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October 15th 2024

U.K National Socialism, Freedumbs & Not Democracy – R J Cook.

BBC Context October 14th 2024, Best Boy Christian Fraser interviews former MI6 Russia Desk Chief Christopher Steele turned private contractor, the man whose hearsay report on Donald Trump being a Russian Spy in 2016, as the elite worked to undermine Donald Trump from the outset. Fraser’s anti Trump bias and concern was palpable. The red white and blue BBC background says much about the U.K National Socialist privileged State Broadcaster.
BBC’s Christian Fraser, an official face full of concern as he discusses the danger of Trump allegedly still being in private contact with Vladimir Putin and a Russian Spy. The Anglo Americans are desperate for a return on their investment after provoking war in Ukraine. The non ethnic minority British are desperate for an identity in a diversity culture that puts their culture in the sin bin. So paradoxically, alongside my generation of fools and hypocrits, they want their chance to be part of a glorious profiteering war in the name of western style freedom and democracy.
Labour’s New Iron Chancellor, Rachael Reeves out to impress foreign investors with its low wage down trodden labouring and desperate migrant classes who will face higher taxes because the rich must not lose their incentives – if they do they will simply move their plamet controlling funds to an even bigger dumping ground. Reeves is being cagey about exactly who and what will fall victim to her pocket picking, but rumour has it that she is considering a big sugar tax to protect the NHS which has to cope with massive ongoing migrant and pay demands. Beer, wine and tobaco are already agreed targets. War and migrants must be paid for at the lower classes’ expense.

Sadiq Khan

Sadiq Khan unveils new Transport for London (tfl) advertising campaign including a homphobic Shiek and Russian terrorist. London leads the world with its own special blend of inclusivity.
A Milton Keynes Foodbank, ASDA October 12th 2024. Image Appledene Photographics/R J Cook

R J Cook

October 14th 2024

New World Order

parliament – Current Awarenessinnertemplelibrary.com › category › parlia…

UK immigration lawscannot be uncoupled from racism‘, say minority ethnic MPs – The Guardian · Paterson v UK: Parliament and Human Rights in Strasbourg – UK …

UK immigration laws ‘cannot be uncoupled from racism …The Guardian › uk-news › oct › uk-im…

UK immigration lawscannot be uncoupled from racism‘, say minority ethnic MPs … Twenty-five black, Asian and minority ethnic MPs have written …

British lawmakers urge home secretary to address racism …Anadolu Ajansı › europe › british-lawmakers-urge…

Members of parliament highlight concerns that Britain’s immigration framework ‘cannot be uncoupled from racism and the exclusion of people …

Migration surge

The Office for National Statistics revealed that Britain’s population is growing at its fastest rate ever recorded. In the past year alone, 662,000 people were added to the country’s population. For the resident population, deaths outnumbered births—this hasn’t happened since 1976, aside from the pandemic-driven decline in 2020. In other words, the increase in population is not a result of natural growth but is driven entirely by migration. Net migration hit an astonishing 677,000 over the past year, a number that could well understate the reality. We’ll come back to this.

Earlier in the week, we also learned that the UK now hosts the largest population of illegal migrants (745,000) in Europe. In fact, these are 2017 figures and reflect the lower end of the respected Pew Research’s findings of 800,000 to 1.2 million illegal migrants in the UK seven years ago.

In 2018, we did our own analysis of illegal immigration to the UK with a breakdown of how migrants came to be living here without authority i.e. illegally. Working on Pew Research figures and what a number of senior officials had revealed about the likely number, our conservative assumption was that the illegal population of the UK was about a million people in 2017/18.

We also estimated 105,000 illegal migrants were coming each year (NB this was before the illegal Channel crossings got going and removals were much higher than they are now). We further calculated an annual average of 30,000 leaving voluntarily or being removed, leaving an annual net 70,000 being added to the illegal population. That being so and taking a working assumption of one million illegal immigrants here in 2017; the number of illegal migrants in the UK today is more likely to be 1.5 or more.

But back to legal immigration and population growth. Few weeks go by without our drawing attention to the calamitous (a word used advisedly) scale of immigration. Net migration of 600,000 (note it’s around 700k at the moment) means another 20 million people added to our population within the next 25 years). The latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) just make us at MW even more determined to shine a light on what is happening.

We are at a critical stage and urgent action cannot wait. Sir Keir Starmer and Yvette Cooper must get their act together; the situation, and public, demand it. And yet, our 14-week-old (it seems much, much longer) Labour Government seems to want nothing to do with the issue of top public concern. They appear to be in total denial and refuse to address the problem. They have no strategy of their own and are content to keep in place failed Conservative policies (apart from the Rwanda scheme, which they were far too hasty to ditch). It isn’t just that the population explosion strikes at the heart of the country’s future sustainability and economic wellbeing, it is also about the social impact. Do read the article below under ‘article of the week’ by Rod Liddle, it includes this:
“And right now we are full to the brim — and likely to get fuller.
That will lead to more and more strife. Those riots we saw in the early summer might give you an indication of what is to come.

We need to be firm about this. For the good of our country. And for the good of those people who have come here in the last ten years, thinking, perhaps, that the UK might be a canny place to live in. Well, it was, once.

So here’s a solution. An immediate moratorium on immigration. No net inward migration for ten years, minimum. Until we have had the time to create the infrastructure to handle the number of people we have already.
This is not racist, or xenophobic. It is a common-sense reaction to an emergency. Because this is a dire emergency.”

Also, this clip from Rafe Heydel-Mankoo, our good friend at New Culture Forum (NCF):

The figures are spot on of course.

Let’s end this section with the wise words of our Executive Director. Our Mike, as we like to call him: “The challenges we face are too significant to ignore, and it is time for a national conversation that honestly confronts the role immigration has played in shaping the country’s present and future. Reducing the numbers isn’t about isolationism or shutting the door on the world. It’s about making sure that Britain remains a place where communities thrive, services function, and future generations can feel at home.” Hear, hear!
Albanian murder suspect wins right to remain in the UK
An Albanian man, wanted for murder in his home country, has successfully secured the right to remain in the UK, citing protections under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Fatmir Bleta, 64, left Albania just two months after allegedly shooting a man in the head with a Kalashnikov rifle. He was convicted in absentia and sentenced to 13 years in prison for this crime.

Bleta came to the UK with his family, falsely claiming asylum as a Kosovan refugee. For this deception, he served a prison sentence of 33 months and two weeks in 2018. Despite his criminal past, Bleta fought off extradition attempts by the Albanian government, arguing that he would not have the opportunity for a fair retrial, as he was unaware of the proceedings against him.

Recent court documents reveal that Bleta has successfully resisted a deportation attempt by the Home Office, claiming it would infringe his Article 6 rights to a fair trial under the ECHR. He also appealed under Article 8, which protects the right to family life, arguing that deportation would be “unduly harsh” on his loved ones.

This case follows a recent report from The Telegraph about another Albanian criminal who returned to the UK after being deported, successfully arguing that his removal would also be “unduly harsh” on his family. Such incidents have reignited calls for the UK to reconsider its relationship with the ECHR.

Adding to the complexity of Bleta’s situation, it has come to light that two of his children have criminal records. His son, Dorian, 37, is currently serving an 18-year sentence for cocaine trafficking, while his daughter, Sara, 28, a former actress, was jailed for four years for supplying Class A and B drugs.

Bleta arrived in the UK in 1998, shortly after the alleged murder took place. According to court documents, while working as a guard at a reservoir, he pointed the Kalashnikov at the victim, who told him not to play with the gun. Bleta then shot the man in the head.

Upon arriving in the UK, Bleta initially sought asylum, but although his request was denied, he was granted indefinite leave to remain alongside his wife and children in 2000. He became a British citizen in 2017 but faced legal troubles the following year for making false statements to obtain a passport and other counts of dishonesty.

Judges previously rejected Albania’s extradition request, noting that Bleta was never arrested and lacked knowledge of the trial date and location. They concluded that there was insufficient assurance he would receive a retrial, creating a “real risk” that his return to Albania would violate his ECHR rights to a fair trial.

After serving his sentence in 2018, the Home Office sought to deport Bleta, but his legal team argued that such action would breach his right to family life under the ECHR. In a ruling last September, two judges acknowledged that Bleta had not intentionally evaded his trial and ruled against the Home Office’s deportation appeal, citing the significant risk of violating his Article 6 rights.

How utterly absurd. Why do we conclude returns agreements with countries only to refuse their extradition requests? It seems that even when we have the opportunity to get shot of criminals to where they are from, we opt to keep them to commit more crime and cost the taxpayer shedloads of money.

It’s time to wave goodbye to the ECHR, or ignore it; as the Poles are now threatening to do, if the EU lets them, of course.
Donate to Migration Watch  Migration Watch relies entirely on the generosity of our supporters who fund our work. If you would like to help us with our efforts, pleaseclick here to donate.
Rod Liddle, The Sun – Immigration is out of control and a real threat to our way of life “Without that massive inward immigration over the last ten years we would be in a much healthier state. There is only so much that our country can take. And right now we are full to the brim — and likely to get fuller. That will lead to more and more strife. Those riots we saw in the early summer might give you an indication of what is to come. We need to be firm about this. For the good of our country. And for the good of those people who have come here in the last ten years, thinking, perhaps, that the UK might be a canny place to live in. Well, it was, once”
This week, Executive Director Dr. Mike Jones spoke with Mike Graham on TalkRadio about newly released statistics indicating that Britain is the top destination in Europe for illegal migrants. However, Mike cautioned that these figures are likely a conservative estimate.
Speaking to the Daily Mail, Migration Watch Chairman Alp Mehmet pointed out that the UK population has reached 68.3 million, largely due to a notable surge in net migration. This represents the biggest annual rise since the 1970s, despite the fact that more people are dying than being born.

“This is no surprise. It was inevitable given net migration of 745,000 in 2022 and 685,000 in 2023.  ‘Net migration of 600,000 is projected to lead to an increase in our population of 20 million people by mid to late 2040s. That’s the equivalent of 18 cities the size of Birmingham.  ‘This will make much worse the crises we are already experiencing with housing, the health and care sector and schools.  ‘It also doesn’t bode well for the future cohesion and stability of our society. The government’s seeming indifference and reluctance to face up to the issue of greatest concern to the public is appalling.”

Alp was also quoted in The Times on this same topic. 
It really is important to keep up the pressure on the government to get off its hands and act on immigration, there really is no time to lose. The cost to the taxpayer and the damage to the social fabric is picking up pace. It won’t be long before it will be too late to do anything about it.  Contact to your MP today.

One last favour to ask, do please consider helping us with whatever amount you feel able. Our work is now needed more than ever.
We wouldn’t be able to continue this work without the help of our supporters. If you would like to donate, please click the button below.

Our supporters are all as concerned about the future of our country as we are. Some have been kind enough to remember us in their will. If you wish to consider leaving a bequest to Migration Watch UK, or wish to discuss anything else, do please get in touch. Our email is:

Britain needs more and more Labour. It is a Labour camp in more ways than one.

October 13th 2024

October 11th 2024

Myth that women never lie, are never violent and always victims – R J Cook.

Woman jailed for killing parents and hiding bodies

Lewis Adams

BBC News, Essex

Reporting from

Chelmsford Crown Court

A “manipulative” woman who murdered her parents and lived alongside the bodies for four years in their family home has been jailed for life.

The remains of Lois and John McCullough, aged 71 and 70, were found in sleeping bags at their house in Great Baddow, Essex, in September 2023.

Virginia McCullough, 36, admitted fatally poisoning her father – and placing him in a “homemade mausoleum” – and stabbing her mother to death in June 2019.

The defendant, who told police “cheer up, at least you’ve caught the bad guy”, will have to serve a minimum term of 36 years before being considered for release.

She ran up large debts on credit cards in her parents’ names and after their deaths she continued to spend their pensions.

Essex Police said documents at the couple’s home “built a picture of a woman who was trying desperately to keep her parents from discovering the depth of the financial black hole she continued to dig, while giving them false assurances about her employment and future prospects”.

McCollough, who previously admitted two counts of murder, was sentenced at Chelmsford Crown Court but she showed no emotion as she was sent down.

Det Supt Rob Kirby, head of major crime at Essex Police, said the case had “shocked and horrified” even the force’s most experienced murder detectives.

He said McCullough had created a web of lies “on a shocking and monumental scale” and described her as “an intelligent and adept manipulator”.

A missing persons’ investigation was launched in September 2023 after Mr and Mrs McCullough’s GP raised concerns about not hearing from them.

Police became suspicious of the couple’s daughter due to her constant excuses for her parents whereabouts and later executed a warrant at the family home.

Lois and John McCullough, who are standing in front of a mini golf course. They are both dressed in blue and smiling at the camera.
Image caption, The bodies of Lois and John McCullough were hidden in different parts of their house, concealed in sleeping bags

Bodyworn footage showed McCullough admit the murders to arresting officers and told them: “Cheer up, at least you’ve caught the bad guy”.

She confessed to police how she created a “cocktail of drugs” to poison her parents on 17 June 2019 – days after using her father as a “guinea pig” to test the concoction.

McCullough poisoned her father with prescription medication that she crushed and put into his alcoholic drinks, prosecutor Lisa Wilding KC said.

The effects were fatal for Mr McCullough, but Mrs McCullough was given a weaker dose and was merely sedated.

A screen grab taken from bodyworn video dated 15 September 2023 issued by Essex Police of the arrest of Victoria McCullough at her home in Pump Hill, Chelmsford. McCullogh is wearing a pink jumper and is leaning against a cupboard looking forwards
Image caption, Virginia McCullough lived alongside her parents’ bodies for four years

McCollough then beat her mother with a hammer and stabbed her multiple times in the chest with a kitchen knife as she listened to the radio in bed the following morning.

She had decided to murder her mother out of fear she might find out what happened to Mr McCullough.

The court heard how Mr McCullough’s body had been stashed away in a “homemade mausoleum” of masonry blocks in his study.

Mrs McCullough’s body was found wrapped in a sleeping bag in an upstairs wardrobe.

The rear room on the ground floor of the McCullough family home. In the right corner is where John McCullough's body was hidden. It is stashed beneath blankets and paintings.
Image caption, John McCullough’s body was concealed in a makeshift tomb constructed in his office downstairs

McCullough told police: “When I was hitting her it was like someone badly playing the xylophone, it was willy-nilly.”

Following the murders, the defendant went into Chelmsford city centre and purchased plastic gloves and sleeping bags on her father’s bank card.

Having concealed the bodies, McCullough would go on to persistently lie about her parents’ whereabouts, cancel family arrangements and tell doctors and friends her parents they were unwell or on holiday, Ms Wilding said.

“Covid restrictions were a stroke of luck for this defendant in pursuing the deception that her parents were still alive,” the prosecutor added.

Custody mugshot of Virginia McCullough. She has light blond hair with dark roots. She is wearing a grey sweater and is looking solemnly at the camera.
Image caption, Virginia McCullough will serve a minimum term of 36 years

‘Very dangerous’

The court heard McCullough benefited from £149,697 as a result of murdering her parents – combined from their pensions and spending on their credit cards, as well as selling assets.

“The money appears to have been frittered away and not spent on expensive or lavish items,” Ms Wilding said, including £21,000 on online gambling between 2019 and 2023.

Richard Butcher, brother of Lois McCullough, said in a victim impact statement that his niece was “very dangerous” and that what had happened had “undermined my faith in humanity”.

Lois and John McCullough. They are sat on a sofa and smiling at the camera.
Image caption, Lois and John McCullough were duped by their daughter, who sold them dreams about her future prospects

Mr Justice Jeremy Johnson, sentencing, said to McCullough: “You think more of money than you do of humanity.

“Your parents were entitled to feel safe in their own beds and their own home, and they were entitled to feel safe with their daughter.

“You, nevertheless, made a full, conscious and deliberate decision to murder each of your parents.”

October 9th 2024

Royal College of Psychiatrists cuts ties with Stonewall over …MSN › en-gb › news › uknews › royal…

Diversity Does Not Work – why are lesbians allowed in female safe spaces ? By R J Cook

These are real and very modern women No man could possibly change into one of these, Why would he want to ? The Royal College of Psychiatrists has cut ties with Stonewall over fears of being associated with the controversial charity’s stance on transgender issues. So if men believing they are women are insane would be rapists and to be ostracised, why is it alright to believe in Islam or that you are made in the image of a God you have never seen – then demonstrating your right to kill infidels. This is an amazing new age of bigotry, violence, suicide, anti white racism, transphobia and intolerance masquerading as diversity.

Diversity does not work. Why are there so many lesbians and why are they allowed in women’s safe spaces ? Why are there so many mtf transsexuals ? In this age of false rape and IPV allegations, why are their no safe spaces for men ?

These days there is no statute of limitations on rape allegations against men. Then there is the matter of women being allowed to withdraw consent for sexual intercourse at any stage and even years later. Is it any wonder the extremes to which men will go to escape the dangerous and villified state of toxic masculinity ? Virulent self and gender obsessed feminists have created this situation but, like women in general, are outraged and angry if ever held to account for anyting. Nothing is their fault. This is an Orwellian nightmare. Feminists are obsessed with sex in the worst possible way.

R J Cook.

PHILIP PILKINGTONBlame Labour policies for fuelling populism Liam Byrne wants more wealth taxes to stop the rise of Reform UK

Who killed Sue Gray? The power struggle in No. 10 has a victor
Ms Sue Gray
Weekend Analysis Britain has learned nothing from Palestine The Gaza war has deepened British sectarianism ARIS ROUSSINOS    8 MINS
10:00 – PHILIP PILKINGTONBlame Labour policies for fuelling populism Liam Byrne wants more wealth taxes to stop the rise of Reform UK
07:00 – AARON BASTANISue Gray has revealed the hollowness of the Starmer project Labour’s leader is powered by self-interest rather than ideology

October 7th 2024

Who does he care more about?

Migrants could remain in hotels for up to three more years due to a growing backlog in the asylum system. We read in The Times this week that there are 225,000 asylum claimants awaiting decisions, with some 30,000 being put up in hotels.

The cost to the taxpayer has been £8 million a day.  “That’s only a small slice of the bill: many more are in dispersal accommodation. “This backlog benefits nobody except the companies that make money by accommodating them….”. So wrote The Times. The money now spent on (warm) hotel accommodation for asylum seekers is over double the amount to be saved by denying pensioners the winter fuel allowance that many of them will be desperate for to keep warm.

Despite Labour’s pledge to clear the backlog and “end asylum hotels,” if anything, the backlog has grown. Small boats are still coming, while the rate of clearing applications has slowed.

The backlog, already huge, become worse due to a dramatic drop in productivity following Rishi Sunak’s election call. Asylum decisions plummeted from 14,148 in April to a mere 2,990 in June, even though the number of caseworkers stayed the same. Caseworkers were processing an average of just two cases per month, compared to seven in April.

Meanwhile, British citizens are being sidelined as migrants coming illegally are prioritised. A recent report from the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) revealed that over 320,000 households in England are now homeless – the highest on record, representing a population larger than Nottingham.

In his conference speech, Sir Keir Starmer promised to prioritise housing for veterans, young care leavers, and domestic abuse victims. All very well but, by law, asylum seekers cannot be left destitute. The government – or local authorities – are obliged to house them. Which means that migrants who make their way here illegally and shouldn’t be here at all, are permitted to stay and accordingly have to be accommodated. And that is why they will continue to make their way to the UK and won’t be frightened off by threats to ‘smash the gangs’. The boats will stop if those coming in them are detained, processed quickly and removed within days of arriving.

The solution? Amend the Human Rights Act, leave the European Convention of Human Rights, (something now no lesser authority than Lord Sumption is calling for) and negotiate strict return agreements with more countries. If countries don’t cooperate, the UK must be willing to use aid and visa bans as leverage. The Rwanda deal should also be brought back. Only then will the tide of illegality across the Channel ease then stop.
Mass migration is wiping out economic gains: the numbers don’t lie
Britons are seeing their living standards fall, despite economic growth. Official data from the ONS reveals that GDP per head shrank by 0.3% from April to June this year, compared to 2022. Why? A surge in net migration.

As we wrote last week and the week before, the myth of mass migration boosting prosperity has collapsed. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) recently showed that a “low-wage migrant” costs the taxpayer a staggering £150,000 by age 66, £500,000 by age 80 and £1.2 million if they live to 100. Meanwhile, the UK is stuck with the worst GDP per capita growth since the 1970s. [comment: this is the third week we are saying this. Necessary?]

Net migration hit 685,000 in 2023 (and 764,000 in 2022) so where’s the benefit? Productivity is flat, the welfare bill is soaring, and our infrastructure is crumbling under pressure. The OBR calls this a “dilution of capital stock” – more people than our systems can handle. Our population is increasing at the rate of a city the size of Birmingham every couple of years, or so, our resources and infrastructure simply can’t cope with this sort of growth.  

And it’s not just economic pressure. Former immigration minister Robert Jenrick warned that migrant crime data are being hidden from the public. While countries like Denmark release data on migrant crime rates, in the UK, 12% of the prison population is foreign-born, yet deportations remain pitifully low.

While the ONS itself is failing to track key data on migrants. This lack of transparency is leaving us in the dark. Our policymakers need to listen to public concerns about mass migration. The public now regard immigration as their top concern. They want net migration well below 100,000 per year and limited to those who will add value to our society. And they want to help genuine asylum seekers as much as our resources will allow. What they most certainly do not want is an open invitation to the world’s poor to make their way to our door. As we have often said, living standards do not improve by simply growing the economy while GDP per head remains the same or shrinks.  

Take London, for example. Rapid population growth puts a huge strain on housing, services, roads, and public transport, driving up land and housing costs. The British taxpayer often foots the bill, whether through higher taxes or subsidies to make housing more affordable.

Some argue that these pressures can be eased by building more homes, schools, hospitals, and roads. But the scale of immigration and the speed of the population growth it leads to is so great that it’s impossible for investment and planning to keep pace. As Emeritus Professor of Economics at Cambridge Robert Rowthorn has pointed out, finding suitable land could come at a high environmental or material cost.
Donate to Migration Watch  Migration Watch relies entirely on the generosity of our supporters who fund our work. If you would like to help us with our efforts, pleaseclick here to donate.
Annabel Denham, Telegraph – The full alarming truth about mass migration is finally being exposed: “The elites expect everyone to swallow the idea that everything is fine. That mass migration is an unalloyed good, and unrelated to such issues as our chronic housing crisis.

The trouble is, people no longer believe that everything is fine. They want the nation to welcome genuine asylum seekers whose survival depends on our compassion. They want our doors open to the best and brightest. What they don’t want is for Britain to open its welfare state to the world.”
This week, Executive Director Dr. Mike Jones chatted with Martin Daubney on GB News, discussing the economic misconceptions surrounding population growth, immigration, and GDP per capita, which is the real indicator of national wealth:
Speaking to the Daily Express, Migration Watch Chairman Alp Mehmet commented on Kemi Badenoch’s assertion that she is prepared to overhaul the ECHR rulebook to do ‘whatever it takes’ to halt illegal boat crossings:

“This is very disturbing. It shows how migrants are beating the system and leaving Britain to play catch-up.”

Alp was also quoted in the Express regarding health tourists costing British hospitals £100,000 each day:

“And we will increase the NHS surcharge paid by those from overseas.” Alp Mehmet, chairman of Migration Watch UK, said: “Foreigners taking advantage of the NHS has long been a problem. Let’s hope Keir Starmer and Health Secretary Wes Streeting have the courage to tackle the flagrant abuse of what seems to regarded as the International Health Service.”
As the migration crisis (legal and illegal) worsens and Sir Keir Starmer’s government thrashes about in a state of bewildered ineffectiveness, incapable of dealing with it, the public’s concern increases. That is why immigration is now the issue they see as the most pressing.

Let’s keep the government’s feet to the fire. Sooner or later they will understand that reducing immigration, stopping the boats and getting a grip of the asylum system is of paramount importance, if we are to safeguard the future stability and wellbeing of our society. Contact your MP today, there is no time to lose.
We wouldn’t be able to continue this work without the help of our supporters. If you would like to donate, please click the button below.

Our supporters are all as concerned about the future of our country as we are. Some have been kind enough to remember us in their will. If you wish to consider leaving a bequest to Migration Watch UK, or wish to discuss anything else, do please get in touch. Our email is:

October 5th 2024

Ex-police officer investigated over Malkinson caseBBC

A retired police officer is under a criminal investigation over the wrongful conviction of Andy Malkinson for a rape he did not commit, …

“Andrew Malkinson is that man.” By R J Cook

Comment If I had ruined lives or killed during my years as a truck driver, there would have been no excuses. If I had knowingly and deliberately harmed anyone in the course of my job, it would have meant a long jail sentence. I was supposed to understand my truck, know what I was doing and obey the law all the time. Scum Police officers, whatever their rank, should face life sentences like this piece of vile garbage did, along with scumbag colleagues, to Andrew Malkinson and God knows how many others. Why can’t we know his and his assocuates names? Russell Brand’s name has been blazed across the media with the ‘guilty before being porven guilty’ standard approach. Lying corrupt police officers who ruin and end peoples lives should face full media exposure and long jail sentences. They are among the most despicable of criminals.

t is interesteing that police do not trawl for ‘me too witnesses’ as they did with Russell Brand. They never do when it is one of their own. U.K Police are a vile interest group decades overdue for reform. The technology of crime solving has bee relentlessy advanced by the nerds but it has just put more weaponry for abuse in the hands of too many corrupt police officers at all levels.

The scandals of victimised Chief Constable Sue Sim, the wrong kind of woman, ousted for her reforming zeal and the absurd fantasising summary dismissal of Northants Chief Constable Nick Adderley are testimony to this cess pit policing. The question is, how many innocent men did Adderley and his associates frame in his rise to the top. Women are easily mesmerised by these brave protective looking men in uniform or plain clothes flashing their warrant cards etc. The Animal Rights women fell for this as did the late Sarah Everard.

The face of arrogance, bullying and deceit, disgraced fantasist Chief Contable Nick Adderley who rose to the top of an inherently criminally corrupt U.K Police and Prosecution Service where criminally minded self serving officers can have a field day exploiting advancing techology to create false records, hide and or fabricating evidence.

They are selected as a personality type and are a perfect fit for the advancing U.K Police State with its ludicrous claim to be a democracy. It should be noted that Prime Minsiter Starmer, whose landslide victory came from 52% of those who could be bothered to vote under U.K’s outdated corrupt system, was head of the CPS ( Corrupt Prosecution Service ) that jailed Andrew Malkinson. Here, corrupt police were using hearsay and a blind eye to the fact that forensic evidence had to be hidden because it implicated an entirely different person.

The Malkinson case should be a turning point for a major police and CPS reform programme. It won’t happen because Starmer is implicated in the corrupt CPS system and needs police vested interests protected. This is because without their heavy hands and unaccounatblity, he fears more social unrest His and his party’s support for the NATO Ukraine Proxy War on Russia – which will devastate Western finance and banking of they lose- plus the rising cost of what is effectively open door Third World immigration makes policing and more jail space for rioters and dissidents inevitable.

Additionally Starmer must please his predominantly feminist cabinet and rank and file MPs whose rape mantra was defined by Blair’s Attorney General. Harriet Harman, who said :”Better send an innocent man to jail ( for rape ) than let a guilty man go free.” That sums up New New Labour philosophy past and present. Andrew Malkinson was that innocent man, a martyr to the new New Labour Government. These people want more men convicted of rape. They do not want more calls for actual evidence or other scrutiny. Men don’t have to be anywhere near the women they are alleged to have assaulted. Justice must appear to be done. Females are New Society’s Godesses. They must never be officially known to lie. So if that requires dishonest police officers, so be it. Women are only one step down from non white ethic men when it comes to victim status. So it follows, that unless you are super rich high status, like Muslin Mohamed Abdel Moneim AlFayed, you will be sacrificed to the Neo Liberal Cause.

R J Cook

The rise and fall of Northamptonshire chief constable Nick …Northamptonshire Telegraph › News › People

3 Jul 2024 — Nick Adderley from Royal Navy Cadet to The Falklands War. Nick Adderley was born in September 1966 – and was the middle child of three sons.

Independent Office for Police Conduct – BBC NewsBBC

Expolice officer investigated over Malkinson case · Trial set for police officer accused of killing driver · Former PCs begin appeal over athlete search sacking.

Trial set for police officer accused of killing driverBBC

Several migrants including child die in Channel

Avon and Somerset Police constable Matthew Pike, 38, appeared before Bristol Crown Court earlier accused of killing Keryl Johnson in November …

Groups of people thought to be migrants are brought in to Dover, Kent, onboard Border Force vessels following a number of small boat incidents in the Channel
Image caption, Groups of migrants arrived in the UK having crossed the English Channel on Friday

Hollie Cole

BBC News

  • Published5 October 2024, 13:02 BST

Several migrants, including a child, have died while attempting to cross the English Channel, according to the French authorities.

French interior minister Bruno Retailleau said the child was “trampled to death in a boat”, saying it was a “terrible tragedy” and people smugglers “have the blood of these people on their hands”.

According to local newspaper La Voix du Nord, at least four migrants died – including a young child – in two separate incidents.

A local official is due to give a press conference in Calais later.

The AFP news agency reported that a migrant boat heading towards Britain called for assistance on Saturday morning and rescuers picked up 14 people on board, including the child.

An injured migrant on the boat was airlifted to a hospital in Boulogne, France, and the remaining passengers on the boat continued their journey, it reported.

Officials said the child was found in the boat.

Olivier Barbarin, mayor of the northern French coastal town of Le Portel, said the child was about four years old, and the Boulogne-sur-Mer public prosecutor’s office said they were “very young”, according to AFP.

October 4th 2024

Ex-police officer investigated over Malkinson case

Andrew Malkinson in a black t-shirt bearing the words '#innocent and not the only one' with his first raised surrounded by other people.

Dominic Casciani

BBC News, Home and Legal Correspondent

  • Published4 October 2024, 17:02 BST

Updated 15 minutes ago

A retired police officer is under a criminal investigation over the wrongful conviction of Andy Malkinson for a rape he did not commit, the police watchdog has said.

The former Greater Manchester Police officer is being investigated for allegedly perverting the course of justice and misconduct in public office in relation to Mr Malkinson’s trial 20 years ago, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said.

The former officer and three other officers, who are also retired, are also being investigated for alleged gross misconduct.

Mr Malkinson was exonerated last year after suffering the longest miscarriage of justice of the 21st century.

Andrew Malkinson arrives at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, ahead of his hearing at the Court of Appeal over his 2003 rape conviction.
Image caption, Mr Malkinson protested his innocence throughout his 17 years in jail

Mr Malkinson said he felt vindicated by the IOPC investigation but he would “not be satisfied until officers face real consequences”.

“If Greater Manchester Police get away with what they did to me, they’ll keep doing it. It’s as simple as that,” he said.

Judges at the Court of Appeal were told of long-undisclosed DNA evidence that showed another man must have been the rapist in an attack on a woman in 2003.

No forensic evidence ever linked Mr Malkinson to the victim and he did not bear a facial injury that she had inflicted upon her attacker as she fought to defend herself.

He did not look like her initial description of the rapist and there was no evidence to link him to the secluded scene of the crime, near Bolton.

Mr Malkinson spent 17 years in jail protesting his innocence and a major judge-led inquiry is continuing into how the wrong man was convicted.

The decision to investigate the four officers comes after the IOPC took over a review into how GMP had itself handled complaints from Mr Malkinson.

An IOPC statement said that it was looking at how GMP came to identify Mr Malkinson as the key suspect and whether witnesses had been offered incentives to pick him out.

‘Deserve justice’

The watchdog said it was also investigating whether there had been a failure to disclose information that may have helped Mr Malkinson at his trial and it was also looking at whether officers followed the “appropriate processes” in how Mr Malkinson had been identified.

The watchdog said it was also investigating how GMP handled and disposed of evidence.

During Mr Malkinson’s successful appeal last year, it emerged that the original DNA samples recovered from the victim and her clothing had been destroyed.

Catherine Bates, IOPC Regional Director, said: “Mr Malkinson is a victim of one of the worst miscarriages of justice in British history.

“Following a detailed review of evidence spanning a period of more than 20 years, we have now informed four retired GMP officers that they are under investigation for potential gross misconduct.

“One of the officers has also been notified that they are under criminal investigation for potential misconduct in public office and perverting the course of justice in relation to their actions during the police investigation and subsequent trial.

“We will continue to keep Mr Malkinson and GMP updated on our progress.”

Emily Bolton, Mr Malkinson’s lawyer at the legal charity APPEAL, welcomed the IOPC’s decision to continue its investigation.

“Andy’s wrongful imprisonment was not an unavoidable accident,” she said.

“Police accountability isn’t optional – it’s essential. Andy, his family, and the rape victim in this case all deserve justice.”

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Comment The U.K Police and prosecutors are in a symbiotic corrupt relationship. They are target driven. All that matters is their careers, massive public sector pay, power and status. Starmer was the Crown Prosecution Service, England and Wales, top man. His recent scandals compound his appalling record. He was in charge when U.K Police began their 17 year campaign to jail me for 5 years.

These are real U.K Police College Graduates. What is this fascination for women in uniform wearing stockings and suspenders. I recall a young constable confidiing in me, many years ago, telling me how he and his sergerant hung out in the police station yard, waiting for police women bicycling back to their sity base, to see whether they were wearing them. I won’t say which police station or city, but have not forgotten,

R J Cook

October 3rd 2024

Banks to put four-day hold on suspicious paymentsBBC › news › articles

21 hours ago — Banks will have the power to pause payments for up to four days to give them more time to investigate fraud, the government has said.

Access to banking services and cashThe House of Commons Library › access-to-banki…

16 Jul 2024 — In March 2024 the government published proposals requiring banks to give 90 days’ notice before terminating an account and to fully explain the …

Don’t turn us into social security cops, banks tell UK governmentpolitico.eu › article › rishi-sunak-social-sec…

British government wants sweeping powers to snoop on bankscustomers in bid to detect benefit fraud.

How UK government plans to monitor bank accounts of …Parkinson’s UK › news › how-uk-gover…

The UK government wants the power to instruct banks to provide details of their customer’s accounts, even where there is no suspicion of fraud.

Almost 9 million claimant bank accounts to be put under …Benefits and Work › News

The DWP is to begin continuous surveillance of the bank accounts of all pension credit, universal credit and employment and support allowance claimants.

Comment The Government needs maximum tax trawl from the lower orders to pay for NATO’S proxy war on Russia and to pay for illegal self styled asylum seekers who are valued as potential cheap labour and future Labour voters. The wealthy must be taxed as lightly as possible because they need incentives, The lower orders do not need incentives, they need more laws and firmer punishments. R J Cook

Welcome to Meta’s future, where everyone wears cameras

The Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses were all around Meta’s campus. It was a glimpse into a world where cameras are the new phones.

By Jay Peters, a news editor who writes about technology, video games, and virtual worlds. He’s submitted several accepted emoji proposals to the Unicode Consortium.

The Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses.Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

Meta really wants to put cameras on your face. The glasses, which follow 2021’s Ray-Ban Stories, are apparently making inroads on that front, as Zuckerberg told The Verge sales are going “very well.” They aren’t full-fledged AR glasses since they have no screen to display information, though they’re becoming more powerful with AI features. But they’re perfect for what the whole Meta empire is built on: encouraging people to share their lives online. 

The glasses come in a variety of classic Ray-Ban styles, but for now, it’s obvious users aren’t just wearing glasses. As I wandered the campus, I spotted the telltale signs on person after person: two prominent circle cutouts at the edges of their glasses, one for a 12MP ultrawide camera and the other for an indicator light.

This light flashes when a user is taking photos and videos, and it’s generally visible even in sunlight. In theory, that should have put my mind at ease: if the light wasn’t on, I could trust nobody was capturing footage of me tucking into some lunch before my meetings. 

But as I talked with people around campus, I was always slightly on edge. I found myself keenly aware of those circles, checking to see if somebody was filming me when I wasn’t paying attention. The mere potential of a recording would distract me from conversations, inserting a low hum of background anxiety.   

When I put a pair on for myself, the situation changed

Then, when I put a pair on for myself, the situation suddenly changed. As a potential target of recording, I’d been hesitant, worried I might be photographed or filmed as a byproduct of making polite eye contact. With the glasses on my own face, though, I felt that I should be recording more. There’s something really compelling about the experience of a camera right at the level of your eyes. By just pressing a button on the glasses, I could take a photo or video of anything I was seeing at exactly the angle I was seeing it. No awkward fumble of pulling out my phone and hoping the moment lasted. There might be no better way to share my reality with other people.

Meta’s smart glasses have been around for a few years now, and I’m hardly the first person — or even the first person at The Verge — to be impressed by them. But this was the first time I’d seen these glasses not as early adopter tech, but as a ubiquitous product like a phone or smartwatch. I got a hint of how this seamless recording would work at scale, and the prospect is both exciting and terrifying.

The camera phone was a revolution in its own right, and we’re still grappling with its social effects. Nearly anyone can now document police brutality or capture a fleeting funny moment, but also take creepshots and post them online or (a far lesser offense, to be clear) annoy people at concerts. What will happen when even the minimal friction of pulling a phone out drops away, and billions of people can immediately snap a picture of anything they see?

Personally, I can see how incredibly useful this would be to capture candid photos of my new baby, who is already starting to recognize when a phone is taking a picture of her. But it’s not hard to imagine far more malicious uses. Sure, you might think that we all got used to everyone pointing their phone cameras at everything, but I’m not exactly sure that’s a good thing; I don’t like that there’s a possibility I end up in somebody’s TikTok just because I stepped outside the house. (The rise of sophisticated facial recognition makes the risks even greater.) With ubiquitous glasses-equipped cameras, I feel like there’s an even greater possibility that my face shows up somewhere on the internet without my permission. 

There are also clear risks to integrating cameras into what is, for many people, a nonnegotiable vision aid. If you already wear glasses and switch to prescription smart glasses, you’ll either have to carry a low-tech backup or accept that they’ll stay on in some potentially very awkward places, like a public bathroom. The current Ray-Ban Meta glasses are largely sunglasses, so they’re probably not most people’s primary set. But you can get them with clear and transition lenses, and I bet Meta would like to market them more as everyday specs.

Of course, there’s no guarantee most people will buy them. The Ray-Ban Meta glasses are pretty good gadgets now, but I was at Meta’s campus meeting Meta employees to preview Meta hardware for a Meta event. It’s not surprising Meta’s latest hardware was commonplace, and it doesn’t necessarily tell us much about what people outside that world want. 

Camera glasses have been just over the horizon for years now. Remember how magical I said taking pictures of what’s right in front of your eyes is? My former colleague Sean O’Kane relayed almost the exact same experience with Snap Spectacles back in 2016.

But Meta is the first company to make a credible play for mainstream acceptance. They’re a lot of fun — and that’s what scares me a little.

All around Meta’s Menlo Park campus, cameras stared at me. I’m not talking about security cameras or my fellow reporters’ DSLRs. I’m not even talking about smartphones. I mean Ray-Ban and Meta’s smart glasses, which Meta hopes we’ll all — one day, in some form — wear.

I visited Meta for this year’s Connect conference, where just about every hardware product involved cameras. They’re on the Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses that got a software update, the new Quest 3S virtual reality headset, and Meta’s prototype Orion AR glasses. Orion is what Meta calls a “time machine”: a functioning example of what full-fledged AR could look like, years before it will be consumer-ready.

But on Meta’s campus, at least, the Ray-Bans were already everywhere. It was a different kind of time machine: a glimpse into CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s future world where glasses are the new phones.

I’m conflicted about it.

October 2nd 2024


Martyn Blake named as murder-accused police officerBBC › uk-england-london-68502539

8 Mar 2024 — A Metropolitan Police firearms officer named for the first time as Martyn Blake has pleaded not guilty to murdering Chris Kaba.

Chris Kaba was not a suspect before being fatally shot by …The Guardian › uk-news › oct › chris-ka…

4 Oct 2022 — Car driven by Kaba, killed by single shot to head fired by officer, was being followed by police.

Chris Kaba: What Happened and What Next?

Stop Hate UK › News & Events

31 Oct 2022 — Chris Kaba was killed on Sept. 5, 2022, after being shot by a police officer in Streatham Hill, London.

Section 59 Criminal Vehilce Markers are very dangerous because police have a very cavalier attitude to their highly prejudiced and frequently illegal application. This is why Chris Kaba was prusued and shot. I know the danger because West Mercia Police, who have never been my local force and I have never lived in their area, illegally applied one to my car on October 9th 2008. This resulted in very dangerous police chases and searches and made it very difficult for me to earn a living. I found out about the marker over 12 months later but police and courts still won’t tell me why I got it. My nightmare continues in Police State Britain. As we know from Sir Keir Starmer’s attitude to the appalling case of Andrew Malkinson jailed for 17 years after conviction for a rape he could never have committed, when all that mattered was that notorious Greater Manchester Police said he did it. UK PM Starmer refused to comment or apologise. This a bad time for men to get too close to women,

Freed Andrew Malkinsson pictured above. He spent 17 years in a living hell condemned as a rapist. Former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, now U.K Prime Minister Starmer, was in post at the time of this poor man’s conviction. He refused to comment when asked about this yet another miscarriage of justice down to CPS and Police corruption. White liberal middle class virtute signallers have a lot to say about BLM. But lower class white men are another matter.

Andrew Malkinson: Vindicated man says police knew …Channel 4 › news › andrew-malkinson-…

7 Aug 2023 — Mr Malkinson had his conviction quashed last month after DNA evidence came to light, linking the crime to another man. The Greater Manchester …

Millionaire Starmer’s complicity with organisations reponsible for this criminal misconduct in public office alinged with the freebies scandal, lies about being seen working in his own home and pathetic excuses about taking freebies for his son, raise questions as to how he got the CPS job in the first place and why on earth he is fit to be U.K Prime Minister with so many terrible national and international problems to deal with. We hear all sorts of nonsense about deposing Putin, but what is so special about Starmer? This man also claimed no knowledge of his Crown Prosecution Service maliciously prosecuting the nation’s sub postmasters and jailing scores of innocents. So what exactly was his job and how did he do it? Were there freebies, tax free, there too ?

R J Cook

CONTENTSHillsborough Law No More Deaths campaign Grenfell Tower Fire Police: Met firearms officer on trial for murder of Chris Kaba Mental Health: Inquiry underway into 2, 000 deaths in Essex Unlawful Killing podcast Other News Family update: upcoming events and opportunities for bereaved people working with INQUEST
Keir Starmer has committed to bringing forward a Hillsborough Law by April 2025. This is a huge step forward in providing a legacy for the 97 people unlawfully killed at the Hillsborough Football Disaster.

It will introduce a legal duty of candour so that state authorities have to tell the truth in investigations and ensure that bereaved families and victims receive equal legal funding from the start.

Speaking to BBC News, our Director Deborah Coles said: “This is the result of the incredible power of families standing together to demand justice accountability and change.

A massive thank you to you all and we hold in our thoughts those who have been killed or harmed by the state.”

Read the latest Hillsborough Law briefing.

Chris Kaba, 24, an unarmed Black man was fatally shot by Martyn Blake, a firearms officer from the Metropolitan Police on 5 September 2022 in Streatham, London. 

Martyn Blake will stand trial charged with murder and it begins at the Old Bailey today on 2 October 2024.
Follow the Justice for Chris Kaba campaign here.
On 9 September 2024, a statutory public inquiry opened into the deaths of over 2,000 people in the care of Essex mental health services. 

Matthew Leahy, 20, died in 2012 days after being admitted for inpatient care in Essex. His mother Melanie has been fighting for a public inquiry alongside other bereaved families ever since.

Speaking at the inquiry, she said she hopes it will “set an example to the rest of the mental health providers across our nation to get their establishments up to standard or I fear many, many families will suffer the same losses“.

As a result of our expertise on deaths in mental health services and their investigation, INQUEST has now for the first time been given core participant status in a public inquiry
We spoke to Melanie Leahy in Series 1 of our award-nominated Unlawful Killing podcast.

Listen to Episode 6 to hear more about her tireless campaign for justice for Matthew and so many others.

INQUEST is honoured to have been presented with the ‘Most Impactful Organisation Award 2024’ from the Ronaldo Thierry Johnson Foundation.

Ron was unlawfully killed in a crash following a police chase in Manchester in March 2021. His family continue to campaign to end police pursuits and support other bereaved families. Follow their campaign.

INQUEST attended an event in Manchester on 28 September organised by the Foundation celebrating what would have been Ron Johnson’s 21st birthday. 

Join us and the United Family & Friends Campaign on Saturday 26 October at their 25th annual procession march to remember their loved ones unlawfully killed in prison and police custody. 

Stand with families from Scotland to London demanding justice for their loved ones who died at the hands of British police and in custody. 

October 1st 2024

And So It Goes On & On. This is Not a Democracy.

BBC’s Geeta Guru-Murthy Apologizes To Nigel Farage …Deadline › 2024/05 › bbc-news-geeta-guru-…

28 May 2024 — The BBC’s Geeta GuruMurthy has apologized to Nigel Farage over remarks about a Reform UK press conference.

BBC newsreader Geeta Guru-Murthy apologises to Nigel …

Daily Mail › news › article-13467627

28 May 2024 — A BBC News presenter was forced to issue a grovelling apology today after she accused Nigel Farage of using ‘customary inflammatory language’.

Comment She should have faced worse than grovelling for her share in offering her hate speech opinions in order to influence U.K and U.S Elections. This is what the smug cossetted intolerant BBC bigots do best at the licence payers expense. Geeta Guru Murthy has been a leading light, as a Chief Presenter, campaigning for female pay rises. These people should take pay cuts with levelling down. Talent is the last thing I would associate with any form of mainstream journalism, especially TV and reading from an autocue in between asserting their opinions and patronising put downs. They sit in judgement on lower order masses whose lives and actions they will never understand. For them everything convenienty fits into the anti racist and anti sexist box. This woman is part of a very powerful and dangerous consensus. It is not democracy when an elite has the right to impose elite consensus opinions and severely punish dissenters – R J Cook

Tories missed their chance to solve this problem. It is too late now as the U.K Elite plans for all out war on Russia and needs every ‘man’ it can get for cannon fodder and slavery. R J Cook
The art of the deal
Robert Jenrick, former immigration minister and Tory leadership contender, has proposed a bold plan to tackle illegal immigration, calling for visa bans on countries that refuse to take back their nationals. This is great news and something MW has long called for and was in our written evidence to parliament for the Immigration and Borders Bill tabled in Parliament in July 2021.

Speaking ahead of the Conservative Party conference, Mr Jenrick outlined a five-point strategy to increase the number of illegal migrant removals fivefold, aiming for over 100,000 removals per year. One key part of Mr Jenrick’s plan is to impose visa restrictions and cut foreign aid to countries that don’t cooperate with the UK on returning illegal migrants. He cited Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Ethiopia as examples. Despite these countries receiving millions in aid, only a small fraction of their nationals have been returned after coming to the UK or remaining here illegally.

Mr Jenrick also wants to declare Vietnam, Turkey, and Brazil as safe countries, allowing for quicker deportations like the deal with Albania. He argued that these nations are not conflict zones but rather popular holiday destinations. This is something else we called for in the written evidence we submitted to the Public Bill Committee, which was referred to when the Nationality and Borders Act was published.

In addition, Mr Jenrick highlighted India’s case, where despite benefitting from 250,000 UK visas in the past year, there are an estimated 100,000 Indian nationals in the UK without authority to be here; in other words, ‘illegal migrants’. He called for visa suspensions for countries that refuse to take back their nationals -student and visitor visas included.

Mr Jenrick further called for reforms to the UK’s Human Rights Act, to ease deportations. He proposed too, making companies criminally liable for employing illegal migrants. Dare we say, another Migration Watch proposal. And, may here make clear that Mr Jenrick has been briefed by us, he has not? Moreover, MW Is in no way linked to the Conservatives (or any other party.) Nor are we suggesting that those eligible to vote in the Tory leadership election should vote for him or any other candidate. Nevertheless, Mr Jenrick’s robust approach is clearly going down well given polling now makes him the front runner. And, of course, he topped the parliamentary round of the process. His focus on swift deportations aligns with the desire to “take back control” of UK borders, a stance we have long called for at MW. We would also like to see firm caps on legal migration (annual net migration of no more than 100,000; preferably, considerably less.) It is clear to us that such a radical policy shift is essential if the damage already done to the UK’s immigration system is to be addressed.
Why revising the Human Rights Act is key to tackling illegal immigration
However, the first and most critical step in fixing the UK’s broken immigration system is to revise or repeal the Human Rights Act, particularly its ties to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). This move would give the UK much greater freedom, and fewer legal obstacles, to removing those without a claim to asylum or whose application has been rejected. It would also allow the negotiation of better returns agreements with countries whose nationals have entered the UK illegally. If they refuse to take back their nationals, we should ratchet up sanctions, including denial of aid. And if this doesn’t work, Mr Jenrick proposes a blanket ban on both short- and long-term visas for nationals from these countries. across all visa categories, with exceptions for state visits.

We also propose the government revisits its hasty decision to abandon the Rwanda scheme, which provided a pathway to remove migrants coming to the UK illegally to a safe third country. Why not resurrect the plan and use it to remove migrants hailing from countries unwilling to accept returns?
Donate to Migration Watch  Migration Watch relies entirely on the generosity of our supporters who fund our work. If you would like to help us with our efforts, pleaseclick here to donate.
Jordan Knight, The CriticHow the West fell out of love with mass migration

“Knowing that the wind is shifting against them, the mass-migrationists are now instead looking towards stifling, stopping and outright outlawing debate. Just this month, Robert Reich in the Guardian called for the arrest of Elon Musk, while pro-migrationist professor Alan Gamlen from the Australian National University called for the establishment of “National Migration Institute” supported by “NGOs, philanthropists, and migrant communities” to “counteract misinformation” about immigration. At the same time, “tech journalists” and “investigative reporters” — who are often conveniently friendly with both anti-fascist and government agencies alike — are now turning their focus away from writing about specific figures and people in anti-immigrationist movements, toward the technology that facilitates these communities: algorithms, AI, and other digital tools. This may be a sign that pro-migrationists are on the retreat.”

We also liked:

Christopher Howarth, Conservative Home – Who is to blame for the Conservative failure on migration?
Migration Watch Chairman Alp Mehmet was quoted in a GB News article about thousands of asylum seekers lying about their age to gain entry into the UK. He warned that this tactic undermines the immigration system, adding unnecessary pressure to services and making it harder to manage legitimate claims effectively:

“Former British diplomat and chairman of Migration Watch UK Alp Mehmet labelled the figures evidence of a “scam” in which people “pretend to be much younger than they are” because the UK is more accepting of – people who purport to be – unaccompanied minors.”

Alp was also quoted on the same issue in the Daily Express, highlighting the growing concern over asylum seekers misrepresenting their age to enter the UK and the strain it places on the system.

In addition, Alp was quoted in GB News by rising star Charlie Peters on the fact that the government has yet to scrap the Rwanda Act, which remains on the statute books months after Sir Keir Starmer declared the plan “dead”: 

“As pressure grows, they will be forced to consider some form of off-shoring. So far, they’ve appeared unprepared and naive.

On immigration — legal and illegal — the PM, Home Sec and her ministers are proving to be out of their depth and out of touch. They won’t smash the gangs and the boats will keep coming in droves. Our only line of defence is inclement weather.”

Finally, Alp was quoted in an article for The Daily Express on how vast numbers of illegal migrants are entering the UK through a weak link backdoor.

“This is an all too frequent occurrence that does a disservice to the public and stymies democracy. The obduracy and stonewalling of the Home Office when it comes to releasing data that we have a right to know is frustrating. Perhaps we should expect it from a once great department of state that’s become dysfunctional, inefficient and ineffective. The common travel area is an obvious gap that has been found by both traffickers and migrants. We used to work closely with the Irish even before we joined the EU. Since Brexit, and the Windsor agreement it has clearly got worse. Unless it’s plugged it will become worse still. Perhaps that’s why the HO is reluctant to reveal the data.”
The government is under increasing pressure to tackle the escalating, out of control legal migration – remember, net migration remains at levels that will lead to an increase in our population of some 20 million people within the next 25 years. Meanwhile, illegal migration, including those illegally crossing the Channel (a twentieth of net migration) continues unabated. And as EU Member States are finally waking up to what needs to be done, with more and more of them reintroducing border checks, here in Britain we are heading in the opposite direction.

By fast-tracking asylum applications and shelving the Rwanda deportation plan, Sir Keir Starmer and his Home Secretary have made the crisis worse. However, with mounting pressure, there’s a real opportunity to push them towards firmer and more effective action. Write to your MP now and demand they take migration policy seriously. Tell the Prime Minister to get real, and get a grip!
We wouldn’t be able to continue this work without the help of our supporters. If you would like to donate, please click the button below.

Our supporters are all as concerned about the future of our country as we are. Some have been kind enough to remember us in their will. If you wish to consider leaving a bequest to Migration Watch UK, or wish to discuss anything else, do please get in touch. Our email is:

An independent inquiry has heard shocking allegations of how SAS soldiers engaged in a “widespread and systematic pattern of unlawful extrajudicial killings” – which were known at the highest levels of the UK government, even in Downing St, but covered up for years.12 Oct 2023

Whitehall’s cover-up of SAS killings in Afghanistan

The SAS Murders – and the conspiracy to cover them upBBC › … › The Story › Features

Listen to The SAS murders and the conspiracy to cover them up – Part 1 and Part 2 here. A unit gone rogue. Between 2009 and 2013, British special forces were …

SAS sought to ‘cover up’ killings of unarmed AfghansDeclassified UK › Sample Page

13 Dec 2023 — Evidence given to the Afghanistan inquiry reveals the army’s special forces unit deleted key data related to the killing of over 50 Afghans.

The SAS murders: how a senior officer exposed a war …The Times › UK › Defence

5 May 2024 — The SAS murders: how a senior officer exposed a war crime coverup. British special forces are accused of holding killing contests and …

The Killing of Jean Charles de Menezesjstor › stable

by J McCulloch · 2006 · Cited by 28 — no terrorist or criminal convictions, and then plot to hide the evidence from … Rolston, Bill. 2006 “An Effective Mask for Terror: Democracy, Death Squads and …

Shoot to kill: what is the UK’s policy? | PoliceThe Guardian › uk-news › nov › shoot-…

17 Nov 2015 — Officers whom the terrorists had tried to kill gave the pair first aid. When did tactics change? The response to terrorist attacks was revised …

September 29th 2024

The chilling story of how the deep state arrested and then silenced one of its most vocal critics, the successful businesswoman Bernie Spofforth, even though she’d done nothing illegal

In Two Tier Keir’s 1984-style UK, the mum-of-three from Chester had committed the ultimate thought crime: Writing a post on X that the authorities weren’t happy about

Bernie Spofforth is one of the smartest and fairest people I know.

A highly successful businesswoman, entrepreneur, wife and mum-of-three, she became a superstar on the platform formerly known as Twitter during the dark days of Covid totalitarianism as @BerniesTweets and recently relaunched as Artemisfornow, a voice fighting against Nut Zero insanity, social credit schemes, free speech destroyers and globalist bad actors everywhere.

Deeply political, she backs no party but is an independent citizen journalist with her eyes wide open to the dark forces gripping society.

Her following is loyal and engaged.

There’s nothing in it for Bernie to be so public with her views and fears – indeed, she’s lost a lot, financially and personally, from being outspoken. Like me, however, she knows there’s simply too much at stake to be a passenger.

Last month, in a wave of deep state overreach sweeping the UK, Bernie’s life was turned upside down.

On August 8, three police cars and a paddy wagon arrived at her peaceful Chester farm, where the biggest disturbance previously has been when one of the sheep escape, and arrested her.

Bernie was locked in a police cell for 36 hours.

Already traumatised after an MSM witch hunt against her, she was left on a concrete slab with no access to her loved ones or even a change of clothes.

She was treated like a terrorist or a murderer, taunted about going to prison.

Given the instant police state that had introduced the most egregious Two Tier Justice in the wake of the so-called “riots” after the Southport Massacre, Bernie believed she was going to be sent down for years.


Who is the biggest enemy of free speech in the UK?


Who is the biggest enemy of free speech in the UK?


Keir Starmer


Deep State


This softly spoken, intelligent, perfect citizen, who had never put a foot wrong during a faultless life, must have done something pretty terrible, right?

Well in Two Tier Keir Starmer’s 1984-style authoritarian UK, she had committed the ultimate thought crime: Written a post on X that the authorities weren’t happy about!


I must point out Bernie is not a trained journalist, she’s a researcher and aggregator of critical information online that has in recent years been deliberately covered up by officials for nefarious reasons.

Taking on such a role in society without a big organisation behind you is perilous. There are split second choices to make about what information to share, what to park and research further, and what is, quite simply, untrue.

Notice I don’t use the terms misinformation, disinformation or conspiracy theories anymore. That’s deliberate – they have been weaponised by the elite class, MSM and far left to denigrate anyone, Bernie and I included, who challenges the mainstream narrative. Yet, in nine out of ten cases in recent years we have been proven right.

All Bernie had done to see the full force of the deep state crash down on her life, drag her family through the mud, and destroy her mental health was share a piece of information about the perpetrator of the Southport Massacre that turned out to be untrue.

Bernie never claimed she knew if the information was confirmed. As the police and officials shut down virtually any communication after the crime that stunned the nation, there was an information vacuum.

In her post, Bernie had actually clarified what she shared with the very clear caveat: “If this is true, all hell will break loose.”

She wasn’t encouraging violence or advocating for unrest in any way, simply stating a fact.


After weeks of hell, including a draconian order to silence her on all social media platforms, Bernie has now officially been given an NFA by the police, meaning no further action will be taken because she broke no laws.

But if they thought she would slink away quietly back onto her farm never to be seen on X again, how wrong they are.

In a powerful return to the platform this morning, Bernie declared: “I am just an ordinary person and I think you should know how ordinary people have been treated. They searched me, arrested me and held me for 36 hours in a concrete cell with a concrete bed like a terrorist. They held me even though I told them that the evidence they needed had already been found by data experts. I explained my post was political, as almost all of my posts are, and my post was aimed at the government and its failing policies. I had not and would not make something up. But perhaps the authorities and the activists didn’t actually care about the truth, they just wanted me punished as an example to you.”

Then, in a chilling illustration of how far the state went to silence critics, she added: “My bail conditions included that I couldn’t engage on social media. They didn’t want me to speak to you about anything at all. The authorities gained the silencing of you because so many of you were afraid to speak. It’s very clear that a vocal part of our society wants the opinions of ordinary people like you and like me suppressed. They say they support free speech but they mean only the speech they agree with. They say they support dialogue but only the dialogue that agrees with their world view. And they say they want equality but they don’t mean for people who think differently to them. Without free speech there is no democracy and without democracy there really is only tyranny. To be treated as a criminal when you know you are innocent by the authorities, journalists and activists is terrifying and reputationally devastating.”



Disturbingly, it’s not the first time Bernie had been forcibly silenced.

A hero during the Covid pandemic, her then-Twitter account (at the time known as BerniesTweets) had been shut down by the big tech giant.

During her campaign against vaccine passports in November 2021, she had written: “It’s illogical to push the narrative that the vaccinated are protected from Covid, but not protected from the unvaccinated. It’s also dense. But you know that right?”

Yup! Bernie was stating a fact yet, again, it got her shut down.

She made her first appearance ever on television that week, appearing on my former GB News show to make this impassioned plea: “If you push people who don’t agree with you underground then that narrative becomes dangerous. You must allow people to speak freely. They must have their opinions and be able to talk about it. If you’re censored and pushed down, it’s a very dangerous place to be.”

What’s incredible is what has changed in the three years since that interview.

Twitter is now a free platform, transforming into X under Elon Musk, the bête noire of the Two Tier Keir.

And when that big tech company – a rare defender of our right to expression – wouldn’t censor Bernie, it was the British government who did.

So let me leave you with this line from her powerful video: “The process is the punishment and it will silence millions. And when we are silent that is the end of our free speech. So to those who celebrated my arrest, don’t enjoy it too much because it could easily happen to you, and the difference between us is that I would fight for you.”


This Substack and my new daily Outspoken live show (weekdays 5pm UK time/midday ET/9am PT on YouTube and Rumble) is truly independent. I am committed to exposing the relentless lies of the MSM and politicians.

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I know you are aware of how much free speech and independent thinking is now in peril, but I am determined to build up Outspoken to challenge the MSM. If you can help become part of this important movement, I will be forever grateful.

We must oppose Two Tier Keir Starmer’s chilling mission creep to shut down debate with every fibre of our being.

This Outspoken Substack is now the exclusive home of my original journalism and columns. With the corrupt MSM now controlled by billionaire corporate overlords and dark establishment forces, by contrast I am no longer owned by anybody other than you. Subscribing allows you to read all the posts exclusively for paid members, access to the full archive, the ability to comment on articles and engage in debate with me, join my regular chats on the Substack app, and send me direct messages. In these dark times of censorship and a crackdown on free speech, it also means you are supporting an independent media revolution, for which I will be forever grateful.

Dan Wootton

Starmer’s Labour about greed and power – Duffield

Media caption,

Speaking to the BBC, Rosie Duffield said voters were being “completely taken for granted”

Laura Kuenssberg

Presenter, Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg

Damian Grammaticas

BBC Political correspondent

  • Published28 September 2024

Rosie Duffield has told the BBC that Sir Keir Starmer’s team cares “more about greed and power than making a difference” in her first broadcast interview since resigning from the Labour Party.

In her resignation letter, published by the Sunday Times, external, the Canterbury MP lambasts the prime minister for accepting gifts worth tens of thousands of pounds while scrapping the winter fuel payment and keeping the two-child benefit cap.

In an interview on Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, Duffield said Labour voters and MPs are being “exploited” and “taken for granted”.

Duffield, who will now sit as an independent MP, said leaving the party was “not at all where I wanted to be”.

Speaking to the BBC, Duffield said Labour was “in my heart and in my soul”.

“It is so profoundly disappointing to me as a Labour voter and an activist… to see this is what we have become,” she added.

She said after days of revelations about donations and the leadership’s refusal to apologise, that the leadership seemed “more about greed and power than making a difference…I just can’t take any more”.

Duffield, who has clashed previously with the party leadership over women’s rights and transgender issues, resigned on Saturday.

She said: “We all had our faith in Keir Starmer and a Labour government, and I feel that voters and activists and MPs are being completely laughed at and completely taken for granted.”

Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he protected Jimmy Savile

Kit Klarenberg·July 6, 2024

Sir Keir Starmer c,laims the right to freebies and the privileges of Prime Ministerial Pleasure. Meanwhile his government is moving in on taxing tips for restaurant staff. Tips were always legally taxable, as I discovered when I was in charge of taxing employees of Warner Leisure on Hayling Island while employed by what was then called HM Inspector of Taxes. It was easy to see that the U.K Tax system picked on the little people

R J Cook

As the UK’s new, MI6-aligned prime minister takes power, questions are resurfacing about how key files on infamous British pedophile Jimmy Savile disappeared under his watch.

In October 2012, a documentary exposed how veteran British media personality Jimmy Savile sexually abused vulnerable, underage girls throughout his lifetime. This led to an eruption of reports of abuse, spanning decades, and official inquiries into multiple institutions to which Savile was linked. Today, the full extent of his crimes, and the total number of his victims, is unknown. It has nonetheless been confirmed that the BBC, NHS, British police, and many journalists had full knowledge of his pedophilic and necrophilic perversions well before his death.

Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he …The Grayzone › 2024/07/06 › keir-starmer-sc…

6 Jul 2024 — Starmer’s irresistible, corrupt path to power · In April 2014, Levitt was rewarded for her CPS service with a lucrative job at high ranked law …

The Corruption Behind Starmer’s Rise Has Finally Been …

Novara Media › 2023/11/14 › the-corruption…

The Corruption Behind Starmer’s Rise Has Finally Been Exposed. The media omertà is breaking. by Joe Guinan. 14 November 2023. Labour leader Keir Starmer.

CPS has destroyed all records of Keir Starmer’s four trips to …Declassified UK › Sample Page

29 Jun 2023 — During Starmer’s time in post, the CPS was marred by irregularities surrounding the case of the WikiLeaks founder. The organisation has admitted …

Starmer under fire over failure to charge Fayed as chief …The Telegraph › news › 2024/09/19 › star…

19 Sept 2024 — Bruce Drummond, a barrister from a legal team representing several of the women, said: “The spider’s web of corruption and abuse in this company …

Keir Starmer denies he knew CPS was prosecuting post office operators

Labour leader was director of public prosecutions when three cases brought by CPS resulted in convictions

Ben Quinn Political CorrespondentWed 10 Jan 2024 22.30 GMTLast modified on Thu 11 Jan 2024 02.30 GMT

Keir Starmer has denied he was aware of Crown Prosecution Service prosecutions against post office operators caught up in the Horizon IT scandal when he headed the agency.

The Labour leader’s comments came as calls grew for the former Post Office boss Paula Vennells to hand back £3m in bonuses earned during her period in charge.

Starmer, who was director of public prosecutions between 2008 and 2013, addressed questions about what he knew about up to 38 prosecutions of post office operators initiated by the CPS.

“No, I wasn’t aware of any of them. I think there was a small number within a 20-year window, that’s all I know,” he said.

September 28th 2024

A Dagger to the heart of sanctimonious Sir Keir Starmer ‘ The Harmer’ and his clique of ‘Animal Farm Style Hypocrits’. This is the resignation letter of MP Rosie Duffield, a person of principle with a mind beyond feminism because she knows all things in this world are connected. R J Cook

Dear Sir Keir,

Usually letters like this begin, “It is with a heavy heart…” Mine has been increasingly heavy and conflicted and has longed for a degree of relief.

I can no longer stay a Labour MP under your management of the party, and this letter is my notice that I wish to resign the Labour Party whip with immediate effect.

Although many “last straws” have led to my decision, my reason for leaving now is the programme of policies you seem determined to stick to, however unpopular they are with the electorate and your own MPs.

You repeat often that you will make the “tough decisions” and that the country is “all in this together”. But those decisions do not directly affect any one of us in Parliament. They are cruel and unnecessary, and affect hundreds of thousands of our poorest, most vulnerable constituents.

This is not what I was elected to do. It is not even wise politics, and it certainly is not “the politics of service”.

I did not vote for you to lead our party for reasons I won’t describe in detail here. But, as someone elevated immediately to a shadow cabinet position without following the usual path of honing your political skills on the backbenches, you had very little previous political footprint. It was therefore unclear what your political passions, drive or direction might be as the leader of the Labour Party, a large movement of people united by a desire for social justice and support for those most in need.

You also made the choice not to speak up once about the Labour Party’s problems with antisemitism during your time in the shadow cabinet, leaving that to backbenchers, including new MPs such as me.

Since you took office as Leader of the Opposition you have used various heavy-handed management tactics but have never shown what most experienced backbenchers would recognise as true or inspiring leadership.

You have never regularly engaged with your own backbench MPs, many of whom have been in Parliament far longer than you, and some of whom served in the previous Labour government.

You have chosen neither to seek our individual political opinions, nor learn about our constituency experiences, nor our specific or collective areas of political knowledge. We clearly have nothing you deem to be of value.

Your promotion of those with no proven political skills and no previous parliamentary experience but who happen to be related to those close to you, or even each other, is frankly embarrassing.

In particular, the recent treatment of Diane Abbott, now Mother of the House, was deeply shameful and led to comments from voters across the political spectrum. A woman of her political stature and place in history is deserving of respect and support, regardless of political differences.

As Prime Minister, your managerial and technocratic approach, and lack of basic politics and political instincts, have come crashing down on us as a party after we worked so hard, promised so much, and waited a long fourteen years to be mandated by the British public to return to power.

Since the change of government in July, the revelations of hypocrisy have been staggering and increasingly outrageous. I cannot put into words how angry I and my colleagues are at your total lack of understanding about how you have made us all appear.

How dare you take our longed-for victory, the electorate’s sacred and precious trust, and throw it back in their individual faces and the faces of dedicated and hardworking Labour MPs?! The sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party.

Someone with far-above-average wealth choosing to keep the Conservatives’ two-child limit to benefit payments which entrenches children in poverty, while inexplicably accepting expensive personal gifts of designer suits and glasses costing more than most of those people can grasp — this is entirely undeserving of holding the title of Labour Prime Minister.

Forcing a vote to make many older people iller and colder while you and your favourite colleagues enjoy free family trips to events most people would have to save hard for — why are you not showing even the slightest bit of embarrassment or remorse?

I now have no confidence in your commitment to deliver the so-called “change” you promised during the General Election campaign and the changes we have been striving for as a political party for over a decade.

My values are those of a democratic socialist Labour Party and I have been elected three times to act on those values on behalf of my constituents. Canterbury made history when its voters elected their first woman, and only non-Conservative, MP since the seat was created in the thirteenth century.

My constituents elected an independent-minded MP who vowed to put constituency before party, and to keep tackling the issues that most affect us here — Brexit fallout, funding for our universities, our desperately struggling East Kent NHS, dire housing situation, repeated sewage pollution and protecting our vital green spaces.

I am confident that I can continue to do so as an independent MP guided by my core Labour values.

Sadly, the Labour Party has never shown any interest in my wonderful constituency in the seven years that I have been in Parliament. But I am proud of my community and will continue to serve them to the best of my ability.

My constituents care deeply about social issues such as child poverty and helping those who cannot help themselves. I will continue to uphold those values as I pledged to do when I first stood before them for election in 2017.

As someone who joined a trade union in my first job, at seventeen, Labour has always been my natural political home. I was elected as a single mum, a former teaching assistant in receipt of tax credits. The Labour Party was formed to speak for those of us without a voice, and I stood for election partly because I saw decisions about the lives of those like me being made in Westminster by only the most privileged few. Right now, I cannot look my constituents in the eye and tell them that anything has changed. I hope to be able to return to the party in the future, when it again resembles the party I love, putting the needs of the many before the greed of the few.

Yours sincerely,

I wouldn’t insult the pius Starmer by calling him the New Cromwell. That is because Oliver was a man of principle. Now Hitler was something else – R.J Cook

It’s no beer Keir! As Labour reveal latest attack on booze …

Daily Mail › news › article-13884921

4 days ago — Along with the government’s plans to overhaul licensing laws, scientists have also suggested that the size of pints should be reduced, raising …

Small beer: Study calls on government to shrink pints

BBC › news › articles

18 Sept 2024 — Labour MP Josh Simons – an ally of prime minister Sir Keir Starmer – said he would not back any plans to remove pints as the top measure of …

Experts call for ban on pints of beer following new study › Archive › News

19 Sept 2024 — However, the Labour government have said there are no plans to outlaw beer being sold in pints. One of Sir Keir Starmer’s allies, Labour MP …

Keir Starmer breaks silence over ‘lockdown drinking’ picturesBournemouth Echo › news › uk-today

16 Jan 2022 — Last May Starmer was pictured drinking with party staff, with the image having been taken outside the window of a constituency office in Durham …

Sir Keir Starmer defends beer-drinking photos saying …

Manchester Evening News › uk-news

Beergate: Footage shows Starmer drinking beer with …Facebook · Sky News440+ reactions · 2 years ago


Sir Keir Starmer will be investigated by police over “beergate” – the allegation he broke lockdown rules while drinking with colleagues.

Comment This is more about saving the NHS from the natives because it is overwhelmed by massive complex migrant demands and massive pay rises for Junior doctors, following those to consultants last year and with more demands from nurses to come. This is Third World Britain and it will get worse, assuming Nuclear War with Russia does not put an end to everything beforehand, which will also be an event we can thank ‘Starmer the Harmer’ for..

R J Cook

Starmer suffers major blow as Labour MP Rosie Duffield …GB News › politics › keir-starmer-labou…

2 hours ago — Starmer suffers major blow as Labour MP Rosie Duffield quits over ‘sleaze scandal and cruel policies’ · The Canterbury MP has been at odds with …

MP Rosie Duffield quits Labour over ‘sleaze, nepotism and …

Daily Mail › news › article-13902273

2 hours ago — MP Rosie Duffield has resigned the Labour whip after accusing the Government of ‘sleaze, nepotism and greed’ and attacking its ‘cruel and …

MP Rosie Duffield resigns Labour whip over ‘hypocrisy and …

Nation.Cymru › news › mp-rosie-duffield-resigns…

2 hours ago — She added: “The sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish …

As Former Head of Corrupt Crown Prosecution Service that routinely withheld evidence that would help defendants for the sake of convictions, like David Malkinson’s, now turned Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer will not be reforming equally corrupt U.K Police any time soon. Him and his crew of like minded ministers have their minds set on more mail jails and convictions because they fear more riots. R J Cook

Starmer broadcasting from a home complete with his family’s photo, on the virtues of home working as they stoke up another Covid scare. Problem is that this was Labour Donor Lord All’s £18 million London penthouse. So on top of everything else, how can we lower orders believe a word that this man says ?
Starmer and his feminist army are Big Brother on steroids. The Justice Minister is looking at closing female jails because they don’t help offenders because women only offend due to difficult lives abd abuse say government and media experts. In this way they will free up space for an expected rise in male offenders, presumably because jail will help them. This equality business is meant to confuse, but there is a method to their apparent madness. Children and students are taught that things that don’t make sense are just too clever for them to understand, so just trust the authorities who only want to tell you what they feel you need to know. That is just an opener for more State involvement in our lives as they prepare to conscript males from 18-50 for war on Russia, a place we are led to believe is the home of evil set to destroy the western lands of liberty.

R J Cook.

Northamptonshire chief constable dismissed for gross …Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) › News

21 Jun 2024 — A police disciplinary panel has found allegations of gross misconduct proven against Northamptonshire Chief Constable Nick Adderley today …

Commissioner asks how lying police chief got job


21 Jun 2024 — Northamptonshire’s police, fire and crime commissioner has said she does not understand how the county’s disgraced former chief constable got …

Nick Adderley: Northamptonshire Police chief constable …

Sky News…/nick-adderley-suspended-chief-…

21 Jun 2024 — Nick Adderley, the chief constable of Northamptonshire Police, had been suspended on full pay since October for exaggerating his own rank and length of service.

Series of errors made in vetting checks of disgraced chief ……/series-of-errors-made-in…

6 Aug 2024 — Series of errors made in vetting checks of disgraced chief constable, review finds … Nick Adderley’s policing career ended in disgrace.

Northants Police Chief Constable dismissed for gross …

Banbury FM…/northants-police-chief-consta…

21 Jun 2024 — Former Chief Constable Nick Adderley has been found to have committed gross misconduct and breached the standards of professional behaviour.

‘Furious’ Northamptonshire police officers say sacked chief …

Northamptonshire Telegraph › News › People

28 Jun 2024 — Police officers who worked for disgraced Northamptonshire chief constable Nick Adderley have spoken of their feeling of betrayal after he was sacked for gross …

Comment on dismissal of Chief Constable Nick Adderley

Northamptonshire Police…/comment-on-dismiss…

21 Jun 2024 — An independent panel decided that Chief Constable Nick Adderley had breached the standards of honesty and integrity and should be dismissed without notice.

Series of failures when vetting sacked former chief …

Northampton Chronicle and Echo › News › Crime

6 Aug 2024 — A review, published by Northamptonshire Police, has found a series of failures that occurred during the vetting process of sacked former chief constable, Nick …

September 26th 2024

Labouring The Point by R J Cook

Many of us see ‘Starmer the Harmer’ for what he is and his New New Labour Party for what they are. The Harmer’s wealth is around £3 million. The law pays well.
New New Labour Rally venue in Liverpool. Protestors defacing the building accusing the New Messiah of supportng genocide in Gaza.
‘Starmer the Harmer’ preaching the virtues of working from home now the latest Covid Virus has conveniently just flown in. Notice that ‘The Harmer’ has his family picture to compliment this homely scene. Only problem this is not Starmer’s home. It is the £18 million penthouse belonging to his great mate and New New Labour donor Lord Alli. When found out, ‘The Harmer’ pleaded that it was all for security of his own home that he was using his friend’s. Security is a big thing for the former head of the notoriously corrupt CPS, which is why he has declared that he has every right to have a seat gifted to himin the secure billionaire’s director’s box ,along with all the luxuries, every time he feels like mixing with ‘the common people’ watching his favourite Arsenal millionaire football players also having fun. R J Cook

September 25th 2024

New New Labour New New Danger – By R J Cook

Prime Minister and former head of his country’s corrupt Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) , Sir Keir Starmer, adjusts his free designer spectacles while his side kick Home Secretary Yvette Cooper looks haughtily into the distance at the 2024 New New Labour Party Rally. ‘Starmer the Harmer’ announced at the New New Labour Party Rally that “The Govenment is going to take back control of peoples’ lives“.

A British paratrooper flies the flag as he approaches the Arnhem earth last Saturday as part of celebtrations for one Britain’s greatest military defeats, costing 4000 allied troops lives. Read ‘A Bridge Too Far’ by Cornelius Ryan or watch the video of the same name.

This British Army Parachute Colonel was at last Saturday’s Arnhem ‘Bridge too far’ Celebrations as part of the ongoing British ruling elite softening up and rabble rousing preparations for their fantasy NATO ground war on Russia. Small minded ranting egomaniac idiots Napoleon and Hitler destroyed themselves and slaughtered thousands of their people in this megolomanic delusion. The West has so many such morons who want to do it all again. They have started. U.S is providing the satellite intelligence to destroy Russian arms dumps, with another $8 billion of weapons funding approved this week. The U.K and EU are promising more, even if it robs the poor of benefits and sanctions stifle all trade with Russia, raising unemployment. There is no thoughts to the existential crisis for Russia if they run out of conventional ordnance and weapons. I know what I would do if I were Putin, Lavrov and their government. I also know what China could do to the satelliets. I can’t spell it out because the U.K is effectively at war with Russia and U.K aurthorities need little invitation to arrest and detain me again. That is life in authoritarian United Kingdom.

Home Secretary Yyvette Cooper’s performance at the recent New New Labour Rally put me in mind of Nuremberg in Hitler’s heyday. There was a lot of gurning and gesticulating to massed cheering from the mesmerised party faithful ( fatefull ).

When mainstream liberal left politicians and their media supporters pump out their fear and war mongering, all they have to say about Nigel Farage and U.K Reform is that they are dangerous hate speech makers of ‘the far right.’
Former coal miner and disillusioned Tory MP Lee Anderson understands how hard life has become for the forgetten white working classes. He understands, as many of us do, why the Southport Riots happened and why Starmer’s authoritarian regime fears more such uphevals. The New New Labour Government is considering closing women’s prisons on the basis that they don’t help women. This is justified on the basis that females offend because they have hard lives and have been abuse victims. Well, well, well, are they suggesting that prisons help men and that male offenders have all had easy lives ? !!! Former CPS boss Starmer and his crew have two main reasons for wanting to do this. Firstly they want to free up space for a massive increase in male convicts. Secondly they want to make ever more concessions to women’s groups on the basis that all women are of one blob, there are no class or secondary biological differences, and the ideology that being a woman of any description is absolute hell requiring daily heroics to survive the punishing hell of living in white male privileged domination.
Former Tory Minsister and devout Christian Ann Widdecombe believes U.K Reform are a great political force for the future. I hope she is right, but my nearest neighbour, also a devout Christian, must have used binonculars to spot the U.K Reform posters I had placed in front windows. She said “I always thought you were a lefty.”

10000 Brits urged to leave Lebanon immediately ‘while …MSN › en-au › news › other › british-p…

14 hours ago — Britain is moving 700 troops to Cyprus to be ready for an emergency evacuation of UK citizens of Lebanon as Israel’s military pounds the region.

Terrified Brits race to escape Lebanon: Trapped families …Daily Mail › news › article-13889581

11 hours ago — Britain’s Ministry of Defence is ramping up contingency plans for a desperate evacuation of UK citizens from Lebanon, with a 700-strong force of …

British warships and aircraft on standby to evacuate LebanonUK Defence Journal › Air

16 hours ago — The UK government has issued an urgent call for British nationals in Lebanon to leave immediately, as the conflict between Israel and Lebanon …

About the Author

Robert Cook
facebook I went to school in Buckinghamshire, where my interests were music ( I was a violinist ), art ( winning county art competitions ) athletics and cross country ( I was a county team athlete ). My father died as a result of an accident- he was an ex soldier and truck driver- when I was 11. It could be said that I grew up in poverty, but I did not see it like that. As a schoolboy, I had my interests, hobbies and bicycle, worked on a farm, delivered news papers, did a lot of training for my sport, painting, and music. I also made model aeroplanes and was in the Air Training Corps, where we had the opportunity to fly an aeroplane. I had wanted to be a pilot, but university made me anti war. At the University of East Anglia-which I also represented in cross country and athletics- I studied economics, economic history, philosophy and sociology. Over the years, I have worked in a variety of manual, office and driving jobs. My first job after univerity was with the Inland Revenue in Havant, near Portsmouth. I left Hampshire to work for the Nitrate Corporation of Chile, then lecturing, teaching and journalism - then back to driving. I play and teach various styles of guitar and used to be a regular folk club performer. I quit that after being violently assaulted in Milton Keynes pub, after singing a song I wrote about how cop got away with killing Ian Tomlinson at G7, in broad daylight and caught on camera. The police took no action, saying taht my assailant had a good job. The pub in question was, and probably still is, popular with off duty police officers.

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