Exceptional Powers – Anglo U.S Elite Tyranny XV


October 15th 2024

National Rally’s Marine Le Pen investigated for illicit 2022 …Euronews.comhttps://www.euronews.com › my-europe › 2024/07/09

9 Jul 2024 — The judicial probe, which began last week, will investigate allegations of accepting a financial loan, misappropriation of property, fraud …

France’s far-right leader Marine Le Pen goes on trial in …France 24https://www.france24.com › france › 20240930-france-s…

30 Sept 2024 — EU fraud agency accuses Marine Le Pen of misusing public funds … Marine Le Pen placed under formal investigation over EU funding scandal.

Comment The liberal elite and global elite media will never leave Le Pen and her supporters alone. Their democracies are all about their elite consensus. That is why Donald Trump must never win the U.S Presidency under any circumstances. It is very easy to rig elections these days, with the penalty of protest being extreme. The Anglo U.S led NATO elite will take victory over Russia, and then China, at any price. That is New World Order Full Spectrum Dominance.

R J Cook

October 14th 2024

Obama urges black men to mobilise behind HarrisBBChttps://www.bbc.co.uk › news › articles

The former president also made his debut on the campaign trail on behalf of the Democratic nominee.

Comment Obama and Harris have very interesting business records. Check out his rise to power in Chicago. Now he is selling Harris to the black population on the grounds that ‘she grew up just like you.’

How much more patronising does this one time lawyer and latter day saint have to be before the black masses see him for what he is ?

There will be some who might see Obama’s words as rallying black tribalism under the leadership of a saintly Kamala Harris, someone for their allegiance. I see it as good old tried and tested imperialist divide and rule. One hopes there may be enough good sense to see that Donald Trump built the platform for black improvement in 2016- 2020 and is eager to do much more. It is up to black and white working classes to see that their common interest is one of class and not allegiance to Harris’s colour or womanhood – neither of which are virtues in their own right. She will make the world a much more dangerous place.

Meanwhile the U.K Ruling Elite works hard to denigrate Donald Trump. This evening saw revival of Christopher Steele’s Russian spy smeer campaign that Trump was and still is a Russian Spy who will give victory to Russia in Ukraine. BBC’s posh boy Christian, was all over his prize guest on the BBC Context session tonight. Earlier in the day, with perfect anti Russia and pro Harris timing, the Official Government Inquiry into the Skripal affair and the poor beggar alcoholic woman who sprayed herself with a dose of Novochock, which she mistook for perfume she had found in a rubbish bin. She died, the Skripals haven’t been seen since.

R J Cook

Which race is the poorest in the US ?

Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia

38% Black or African American. 43% Hispanic or Latino. 34% Middle Eastern. 40% Multiracial.

Black poverty, unemployment set record lows on Trump’s …Poynterhttps://www.poynter.org › fact-checking › black-poverty…

25 Jun 2024 — Trump was president when Black poverty and unemployment reached record lows. Biden saw both of those record lows surpassed on his watch.

Is the EU a fading power ?

Balance of Power, bringing you the latest in global politics. If you haven’t yet, sign up here.

It was the evening of June 9 when things really started going awry.

Initial returns for the European parliamentary elections were reassuring for investors, with mainstream parties set to retain control, despite gains for populist forces.

Then Emmanuel Macron weighed in.

The French president’s party had been soundly beaten by Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally and so, in an attempt to regain the initiative, Macron called a snap election.

That decision plunged the European Union’s second-biggest economy into months of market turmoil and political uncertainty from which it has only partially emerged.

Since then, the bad news has been piling up across the region.

Macron warns that the EU could die if it doesn’t boost its competitiveness with China and the US. Source: BloombergGermany, the EU’s traditional powerhouse, is mired in recession, its car industry is fumbling the transition to electric vehicles and suffering from the slowdown in China, while a €30 billion ($33 billion) semiconductor plan based on troubled Intel is unraveling.

US tech giants are turning their backs on the 27-nation bloc because of restrictions on AI. Even Spain, traditionally one of the most pro-EU members, is taking potshots at its trade policy.

Europe’s politicians have been slow to catch on to the scale of the problems, and now they are bitterly divided over what to do.

It looks like a tipping point for the European project. The world is changing quickly and if the EU fails to catch up, it risks being permanently relegated to a second tier of global powers.

To be sure, living standards aren’t about to collapse. The EU has surmounted existential crises before. But the longer the current trends persist, the greater Europe’s vulnerability will become. — Ben Sills

October 13th 2024

Chicago prosecutor declines to charge ‘dangerous … – Fox NewsFox Newshttps://www.foxnews.com › chicago-prosecutor-decline…

‘Dangerous’ migrant is person of interest in shooting death …Fox Newshttps://www.foxnews.com › dangerous-migrant-person-…

3 Oct 2024 — A 19-yearold male migrant described as “dangerous” is in custody in connection with the shooting death of a 17yearold female migrant in …

Official Hypocrisy & No Worthwhile Comment from the BBC – R J Cook

Democrats have been on the attack about the 78-year-old Trump’s age and mental fitness, after months of Republicans directing similar criticisms at President Joe Biden before he exited the race.

If elected president again in November, Trump would end his second term as the oldest serving president in US history at 82 – albeit a record that would be shared with Biden, who will be the same age when he leaves office in January.

In response to the pressure from the Harris camp, the Trump’s campaign’s communications director Steven Cheung said he had “voluntarily released” updates from his personal physician and the doctor who treated him after the assassination attempt against him this summer in Butler, Pennsylvania.

“All have concluded he is in perfect and excellent health to be Commander in Chief,” Cheung added.

He also cited a November 2023 medical letter that said Trump’s “physical exams were well within the normal range and his cognitive exams were exceptional”.

National polls suggest Harris remains slightly ahead of Trump but the numbers in battleground states are extremely close.

CommentIf the Democrats think Trump too old, why is Biden still fit for office with full blown World War Three close at hand . The moment Biden was judged unfit to run for a second term, why was he not immersdiately forced out of office as he should have been long ago following his son’s involvement in corrupt Ukraine and all the pay outs. These people have no problem with Trump’s age, it is all about his policy platform and threat to their class.

Democrat and their mainstream media saw no problem with offering their candidate for the oldest ever President in Joe Biden, until he started falling over things and sounding off in public as if he had dementia. That was when they brought on their famous ‘woman of colour’ who all black people must adore and supply their votes, so she can send more young black men to war, like the Democrats did in Vietnam.

The blacks are vital to the pleasure bent hypocritiacal Democrat Ruling Elite. Their virtue signalling for blacks and women is crucial to their campaign, hence the absurd E Jean Carroll and Stormy Daniels muck raking. By the way, Trump has never been convicted of rape in a criminal court and there is no evidence of crime here. He was found guilty of sexual assault in a prejudged civil court because of Carroll’s 30 year old allegations of sexual assault in a Macey’s ladies fitting room where she had agreed to model lingerie for Trump. It is a peculiar story as is the ‘Stormy Daniels’ hush money affair. All has been well timed, being presented to a New York Democrat Court and filtered out to Democrat Mass Media for mass consumption. That is fake news in fake Democracy.

R J Cook

October 12th 2024

The Ugly and Simple Truth

The ugly and simple truth about the NATO Anglo U.S led proxy war on Russia derives from the fabulous wealth and power opportunities created by globalisation. Russia was offered a seat at the Planet Eaters table, but Yeltsin’s successor, Vladimir Putin wanted equality with the United States. That was and still is an impossible demand for the Anglo U.S Global Ruling Elite. They want ‘full spectrum dominance.”

That is why the war has extended to the Middle East via the United States Achilles heel, Israel. To me it seems incredible that religion still has such a key role to play in global affairs. But as U.K Prime Minister put it, rather cynically, “I am an atheist but believe in religion because it brings people together.” Together for the west’s new age of World War, no doubt.

R J Cook

About the Author

Robert Cook
facebook https://www.facebook.com/rj.cook.9081 I went to school in Buckinghamshire, where my interests were music ( I was a violinist ), art ( winning county art competitions ) athletics and cross country ( I was a county team athlete ). My father died as a result of an accident- he was an ex soldier and truck driver- when I was 11. It could be said that I grew up in poverty, but I did not see it like that. As a schoolboy, I had my interests, hobbies and bicycle, worked on a farm, delivered news papers, did a lot of training for my sport, painting, and music. I also made model aeroplanes and was in the Air Training Corps, where we had the opportunity to fly an aeroplane. I had wanted to be a pilot, but university made me anti war. At the University of East Anglia-which I also represented in cross country and athletics- I studied economics, economic history, philosophy and sociology. Over the years, I have worked in a variety of manual, office and driving jobs. My first job after univerity was with the Inland Revenue in Havant, near Portsmouth. I left Hampshire to work for the Nitrate Corporation of Chile, then lecturing, teaching and journalism - then back to driving. I play and teach various styles of guitar and used to be a regular folk club performer. I quit that after being violently assaulted in Milton Keynes pub, after singing a song I wrote about how cop got away with killing Ian Tomlinson at G7, in broad daylight and caught on camera. The police took no action, saying taht my assailant had a good job. The pub in question was, and probably still is, popular with off duty police officers.