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Exceptional Powers – Anglo U.S Elite Tyranny XV October 15th 2024 National Rally’s Marine Le Pen investigated for illicit 2022 …Euronews.com › my-europe › 2024/07/09 9 Jul 2024 — The judicial probe, which began last week, will investigate allegations of accepting a…

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Death After Life In Police State Britain – XV Misconduct999 Independent Objective Factual Information About Police Misconduct and Officer-Involved Criminality Tel: 0161 818 2090 October 15th 2024 U.K National Socialism, Freedumbs & Not Democracy – R J Cook. BBC Context October 14th…

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R J Cook Matters II

e mail for any comments on this site. 07597 351694 October 14th 2024 This list of countries by electric energy consumption is mostly flipping based on the Energy Information Administration.[2] Several non-sovereign entities are…

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Death After Life In Police State Britain – XIV Misconduct999 Independent Objective Factual Information About Police Misconduct and Officer-Involved Criminality Tel: 0161 818 2090WhatsApp: 07565 713 408 Home News Police Misconduct HearingsPolice Misconduct OutcomesCriminal Hearings Police Forces Log in September 24th 2024…

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Exceptional Powers – Anglo U.S Elite Tyranny XIII July 31st 2024 Weekend analysisThe grizzly truth about the West We have forgotten the basic principles of civilisation JACOB HOWLAND    6 MINS The 2024 police-state Olympics in Paris The massive police operation in Paris…

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Death After Life In Police State Britain – XIII July 10th 2024 Justice systemWhy Starmer is stuck in Blair’s prison Left utopianism won’t fix our justice problem MARY HARRINGTON NATO war summit prepares direct entry into Ukraine war This week’s NATO summit heralds…

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Eye on U.K From By F.S Et Al September 30th 2024 She Wasn’t English – By F.S West Country Correspondent. Gloucester really is extraordinary. I wish I’d had my camera yesterday. They are English – English Roses. Image by F.S. The first…

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Exceptional Powers – Anglo U.S Elite Tyranny XII June 26th 2024 Biden may let US defense contractors deploy to Ukraine, but not like in Iraq and Afghanistan: report. CNN reports that Biden is considering allowing US private military contractors to go to…

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Exceptional Powers – Anglo U.S Elite Tyranny XI June 11th 2024 Sunak: I’ll change law to keep trans women out of female lavatories Prime Minister to announce Tory manifesto will include pledge to make clear that sex means ‘biological sex’ Daniel…