before my 12th birthday after years of decline following an accident. I understand why and how many people drift into trouble, a lot of them living without hope.
As a teacher I was reprimanded for ‘agonising over the pupils.’ As a truck driver, my wonderful boss told me that ‘Rob, you overthink everything.’ The law is theoretically black and white, but I see the shades and the true colours. That is no way to survive these days. R J Cook
UK officials still blocking Peter Wright’s ‘embarrassing’ Spycatcher files
Jon Ungoed-Thomas
Covid live: PM announces new measures after two cases of Omicron variant detected in UKThe week in audio: The Exploding Library; Famous Firsts; Ry-Union; Bed of Lies
The Cabinet Office has been accused of “delay and deception” over its blocking of the release of files dating back more than three decades that reveal the inside story of the intelligence agent Peter Wright and the Spycatcher affair.
Wright revealed an inside account of how MI5 “bugged and burgled” its way across London in his 1987 autobiography Spycatcher. He died aged 78 in 1995.
Details of Wright’s disclosures and the mostly futile attempts by Margaret Thatcher’s government to quash publicity of Wright’s revelations are detailed in 32 files containing government documents from 1986 and 1987.
Tim Tate, an award-winning documentary-maker and author who is seeking access to the files, accuses officials of withholding documents that may cause political embarrassment. “They have behaved appallingly, as if the law does not apply to them,” he said. “It is a waste of public money over documents which should be in the public domain.”
Most government documents are released after 30 years, but officials have cited various exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act to block publication of the Spycatcher files. They initially said the request was “vexatious” because of the amount of work involved in collating the files and redacting any sensitive material.
Read More UK officials still blocking Peter Wright’s ‘embarrassing’ Spycatcher files (
Comment It is interesting how the establishment resorts to using the word vexatious. That is how West Mercia Police responded to my request for file disclosures relating to a PNC Criminal Marker on my car and so called ‘soft intelligence records’ created on October 9th 2008. The police have ramped it up. The State has now classified me as delusional , schizophrenic and paranoid. They still refuse disclosures.
As for Wright’s book, I read a copy smuggled in from Canada when it first came out and Thatcher spent millions banning it. It was quite boring and no surprises.
However, the Assange affair reminds us just how dangerous truth telling has become in Britain’s Western style democracy. Brexit has made it more dangerous. Meanwhile , I have just learned that face coverings are once again mandatory. R J Cook

November 26th 2021
Brexit means you chose to give up migrant returns, France tells Boris Johnson
The Sicilian town where the Covid vaccination rate hit 104%Radio silence: Afghan stations are one more casualty of the Taliban
French politicians have claimed that Brexit undercut the UK’s ability to tackle Channel migrant crossings, as Emmanuel Macron reprimanded Boris Johnson.© Provided by The Telegraph Pope Francis receives French President Emmanuel Macron in a private audience at the Vatican City on Friday
The Élysée Palace reacted fiercely to Mr Johnson’s three-page letter of proposals for reducing the number of boats launched from France, which was sent to Mr Macron on Thursday night.
My letter to President Macron.— Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) November 25, 2021
Read More Brexit means you chose to give up migrant returns, France tells Boris Johnson (
Comment Macron is absolutely right. It is not his fault that Britain’s comfortable classes have made U.K a PC haven with lots of benefits and privileges for migrants pretending to be refugees. Why should France pay the price. Britain did so much to destabilise the Middle East and destroy Libya as the only hope of economic progress in North Africa. Pandering to Obabama , they were there coming and seeing and killing. They opened the door to North African migrants who are not coming, en masse for multi culture.
Britain’s smug chattering classes who demand ever more laws to prevent any contradiction or opposition, along with an elite who sees profit in promoting Islam, cannot see just how bad things are – or how much worse they will get.
These migrants are above criticism as are the backward overpopulated religion obsessed countries from which they come. They are brought up in a culture where religion is politics, politics is religion. We are brought up in a country where politics is privilege, lies and oppression -with religious and sexual hypocrisy thrown in for good measure.
Britain and mass economic immigration were made for each other. This is the last bastion of functioning Royalty and its minions. It is true that many, but not all things are possible here for those of us in the underclass, but little of anything offering long term good. R J Cook

Ramsay appears to have been acting on information that she had been arrested for sending porn videos , to sensitive parties including senior police, compromising pictures of herself and ex ‘wife’ along with anonymous typed letters where she accuses herself of being a ‘gay’ whore.’ She is apparently so mad that she sent this to 8 parties including 2 Chief Constables, one Deputy Chief Constable and a sergeant. There is no evidence of police having investigated anything and is par for the course in a sequence of events starting in October 2008.
She was told she could not complete her sex change unless she took powerful anti psychotic drugs and that she would probably die by misadventure. The only nice thing the report said was that she did not need hospital yet.
These lies were repeated in court recently. The police have even lied that she was convicted. They offered no evidence of investigation. The trauma continues. Surgery and medication – which she has been on since 2017, was blocked after 3 years as a GIC patient. Police and the NHS persistently refuse to answer questions , the former having made on going contributions to her NHS health records. That is Police State Britain.

London Underground: The Tube line that ‘could be closed in 3 weeks’ over ‘funding crisis’
Tara Cobham
Warnings that a London Underground line as well as over 100 of the city’s bus services might have to be shut down have been issued by Transport for London amid a funding crisis.
If the Government does not offer more financial support, the network predicted it will fall into “managed decline”, creating “significant customer disruption.”
Andy Byford, London’s Transport Commissioner, said he was not being “hyperbolic” but believed there was “less than three weeks to save TfL”, adding: “If we do not get the help that we’re seeking, I believe that there would be far-reaching consequences for Transport for London and everyone that relies on it.”
Comments Beggars Belief. City slicker crooked asset strippers made a killing from asset stripping the once finest underground rail system, the world’s first, Thatcher et all did more damage to infrastructure, economic and social structure than Hitler’s Luftwaffe could ever have dreamed of doing. R J Cook
‘I come, or I die’: fatalistic refugees say Channel crossing their only option
Diane Taylor
Covid live: WHO names new variant ‘Omicron’; EU states agree on need to halt…From Bert at the Logies to Kylie at the Arias: how well do you know Australian awards ceremony moments?
In the early hours of Thursday morning, a group of newly arrived refugees huddled together on the coast of Dover. The smugglers had not halted their trade in moving people across the Channel and, just hours after 27 people died on the perilous journey, they were back at work.
Read More ‘I come, or I die’: fatalistic refugees say Channel crossing their only option (
Comment The logic of this viewpoint , for want of a better word, is that as many of these mainly Islamic migrants who want to come to the U.K must be allowed to come to the U.K. This can only progress into an ever larger nightmare. Islamists are very serious about their religion, so passing this off as multi culture is absurd.
They don’t just go to church for appearances sake, like the C of E hypocrites. As for the Africans from Somalia and Eritrea for example, they are mainly young and there is a link with their numbers and a terrible rise in gang violence in London and other urban areas. Multi culture is a ruling and liberal elite sanctimonious device to criminalise dissent from this so called progressive consensus.
The media jump on any sign of white dissent , but play down incidents like the attempted women’s hospital bombing for the sake of anti racisms and on the excuse of mental illness. This fancy footwork should deceive no person with a brain.
There is a very big problem and France is right to say that the U.K politicians and opinion makers have created it. A dangerous British elite faction swung Brexit to get their interests served , conning the masses. They have no right to expect anything but derision from France. As for fishing, Heath et al sold the British fishermen down the river years ago. The massive migrant population explosion will exacerbate overfishing among so many other things that will inevitably go bad in Europe.. R J Cook
M57 traffic nightmare: Gridlocked motorists facing huge delays as police rush to scene
Omicron: everything you need to know about new Covid variantDwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson jokes with tourists in hilarious new video© Twitter/@Andylatham14 m57 traffic
Drivers have reported long queues and a large police presence on the motorway.
One Twitter user with the handle @Andylatham14 wrote: “M57 at a stand still. Lots of police flying past.”
This is a developing news story, more to follow
November 25th 2021
France expands sea monitoring as migrants vow to pursue UK dream
By Layli Foroudi and Lucien Liber
DUNKIRK, France/ZAGREB (Reuters) -France pledged on Thursday to step up surveillance of its northern shores, but migrants huddling in makeshift camps said neither that nor a tragic drowning the day before would stop them from trying to cross the Channel to Britain.
Orbit and Entice become latest UK energy suppliers to go bust
Thanksgiving Day Parade returns to New York30 of the longest and shortest singles of all time
Another two UK energy suppliers have gone bust, following the collapse of Bulb Energy earlier this week, bringing the number of households affected by a supplier failure closer to the 4m mark since August.
Read More Orbit and Entice become latest UK energy suppliers to go bust (
Comment Thatcher’s governments were a disaster for Britain’s cohesion. Multi culture is nonsense. There has to be a common culture and hierarchies are inevitable. However, religion and gender should not be their basis. Privatisation of public services was a rip off and disaster. BLM and the gender war are a con trick and ultimately dangerous to social stability.
Ultimately there are men, women and individuals -who may or may not be transsexual or gay, may or may not subscribe to an organised religion. As a transsexual, I take the view that that should not be the be all and end all f life, no more than cis gender or race. Of course one’s sense of identity is important. I should know because I have had at least two police forces interfering with mine, sending reports that I am psychotic and schizophrenic. That , I am afraid is yet another sign of one part of society getting dangerously above itself.
For societies to work there is a need for the majority to voluntarily subscribe to the whole – including the police who are currently unaccountable and riddled with corruption.. The vile greed , corruption , hypocrisy and pseudo liberalism oozing like puss from our revolting political , financial and justice system is not an example to bring out the best from us plebeians.
That is where these power companies have come from. They benefitted from Thatcher’s ideological fire sale. They were asset strippers who have leeched off of the purse ever since. Time for them to be returned to public ownerships and their directors and senior managers investigated for financial wrong doing. They do not collapse by accident. R J Cook
Cabinet Office blocked data watchdog from scrutiny of secretive ‘blacklist unit’
Mikey Smith
The Cabinet Office blocked the Information Commissioner from auditing its secretive ‘Clearing House’, which has been accused of ‘blacklisting’ journalists seeking government information.
Read More Cabinet Office blocked data watchdog from scrutiny of secretive ‘blacklist unit’ (
Comment The U.K Freedom of Information Act was about the absolute opposite, setting up strong censorship and restrictions to what the public might want to see. It amplified and strengthened the secret power structure. R J Cook
TfL crisis latest: entire Tube line may have to close and bankruptcy notice issued
Ross Lydall
Veteran finishes 25th marathon in 25 days in memory of war deadI’m a Celebrity confirms Richard Madeley exit from 2021 series
Closing an entire Tube line is among the options that Transport for London may have to consider as a result of its financial crisis, it has been revealed.
Last week TfL warned that 18 per cent of bus services and nine per cent of Tube services were facing the axe, which would mean removing 100 of 700 bus routes and reducing services on 200 more.
Read More TfL crisis latest: entire Tube line may have to close and bankruptcy notice issued (
Comment I became a hate figure as a young journalist and teacher in Bucks during the rise of Thatcherism, who did so much to destroy the Conservative Party , the social and economic fabric. In doing so , she inadvertently advanced the cause of political correctness to the extent that it is a smokescreen obscuring some very serious issues.
Nearly 20 years ago , I interviewed the last Chairman of British Rail, for a magazine. He told me that John Major was determined to follow in Thatcher’s footsteps and privatise the railways, against Sir Bob and his board’s advice – also ignoring the BR board’s expertise regarding how they did it.
Asset stripping and quick profit was the order of the day. Many of us welcomed Boris Johnson’s victory and hoped for a government with the guts to face up to reality. Instead of that they grovel to the Labour agenda, afraid of bad press and losing their seats.
So it is no surprise to me that London’s transport system is collapsing. Privatisation did not work for the over ground system . Among the proof of my conclusion is Railtrack going back into public ownership and franchises heavily subsidised. Buses are similarly heavily dependent on subsidy. with National Bus assets stripped for private profit and DB hoping to sell off Arriva.
I have spent some years working in , studying and writing about the transport system. Like everything else in this country, the good and the expertise has been compromised by dubious politicians and financiers. It is quite a statement, therefore, that the Capital’s transport system has come to this. R J Cook

Second police force asks motorists to help put protestors in jail
Jonathan Rose For Mailonline
A second police force has asked motorists whose lives were seriously impacted by Insulate Britain to come forward.
Read More Second police force asks motorists to help put protestors in jail (
Comment As a commercial driver for many years, I know the M25 is awful at the best of times. It is not a sensible place for protest. The problem is that the more totalitarian the British state appears to be, the more extreme and crazy the protests have become because people are desperate. They are routinely lied to by officialdom and ignored.
Political and police corruption – along with incompetence is ever more evident to those who think. So whilst I understand why the police are asking for the public to add weight to their anger, I am concerned that this is yet another manifestation of them as political forces.
The police have shown how much they cannot be trusted . Hearsay from the aggrieved public is a slippery slope into dictatorship. The police and the CPS routinely twist , withhold and fabricate evidence. They are target driven with no interest in the protesters messages. However, I still do not agree with the obstruction of roads , rail or motorways. That too is a slippery slope if left unchallenged. Society is in great peril when it comes down to this.

R J Cook
November 24th 2021
Why do people risk their lives to cross the Channel into the UK – and where are they coming from?
A boat carrying dozens of migrants has capsized off Calais, leaving at least 30 people dead.
The number of people who have crossed the English Channel in small boats this year is now three times the total for the whole of 2020.
More than 25,700 people have made the journey this year, according to data compiled by the Press Association.
Comment There are thousands if not millions in this country who want and deserve a better life. The migrants will be a further tax burden on them , not the moralising rich law and opinion makers.
These people bring their beliefs and country’s problem with them. Muslims of all sects , are not multi and most are transphobic. We are supposed to adapt to them. One should ask why their countries are war zones. Iraq is a result if Blair leading Bush into idiocy which has spread across the Middle East, ousted Gaddafi and opening the door to North African migrants. France wanted him dead because he was about to bring sensible economic organisation to North Africa. The Anglo U.S Elite were glad to oblige , with the conceited and stupid Hilary Clinton relishing the moment with the line ‘We came, we saw he died.”
It is no wonder these places are war zones – Eritrea is not, nor is Iran yet such a zone, but the elite are working on it. All these western wars are started and prolonged in the name of humanitarianism , freedom and democracy. This is the road to World War Three. Cop 26 is a cop out. Islam is being stoked up , which along with Catholicism puts a sacred wall up to hide the massive impact of poor countries overpopulating and overflowing into the west. The elite didn’t care when millions were killed in the last world wars. they don’t care now. Cop 26 is just another manifestation of Talcott Parsons’ latent tension management from his pattern variables.
No one wonders or mentions in the above article, why so many risk their lives to come to the U.K. Our elite and PC do gooder virtue signallers have made this country very attractive to them, and they have created social networks specific to their culture – not multi culture.
Meanwhile, we in the U.K , which produces 0.1% of global emissions, should ,with other developed countries, pay the price of offering the BAME Third World freedom to pollute, over populate and catch up. The white world is being used as a whitewash to make Third World countries appear blameless and deserving of white guilt and reparations.
When those populations come to the U.K , they don’t make the connection that this logic simply drags all the masses down , while the super rich continue to sit pretty , laughing as they encourage the blacks sense of victimhood and right to a better life. R J Cook

November 22nd 2021
‘Stop buying Chinese goods!’ Tory MP says Britain ‘must go further’ to sever China ties
Speaking to GB News on Sunday, the East Worthing and Shoreham MP said the UK must go further by severing all ties with China to send a message that its alleged genocide against Uyghur Muslims in western Xinjiang province is unacceptable.
Read More ‘Stop buying Chinese goods!’ Tory MP says Britain ‘must go further’ to sever China ties (
The U.K Must By R J Cook
Comment Obviously these people live in a higher social world where they speak as the U.K. They have stock phrases like ‘ the U.K must.’ Their cliques and associated media speak as , not just for the U.K. These people have an obsession with Muslims world wide.
I grew up with the same class sneering at Christianity , mocking and tearing it down. Susan Howatch wrote a wonderful series of novels full of angusihed ecclesiastical character’s against the background of this decline. Now my sneering generation have grown old and self righteous. Muslims deserve respect, they must be treated as a biological race.
These modern Tories have forgotten history if they ever knew it. That included forgetting how Thatcher and her governments determined that the U.K did not need its own manufacturing or extractive industries. Even now the environmentalists are protesting against a new coking coal mine essential to domestic steel production for what is left of the steel industry the Tories destroyed.
Tory MP Loughton slammed: “We must put conditions on dealing with China in the future.
“We should not be constructing trade deals with governments who are guilty of genocide.”
Here we have it again, we are supposed to accept that religion is a race, ergo , China’s concerns about the religion retarding the country’s development is passed off as racism and genocide. In reality, history are worried about the global power of the Russo Chinese alliance the Anglo US led alliance has forced them into. The quality of Anglo U.S incestuous elite leadership has created the most unstable world situation since the Balkan crisis gave us two World Wars , Korea , Malaya and Vietnam – not to mention Africa and the Middle East.
Talking of the Middle East, does it not strike the masses as odd that so many Muslims are apparently seeking refuge from the oil rich Middle East , exchanging it for crowded cold U.K ? Does it not strike the masses as odd that all that oil money goes to a minority of good Muslim Sheikhs and kings who use it to indulge a very anti Islamic pleasure bent lifestyle.
As long as we are on the receiving end of drivel about Islam being a race , then we are going to be seriously misled by patronising rubbish about genocide. So much of Britain’s industry was sold off to China and India. The manufacturing base is fragmented and shrivelled to 17 % of the economy. The global economy has become dependent on Chia and is happy to hide behind their inevitable and massive carbon footprint. Muslims coming to the U.K are seeking benefit from perceived pleasures of a better life. social conflict , scapegoating and more repressive laws are inevitable.
They appear driven by an idea of God rather than spatial or environmental awareness. No doubt this Tory MPs drivel will give them much comfort. However, it is just more nice wall paper covering the cracks. Forty per cent of all imports into Europe come from China who bought what was left of the British car industry and so much else. It was only U.S interference that stopped one of Britain’s worst Prime Ministers – a high hurdle of idiocy and short termism to clear Theresa May from letting China build a new Hinckley Point Nuclear Power Station.
These politicians take the masses for the fools they are ‘educated’ to be. There is also the festering sore of Hong Kong, so vital to Britain’s corrupt financial interests. The U.K is not a beacon of freedom, justice and fair play. It ranks with the worst for corruption and the best at cover ups and hypocrisy. destabilising political regimes is a speciality. The only reason MI6 backed off of destabilising the Nazi regime that the Anglo French 1919 Treaty of Versailles created, was greater fear of Soviet Communism.
The U.K’s elite are only concerned with their hegemony. The National Interest is their interest. They are the U.K. They can afford the best and have no need of cheap Chines goods. They never minded destroying British industry and shifting to Chinese imports. They never cared about the likes of Microsoft paying Chines girls 34 p an hour. They still do not care about anyone but themselves and the other main U.K parties are no better – as I learned during my time with the Liberal Democrats et al.
Finally , I must say that if Britain gave a damn about Human Rights they never would have conspired to arrest Julian Assange on highly dubious rape charges. These were later exposed as lies and a ruse to extradite him to the U.S for exposing war crimes during the second war to destabilise Iraq to suit Western oil interests.

R J Cook.
November 21st 2021
What goes around comes around? UK won’t suffer the kind of Covid crisis engulfing EU
Andrew Lilico
Coronavirus live: Dutch anti-lockdown unrest spreads; UK to review racial bias of…I’m A Celebrity to return with extreme plank walking and castle critters
The coronavirus situation in many parts of Europe is grim, with case numbers in several countries exceeding their highs of last winter and still rising vertiginously. Hospitals are coming under pressure and restrictions are being reintroduced, along with compulsory or near-compulsory vaccination.
Read More What goes around comes around? UK won’t suffer the kind of Covid crisis engulfing EU (
November 20th 2021
‘An oasis for thousands’: Trains return to Dartmoor line after nearly 50 years
Australia news live updates: Victoria records 1,275 new Covid cases and four deaths, NSW reports 176 and two deathsBBC The Wheel: Viewers in stitches over Big Narstie’s ‘hilarious’ blunder on show
Passenger trains have resumed on the Dartmoor line in Devon for the first time in nearly 50 years.© Sky Sue and Tom Baxter shared their delight at trains resuming along the Dartmoor line again
Jazz singers and a brass band were at Okehampton station to welcome the 6.32am service from Exeter St Davids, which was packed with young families, rail enthusiasts and groups of hikers.
Regular services were withdrawn in 1972, creating what local residents referred to as a “rail desert”.
“This is now going to become an oasis for a few hundred thousand people” Sue Baxter, chair of the Dartmoor Railway Association, told Sky News.
‘An oasis for thousands’: Trains return to Dartmoor line after nearly 50 years (
Elderly drivers may be hit with new driving licence rules and restrictions in proposals
Luke Chillingsworth
Experts at IAM RoadSmart are pushing for some elderly road users to be issued a “flexible” driving licence. These will restrict drivers to using only local roads and prevent them from driving at night.
A study from the group found nearly half of elderly motorists back the idea.
A total of 46 percent of more than 3,000 motorists aged over 60 said they backed the idea for a flexible licence scheme.
Read More Elderly drivers may be hit with new driving licence rules and restrictions in proposals (
Comment I said at the time that Brexit would let loose the British petty minded rule making Nazism. There will be ever more rules and regulations with systematic ignoring of key issues like unbridled mass immigration from Islamic Mono Culturalists who the lower classes will have to pay for. Prejudice is rife in this country and migrants will need room on the roads. Old whites are in the way and will have to accept their new status on the way to the grave. Older drivers are statistically the safest, Over a million young drivers have no licence or insurance. R J Cook

The BBC has abandoned intelligent culture for cheap trash
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It is often remarked that golden ages are illusory, the very idea of them tainted and distorted by nostalgia and other forms of excessive emotionalism about the past. But anyone who can recall watching BBC television in the period from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s will recall that that was, indeed a golden age: the age of (to name but a few), The Forsyte Saga, Civilisation, The Ascent of Man, Monitor, Late Night Line Up, Omnibus, Dad’s Army, Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, The Pallisers, The Wednesday Play, The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin and Only Fools and Horses.
Read More The BBC has abandoned intelligent culture for cheap trash (
November 19th 2021
FIA stewards set date for crunch Hamilton-Verstappen evidence
Mercedes will report to a hearing with the FIA on Thursday afternoon after the team requested a right to review following an incident between Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton at the Brazilian Grand Prix over the weekend.
Read MoreFIA stewards set date for crunch Hamilton-Verstappen evidence (
Race War – Comment by R J Cook
Formula One is a sport for nerds and rich people – mainly men. It is highly polluting, melodramatic with a massive carbon footprint as these people travel the world.
There is a great deal of media and British bias in favour of Hamilton which is why we don’t see repeat footage of Hamilton’s driving putting Verstappen in hospital – and wrecking his car..
Hamilton beating Schumacher’s record number of championships is vitally important to mainstream media and their ownership class. This is for an obvious reason. Therefore, they should just cut to the chase and disqualify Verstappen and stop pretending this is the edge of the seat daring sport it used to be.
Sport is politics as we saw with England and the European Cup. It is a smokescreen to distract the masses from what should really concern them. R J Cook
November 17th 2021
‘Great train robbery’: Eastern leg of HS2 scrapped as plans for Northern Powerhouse Rail downgraded
Sophie Morris, political reporter

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The government has been accused of committing a “great train robbery” after Grant Shapps confirmed the eastern leg of HS2 has been scrapped and plans for Northern Powerhouse Rail have been downgraded.
‘Great train robbery’: Eastern leg of HS2 scrapped as plans for Northern Powerhouse Rail downgraded (‘Great train robbery’: Eastern leg of HS2 scrapped as plans for Northern Powerhouse Rail downgraded (
UK agrees to sell warships and missiles to Ukraine as tensions with Russia grow
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Britain will sell warships and missiles to Ukraine after the Defence Secretary signed a new deal with the country amid tensions with Russia.© Provided by The Telegraph A Ukrainian Armed Forces tank fires during military drills at a training ground near the border with Russian-annexed Crimea in the Kherson region of Ukraine
Ben Wallace has agreed to enhance Ukraine’s naval capabilities in light of increasing Russian aggression, which has seen thousands of migrants camp out at the Polish border with Belarus for a second week. Warsaw has accused Vladimir Putin of orchestrating the crisis along with the Belarusian dictator, Alexander Lukashenko.
Read More UK agrees to sell warships and missiles to Ukraine as tensions with Russia grow (
Comment More profit for war mongers who have done so much to encroach , undermine and provoke Russia because they want the corrupt Yeltsin days back. The Western elite adores corrupt bedfellows. R J Cook
November 16th 2021
Prince Andrew’s £1.5m loan paid off by firms linked to Tory donor – report
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Prince Andrew took out a £1.5m personal loan that was subsequently paid off by companies connected to David Rowland, a multimillionaire Conservative donor and financier, it has been claimed.
Read More Prince Andrew’s £1.5m loan paid off by firms linked to Tory donor – report (
Is the UK going to war with Russia? Why Ukraine tension and Belarus-Poland border crisis have heightened fears
Tensions escalated after shots were fired on the Poland-Belarus border after the UK warned that the situation could get much worse.
During a live Sky News report from the Belarus border on Tuesday, reporter Diana Magnay revealed that guns had been fired before she was forced to stop and move away after more gunfire was heard.
Polish forces aimed tear gas and water cannon at hundreds of migrants, mostly from the Middle East, who gathered at the border trying to get into the EU from Belarus.
Comment U.K is at war with Russia. The peculiar Salisbury affair was a clear sign of that. The myth that Britain ever went to war for humanitarian rather than money reasons , was started in 1939 with rubbish about saving Jews who had already been refused entry. Britain and U.S have been on the regime change trail since Blair and Clinton. Migrants are grist to their mill. Belarus is a stick to beat Russia with. If this was a democracy , Britain would never have persecuted Assange for spurious sex assault claims and would release him, rather than leave the ludicrous espionage charges and extradition hanging over him. Humanitarianism has no moral meaning to the ones really in charge. R J Cook
Alarm grows as mortuaries fill with thousands of extra non-Covid deaths
MPs should be able to work 10-15 hours a week in second jobs, says ministerBake Off’s Sue Perkins to host celeb snowman-building contest on…
Nearly 10,000 more people than usual have died in the past four months from non-Covid reasons, as experts called for an urgent government inquiry into whether the deaths were preventable.© Peter Byrne/PA Wire More people are dying than usual, but not just because of coronavirus – Peter Byrne/PA Wire
Fears are growing that NHS delays at the height of the pandemic left large numbers of people with previously treatable conditions suffering illnesses that have now become fatal.
Read More Alarm grows as mortuaries fill with thousands of extra non-Covid deaths (
Comment The absurdity of Boris Johnson et al promoting their ‘clap the NHS’ campaign , frightening the masses into spurious OCD like comfort , says it all. The whole clapping process was a comforting ritual as the population were led to believe that death was ready for them. survival meant sheep like obedience to government.
It was , of course, unpalatable to underline that certain groups – including my own geriatric one – were more vulnerable than the average fit healthy living person.
What was basically a man made variant of the common cold killed fewer than expected, though China appears to have been most vulnerable. The facts are that few , if any , died exclusively from Covid. As protests loomed world wide, the goal posts moved. They went from deaths with Covid to rising infections.
The fall out from lockdowns that made no difference to U.K leading worldwide panic, and the cost did not worry the media. If it is not broadcast by mainstream media it didn’t happen. Epidemiologists were passed off as experts on viruses, so their computer models were taken as science that none of us lesser beings could question. If we did we were criminals inciting flouting of the law.
Interestingly during the first winter of lockdown no one in U.K caught the flu. Now we have interest groups and oppressive politicians here and in Europe calling for more restrictions and enforced vaccines. I have had mine because I am beyond wanting to live , so don’t care if it kills me. But I understand why others don’t want it – ironically including many BAME NHS workers.
Now, surprise surprise, we have the reality that non covid related preventable deaths over the period have been exceptional. No doubt, as opposed to the exagerations of Covid deaths, these figures will have been moderated downward. certainly all the extra suicide and mental illness will not have been counted.
I have said it before and am saying again, the NHS is not fit for purpose, the mainstream media is owned by the elite , serving to manipulate the masses and the nation, like the EU , is institutionally corrupt – which is why they keep telling us we live in a democracy when obviously we do not. R J Cook
November 15th 2021
British charities in Calais hindering French efforts to stop Channel migrants, claims minister
British migrant charities in Calais are hindering police, France’s interior minister claimed as he said Britain was in no position to “give lessons” on tackling Channel migrants.© Gareth Fuller/PA Wire A group of people thought to be migrants are brought in to Dover, Kent, by Coastguard officers last week – Gareth Fuller/PA Wire
Gerald Darmanin turned his fire on British aid workers, claiming they were impeding efforts by French police to prevent migrants from reaching the UK.